HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 03/10/1987 Kent, Washington March 10, 1987 Inasmuch as a quorum was not present, the regular meeting of the Kent City Council for Tuesday, March 3 , 1987 was adjourned to Tues- day, March 10, 1987 . The adjourned meeting was called to order at 7: 00 p.m. by Mayor Pro Tem White. Present: Councilmembers Biteman, Dowell, Johnson and Woods , City Administrator McFall , City Attorney Driscoll, Planning Director Harris, Public Works Director Wickstrom and Finance Director McCarthy. Also present: Police Chief Frederik- sen and Fire Chief Angelo. Mayor Kelleher and Councilmembers Bailey and Houser were not in attendance. Approximately 40 people were at the meeting. PERSONNEL Employee of the Month. Fire Chief Angelo intro- duced Kevin Nee of the Fire Department, who has been named Employee of the Month for March. He com-nended Nee for his extra effort and professional attitude. Mayor Pro Tem White presented Nee with the Employee of the Month plaque. Police Department. Police Chief Frederiksen introduced Kent Police Officers William Mitchell and Robert Holt , who have recently been promoted to Sergeant. He also introduced four new Police Officers : Gary R. Fox, Lisa L. Gullikson, Robert R. Hobdy and Darin P. Majack. The new officers were sworn in by the City Clerk. Mayor Pro Tem White congratulated Sgt. Mitchell and Sgt. Holt and welcomed the new officers to the City. CONSENT CALENDAR WOODS MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A through L be approved, with the exception of Item D which was removed by Councilmember Dowell. Johnson seconded and the motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5A) Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of February 17 and the special meeting of February 23 , 1987 . HEALTH & (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5C) SANITATION LID 319 - Sanitary Sewers - 38th Avenue S. AUTHOR- IZATION to change the date for the public hear- ing on confirmation of the final assessment roll from March 17 , 1987 to April 7 , 1987 . - 1 - March 10 , 1987 STREETS (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5D) REMOVED BY COUNCILMEMBER DOWELL LID 318 - Central Avenue Improvement. ACCEPT as complete the contract with Universal Utility Contractors for the LID 318 improvement project and release of the retainage after receipt of the necesary releases from the State. Dowell noted that because he owns property in this LID, he would abstain from voting. WOODS MOVED to approve Item 5D and Biteman seconded. Motion carried with Dowell abstaining. STREET VACATION Ewing Street Vacation - South Central. This date has been set by Resolution 1125 to consider an application filed by John Ewing to vacate a portion of South Central Avenue. The staff recommends approval with conditions: 1 . Kent be compensated at the full value of the area proposed for vacation. (The City acquired the right-of-way, in conjunction with the improvement of Central Avenue from Willis Street south to the Green River Bridge. Under RCW 35. 79. 030, where the City has acquired the property at public expense, it can require compensation at full value. ) 2 . The City retain an easement or the right to exercise and grant easements in respect to the vacated land for the construction, repair and maintenance of public utilities and service. Mayor Pro Tem White declared the public hearing open. Jack Ewing noted that the conditions do not present a problem. JOHNSON MOVED to close the public hearing. Woods seconded and the motion carried. BITEMAN MOVED to vacate that portion of South Central Avenue as mentioned in Resolution 1125 with the conditions outlined above and to direct the City Attorney to prepare the necessary ordinance upon receipt of said easement rights and compensation. Woods seconded and the motion carried. REZONE Van Doren' s Landing Rezone MA to M-1 . On January 22 , 1987 , the Hearing Examiner held a public hearing to consider an application made 2 - i March 10, 1987 REZONE by the Upland Industries Corporation to rezone property located on the east side of Russell Road and approximately 600 feet south to South 212th Street, from MA, Industrial Agricultural , to M-1 , Industrial Park. The Hearing Examiner has recommended approval of this application with conditions. WOODS MOVED to adopt the Findings of the Hearing Examiner and concur with the Hearing Examiner ' s recommendation for M-1 zoning. Biteman seconded and the motion carried. ANNEXATION ZONING (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 51 ) Wilcox Annexation Zoning Ordinance. ADOPTION of Ordinance 2709 providing for MRG zoning for the Wilcox Annexation. The public hearing was conducted on February 17 , 1987 . ZONING CODE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5F) AMENDMENT Zoning Code Amendment - M-1 Zones - Ordinance. ADOPTION of Ordinance 2711 amending the Zoning Code (Title 15 ) establishing commercial uses in M-1 zoning, as approved at the Council meet- ing of February 17 , 1987. ( CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5G) Zoning Code Amendment - Rezone Criteria - Ordinance. ADOPTION of Ordinance 2708 creating a new section in the Zoning Code (Title 15 ) entitled: "Standards and Criteria for Granting a Request for Rezone" . VALLEY FLOOR (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5H) PLAN AMENDMENT Comprehensive Plan - Resolution. ADOPTION of Resolution 1128 amending the Comprehensive Plan relating to the West Valley Floor SubPlan, as approved at the February 17, 1987 Council meeting. TRAFFIC CONTROL ( CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5E) Traffic Signal Bill of Sale. ACCEPTANCE of the bill of sale for continuous operation and main- tenance of a fully actuated 8-phase traffic signal at 72nd Avenue S. and S . 