HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 06/16/1986 i Kent, Washington June 16, 1986 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7: 00 p.m. by Mayor Kelleher. Present: Councilmembers Bailey, Biteman, Dowell, Houser, Johnson and White, Acting City Admini- strator/City Attorney DiJulio, Planning Director Harris and Public Works Director Wickstrom. Also present: Fire Chief Angelo, Police Chief Frederiksen and Personnel Director Webby. Councilmember Woods was not in attendance. Approximately 30 people were present at the meeting. PUBLIC SKCAC. Les Thomas noted that the Kent COMMUNICATIONS Kiwanis Club is sponsoring a fund raiser on behalf of the South King County Activities Center on June 20. An Old Time Fiddlers concert is scheduled at the Kent Commons and the Kiwanis Club is asking that the City allow the use of the facility without charge, or to reduce the fee. It was determined by DiJulio that the customary fee of $1500 had already been reduced to $800 by the Commons manager. Helen Adams of the Parks Department noted that the Special. Populations group, a part of the Parks Department, was required to pay full fees at the Commons. Bailey noted that the Commons had. to be self supporting and that other service groups in the building paid full rent for their space, including Kent Valley Youth Services and the Food Bank. Upon White ' s question, DiJulio determined that the Council could provide a grant to SKCAC, and pointed out that last year the City had pledged to support SKCAC in conjunction with support to be garnered from the neighboring cities. He noted that the Council will be faced with the question of future similar requests. Johnson noted that as a general rule he would not favor this action, but inasmuch as the City had committed to assist- ing this program, he MOVED to reduce the fee to $400, but the motion failed for lack of a second. BITEMAN MOVED to give SKCAC a $400 grant on a one-time basis and for the Attorney to draft the necessary ordinance. Bailey seconded, I i June 16 , 1986 PUBLIC pointing out that he did so reluctantly inasmuch COMMUNICATIONS as many organizations will be asking for City funds during the budget process in the fall. He rioted that the Council was charged with the prudent distribution of available funds. A man from the audience noted that Kent sperit money to encourage industry and that this was an industry which employed 83 special people. White stated that he would support i the motion, noting that this was a difficult decision, as the Ciry was facing cutbacks in Federal funds. Johnson proposed an amendment to the motion, to make the grant for the entire $801"!, but the proposal failed for lack of a second. Biteman ' s motion carried unanimously. CONSENT CALENDAR WHITE MOVED that the Consent Calendar Items A tErough R be approved, with the exception of Item N which was removed by Dowell. Houser seconded and the motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5A) Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of June 2, 1986. TRANSPORTATION 1987-1992 Six Year Transportation Improvement IMPROVEiMENT Program (TIP) . This date has been set for PLAN the public hearing the 1987-1992 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program. Trans- portation Engineer Ken Morris rioted that the TIP must be updated each year, and a public hearing is required. The public hear- ing was opened by Mayor Kelleher and Morris desc..,ribed the 22 items , proposed funding and tar.cet dates for each item, copies of which have been distributed to the Council and filed for the official record. Morris explained that the City ' s projects must compete for both Federal funds and State funds . The new lisp_ , by priority, is as follows; 1 S 212th St at 42nd Ave 5 3 S 240th St. (106th Ave SE-116th Ave SE) Add left turn lane, grading, drainage, Niden roadway from two lanes to five lane sectio channelization, curb 6 gutter. with curb b gutter, sidewalks, drainage, paving, channelization, signing, and landscaping. 2 S 212th St and 84th Ave S 4 Reith Rd. (5.253th-38th Ave S.) Add right turn lanes, grading, channelization, Reconstruct curve, add left turn lane, h ' -ith paving, curb & gutter, sidewalk, signing. pedestrian shoulder, grading, drainage channelization, lighting, and signing. - 2 - June 16 , 1986 TRANSPORTATION 5 S 252nd St. and SR-99 (Pacific Highway S) 15 SR-515 widening (SE 242nd St.-SE 252nd St.) IMPROVEMENT New Signal project. This roadway will be widened from two lanes to PLAN five lanes with curb & gutter, sidewalks, paving. b West Valley Highway (SR-181) and S. 212th St. lighting, and landscaping. Add turn lanes, channelization, signing, signal 16 SE 272/277th Corridor Pre. Engineering & Design improvements, grading, widening. Preliminary engineering and design of roadway 7 Smith St. (SR-516) (lst Ave-Jason Ave) sections from the Green River to SR-516. Design Widen Smith St. for additional turn lanes, signal, shall include curb & gutter, sidewalks, lighting. drainage, lighting, curb & gutter, sidewalks, grading, paving, channelization, signalization, and landscaping. signing, and.landscaping. This is a joint project with Auburn and King County. 