HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 07/21/1986 Kent, Washington July 21 , 1986 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7: 00 o ' clock p.m. by Council President/Mayor Pro Tem White. Pre- sent: Councilmembers Bailey, Biteman, Dowell, Houser, Johnson and Woods, City Administrator McFall , City Attorney DiJulio, Planning Director Harris and Public Works Director Wickstrom. Also pre- sent: Fire Chief Angelo, Finance Director McCarthy and Personnel Director Webby. Mayor Kelleher was not in attendance. Approxi- mately 20 people were present . PROCLAMATION Sister City. Council President/Mayor Pro Tem White read a proclamation designating Council- members Jon Johnson and Christi Houser to represent the Kent City Council and to accom- pany Mayor Kelleher as the representatives of the City of Kent at the twentieth anniver- sary celebration of the Kent-Kaibara Sister City affiliation to be held in Hawaii from August 22 through August 29, 1986 . CONSENT CALENDAR WOODS MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A through J be approvd , with the exception of Item G relating to the Soos Creek Chlorina- tion Facility, which was removed. Biteman seconded and the motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5A) Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of July 7 , 1986. ZONING CODE Home Occupations. On June 17 , 1986 , the Plan- ning Commission recommended to the City Council that the Home Occupations Section of the Zon- ing Code ( 15 . 08 . 040 D-3 ) be amended to read as follows: "Limit the sale of goods and services from a home occupation to one customer at a time, by appointment only, and only between the hours of 7: 00 a.m. and 9: 00 p.m. " White noted receipt of a letter from the Chamber of Commerce recommending approval of the change. HOUSER MOVED to make the Chamber ' s letter a part of the record. Woods seconded and the motion carried. WOODS MOVED that the Planning Com- mission ' s recommendation be approved and that the City Attorney be directed to draw up the - 1 - i i July 21 , 1986 ZONING CODE amending ordinance for future Council action. Johnson seconded . i Upon Bailey ' s question, DiJulio noted that enforcement would be through the zoning code, stating that the City would have to rely on citizens filing complaints if there were any problems. Bailey stated that people are hesi- tant to file complaints against their neigh- hors and cited an unlicensed home occupancy on Scenic Hill which operated for years. He noted also that he is concerned that 9 : 00 is too late. Dowell expressed concern about businesses operating on Saturday and Sunday when most people are home with their families. He agreed that the 7 : 00 a.m. to 9: 00 p.m. hours are excessive and favored not changing the present regulations. Biteman stated that the welfare of the residents is primary and agreed that enforcement would be difficult. DiJulio noted for Biteman that the zoning code provides for a fine and/or a jail term for violations, but pointed out that the City has only one zoning inspector. McFall noted that the City ' s first effort would be to gain voluntary compliance. Bite- man stated that he is opposed to the businesses operating on Sundays. Bailey suggested re- turning the matter to the Planning Committee to further address these concerns. Woods noted that it had already been to the Planning Committee j several times and to the Planning Commission. She stated that Planning Director Harris feels it is workable. Dowell and Johnson agreed that it should not go back to the Committee. i Dowell commented on the kinds and numbers of home occupancies which could operate under these conditions. fie pointed out that the Zoning Code stated in part. . . "The City further recognizes that since the general welfare of the public is superior in importance to the pecuniary profits of the individual, this code may, ( 1 ) limit the use of property, ( 2 ) cause depreciation of property values, or ( 3 ) prevent the most profitable use of land. Zoning does not , therefore, constitute a vested right. . . . " i I 2 i i i July 21 , 1986 ZONING CODE Johnson voiced concerns over the hours , but felt that a decision should be made. He MOVED to amend the motion to approve, changing the hours to 7 : 00 a.m. to 7: 00 p.m. and prohibiting operation on Sundays. Houser seconded. Woods noted that she considered that a friendly amend- ment and DiJulio pointed out that separate action on the amendment therefore was not necessary. The