HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 10/06/1986 Kent, Washington October 6, 1986 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7: 00 o ' clock p.m. In the absence of Mayor Kelleher and Council President White, Councilmember Biteman presided. Present: Councilmembers Dowell, Houser and Woods, City Administrator McFall, Acting City Attorney Williamson, Planning Director Harris, Public Works Director Wickstrom and Finance Director McCarthy. Also present: Fire Chief Angelo, Information Services Director Spang and Personnel Director Webby. Councilmembers Bailey and Johnson were not in atten- dance. Approximately 20 people were at the meeting. PROCLAMATION National Unity Day Against Domestic Violence. A proclamation was read declaring Wednesday, October 8, 1986 , as National Unity Day Against Domestic Violence in the City of Kent. PERSONNEL Employee of the Month. Fire Chief Angelo intro- duced Karen Johnson, who has been chosen as Employee of the Month for October. He commended her on her exceptional performance and profession- alism and presented her with a plaque. CONSENT WOODS MOVED that the Consent Calendar Items A CALENDAR through Q be approved, Houser seconded. Motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5A) Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of September 15 and of the special meeting of September 22, 1986. HEALTH & (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5L) SANITATION Seven Oaks Pump Station. ACCEPTANCE of the bill of sale for continuous operation and maintenance of a sanitary sewer pump station in the plat of Seven Oakes Division III in the vicinity of Kent Kangley and 118th Avenue S.E. �CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5P orporate Park 216 Phase ACCEPTANCE of the bill of sale for continuous operation and maint- tenance of approximately 106 feet of water main extension, 725 feet of sanitary sewer extension, 1 , 250 feet of street improvements, and 1 , 163 feet of storm sewer improvements, constructed in the vicinity of S. 216th and 64th Avenue South and release of the cash bond after expiration of the one year maintenance period. - 1 - October 6, 1986 HEALTH & 1985 Sanitary Sewer Rebuild. On September 15 , SANITATION 1986, Council authorized award of the contract for the 1985 Sanitary Sewer Rebuild to the low bidder, Shoreline Construction, and noted an irregularity in the bid. Further review of the unit amounts for each of the three low bidders revealed that errors existed but that Shoreline Construction was still low. His correct bid amount was reduced to $843 , 491 . 95. Shoreline Construction has agreed to accept the contract for this revised amount. HOUSER MOVED to award the bid to Shoreline Construction for the revised amount of $843, 491 . 95 as recommended by the Public Works Department. Woods seconded and the motion carried. STREETS LIDN310TCompletionCALENDARITEM. ACCEPT as complete, the con- tract with Scarscella Brothers for construction of a P-II channel crossing by 72nd Avenue (LID 310 ) and release of retainage after receipt of the releases from the State. STREET VACATIONS Street Vacation - Portion of 63rd Avenue South - Request of Garrick Group. This date has been set by Resolution 1110 to consider the vacation of a portion of 63rd Avenue S. The staff recom- mends approval with the condition that the City be compensated at one-half the appraised value for that portion of the street vacated. Upon written request of the applicant, WOODS MOVED to continue the hearing to November 17. Houser seconded and the motion carried. (CONSENT CALENDAR 5F) South 212th Street Vacation Resolution. ADOPTION of Resolution 1112 setting a public hearing for November 17, 1986 for vacation of a portion of South 212th Street in the vicinity of East Valley Highway as requested by Leroy Bowen. STORM DRAINAGE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5N) UTILITY Storm Drainage Utility - Condemnation Ordinance. ADOPTION of Ordinance 2664 authorizing condemna- tion of various parcels near 94th Avenue and S. 218th, West Valley Highway and S. 216th, 72nd Avenue S. and S. 216th, and 98th Avenue S. and 100th Avenue S.E. - 2 - October 6 , 1986 LOTLINE AND (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5H) SETBACK LINE Lot Line and Setback Line Ordinance. ADOPTION of Ordinance 2662 relating to construction and land development; adding new sections 14. 