HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 08/18/1986 i
Kent, Washington
August 18, 1986
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at
7: 00 p.m. by Mayor Kelleher. Present: Councilmembers Bailey,
Dowell, Houser, Johnson and Woods, City Administrator McFall,
City Attorney DiJulio, Planning Director Harris and Public Works
Director Wickstrom. Also present: Information Services Director
Spang, Finance Director McCarthy and Personnel Director Webby.
Councilmembers Biteman and White were not in attendance. Approx-
imately 40 people were at the meeting.
BUDGET AWARD Budget Award. Mayor Kelleher noted that the
Kent Finance Department has recently received
the Award for Distinguished Budget Presentation
for 1986 from the Government Finance Officers
Association. Finance Director McCarthy
presented the award to Accounting Supervisor
May Miller.
PROCLAMATION Finance Department Week. In recognition of the
City ' s receipt of the 1986 Award for Dis-
tinguished Budget Presentation, Mayor Kelleher
proclaimed the week of August 18 - 22 , 1986,
as Finance Department Week. In special recog-
nition for their contributions to the budget
presentation and process, he proclaimed
August 20 as "Tony McCarthy Day" and August 22
as "May Miller Day" in the City of Kent.
CONSENT CALENDAR WOODS MOVED that the Consent Calendar Items A
through I be approved. Houser seconded and
the motion carried.
Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes
of the regular Council meeting of August 4 ,
Street Vacation - Resolution. ADOPTION of
Resolution 1110 setting a public hearing
for October 6 , 1986 for vacation of a por-
tion of 63rd Avenue South at the request of
the Gerrick Group.
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August 18, 1986
1987 BUDGET 1987 Budget. A public hearing has been scheduled
for this date to receive preliminary input from
the public for the 1987 budget. Mayor Kelleher
declared the public hearing open. Dee Moschel stat-
ed the Green River Community Health Center has
grown from a small clinic to one which will
serve 3500 patients this year, an increase
of 140%. She noted that they have contracts
with various clinics in the area. Their goal
for 1987 is to have a full time doctor at the
clinic, enabling them to serve more patients.
Moschel expressed appreciation for the support
offered by the City. Barbara Lumpkin noted
that she had been a patient at the clinic and
she felt that it is needed in the city. Letters
of appreciation from clinic patients have been
filed for the record.
Joy Rockwell Hughes of King County Rape Relief ,
expressed thanks for the City' s support. Mary
Wagner of DAWN noted that continued support of
all social servies is important. She said that
DAWN ' s budget request for this year covers
four services: a hotline, counseling, legal
advocacy and community education.
Linda Dorsett of Kent Valley Youth Services,
expressed appreciation for past support and
noted that with the money the City has given
KVYS, young people with many different kinds
of problems have been helped. She noted that
support for social services is important
because the needs of the community are con-
tinuous. Jean Archer of the Chambber of
Commerce requested that $5, 000 be budgeted
for the street name changing project.
There were no further comments and WOODS MOVED
to close the public hearing. Johnson seconded
and the motion carried. Mayor Kelleher noted
that no Council action is required at this
time and that the final hearing would be held
in December.
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August 18 , 1986
REZONE Appeal of Hearing Examiner's Recommendation
for the Home Club Rezone Application No. RZ-86-2.
This date has been set for the public hearing
to consider an appeal of the Hearing Examiner ' s
recommendation for the Home Club rezone appli-
cation. The Hearing Examiner has recommended
denial of the application which is to rezone
an M-2 , Limited Industrial, zoning district to
a GC, General Commercial, zoning district
approximately 750 feet south of S . 180th Street
on the east side of East Valley Highway.
Packets of information have been provided by
staff and filed for the record, as well as a
packet from Simchowitz Enterprises. Fred
Satterstrom of the Planning Department noted
that the site is approximately 7 . 50 acres and
that the structure is almost ready for occu-
pancy. The applicants obtained a Conditional
Use permit in December, 1985, for a construc-
tion suppliers warehouse. The rezone appli-
cation was considered by the Hearing Examiner
and she has recommended that it be denied.
Andy MacDonald, a partner in Simchowitz Enter-
prises , owners of the facility, noted that
HomeClub was the tenant, and that the condi-
tional use permit issued in December, 1985,
restricted the use to wholesale. The rezone
has been sought because HomeClub ' s wholesale
price format might be considered a retail use.
Upon Dowell ' s question, MacDonald noted that
this operation would require a $100 membership
fee, and that members could then buy at a 50
reduction. He clarified that some contractors
would not necessarily be members. Dowell
concluded that this did not sound like a whole-
sale operation.
