HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 09/02/1986 Kent, Washington September 2 , 1986 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7: 00 o ' clock p.m. by Mayor Kelleher. Present: Councilmembers Bailey, Biteman, Dowell , Houser, Johnson, White and Woods, City Administrator McFall , City Attorney DiJulio, Planning Director Harris and Public Works Director Wickstrom. Also present: Police Chief Frederiksen and Personnel Director Webby. Finance Director McCarthy was not in attendance. Approximately 40 people were at the meeting. PERSONNEL Employee of the Month. Police Chief Frederiksen introduced Lorna Rufener, who is the Employee of the Month for September. Frederiksen noted that as Crime Prevention Officer, Rufener was responsible for starting Realtor Watch, Park Watch, City Watch, Night Out and McGruff Safehouse programs. He noted that she was selected as Crime Prevention Officer of the Year for Washinton State in 1985. A plaque was presented to her by Mayor Kelleher. CONSENT CALENDAR JOHNSON MOVED that the Consent Calendar Items A through L be approved, with the exception of Item G which was removed by Councilmember Bailey. Houser seconded and the motion carried. )) MINUTES Approval CALENDAR ITEM APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of August 18, 1986 , with the following addition on page 8, last paragraph under Zero Lot Line Amendments to Zoning and Subdivision Codes : "Bailey referred to Woods ' motion and stated that he had no objection but he had concerns about parking travel trailers , boat trailers , etc. on the property or on the street. . . " WEST HILL PLAN West Hill Plan Implementation. Mayor Kelleher IiPLEMENTATION pointed out that since Councilmember Biteman had a relative who owned property involved, Biteman had left the Council Chambers at the start of the West Hill discussion. He did not return until all West Hill matters were com- pleted. Fred Satterstrom of the Planning Department noted that the Hearing Examiner had made recom- mendations for zoning of 14 sites , and that the - 1 - September 2 , 1986 WEST HILL PLAN recommendations for two sites would be con- IMPLEMENTATION sidered at public hearings by the Council , since three property owners had filed appeal notices. He briefly described the history leading to tonights presentation. The West Hill Plan was approved in May 1984 and the Hearing Examiner has reviewed the sites and made the recommendations as presented tonight. He explained that essentially what had been done was to lay the existing zoning map over the new land use plan map to find the inconsistencies , and that the objective was to bring the zoning of the West Hill area into conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. The Hearing Examiner has made the following recommendations: Site Recommendation 1. 3A & 3B Retain as RA, Residential Agricultural Zoning. 2. 3C, 3D, 3F, Retain as R-1, Single Family 3H, 31. 6 Residential. 3, 4 Rezone to MRH, High Density Multifamily Residential. 4, 5 Rezone portions to MR11, High Density Multifamily Residential and retain portions as GC General Commercial. 5, 7 Retain GC, General Commercial. 6. 10 & 3G To be heard on apt-, al 7. 11 Rezone to R1-20, Single Family Residential. Satterstrom noted that of the original 19 sites , two which had been listed in error were with- drawn and that the City Attorney had with- drawn three additional sites, leaving 14 sites. Two sites are under appeal and the remaining 12 sites could be approved by the Council at this meeting. He briefly described each site, noting that the Hearina Examiner had recommended changes in zoning for five of the 14 sites. WOODS MOVED to adopt th.,? findings of the Hear- ing Examiner and to concur with the Hearing Examiner ' s recommendation for zoning imple- mentation of the West Hill Plan with the excep- tion of Sites 10 and 3G. Bailey seconded and the motion carried. (Biteman was absent for this action. ) 2 - September 2 , 1986 WEST HILL PLAN Appeal of Hearing Examiner's Recommendation - IMPLEMENTATION Woodland Estates Zoning (Part of the West Hill Plan Implementation) . This date has been set for the public hearing to consider an appeal of the Hearing Examiner ' s recommendation for WOODLAND ESTATES the Woodland Estates Zoning. As part of the West Hill Plan Implementation, the Hearing APPEAL Examiner has recommended that the Woodland Estates site, also known as Site No. 10 in the West Hill Plan Implementation Hearings, be zoned from MRM, Medium Density Multifamily Residential (maximum density-23 units per acre) to R1 -20, Single Family Residential (minimun lot size of 20, 000 square feet ) . All materials pertaining to the Hearing Examiner ' s recommendation and pertaining