8 West Valley Highway (SR-181) and S. 190th St. Installation of a full eight phase signal system 17 SE 192/196th Corridor Pre. Engineering & Design with channelization and lighting. Preliminary engineering and design of roadway sections from the Orillia Road to 108th Ave SE. 9 West Valley Highway (SR-181) and James St. Design shall include curb & gutter, sidewalks, Add a double left turn lane, channelization, lighting, grading, paving, channelization, lighting, signal upgrade, and signing. signalization, signing, and landscaping. This is a joint project with Tukwila, Renton, and 10 West Valley Highway (SR-181) and S 180th St. King County. Add turn lanes, channelization, major widening, signal revision, grading, drainage, and lighting 18 West Valley Highway t5 180th-S 228th1 Joint project with Tukwila, Renton, and WSDOT. Major widening of West Valley Highway to include curb & gutter, sidewalks, lighting grading, paving, channelization, signalization, 11 East Valley Highway (S 180th St.-S 192nd St.) signing, and landscaping. Complete five lane section with drainage, paving, Valle 19 West Highway (S 228th-Meeker St.) sidewalks, curb & gutter, lighting, landscaping, y g y underground utilities, bridge, and signing. Major widening of West Valley Highway to include curb & gutter, sidewalks, lighting 12 N. Central Ave (James St.-Smith St.) grading, paving, channelization, signalization, Major widening of roadway to include signing, and landscaping. curb & gutter, sidewalks, lighting, grading, paving, channelization, signalization, 20 5R-516 t4th Ave 5-Central Ave) Minor widening of roadway to include signing, and landscaping. curb & gutter, sidewalks, grading, 13 16th Ave S (S 212th St.-S 222nd St.) paving, channelization, and signing. New construction of roadway to include grading, paving, curb & gutter, sidewalk, lighting, signing, 21 SE 256th St. (Kent-Kangley-116th Ave SE) landscaping, and signalization. Major widening of roadway to include drainage, curb & gutter, sidewalks, lighting, grading, 14 SR-515 (104th Ave SE and SE 248th St.) paving, channelization, signalization, Install full eight phase signal system at the signing, and landscaping. intersection. Due to growth in traffic, this intersection meets several signal warrants. 22 East Valley Highway and S 180th St. The work will be done in conjuction with the WSDOT Add turn lanes and channelization. widening and improvement of 104th Ave SE. — 3 — June 16, 1986 TRANSPORTATION Upon a question from Suzette Cooke of the IMPROVEMENT Chamber of Commerce, Morris noted that an PLAN error in the funding reference for No. 11 would be corrected. Leah Armstrong of 1021 E. Maclyn asked about a target date for No. 16 , and Wickstrom noted that acquisition of property in the corridor area, including Armstrong ' s, would take several years . White noted that Ms. Armstrong would be advised as to the date of the next meeting of the Mayor ' s Transportation Task Force. There were no fur- ther comments and WHITE MOVED to close the hearing. Houser seconded and the motion carried. JOHNSON MOVED that Resolution 1107 be adopted approving the 1987-1992 Six Year Transportation Program, White seconded. Motion carried. STREET VACATION Street Vacation - 27th Avenue South. Resolu- tion 1105 set this date for a public hearing on the vacation of a portion of 27th Avenue S. , south of S . 246th Street, as requested by Eugene and Young Choy. The Planning Depart- ment has recommended approval of the vacation, with conditions as shown on the report. The City Attorney noted that the notice of hearing posted on the property had not been posted for a full 20 days and suggested there- fore that this hearing be continued to the July 7 meeting. The public hearing was opened by Mayor Kelleher . Don Schnitger of 24603 27th Avenue S. stated that he owned Lots 1 and 2 , immediately north of the subject property and asked that his property, a wooded area, be included. He pointed out that if this was done, 27th could be vacated to S. 246th Street. DiJulio noted that this would change the vacation petition making repetition of the entire process neces- sary. He also noted that the owner of Lots 41 and 42 would have to be contacted in order to make Schnitger ' s proposal viable. The cost of vacations was also explained by DiJulio. Mr . McIntyre of 9025 11th S .W. , Seattle, developer, stated that Lots 1 and 2 and 41 and 42 were not included in the develop- ment plans and noted further that the develop- - 4 - i June 16 , 1986 I STREET VACATION ment would enhance the value of Schnitger ' s property. DiJulio suggested that the request to include