Lin Ball of the Planning Department clarified
that restaurants are allowed in an industrial
zone without a conditional use permit for up
to 250 of an entire development and that the
proposal to have two restaurants was not a
part of the denial. Bailey noted that with
the many businesses advertising "wholesale
prices" that perhaps new definitions were
needed by the Planning Department for "wholesale
and retail with regard to zoning.
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August 18, 1986
REZONE Mervyn Simchowitz noted that the size of the
structure was equal to 1112 the size of South-
center and that over 3 , 000 cars could be parked
j at the facility. He stated that this was
more than sufficient parking for either whole-
sale or retail use. Mervyn Lazarus of Sim-
j chowitz Enterprises stated that the material
provided was based upon the owner ' s percep-
tion of the user ' s business.
Upon questions from the Council, Ken Morris,
Traffic Engineer for Kent, clarified that the
plans he had seen immediately prior to the
Examiner ' s public hearing were only for
pedestrian access. He stated that upon the
assumption that the business was a contractor ' s
supply, the 18 trips per thousand square feet
was a reasonable figure. He noted that he
had stated for the Hearing Examiner that for
a warehousing operation a reasonable estimate
was four trips per thousand and that retail
could be four times that figure, or 60 , 8D or
more trips per thousand. A quality restaurant
similar to what is proposed could generate 75
trips per thousand square feet. Morris con-
curred that 3, 759 vehicle trips per day could
be generated under commercial zoning for this
property. He suggested that an environmental
mitigation agreement could be proposed if trips
exceeded the specified number, for the appli-
cant to participate in the S. 196th corridor
project. He pointed out, however, that the
corridor would not be in use for six to ten
Johnson opined that there was no question that
this would be a retail use from the beginning.
MacDonald suggested that as a mitigating mea-
sure, nothing be done about the restaurants
for three to six months so that the trip use
for HomeClub could be recorded and analyzed.
He asked that a decision be reached tonight.
There were no further comments and WOODS MOVED
to close the public hearing. Johnson seconded
and the motion passed.
Augast 18 , 1986
REZONE JOHNSON MOVED that the rezone to GC be approved,
but to keep the intensity within the complex
as already built , with a further condition
that vehicle trips be limited to the numbers
cited in the applicants proposal and if this is
not done, to remand to the Hearing Examiner,
and further, to include the suggestions con-
tained in the reports of the Planning staff
and the Traffic Engineer. Bailey seconded.
Dowell suggested that the Hearing Examiner
might wish to comment. Diane Vanderbeek
suggested that to avoid enforcement problems,
jJohnson ' s proposal should include how often
traffic counts should be made, and a firm dead-
line for reporting back to the Council . John-
son and Bailey concurred.
Wickstrom suggested that as a condition of
approval of the rezone, the applicant be re-
quired to execute a mitigation agreement for
full trip generation under the General Com-
merical zoning. He n.Dted that this had worked
well in the past.
DiJulio restated the proposed motion: To
reject the Hearing Examiner ' s recommendation
and to accept the Planning staff ' s recom-
mendation for rezoning of the property to
General Commercial ; the original conditional
use permit conditions will be required to be
maintained; the current intensity as designed
at the site will be maintained and the traffic
mitigation measures would be identified by
Wickstrom and that the applicant be required
to execute a mitigation agreement for the 196th/
192nd corridor and further, for the City
Attorney to be directed to prepare the rezone
ordinance. Johnson and Bailey concurred.
Dowell questioned the additional cost to the
city for police and fire protection required
for retail establishments in industrial zones .
Diane Vanderbeek commented that Wickstrom ' s
suggestion allowed the applicant to create a
ten year traffic problem inasmuch as the record
establishes that the 196th corridor would not
be completed for six to ten years. Morris
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August 18 , 1986
REZONE pointed out that one of the mitigating measures
was participation in the East Valley Highway
LID which is scheduled to occur in 1989 and
that this is a short term improvement which
will improve the traffic capacity in that area.
The motion carried with Dowell dissenting.
ANNEXATION Rupert Annexation Zoning. This date has been
ZONING set as the first of two hearings to consider
the Hearing Examiner ' s recommended zoning for
the Rupert Annexation. The Hearing Examiner
recommends R1 -9. 6 ( Single Family Residential ,
9600 square foot minimum lots ) . The second
hearing is scheduled for October 6, 1986 .