04. 100 and 15. 09. 300 Kent City Code, to identify respon- sibility for location of lot lines and/or setback lines. This was reviewed by the Council and further reviewed and recommended by the Planning Committee. PRELIMINARY PLAT Norpac Division III Preliminary Plat. On August 20, 1986 , the Hearing Examiner held a public hearing to consider the 21 lot Norpac Division III Preliminary Plat. This is a proposed replat of a subdivision approved in 1980. The Hearing Examiner recommended approval for two phases ; Phase I to consist of nine lots, and Phase II to consist of twelve lots, subject to conditions. WOODS MOVED that the Hearing Examiner' s recommendation with the conditions as set forth in the Examiner ' s Findings and Recom- mendations of August 20, 1986 , be approved. Houser seconded and the motion carried. ANNEXATION Rupert Annexation Zoning. This date has been set ZONING as the second of two hearings to consider the Hearing Examiner ' s recommended zoning for the Rupert Annexation. The Hearing Examiner recommends R-1 -9. 6 (Single Family Residential 9, 600 square foot minimum lots. ) The first hearing was held on August 18 , 1986 and was continued to this date. WOODS MOVED to open the public hearing, Houser seconded. Motion carried. Dr. John Spear, 23621 94th Avenue South, noted that his property adjoins this parcel and noted that at the hearing on August 18, one Councilmember made a general recommendation to keep the interim R-1 -20 zoning for this area. Spear favored this as a logical transition and buffer since the property to the south is R-1 -9. 6 and since the other properties will almost certainly not be developed. Harris noted that the Hearing Examiner ' s recom- mendation was R-1 -9 . 6 and that the interim R-1 -20 simply keeps the land in a holding pattern as far as zoning is concerned, at 20, 000 sq. ft. Gary Coy, 3519 S. 30th, Tacoma, representing Mr. Rupert, stated that considerable thought had gone into 3 - i October 6 , 1986 ANNEXATION proposing R-1 -9. 6 zoning instead of a higher ZONING density such as R-1 -7. 2 , although R-1 -7. 2 zoning could have been considered. He pointed out that Mr. Rupert favored the Hearing Examiner ' s recom- mendation. The Clerk noted that no correspondence had been received. WOODS MOVED to close the public hearing, Dowell seconded. Motion carried. WOODS MOVED to adopt the findings of the Hearing Examiner and to concur with the Hearing Examiner ' s recommenda- tion for R-1 -9. 6 zoning. Houser seconded and the motion carried. WOODS MOVED to direct the City Attorney to prepare the necessary ordinance, Houser seconded. Motion carried. FIRE DEPARTMENT Burn Foundation. Fire Chief Angelo noted that during the past weekend, the Kent Fire Department, in conjunction with Fire District 37 and the citizens of Kent, had collected over $5 ,500 for "Give Burns the Boot" for the Northwest Burn Foundation. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5I ) Outdoor Burning. ADOPTION of Resolution 1113 allowing limited outdoor burning of certain waste material and rescinding Resolution 890. This resolution was recommended by the Public Safety Committee at its meeting on September 11 , 1986. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5J) Uniform Fire Code - 1985 Edition. ADOPTION of Ordinance 2663 relating to Fire Prevention amend- ing Chapter 13 . 02 Kent City Code to adopt the Uniform Fire Code, 1985 Edition. This ordinance was considered on September 11 , 1986 by the Public Safety Committe and recommended for approval. GREEN RIVER (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5Q) BASIN PROGRAM Green River Pump Operations Plan. As recom- mended by the Public Works Committee, ADOPTION of the "Green River Pump Procedures Plan" as prepared under the Green River Basin Program as a City standard, practice and policy. - 4 - October 6, 1986 TRAFFIC CONTROL (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5C) Prohibiting Parking by Mailboxes. ADOPTION of Ordinance 2658 relating to traffic and parking; adopting a new section 10. 06. 