to the appeal have been distributed with the agenda packet. Mayor Kelleher declared the public hearing open. Chuck Lambert of 4821 Kent-Des Moines Road, noted that he represented Woodland Estates , owners of tax lots 162 and 70 . He pointed out that the County Assessor ' s office had since put these under one tax lot. The owners had dedicated 30 feet to the City along the easterly city limits and another 30 feet on the other side to the County, for flood plain purposes. He pointed out that the area in ':he county was not under consideration in this hearing, but that it did create an open space area. He stated that extension of utiliti,-s into the wooded areain 1968 showed the intent to expand the complex, but that this had been delayed by a fire at the apartments in 1971 and by the high interest rates in the mid 70 ' s. Lamb-rt pointed out that the plans for expansion of the complex would not change the green country- like setting, that open space would be retained and that expansion plans include another reten- tion pond. He noted that R1 -20 zoning would limit development to twelve houses and build- ina a road for twelve houses was not financially feasible. He noted that the Woodland Estates complex contributed to the city by providing quality apartments for those who could not afford to buy homes. Lambert pointed out that this property should be separated from the Reasey property (also under appeal ) since the Woodland Estates property is on the valley floor and Reasey ' s on the hill . - 3 - September 2 , 1986 WEST HILL PLAN There were no further comments and the public IMPLEMENTATION hearing was closed on Johnson ' s motion, seconded by Houser. Upon Bailey ' s question, Satterstrom showed slides and noted that the WOODLAND ESTATES major portion of this undeveloped, wooded site APPEAL had slopes of approximately 5 to 15% and that a minor portion of the property had a steep slope of over 400. He noted that the Reasey portion of Site 10 was the portion which rises very sharply out of the valley. Upon Johnson ' s question, Satterstrom confirmed that most of the Woodland Estates property is located below the 100 foot contour line. JOHNSON MOVED to modify the recommendation of the Hearing Examiner and to retain the current MRM zoning for Tax Lots 70 and 162 , and for the staff to be directed to bring the Comprehensive Plan into conformance with this MRM zoning. Bailey seconded and the motion carried unanimously. (Biteman was absent for this action. ) Appeal of Hearing Examiner' s Recommendation for the Site 3G Zoning (part of the West Hill Plan Implementation) . This date has been set for PETTIJOHN APPEAL the public hearing to consider an appeal of the Hearing Examiner ' s recommendation for the Site 3G Zoning, as requested by Hal Petti- john. As part of the West Hill Plan Imple- mentation, the Hearing Examiner has recommended that Site 3G be zoned from NCC, Neighborhood- Convenience Commercial , to R1 -72 , Single Family Residential (minimum lot size of 7200 square feet) . Planning Director Harris noted that a letter has been received asking to have the hearing continued. It was determined that a copy of the letter had been distributed with the packet. WOODS MOVED to make the letter a part of the record. Johnson seconded and the motion carried. Mayor Kelleher declared the public hearing open. Susan Cannole, 3917 Hampton Way, urged the Council to take action right away. Elizabeth Nelson, 3525 Canterbury Lane, stated that many of the residents of the area agreed with the Hearing Examiner ' s recommenda- tion. Upon Woods ' question, DiJulio noted that the Council should act on the request for a delay, either granting or denying same. 4 - I September 2 , 1986 WEST HILL PLAN Woods noted that she is not pleased with the IMPLEMENTATION circumstances but MOVED to grant the request to continue the hearing to September 15. Bailey seconded. White noted that he concurred with Woods. Hal Pettijohn stated that the delay was requested because his attorney was not able to be here tonight to represent him. William Reed, 26425 Highland Avenue, stated that he felt action should be taken now, rather than delaying the hearing for two weeks. Bailey noted that the letter states that the continuance is requested because Mr. Rodgers ( Pettijohn ' s attorney ) would be out of town. Motion carried. (Biteman was absent for this action. ) ZONING AND (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5G) SUBDIVISION REMOVED AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCILMEMBER BAILEY CODE Zero Lot Line Development ordinance. Upon the AMENDMENTS direction of the City Council on August 18 , 1986 the City Attorney has prepared an ordinance to amend the Zoning Code and