HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 11/03/1986 Kent, Washington November 3 , 1986 The regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7 : 00 p.m. by Mayor Kelleher at SEQUOIA JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL. Present: Councilmembers Bailey, Biteman, Dowell , White and Woods , City Administrator McFall , Acting City Attorney Williamson, Plan- ning Director Harris, Public Works Director Wickstrom and Finance Director McCarthy. Councilmembers Houser and Johnson were absent. Approximately 35 people were in attendance. PERSONNEL Employee of the Month. Finance Director McCarthy introduced Mayene Miller of the Finance Depart- ment, who has been named Employee of the Month for November. Ile noted that Mrs. Miller was instrumental in earning an award for the City for Distinguished Budget Presentations . He noted also her contributions to the automation committee. Mayor Kelleher presented a plaque to Mrs. Miller and congratulations were extended by staff and the audience. CONSENT CALENDAR WOODS MOVED to approve Consent Calendar Items A through N, with the exception of Item H, removed by Bailey and Item L, removed by Biteman. White seconded and the motion carried. MINUTES ( CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5A) Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of October 20 , 1986 , and the special meeting of October 27 . REVENUE BONDS (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5M) 1986 Sewerage System Revenue Bonds - Ordinance. ADOPTION of Ordinance 2672 relating to the Storm and Surface Water Utility, amending Sections 1 and 11 of Ordinance 2666. HEALTH & (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5C) SANITATION Kent Hill Plaza. ACCEPTANCE of the bill of sale and warranty agreement for the construction of approximately 680 feet of water main extension, 1 , 664 feet of sanitary sewer extension, 1 , 223 feet of street improvements and 1 , 261 feet of storm sewer improvements for the Kent Hill Plaza Development. Release of the cash bond after expiration of the one year maintenance period . - 1 - November 3 , 1986 WATER (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5D) 212th Street Well Phase I. ACCEPT as complete, the contract with CI Construction for the 212th Street Well Phase I project and release of the retainage after receipt of the necessary re- leases from the State. STREETS (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5E ) 1986 Street Overlay. AUTHORIZATION to transfer $108 , 778 from the Street Operation budget and to establish a project fund for the 1986 Street Overlay project . STREET VACATION ( CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5N ) Street Vacation Choy #2 - Resolution. ADOPTION of Resolution 1115 setting December 1 for a public hearing date for vacation of a portion of 27th Avenue South as requested by Eugene and Young Choy. TRAFFIC CONTROL (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5K ) Traffic Speed on Central Avenue - Ordinance. ADOPTION of Ordinance 2674 amending KCC 10. 08 . 08 ( 22 ) to increase the speed limit on Central Avenue between Novak Lane and James Street from 30 mph to 35 mph. The speed limit was decreased during the construction project. Crosswalk - Kent Kangley Road and 111th S.E. The City has received a copy of a petition request- ing a push-button stop light on the Kent Kangley Road at 111th S. E. to make a safer crossing for students of Sequoia Junior High. Wickstrom confirmed that the Public Works Depart- ment had made studies and had sent preliminary Sequoia Junior information to the State and that it appears High that the State requirements for a signal have been met. He noted that the State would only allow a traffic-actuated signal and would not allow a pedestrian-actuated signal . He pointed out that a traffic signal was obviously of bene- fit to the local residents and that the Public Works Committee had recommended that the pro- ject be financed by the LID process. The cost of the project would be approximately $82 , 500 and should be spti t $40 , 000 for the City and $40 , 000 plus approximately $2500 for LID costs , 2 - November 3 , 1986 TRAFFIC CONTROL to those benefitting, including the school . He pointed out that the School District had allocated funds to employ part time adult guards for the crossing during the interim. Wickstrom noted that such a signal would not be in place until about six months after award of the project , noting that design and approval of same accounted for the delay. He estimated that a signal could be operational for the next school season. Mary Ann Kirkland expressed concern about the time element and asked about the State approval. Sequoia Junior It was determined that the City ' s application High would be filed as so-)n as the School ' s documents were received . Dr. Daniels, School District Superintendent, stated that the key issue was safety, that the LID process would delay the signal , and that the signal would not benefit the property owners. He opined therefore that the expense should be bourne by the City. Woods noted that sharing the cost seemed reasonable and that the school district had not been cooperative in the past. Gerry Winkle of the School District ' s business office noted that LID charges for the school would amount to $19 , 000 , since the District owned 44% of the property which would be subject to LID charges. He noted that the District ' s legal staff had advised that the school district could not be assessed for such an improvement. Wickstrom clarified that protests amounting to 600 of the property assessed could restrain an LID. Bailey