motion carried with Dowell and Bailey opposing. j STREETS LID 324 72nd Avenue Street Improvements ( 182nd - 186th) . This date has been set for the public hearing on the formation of LID 324 for 72nd kvenue street improvements . The City Clerk has given the proper legal notice. Public Works Director Wickstrom described the project as the improvement of 72nd Avenue S. from S. 182nd Avenue to the end of the cul-de-sac at S. 186th Avenue. He pointed out that after inquiries about development in the area, the City had advised that the traffic problems in the area would have to be mitigated. A full improvement was at first proposed, but the cost was more than the proponents wished to pay, so this minimal improvement at a cost of $167 , 591 . 58 was proposed: 22 ft. road- way consisting of two 11 ft. lanes , graveled shoulders, storm drainage, signing, pavement markings and hydroseading of unpaved areas , thus providing alternative access to the area. He explained the method used to calculate the assessments and predicted that construction would commence in 1987 . He pointed out that the final hearing would be held before the pro- ject was completed to solidify the funding for the project and to avoid the need for interim financing. The public hearing was opened by Council Presi- dent White. There were no comments from the j floor and the City Clerk reported that no cor- respondence had been received. BAILEY MOVED to close the public hearing, Woods seconded. Motion carried. WOODS MOVED that the City Attorney be directed to prepare the ordinance creating LID 324 . Houser seconded and the :notion carried. - 3 - I i I i July 21 , 1986 I STREETS (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5H) S.E. 256th and 116th Avenue S.E. Intersection Improvements. ACCEPT as complete the con- tract with Signal Electric for the S. E. 256th and 116th Avenue S.E. intersection improve- ments and release of the retainage after receipt of the necessary releases from the state. STREET VACATION ( CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5I ) Vacation of S. 209th Street Ordinance. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 2645 entitled: AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Washington, vacating South 209th Street, west of 72nd Avenue South, all within the City of Kent, Washington. (Appli- cation of E & H Properties. ) The public hear- ing on this street vacation was held on May 19, 1986 . The Council approved the vacation sub- ject to the conditions noted in the ordinance. The Public Works Department has advised that those conditions are now completed. STREET USE Puget Power Soap Box Derby. Street use has been requested by Puget Power for a soap box derby to be held on James Street between Central and Hazel Avenues on Saturday, August 2 , from 10: 00 a.m. to 6: 00 p.m. For purposes of discussion, JOHNSON MOVED to grant the request. Biteman seconded. Bailey noted that he had had communications from several residents regard- ing damage done to property during a previous soap box derby. He also noted that James is a major arterial which would have to be closed most of the day, causing traffic problems. Biteman stated that he felt it would not be in the best interest of the community to divert traffic. Houser concurred and opined that James Street is too dangerous for a soap box derby. Dowell stated that for safety reasons this should not be approved and Johnson con- curred. White noted tha 20 , 000 cars a day use James Street and stated that, although he agrees with what Puget Power is trying to do, he would support this project on another street, but not on James. Johnson noted that there are several streets which could be used. The motion failed, with no supporting votes. White suggested that Mr. Patel of Puget Power work with City staff to find another location. 