07 of the Kent City Code prohibiting parking within 10 feet of mail- boxes on or located adjacent to the public right of way. This ordinance was requested by the United States Postal Service, and was reviewed and recommended by the Public Safety Committee at its meeting on September 11 , 1986. ( CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5E) Traffic and Parking Ordinance. ADOPTION of Ordinance 2660 relating to traffic and parking; amending Kent City Code 10. 06. 04 by amending sub- sections 2, 10, 11 and 26 and adding new sub- sections 80, 81 and 82, prohibiting parking on designated City streets ; amending Kent City Code 10. 08 . 08 subsections 10, 51 , 52 , 56 and 70 and adding new subsections 80 , 81 and 82, to decrease the allowable speed limits ; and adding new Kent City Code sections 10. 06. 150 prohibiting parking on all four lane highways and arterials. This ordinance is recommended by the Public Works Department, Traffic Division, and was reviewed and recommended by the Public Safety Committee at its meeting on September 11 , 1986. AUTOMATION PLAN (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5K) Automation Plan - InfoComp Systems, Inc. Contract. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to execute a con- tract with InfoComp Systems, Inc. for general government computer software and to make payments for such software in accordance with the contract terms, subject to available budgeted funds, as recommended by the City Administrator and the Information Services Director. Approval of the Automation Plan and authorization for contract negotiations took place at the August 18, 1986, City Council meeting. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5D) Domestic Violence Protection Order. ADOPTION of Ordinance 2659 relating to crime; adding new sections 9. 02. 300, 9. 02. 302, 9. 02. 304, 9. 02. 306 and 9. 02. 310, as a subchapter in the Kent City Code relating to domestic violence, no contact - 5 - i i I October 6, 1986 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE orders, and providing penalties for violation thereof. This ordinance is recommended by the City Attorney and was reviewed and recommended by the Public Safety Committee at its meeting on September 11 , 1986. STREET SWEEPING (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5M) 1987 Street Sweeping Contract. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign an extension of the cur- rent street sweeping contract for another year, at the 1986 rates, as recommended by the Public Works Committee. NUISANCE South Bridges Avenue. Mary Olson, 525 S. Bridges, read a letter requesting that an investigation be made and action taken to bring about a cleaner and more healthful neighborhood. McFall noted that he is aware of the situation and will take action to get the matter resolved. Hans Leuenberg, 535 S. Bridges, noted that his neighbor had appliedfor a junk business permit and that his yard has become a dumping place. He stated that several phone calls had been made to City Hall regarding the situation and that today Jim Chandler had taken pictures. Biteman requested that Leuenberg work directly through the City Admini- strator and noted that action will be taken. CABLE TV TCI Cable Franchise. McFall noted that this FRANCHISE public hearing is a procedural step to formalize TRANSFER the transfer of the cable franchise from Group W to TCI. WOODS MOVED to open the public hearing, Houser seconded. Motion carried. There was no discussion and no correspondence has been received. WOODS MOVED that the public hearing be closed and for the City Attorney to be authorized to draft the necessary ordinance. Dowell seconded and the motion carried. PARKS & (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5G) RECREATION Prohibition of Motorboats on Lake Fenwick. ADOPTION of Ordinance 2661 relating to parks and recreation, amending Kent City Code section 2. 30. 200 (Ordinance 2567 ) adding new subsection V. banning boats with internal combustion engines on Lake Fenwick. This ordinance was reviewed and recommended by the Parks Committee at its meeting on September 22 , 1986. - 6 - October 6, 1986 FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5B) Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through October 7, 1986, after auditing by the Operations Committee at its meet- ing at 8: 30 a.m. on October 15, 1986. ADJOURNMENT DOWELL MOVED that the meeting be adjourned at 7: 25 p.m. , Woods seconded. Motion carried. Marie Jens nMC ` City Clerk 7 - i