noted that the $4900 per year cost of hiring the guards would pay two years of LID charges, and that this was a moral obligation of the school . Winkle suggested that the funds could be placed in escrow while a legal deter- mination was made regarding the legality of the School District participating in an LID. Upon a question from the audience, Wickstrom clarified that a pedestrian overpass would cost $250, 000 . He determined for Dowell and for Daniels that the time frame would not change even if the money was on hand. 3 I November 3 , 1986 TRAFFIC CONTROL Eileen Furney stated that a signal was installed within two months of two traffic deaths at Angle Lake. It was noted that all signals were not the same and that it takes almost a year for design and manufacture of the type of signal required for this intersection. He also pointed out that financing must be in place when the project is ready to go to bid. White noted that safety was the prime concern and the process should be started, with decisions on financing coming later . No action was taken. ZONING CODE Amendment to the M1 and M2 Zoning Districts - AMENDMENT Ordinance. On October 28, 1986 , the Planning Commission recommended to the City Council that the M1 and M2 sections of the Zoning Code ( Sec- tions 15 . 04 . 170 and 15. 04 . 180 ) be amended to permit counseling services and that under Sec- tion 1 5 . 04 . 170A 13 and 15 . 04 . 180A 13 Retail and Services Uses listed below that these words be added: These uses are intended primarily to serve the needs of the industrial area, are compatible with the permitted types of industrial uses , and will not inter- fere with the orderly development of the industrial area. Dowell noted that he is concerned with retail uses in the industrial zones because of the increased expense of police protection, added traffic problems , etc. Harris stated that com- patible uses were spelled out in the code and that the West Valley Study would be coming to the Council in a couple of months from the Plan- ning Commission. He noted that in drafting an amendment to the zoning ordinance approximately 18 months ago, some words were left out which would now be returned to the text. Kelleher clarified that the only change to the Zoning Code is to allow counseling ser- vice and to return the words that were left out 18 months ago. Harris concurred and noted that it also provides that these uses should be limited - 4 i I November 3 , 1986 ZONING CODE to 25% of the gross floor area , so such uses AMENDMENT would be limited. Bailey stated that 24-30 months ago some service uses were made available in the industrial areas recognizing that people employed there could then have restaurants , barber shops , etc. , instead of having to go to commercial areas . BAILEY MOVED to adopt Ordinance 2676. Woods seconded and the motion carried. REZONE Fortune Group Rezone from MRH to GC. On September 17, 1986 , the Hearing Examiner held a public hearing to consider an application made by the Fortune Group to rezone property located at 23850 30th Avenue S . from MRH High Density Multifamily Residential ( 40 units per acre ) to GC General Commercial . The Hearing Examiner has recommended approval of this application with conditions . WOODS MOVED to adopt the Findings of the Hearing Examiner and concur with the Hearing Examiner ' s recommendation for GC zoning. Biteman seconded and the motion carried. WOODS MOVED to direct the City Attorney to pre- pare the necessary ordinance, Biteman seconded. Motion carried . 192nd/196th Acquisition and Funding. The City has received CORRIDOR a request from the RREEF Funds property owner in the vicinity of Kingsport Industrial Park to discontinue our efforts to acquire a right- of-way for the 192nd/196th corridor as it relates to their property. The Public Works Committee has recommended the City proceed with the acqui- sition. WHITE MOVED that the proposal from the RREEF Funds be rejected and that staff be author- ized to proceed with the right-of-way acquisition for the 192nd/196th Corridor project and establish a project fund for same in the amount of $349, 600 . The funds will come from the Advance Right-of- Way Acquisition Fund ( $187 , 000 ) , Canyon Drive Pedestrian Improvement Fund ( $85 , 000 ) , and the SR515 Improvement. Fund ( $77 , 600 ) . Woods seconded and the motion carried. November 3 , 1986 NOISE ORDINANCE ( CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5H) REMOVED BY COUNCILMEMBER BAILEY Noise Ordinance. Ordinance 2673 has been pre- pared relating to public disturbance noises , adding two new subsections to Chapter 9 . 20 . 36 and amending 9 . 20 . 88 of the Kent City Code . BAILEY MOVED to add the word "vehicle" , as follows : H. Operating or permitting to be operated, any musical instrument , whistle, sound amplifier, stereo, jukebox , radio, TV, or other device capable of reproducing loud and raucous noises , which emanates fre- quently, repetitively, or continuously from any building , structure, vehicle property such as sound originating from a band session or social gathering. Woods seconded and the motion carried. WOODS PROVED to adopt Ordinance 2673 as amended, Bailey seconded and the notion carried. A typographical error in Section 2 was noted and corrected. ECONOMIC Dr. Pepper Bottling Co. , Inc. DBA Northwest DEVELOPMENT Bottling Co. Northwest Bottling Company has CORPORATION applied for Industrial Development Bond financing through the City of Kent Economic Development Corporation in the amount of $7 , 300 , 000 for acquisition of land and the construction of a facility in Kent . In accordance with TEFRA regulations, a public