HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 06/02/1986 f I Kent, Washington June 2 , 1986 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7 : 00 p.m. by Mayor Kelleher. Present: Councilmembers Bailey, Biteman, Dowell, Houser and White, Acting City Administrator/City Attorney DiJulio, Planning Director Harris, Public Works Director Wickstrom and Finance Director McCarthy. Also present: Police Chief Frederiksen, Fire Chief Angelo, Personnel Director Webby and Parks Director Wilson. Councilmembers Johnson and Woods were not in attendance. Approximately 40 people were present. BAHA' I Representatives of the Baha ' is of Kent and Kent East presented the Mayor and each Councilmember with copies of "The Promise of World Peace" , a peace message compiled by the Universal House of Justice, the administrative body for the Baha ' is of the World. PERSONNEL Employee of the Month. Mayor Kelleher and Chief Frederiksen noted that the Employee of the Month for June is Police Sgt. Larry Jilbert. Jilbert has been with the City for 20 years and has served in various capacities in the Police Department, as well as serving as a volunteer and has won medals for Kent in Police Olympics competition. Jilbert was presented with the Employee of the Month plaque, as well as a 20 year plaque. PROCLAMATION Mayor Kelleher noted that the Kent Parks and Recreation Department recently was awarded the Northwest Region Award for Arts and Human- ities and proclaimed the week of June 2-7 as Cultural Arts Appreciation Week. In special recognition he further designated June 3 as Barney Wilson Day, June 4 as Patrice Thorell Day and June 5 as Nancy Leahy Day. CONSENT CALENDAR WHITE MOVED that the Consent Calendar Items A through H be approved, Biteman seconded. Motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR, ITEM 5A) Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of May 19 , 1986 . - 1 - i June 2, 1986 HEALTH & LID 323 - Olympic View Heights Sanitary Sewer. SANITATION This date has been set for the public hearing on the formation of a Local Improvement District for sanitary sewer improvements in the vicinity of S.E. 213th Street and 100th Avenue S.E. The City Clerk has given the proper legal notice. The Director of Public Works des- cribed the project as installation of 8" or larger sanitary sewers, 6" side sewers and related appurtenances on S.E. 213th Street, S.E. 213th Place, 103rd Place S.E. , 100th Place S.E. and 102nd Avenue S.E. The cost is esti- mated at $290, 277. 90, with 55 single family residential lots participating at $5, 277. 78 each. Wickstrom pointed out that assessment payments were spread over a ten year period and that construction would probably be completed in 1987 , with the first payment due in 1988. He noted that since the area is outside the City limits, an annexation "no-protest" covenant would be required in accordance with King County Review Board rules. This provides that in case of an annexation proposal, the property would be counted as a "yes" vote. The Mayor opened the public hearing. The City Clerk reported that no correspondence had been received. Wickstrom clarified that if protests were received from the owners of 60% of the property, the LID would be restrained. Allen Bentz of 21314 100th Avenue S.E. was advised that letters of protest should be sent now, to the City Clerk. There were no further comments and WHITE MOVED to close the hearing. Houser seconded and the motion carried. BITEMAN MOVED to direct the City Attorney to prepare the ordinance to create LID 323 . Houser seconded and the motion carried. STREETS Kent Valley Festival Permit. A street use permit has been requested for the Valley Festival from 8: 00 a.m. , June 11 , 1986 until 5: 00 p.m. , June 16 , 1986 on TITUS STREET, between 2nd and 3rd AVENUE; and THIRD AVENUE, from TITUS to Library/City Hall entrance (without blocking entrance) . 2 i June 2 , 1986 I STREETS The Church Parking Lot ( south of City Lot) will also be closed from June 10 to June 16. It was determined that there were no fees involved. BAILEY MOVED to authorize the requested Street Use Permit for Kent Valley Festival. White seconded and the motion carried. 98th Avenue Street Improvements. Bid opening was held on May 21 , 1986 with four bids received. The low bid was submitted by Kodo Construction in the amount of $32 , 049. 50. It is recommended that the low bid be accepted. WHITE MOVED that the bid submitted by Kodo Construction in the amount of $32 , 049. 50 for the 98th Avenue Street Improvements be accepted, Houser seconded. Motion carried. STREET VACATION (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5F) 80th Place South - Vacation. ADOPTION of Ordinance 2634 entitled: AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Washington vacating a por- tion of 80th Place South, south of South 180th Street ( S.W. 43rd Street) in the City of Kent. (Petition of Burlington Northern and Mannesman- Talley. ) This street vacation was reviewed at a public hearing on February 18 , 1986 . PRELIMINARY PLATS (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5D) Valley Center Industrial Park No. SU-80-7 Preliminary Plat. APPROVAL of the request by Upland Industries Corporation for a one-year extension to June 15, 1987 , on the Valley Center Industrial Park No. SU-80-7 Preliminary Plat as recommended by the Planning Department. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5E) Rent West Industrial Park No. SU-80-6 Pre- liminary Plat. APPROVAL of the request of by Upland Industries Corporation for a one- year extension to June 15 , 1987 , on the Kent West Industrial Park No. SU-80-6 Preliminary Pla as recommended by the Planning Department. I i 3 - i i June 2 , 1986 ZONING CODE Proposed Amendments to the Zoning Code. AMENDMENTS On April 29 and May 20 , 1986 , the Planning Commission held public hearings to consider the development standards in the Al , Agri- cultural, and AG, Agricultural-General Zoning Districts , specifically related to land filling and removal of top soil. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the proposed amendments. The Planning Com- mittee had reviewed the matter and referred the action to the Planning Commission. WHITE MOVED to approve the recommendation of the Planning Commission and instruct the City Attorney to draft the necessary ordinance. Houser seconded and the motion carried. Proposed Amendment to the Zoning Code - Temporary Use Regulations. The Planning Committee reviewed amending the temporary use regulations to specify the location of Christmas tree sales lots, fireworks stands and flower stands and referred the matter to the Planning Commission for action. The Commission recom- mended that the code be amended and the attorney has prepared the required ordinance for consideration. White suggested that the matter be sent back to the Planning Committee for further study. Bailey concurred, and there were no objections, so it was so ordered. TRANSPORTATION (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5G) PLAN Six Year Transportation Improvement Program. AUTHORIZATION to set June 16 , 1986 as the date for a public hearing on the 1987-1992 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program. j CABLE TV CATV Franchise Transfer - Ordinance. As directed by the Council on May 19 , the City Attorney has prepared an ordinance authorizing the transfer of the Group W Cable Television Franchise to TCI . Upon Bailey ' s question, Webby determined that the conditions had been fulfilled. Gary Hokenson of TCI noted that the following phrase should be deleted from Section 1 . 4 of the ordinance: Upon liquida- tion of Group W, The City Attorney had no objection to this and HOUSER MOVED to adopt Ordinance 2635, deleting the above words. Biteman seconded and the motion carried. i - 4 - i i i I June 2, 1986 LIBRARY ( CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5H) Library Board Appointment. CONFIRMATION of the Mayor ' s appointment of Laurel Whitehurst to the Kent Library Board to fill the unexpired term of Judy Johnston. This term will expire in April , 1990 . PARKS (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5C) Van Doren's Landing Sculpture Artist Selection._ AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to execute a con- tract with sculptor David Govedare for the Van Doren ' s Landing "City Art Plan" project, in the amount of $11 , 000 . This was discussed and approved at the April 22 , 1986 Art Advisory Panel meeting and approved at the May 13 , 1986 City of Kent Arts Commission meeting. FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5B) Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through June 6 , 1986 after auditing by the Operations Committee at its meeting at 8: 30 a.m. on June 16. COUNCIL Operations Committee. Bailey noted that the COMMITTEES Operations Committee minutes had been dis- tributed and that at the request of the Finance Director, the Treasurer ' s vacant posi- tion had been downgraded to a General Ledger Accountant position . The position has been filled by a qualified person who has been work- ing part time in the Finance Department. Bailey noted that. the Finance Director had reported that there may be other reclassifica- tions under the reorganization of the depart- ment, but it was hoped that such changes would result in a net savings to the City. He MOVED to accept the reclassification and appointment to the accounting position. Houser seconded and the motion carried. Planning Committee. Harris noted that the Planning Committee would meet on Thursday, June 5 at 3 : 00 p.m. He suggested that if Jim White could attend in place of an absent member, the question of the fireworks stands could be addressed. i 5 - i i June 2 , 1986 COUNCIL Parks Committee. Bailey noted that the remain- COMMITTEES ing portion of the Kaibara Park was dedi- cated last Saturday and that the exchange student from Kaibara had attended. He commended the Park Department and the main- tenance crew for the work done on this project. Public Safety. Biteman noted that the com- mittee would meet at 7: 30 a.m. on Thursday, June 5. Administrative Reports. DiJulio noted that Councilmembers should advise Terri Shuhart as soon as possible as to whether they plan to attend the Suburban Cities Association meeting this week, or the AWC meeting in Tacoma June 24-27 . EXECUTIVE SESSION At 7 : 40 p.m. the City Attorney announced that the Council would hold an executive session to discuss labor relations and that the session would last 30-60 minutes. ADJOURNMENT At 9: 00 p.m. the Council reconvened and then adjourned. i i I Marie Jensen, CMC City Clerk i I I I 6 -