Ed Heiser of the Planning Department described
the area as approximately 4. 5 acres, approxi-
mately 650 feet north of James Street on the
west side of 94th Avenue S. Upon annexation,
the property was given an interim zoning of R1 -20
( Single Family Residential, 20 , 000 sq. ft.
minimum lot size ) . Mayor Kelleher declared
the public hearing open. There was no corres-
pondence and no comments were made from the
audience. Dowell noted that consideration
should be given to keeping the transitional
zoning of R1 -20. BAILEY MOVED to continue the
public hearing to October 6, 1986. Woods
seconded and the motion carried.
Ryan No. 3 Annexation Zoning No. AZ-86-1 .
This date has been sec as the second of two
hearings to consider the Hearing Examiner ' s
recommended zoning for the Ryan No. 3 Annex-
ation. The Hearing Examiner recommends R1 -9. 6
(Single Family Residential , 9, 600 sq. ft. mini-
mim lots ) . The first hearing was held on July 7,
1986 and was continued to this date.
Ed Heiser of the Planning Department described
the site and Mayor Kelleher re-opened the
public hearing. The City Clerk noted receipt
of a petition containing 17 signatures request-
ing R1 . 20 ( 20, 000 sq. ft. lots ) zoning for the
annexation. WOODS MOVED that the petition be
made a part of the record. Bailey seconded
and the motion carried.
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August 18 , 1986
ANNEXATION Mel Kleweno showed a video tape of the area
ZONING which was made to illustrate the steep roads
and the rural environment. He noted several
reasons that the zoning should be R1 -20, includ-
ing fire protection, police protection, traffic
access during bad weather, flooding damage and
the rural character of the neighborhood. Pam
Mortenson of 21737 96th Avenue S. , noted that
because of the sharp turns and the grade, school
buses did not stop on the hill . George Xenos
of Bellevue noted that both City staff and the
Hearing Examiner had recommended that the pro-
perty be zoned R1 -72 ( 7 , 200 sq. ft. lots ) ,
which would be in agreement with the Compre-
hensive Plan and the East Hill Plan. Charles
Burkes and Gary Neilson, residents of the
area, spoke in favor of R1 -20 zoning. There
were no further comments and BAILEY MOVED to
close the public hearing. Woods seconded and
the motion carried. BAILEY MOVED that the
video tape be made a part of the record.
Woods seconded and the motion carried. DOWELL
MOVED to modify the findings of the Hearing
Examiner and to zone the Ryan No. 3 Annexation
R1 -20 and to direct the City Attorney to pre-
pare the necessary ordinance. Woods seconded
and the motion carried.
STORM DRAINAGE Storm Drainage Utility - Condemnation. Nego-
UTILITY tiat.ions for property acquisition of parcels
near S. 216th between 64th Avenue S. and 72nd
Avenue S. and another_ near S. 232nd and 94th
Avenue South have been unsuccessful . These
properties are required for construction of
the Cross Valley Interceptor Drainage Channel
and the Upper Garri-sin Creek erosion control
facility . The Public Works Committee has
recommended approval to pursue the condemnation.
JOHNSON MOVED that the City Attorney -be directed
to prepare the necessary condemnation ordinance.
Houser seconded and the motion carried.
PRELIMINARY PLAT Sanctuary No. 2 Preliminary Plat. On June 18,
1986 , the Hearing Examiner held a public hear-
ing to consider the two lot Sanctuary No. 2
preliminary residential subdivision. The Hear-
ing Examiner recommended approval with con-
ditions, copies of which have been distributed
to the Council and made a part of the record.
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August 18, 1986
PRELIMINARY PLAT WOODS MOVED that the Hearing Examiner ' s recom-
mendation, including the conditions, be
approved. Bailey seconded and the motion
ZONING AND Zero Lot Line Amendment to the Zoning and Sub-
SUBDIVISION division Codes. On July 15 , 1986 , the Planning
CODE Commission recommended to the City Council
AMENDMENTS amendments to the zoning and subdivision codes
dealing with zero lot line development. WOODS
MOVED that the Planning Commission ' s recom-
mendation be approved and the City Attorney be
directed to draw up the amending ordinance for
future Council action. Dowell seconded.
Bailey asked about landscaping requirements in
zero lot line developments. Harris noted that
open space was addressed but that generally
low density developments have landscaping.
Randy Brealey spoke from the audience, noting
that he owned property on the East Hill , zoned
MRG and stated that he had been following the
action on this subject for some time. He sug-
gested that the following improvements could
be made to the Planning Commission ' s recom-
mendation: Sections C. 7 and D. 7 of the Zoning
Code pertaining to yard requirements ; (Chapter
15. 05 . 040 .A) relating to parking space for
visitors ; and width of streets in subdivisions.