hearing before the Council is required. Proper legal notice has been given. The applicant has requested that this hearing be held over to 1;he November 17 , 1986 Council mE�et- inq . WHITE MOVED to conduct this public hear- ing on November 17 , 1986 . Woods seconded and the motion carried. �CON$ENT CALENDAR ITEM 5J ppointment of Ted Knapp o Fill the Unexpired Term of Tim Leahy on the Economic Development Corporation Board. with the resignation of Tim Leahy, a vacancy exists on the Board of Directors of the Economic Development Corporation. Council President White has recommended that Ted Knapp be appointed to fill the remaining portion of Leahy ' s term to December 31 , 1987 . - 6 - November 3 , 1986 EQUIPMENT RENTAL (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5F ) Surplus Equipment Rental Vehicles. DECLARE as surplus . equipment rental vehicles as itemized and authorization for sale of same at the State auction. PERSONNEL (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5I ) Department Director Compensation Plan - Ordi- nance. ADOPTION of Ordinance 2677 establishing and implementing a merit-based compensation plan for department directors . This item was reviewed by the Operations Committee and recom- mended for approval . Full Council considered the : tem at its meeting of October 20 , 1986 , and approved the plan and its implementation. Fur- ther , the Council directed the City Attorney to prepare this enabling ordinance. FINANCE ( CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5B) Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through November 5 after audit- ing by the Operations Committee at its meeting at 8: 30 a.m. on November 15 , 1986 . (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5G) Segregation of Assessment - LID 283. AUTHORI- ZATION for the City Attorney to prepare a reso- lution to segregate Assessment No. 36 within LID 283 as recommended by the Property Manager . ( CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5L) REMOVED BY COUNCILMEMBER BITEMAN LID Foreclosures Time Extensions - Ordinance. Ordinance 2675 has been prepared, amending KCC 3 . 20 . 050 to extend the time period for com- mencing foreclosure actions in the Treasurer ' s office from October 15 to November 15 . Upon Biteman ' s question, it was clarified that this ordinance only changes the date on which fore- closures may be commenced, and the change is for this year only. McCarthy explained the time schedule for foreclosures for delinquent assessments . BITEMAN MOVED to adopt Ordinance 2675. Woods seconded and the motion carried. - 7 - November 3 , 1986 REPORT - Councilmember White, Chairman of the Transporta- TRANSPORTATION tion Task Force, rioted that the group had been TASK FORCE meeting to ide-:tify the traffic congestion pro- blems and to seek solutions. He noted that the Traffic Mast(-:- Plan had identified the need for East/West corridors some years ago. One such corridor at S. 272nd , the south corridor, would come across from 1-5 to the Valley Freeway up to East Hill to approximately 116th S.E. The middle corridor at 228th/224th , would cross the valley from the Bensons connecting to I-5 . He described 192 /196th as the north corridor and pointed out that there was no question as to the need for these corridors and noted that Metro had been involved, identifying the need for buses . These projects would cost approxi- mately $45 million, which cannot be bourne by the City alone. He noted that Representative Mike Patrick had advised that a financing package would be proposed at the next legisla- tive session, for a gas tax increase t be allo- cated to the suburban areas for multi-jurisdic- tional road projects . White pointed out that the S . 272nd corridor involved Auburn, Kent, King County and the State. Kent ' s 1987 ludget has allocted $800 , 000 for the corridor project, most of which will be for acquiring th hillside for the S. 272nd project. He pointed out that the Task Force met on most Fridays at noon and that interested citizens should call the Public Works Department to determine the meeting dates . REPORT - STATUS Planning Director Harris reviewed the land us OF EAST HILL review for the East Hill Plan. He noted that ZONING the center of activity was in the 104th Avenue S. E_ and S.E. 256th area . The Planning Com- mission recommended an additional 75 acres for commer^ial zoning and at the Council ' s request, the Commision was reviewing this proposal . Harris nc`_ed that a report from the Commission way due in January and that the Commission would consider 'he information gained from the Trans- portation Task Force in their future recommend- ation. 8 November 3 , 1986 REPORT - MILL Police Chief Frederiksen noted that in September CREEK EARTHWORKS the Police Department had made 21 drug related PARK arrests in .,nd around the park. Last week an undercover officer made five additional arrests and pointed out that 27 citizens were interviewed in the park. fie pointed out that education programs would be continued in the schools and with youth groups . White suggested that the Parks Committee and the Public Safety Committee have a joint meeting to consider additional suggestions. Frederiksen noted that the park is now closed at dusk with the gates to the parking lot locked. NATIONAL Public Hearing. WHITE MOVED for a public he-1ring BIBLE WEEK to be held on November 17 , 1986 upon the proposal to adopt a resolution declaring November 23-30 as National Bible Week. Bailey seconded and the motion carried. ADJOURNMENT WHITE MOVED that the meeting be adjourned at 8: 15 p.m. , Woods seconded. Motion carried. Marie Jensen, CMC City Clerk 9 - I