additional property be referred to the Public Works Department for analysis and for a report to be made on July 7 . BAILEY MOVED to continue the hearing to July 7. Biteman seconded and the motion carried. STREETS ( CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM SH) LID 324 - 72nd Avenue Street Improvement. ADOPTION of Resolution 1108 setting July 21 , 1986 , as the public hearing date for the crea- tion of LID 324 . ( CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5I ) 1985 Asphalt Overlay. ACCEPTANCE of the M. A. Segale contract as complete for the 1985 Street Asphalt Overlay Project and release of the retainage after receipt of the necessary releases from the State. I (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5N ) j REMOVED AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCILMEMBER DOWELL LID 318 - Puget Power Agreement for Conversion. Dowell noted that he was a property owner in this LID. BAILEY MOVED to authorize the Mayor to sign the Agreement with Puget Power for the underground conversion of electrical service for LID 318 on Central Avenue at a cost to the City of $205 , 838, as recommended by the Public Works Committee. Houser seconded and the motion carried with no participation by Dowell. HEALTH & (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5J) SANITATION LID 323 - Olympic View Heights Sanitary Sewer_. ADOPTION of Ordinance 2637 creating LID 323 as approved at the Council meeting of June 2 , 1986 . ( CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 50) '-AT ER Water District 111 Agreement for Sale of Water to Kent. AUTHORIZATION for Mayor to sign an agreement with Water District 111 for sale of water to Kent on a demand basis between June 1 and September 1 , 1986 . The Public Works Committee has reviewed the agreement and recomends approval . 5 - i June 1 6 , 1986 i WATER ( CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5L) Regional Water Association. As recommended by the Public Works Committee, ADOPTION of Resolution 1109 authorizing the Mayor to sign the Interlocal Funding Agreement for the develop- ment of the South King County Regional Water Plan. AUTHORIZATION to transfer $36 , 000 from the Unencumbered Water Utility Fund for this budget, $21 , 000 of which is for Kent ' s participation in the development of the Plan, and $15 , 000 for Kent ' s continuing participation in the regular responsibilities of the Association. ZONING CODE Proposed Amendment to the Zoning Code Temporary Use Regulations. The City Attorney has pre- pared Ordinance 2640 relating to planning and zoning, providing for and amending the Tem- porary Use Regulations , specifying the location of Christmas tree sales lots , fireworks and flower stands ; amending Section 15 . 08 . 205 Kent City Code. On June 2 , 1986 , the City Council suggested this matter be sent back to the Planning Committee for further study. The Planning Commission had previously held a public hearing to consider the proposed amendment and recommended approval follow- ing referral from the Planning Committee. On June 5 , the Planning Committee agreed to bring back the issue before the Council as a whole for approval as initially recommended. Harris explained that the ordinance will specify where ( commercial or industrial zones ) fireworks may be sold. JOHNSON MOVED to adopt Ordinance 2640 and Houser seconded. Bailey noted there was $273 , 000 in fire loss last year directly attributable to fireworks, which is bourne by the citizens , as reflected in the fire insurance rates. He acknowledged that sale of fireworks could not be banned this year but he urged the Public Safety Com- mittee to re-examine the problem and support banning such sales in the future. Biteman proposed that use of noisemaking fireworks be banned for the coming year which would allow a lead time so as not to allow permits for such sales to be issued. White concurred and suggested that service organizations which conduct such sales should find another way to 6 - i i June 16 , 1986 ZONING CODE support their commitments to community service. He noted that adjacent cities should be lobbied to also ban fireworks and the government should be lobbied to prohibit such sales on reservations. Johnson suggested that in August the Public Safety Committee study the fire loss figures for this year and that the service clubs par- ticipating in sale of fireworks be invited to attend. The motion carried unanimously. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5Q) Zoning Code Agricultural Zoning Amendment - Ordinance. ADOPTION of Ordinance 2638 , relating to land filling and soil removal in Al , Agricultural and AG, Agricutural- General zones . This was approved by the Council on June 2 , 1986 . ANNEXATION (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5P) East Hill Community Well Annexation Area 2. As approved by the Public Works Committee on May 15 , AUTHORIZATION for circulation of the 75 Percent Petition for annexation of Area 2 of the East Hill Community Well Property. BUILDING CODES ( CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5R) Uniform Building Codes, 1985 Editions - Ordi- nance. ADOPTION of Ordinance 2639: AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Washington, relating to building codes; amending Chapter 14.04 of Kent City Code to adopt the Uniform Building Code 1985 Edition, together with certain additions thereto and adopting specific chapters of the appendix to said code; amending Chapter 14. 10 of Kent City Code to adopt the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings 1985 Edition, together with certain additions thereto; amending Chapter 14.12 of Kent City Code to adopt the Uniform Housing Code 1985 Edition, together with certain additions thereto; amending Chapter 14.14 of Kent City Code to adopt the Uniform Mechanical Code 1985 Edition, together with certain additions thereto: amending Chapter 14. 16 of Kent City Code to adopt the Uniform Plumbing Code 1985 Edition, together with certain additions thereto; and adopting the amendments to the Barrier Free Facilities Regulations, adopted by the Washington State Building Code Advisory Council. i 7 - i I June 16 , 1986 BUILDING CODES This matter was reviewed and approved by the Public Safety Committee on June 12 , 1986 . GARBAGE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5E) Garbage Services Rate Increase - Ordinance. ADOPTION of Ordinance 2636 approving the rate increase for garbage services as discussed at the Operations Committee meeting on May 30, and at Council workshop on June 9, 1986. POLICE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5D) Replacement of Radio Repeater - Police Depart- ment. As recommended by the Public Safety Committee, AUTHORIZATION and appropriation of $1 , 000 from the Contingency Fund to pay the deductible on the stolen radio repeater. Total replacement cost of the radio repeater is $4 , 774 . KING COUNTY (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5C) ANIMAL CONTROL King County Animal Control Contract Renewal. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to execute the Interlocal Services Agreement with King County for the provision of animal control services in the City of Kent. This agreement continues the current practice and the contract with King County. This matter has been reviewed and approved by the Public Safety Committee. PARKS ( CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5F) Van Doren' s Landing Park Completion. ACCEPTANCE of the Van Doren ' s Landing Park Project as complete, and AUTHORIZATION to release retainage to R. W. Scott Construction upon receipt of releases from the State. ( CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5G) Adoption of Green River Corridor Park Site Development Plan. ADOPTION of the Green River Corridor Park Site Development Plan as prepared by Collie Hough Associates. The Plan was reviewed, and recommended for adoption, by the Park Committee at their February 5 , 1986 meeting. FINANCE ( CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5B) Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through June 23 after auditing by the Operations Committee at its meeting at 8 : 30 a.m. on June 30 , 1986. 8 - i June 16 , 1986 PERSONNEL (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5b1) Hiring of Relative. As recommended by the Public Works Committee, APPROVAL to hire Shawn Wilson for a temporary summer position in the Street Maintenance Division. Hiring of Relative. Bailey noted that on June 13 the Operations Committee had recom- mended hiring Glen Hatfield as a meter reader in the Finance Department. Hatfield is the uncle of a Finance Department employee and he has been employed as a part time parking aide in the Police Department. The position was open only to in-house candidates , and Hatfield was one of nine applicants. The Police Department highly recommended him and BAILEY MOVED to approve. White seconded. Biteman referred to nepotism and stated that he opposed. Bailey noted that he shared Biteman ' s concern and that the Operations Committee plans to discuss the matter with Brent McFall, the new City Administrator, and to then draft a new policy. Motion carried with Biteman dissenting. COUNCIL Public Works Committee. Johnson noted that i COMMITTEES the Committee would meet on June 25 at 4:00 p.m. in the Public Works Building. Planning and Parks Committee. Dowell noted that the Parks Committee would meet at 2 : 00 p.m. and the Planning Committee at 3 : 00 p.m. on Thursday, June 19 . i EXECUTIVE At 8 : 10 p.m. DiJulio noted that an executive SESSION session of approximately 112 to 2 hours would follow, to discuss labor negotiations and litigation. I ADJOURNMENT At 10 : 15 p.m. the Council reconvened and then adjourned. Marie Jensen, CMC City Clerk I - 9 - i