the Subdivision Code to allow zero lot line development. Bailey noted that at the time this was con- sidered, he had expressed concerns about the parking of campers , motor homes , boats and trailers. The proponent of this ordinance had stated that there would be a home owners association to address concerns related to use of streets and parking. He opined that in the interest of aesthetics as well as for access by emergency vehicles , the ordinance should include banning of storage or parking of motor homes , trailers, boat trailers on the street or on the property leading to the garage and he SO MOVED. Woods noted that some other technicalities required clarification and asked if it would be acceptable to consider Bailey ' s proposal as well at the Planning Committee meeting next week. Bailey concurred and withdrew his motion. WOODS MOVED to consider Bailey ' s concerns at the next Planning Committee meeting. Bailey seconded and the motion carried. 5 - i September 2 , 1986 (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5H) REZONE Home Club Rezone - Ordinance. ADOPTION of Ordinance 2653 entitled: An Ordinance of the City of Kent, Washington, relating to plan- ning and property; rezoning, with conditions, approximately 10 acres located between East Valley Highway and the Valley Freeway ( SR167 ) south of S. 180th Street, from M2 , Limited Industrial, to GC, General Commercial . (Home Club Warehouse Rezone; RZ-86-2 ) . The City Attorney was directed to prepare this ordinance following hearing on August 18, 1986. ANNEXATION (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5I ) ZONING Ryan #3 Annexation Zoning - Ordinance. Follow- ing hearings on July 7 , 1986 , and August 18, 1986 , the Council determined that the zoning in the Ryan #3 annexation area should be R1 -20 ( 20 , 000 sq. ft. lots ) , Single Family Residential . ADOPTION of Ordinance 2654. After the consent calendar items had been approved, and with con- currence of the Council , George Xenos , repre- senting property owners, asked that the zoning of this annexation be rescheduled for further consideration. He noted that R1 -20 was incon- sistent with the Planning Commission, with the Comprehensive Plan, with the East Hill Sub-Area Plan, with the Soos Creek Sub-Area Plan, with the staff recommendation of R1 -7200 and with the Hearing Examiner ' s recommendation of R1 -9600 . No action was taken by the Council on this request. HOUSING & Reallocation of H & CD Block Grant Funds. This COMMUNITY date has been set for the public hearing to DEVELOPMENT consider reallocating $6 , 000 from the Kaibara Park Improvements Program (C8763 ) to the David F. Neely ( Soames ) home repair project. There was no presentation from the staff and the Mayor declared the public hearing open. There were no comments from the audience. WOODS MOVED to close the public hearing. Johnson seconded and the motion carried. WOODS MOVED to reallocate $6 , 000 from the Kaibara Park Improvements Program to the David F. Neely ( Soames ) home repair project. White seconded. Motion carried. HEALTH & ( CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5D) SANITATION Pacific Northwest Bell Operating Center. ACCEPTANCE of the bill of sale and warranty agreement for continuous operation and main- - 6 - September 2, 1986 HEALTH & tenance of approximately 23 feet of water SANITATION main extension and approximately 195 feet of street improvement and 40 feet of storm sewer improvements in the vicinity of State Avenue S. and East Gowe Street and release of the cash bond after expiration of the one year maintenance period. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5E) Hill Industrial Park Building, - 190-D. ACCEP- TANCE of the bill of sale and warranty agreement for continuous operation and maintenance of approximately 1 , 381 feet of water main extension and approximately 809 feet of sanitary sewer extension constructed in the vicinity of East Valley Highway and S. 192nd, and release of the cash bond after expiration of the one year maintenance period. ( CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5F) Home Club Warehouse. ACCEPTANCE of the bill of sale and warranty agreement for continuous operation and maintenance for approximately 655 feet of water main extension, approximately 790 feet of sanitary sewer extension constructed in the vicinity of East Valley Highway and S. 182nd, and release of the cash bond after expiration of the one year maintenance period. HUMAN SERVICES Human Services Report and Ordinance. As dis- REPORT cussed at the August 11 , 1986 workshop, approval is requested for the report of the Human Services Study Committee on Human Ser- vice Policies. Woods noted that an addendum to the report was distributed with the agenda packet, showing the changes which were made to the report at last weeks committee meeting. She MOVED to accept and approve the report of the Human Service Study Committee on Human Service Policies dated August, 1986 , as amended by the committee on August 26 . Biteman seconded. Bailey thanked the committee for addressing his concerns and offered some suggestions: 1 . Ex-officio members should serve one term of one year and may not succeed themselves. 