4 - July 21 , 1986 MIDWAY LANDFILL White noted receipt of a petition containing 505 signatures regarding the Midway Landfill. BAILEY MOVED to make the petition a part of the record. Houser seconded and the motion carried. PUBLIC SAFETY (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5J) BOND PROPOSAL Public Safety Bond Issue - Ordinance. As authorized by the Council on July 7 , 1986 , ADOPTION of Ordinance 2646 setting the $12, 303 , 000 Public Safety Bond Issue for the November 4 , 1986 general election. POLICE Landscape Bids - Corrections Facility. Bids for the landscaping of the Corrections Facility were opened this morning. The specifications included an addendum for additional plants required by the City Planning Department and for sod as opposed to the seeding that was originally specified. Captain Hal Rees noted that eight bids had been received as follows : BIDDER BASE BID ADD ALT. FOR MAINT. MSR LANDSCAPE (RENTON) $24'555 $3,000 TINKER STAFNE (KENT) 27,240 6,096 PEAK LANDSCAPE (BOTHELL) 29,895 2,500 WESTERN UNITED (RENTON) 33,853 5,700 LANDSCAPE DEVELOPMENT (BOTHELL) 34,800 10,000 PACIFIC EART11WORKS (HONROE) 34,987 6,783 DENNIS CRAIG (REDMOND) 37,853 6,700 TERRA DYNAMICS (SEATTLE) 37,950 3, 180 The project manager, consultant and staff recom- mend that the low bid of MJR Landscaping be approved. BITEMAN MOVED that the bid for the Corrections Facility Landscaping be awarded to MJR Landscaping in the amount of $24, 555 plus $3, 000 for a maintenance agreement for one year. Bailey seconded and the motion carried. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5E) Drinking Driver Task Force. ACCEPTANCE of a donation of $200 to the Task Force from the Kent Rotary Club. FIRE ( CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5D) Authorization of Telecom Management Contract. AUTHORIZATION of extension of the Telecom Management Contract: to the new valley floor - 5 - i i i July 21 , 1986 FIRE fire station, as discussed at the Operations Committee meeting of July 15. The extension covers the facility not previously included in the contract, at a cost of $1 , 200. Funds will come from existing Fire Department Capital Improvement Projects . i INSURANCE (CONSENT CALENDAP. ITEM 5F) AGREEMENT - Renewal of Workmans Compensation Claims Admini- WORKMANS stration Service Agreement - 1986-1987. As recom- COMPENSATION mended by the Operations Committee on July 15, 1986 , AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign the 1986-1987 Claims Administration Service Agree- ment with Scott Wetzel Services, Inc. This action will result in the renewal of our current service agreement with SWS. The base annual fee will be $9 , 000 plus $100 for each claim in excess of fifty claims. The funds will be provided from the Workmans Compensation Trust Fund. FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5B) Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through July 23 after auditing by the Operations Committee at its meeting at 8: 30 a.m. on July 31 , 1986 . (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5C) Investment of City Monies in State's Local Government Pool - Ordinance. ADOPTION of Ordinance 2644, as approved by the Operations Committee at their July 15 meeting, entitled: AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Washington, relating to investment of public funds ; authorizing the deposit and withdrawal of money in the public funds investment account authorized by Chapter 294, Laws of 1986 ; creating a new Chapter 3 . 30 Kent City Code for such purposes. This ordinance authorizes the investment of City monies in the State ' s Local Government Investment Pool . i REVITALIZING Governor's Training Institute. Woods noted that WASHINGTON' S Harris had advised the Planning Committee today DOWNTOWNS of an opportunity for Kent to send a representa- tive to the Governor ' s Training Institute Conference on Revitalizing Washington ' s Down- towns to be held in Ellensburg in September. - 6 - I July 21 , 1986 i REVITALIZING This would be in conjunction with the Chamber. WASHINGTON ' S of Commerce and KDA will also send one repre- DOWNTOWNS sentative. The fee for the City ' s represent- ative will be $400 and the training will assist the City ' s effort to revitalize the down- town area. Only 25 cities will be allowed to participate and due to Kent ' s past activity in this area, it was felt that we have a good chance to be selected for the training. Woods noted that the Planning Committee members recommended that this expenditure be approved. BAILEY MOVED to approve the expenditure. Woods i seconded and the motion carried. COUNCIL Public Works Committee. Johnson noted that the COMMITTEES Public Works Committee would meet on Wednesday, July 23 , at 4 : 15 p.m. in the Engineering Conference Room. i EXECUTIVE SESSION At 7: 45 p.m. Council President White announced that the Council would adjourn to an executive session for approximately 30 minutes to discuss labor relations. ADJOURNMENT At 8 : 37 p.m. the Council reconvened and WOODS MOVED that the meeting be adjourned. Johnson seconded and the motion carried. I "n°,tL I Marie Jer4s n, CMC City Clerk i - 7 - i