212th Street and for upgrade of signal at West Valley Highway and S. 208th Street from E & H Properties. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5J) No Parking Ordinance. ADOPTION of Or 271� providing for certain no parking zones, amending Section 10. 06 . 04 of the Kent City Code, as recom- mended by the Transportation Engineer. - 3 - March 10 , 1987 TRAFFIC CONTROL (CONSENT CALENDAR 5K) Speed Limit Ordinance. ADOPTION of Ordinance 2706 setting revisions to speed limits in cer- tain locations , amending Section 10. 08 of the Kent City Code by the addition of 10 . 08. 097 , as recommended by the Tranportation Engineer. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5L ) Two-Hour Parking Ordinance. ADOPTION of Ordinance 2707 revising certain two-hour park- ing zones, amending Section 10 . 06 . 120 of the Kent City Code, as recommended by the Transport- ation Engineer. PROPOSED NEW Library Board Report. Jack Meredith of the LIBRARY Library Board noted that because of a possible conflict of interest, Boardmember Steve Johnson had not participated in this matter in any way. He stated that an open meeting had been held to receive input from the public as to possible location of the new library. Meredith reported that the Library Board has recommended two locations for consideration: 1 ) Third and Titus, south of the present library, or 2 ) First and Smith, present site of Sea-Kent Cold Storage. Meredith also recommended use of Councilmanic bonds to finance construction of the new library. Mayor Pro Tem White thanked the Board for their efforts and asked for their continued help. WOODS MOVED to accept the written recommendation of the Library Board and to make it part of the record. Biteman seconded and the motion carried. Peggy Selle, owner of Teeter Tots Day Care Center, 428 W. Saar, asked why King County preferred to have the new library downtown rather than on East Hill, and noted that her business, along with approximately six others would be lost if the Third and Titus location were chosen. John- son noted that the report is only a recommenda- tion and that there will be other opportunities for the public to be heard regarding the loca- tion. Kenneth Johnson, owner of the Kent Dental Center, noted that the site at First and Smith would be the better location since there would be only one businss displaced. Mary Wagner, director of a social service agency on the block south of the present library, urged the Council - 4 - March 10 , 1987 PROPOSED NEW to consider another location because of the diffi- LIBRARY culty of relocating all the businesses presently there. White noted that there will be public meetings in the future and that every effort would be made to publicize such meetings . EQUIPMENT RENTAL Commercial Mower. Bid opening was held February 26, 1987 . One bid was submitted by Northwest Mowers, Inc. , in the amount of $23 , 529. 75. The bidder also submitted an unsolicited bid for a trailer in the amount of $20, 859. 35 . A budget of $30, 000 was established to purchase the equipment. It is recommended that the bid for both pieces of equipment be accepted in the amount of $26 , 389. 10. JOHNSON MOVED that the bid submitted by Northwest Mowers, Inc. in the amount of $26 , 389. 10 for the mower and trailer be accepted. Biteman seconded and the motion carried. Forklift Truck and Trailer. Bid opening was held February 18. One bid was submitted by Preventive Maintenance, Inc. , in the amount of $19 , 657. 99 for the forklift truck and one bid by Tork Lift Central Welding for the trailer in the amount of $5 , 080 . 70 . It is recommended that both bids be accepted. JOHNSON MOVED that the bid by Preventive Maintenance, Inc. in the amount of $19 , 657 . 99 for the forklift truck be accepted. Biteman seconded. Upon Dowell ' s question, Wickstrom noted that the bid opening had been properly advertised and that it was for a new truck rather than a used one. Motion carried. JOHNSON MOVED that the bid by Tork Lift Central Welding in the amount of $5, 080. 70 for the trailer be accepted. Biteman seconded and the motion carried. FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5B) Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through March 6 , 1987 after audit- ing by the Operations Committee at its meeting at 8: 30 a.m. on March 16, 1987 . COUNCIL Council President. White noted that the next COMMITTEES Council meeting would be held on Tuesday, March 17, 1987 , at which time he would report on the trip to Washington D.C. - 5 - March 10, 1987 COUNCIL COMMITTEES Public Works Committee. Johnson noted that the Public Works Committee would meet at 4 : 15 on Wednesday, March 18th in the Engineering Conference Room. Planning and Parks Committee. Woods noted that the Third Annual Wheelchair Basketball Game would be held the first week in May and invited the Councilmembers and staff to participate. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 7: 30 p.m. McFall noted that there would be an executive session for approximately 45 minutes to discuss litigation and property acquisition. ADJOURNMENT At 8: 15 p.m. , notice was given that the execu- tive session would last approximately 45 minutes longer. The meeting reconvened at 9: 00 p.m. and then adjourned. Marie Je n, CMC City Clerk - 6 - i