7 - September 2, 1986 HUMAN SERVICES 2 . That the Commissioners not be seated until REPORT January 1 . 3 . That the report should not infer that an incremental cost of living increase will be given, as shown on page 2 . He suggested that the language be changed to read: Sources of funding: that the discretionary portion of the 1987 budget for human ser- vices be maintained at its present level with recognition of the fact that certain cost increases may be unavoidable and, therefore, should be considered in pre- paration of the 1987 budget. In subsequent years the Human Services Commission and the City Council should re-evaluate this level of funding for long range planning purposes . Woods noted that Item 3 is covered fully on page 14 FUNDING and that this was a short term funding concern. She pointed out that long term funding would require Council approval as would all other portions of the Human Service Commission program. Regarding Item 1 , she noted that the committee had discussed having the ex-officio member rotate. Addressing Item 2 , Woods noted that it would take time to bring people aboard and up to speed. Bailey modified his suggestion to have the commissioners appointed but to not have their terms begin until January 1 , 1987 . White suggested that this could be accomplished by having the initial terms expire on January 1 , 1988, 1989 and 1990 . All concurred in this proposal . Woods suggested that only the service provider ex-officio member would be limited to a one year term without succession. Bailey concurred. White clarified that the Commission will come back to the Council for approval of the operat- ing guidelines. Woods pointed out that all major recommendations will require Council approval . 8 - September 2 , 1986 HUMAN SERVICES The motion to accept the report carried unani- REPORT mously. WOODS MOVED to adopt Ordinance 2655 creating a new chapter 2 . 38 establishing a Human Services Commission, in accordance with the changes previously discussed at this meet- ing. Dowell seconded and the motion carried. STREETS Orillia Road and S. 212th St. Street Improvements. The Director of Public Works noted that the bids received on August 29, 1986 all exceed the budget for this project. At his request, award of the bid was delayed to the September 15 meeting to allow time for an in-depth review of the project. STORM DRAINAGE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5C) UTILITY Storm Drainage Utility Condemnation Ordinance. As approved by the City Council at its meeting on August 18, 1986 , ADOPTION of Ordinance 2652 providing for the condemnation of certain pro- perty and property rights for the uses of the storm drainage utility. TRAFFIC CONTROL (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5L) Safeco Golf Classic. As recommended by the City Administrator, APPROVAL of a request to place directional signs in the public rights-of-way from September 8 to September 14 for the Safeco Golf Classic to be held at Meridian Valley Country Club. POLICE ( CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5K) Drinking Driver Task Force. ACCEPTANCE and acknowledgment of the donation to the Task Force of $25 from the Skyway Auxiliary Post No. 9430 of the V.F.W. ARTS COMMISSION ( CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5J) Arts Commission Appointment. CONFIRMATION of the Mayor ' s appointment of Jamie Vickery to the Arts Commission for the unexpired term of Don McLean. This term expires in October, 1987 . FINANCE ( CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5B) Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through September 8 , 1986 after auditing by the Operations Committee at its meeting at 8: 30 a.m. on September 15. - 9 - September 2 , 1986 COUNCIL Bailey noted that he will be out of the state COMMITTEES and asked to be excused from the Council meet- ings of October 6 , October 20 , and November 3 . WOODS MOVED to excuse Bailey from those meet- ings. White seconded and the motion carried. EXECUTIVE At 8: 25 p.m. , McFall noted that there would be SESSION a brief executive session to discuss potential litigation. ADJOURNMENT The Council reconvened at 8: 35 p.m. , and then adjourned. Marie Jensen, CMC City Clerk 10 -