Bailey referred to Woods ' motion and stated
that he had no objection but he had concerns
CORRECTED REFER TO about parking travel trailers , boat trailers,
etc. on the street and that this should be
MINUTES OF 9�2- �(o addressed to uphold the integrity of the
residential neighborhoods. There was no fur-
ther discussion and Woods ' motion carried
WATER Kent Springs Transmission Main. Bid opening
was held August 15, 1986. Public Works
Director Wickstrom reviewed the bids and
recommended that the low bid of Como Con-
tractors be accepted. WOODS MOVED that the low
bid of Como Contractors in the amount of
$557 , 293 . 79 be accepted. Johnson seconded
and the motion carried.
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August 18, 1986
IMPLEMENTATION - Reasey Appeal. On August 4 , the Council set
APPEALS the date of September 2 , 1986 to hear several
appeals relating to the West Hill Plan Imple-
mentation. In compliance with a request of
the applicant, AUTHORIZATION to change the hear-
ing date for the Charles Reasey appeal ( CPZ-86
Site 10 ) from September 2 to September 15.
Landfill Settlement Ordinance. ADOPTION of
Ordinance No. 2651 entitled: An Ordinance of
the City of Kent, Washington, relating to solid
waste and landfills ; ratifying and confirm-
ing the Settlement Agreement entered in King
County Cause No. 84-2-04204-4 .
The City of Kent and the City of Seattle have
entered into a Settlement Agreement concerning
the closure of the Midway and Kent-Highlands
Landfills. The Council has previously authorized
the City Attorney to negotiate and enter into
a Settlement with the City of Seattle. This
ordinance ratifies and confirms that settle-
ment entered on August 6 , 1986 .
Automation Plan. As discussed at the Council
workshop on August 11 , 1986 , APPROVAL of the
Automation Plan, and AUTHORIZATION to:
A. Enter into negotiations with the identified
hardware and software vendors ; and
B. Enter into negotiations with architect( s ) ,
Mayor to execute agreement with architect;
C. The City Administrator to place orders for
central computer hardware pursuant to the
State contract with Hewlett-Packard.
all as recommended by the City Administrator
and Information Services Director.
Telephone System Acquisition. AUTHORIZATION
to negotiate telephone system acquisition with
U. S. West Information Systems. This item was
reviewed by the Council on August 11 , 1986.
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August 18, 1986
Telephone Wiring Contract. AUTHORIZATION to
award telephone wiring contract to Pacific
Northwest Bell in the amount of $22 , 825 . 68,
as discussed at the August 11 workshop.
Drinking Driver Task Force. ACCEPTANCE and
acknowledgement of receipt of the following
donations to the Drinking Driver Task Force:
Kent Kiwanis Club - $300
Meridian Kiwanis Club - $300
Kentridge Key Club - $50
Kentwood Key Club - $50
Miller Brands - $100
Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the
bills received through August 25 after auditing by the
at its meeting at 8: 30 a .m, on September 2,
COUNCIL Operations Committee. Bailey noted that
COMMITTEES at the Operations Committee meeting on August
15 , a letter was read from SKCAC ( South King
County Activities Center) requesting that the
City accept 5(� on the dollar for a utility
bill of $934 . 47 because bankruptcy proceedings
are imminent. The City Attorney has advised
that this cannot be done , nor can the City
give a grant for this. An advisory letter was
sent to SKCAC and BAILEY MOVED for the Council
to concur in the action of the Committee.
Johnson seconded and the motion carried.
Public Works Committee. Johnson noted that
the Public Works Committee would meet at 4: 15
August 27 in the Engineering Conference Room.
Planning Committee. Woods noted that the
meeting set for today had. been cancelled and
that the meeting would be held on August 25
at 3 : 00 p.m.
HOUSING & At McFall ' s request , WOODS MOVED to set a
COMMUNITY public hearing date for September 2 , 1986
DEVELOPMENT for transfer of H & C D Block Grant Funds for
BLOCK GRANT FUNDS the purpose of re-roofing of the Soames home.
Johnson seconded and the motion carried.
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August 18, 1986
EXECUTIVE At 9: 30 p.m. Mayor Kelleher announced that a
SESSION - very short executive session would be held to
LABOR RELATIONS discuss labor relations. The Council recon-
vened at 9: 35 p.m. and WOODS MOVED to authorize
the Mayor to sign the 1986-88 Labor Agreement
for the Corrections Officers. Bailey seconded
and the motion carried.
ADJOURNMENT WOODS MOVED that the meeting be adjourned at
9: 35 p.m. , Johnson seconded. Motion carried.
Marie Jensen; CMC
City Clerk
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