HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 05/05/1986 I Kent, Washington May 5 , 1986 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7: 00 o ' clock p.m. by Mayor Kelleher. Present: Councilmembers Bailey, Biteman, Dowell, Houser, Johnson, White and Woods, Acting City Administrator/City Attorney DiJulio, Planning Director Harris and Public Works Director Wickstrom. Also present: Police Chief Frederiksen, Fire Chief Angelo, Personnel Director Webby , Finance Director McCarthy and Parks Director Wilson. Approximately 30 j people were in attendance at the meeting. j PROCLAMATIONS Youth Week. A proclamation was read by Mayor j Kelleher declaring the week of May 1 , 1986 as Youth Week in the City of Kent. Union Pacific Land Resources Corporation Week. Mayor Kelleher declared the week of May 5 - 10 as Union Pacific Land Resources Corporation Week in the City of Kent and , to recognize the efforts of Ted Knapp, who was instrumental in securing donations of 23 acres for the City, declared Wednesday, May 7 as Ted Knapp Day. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Central Business District Task Force. Councilmember Woods noted that this group had been meeting over the past four months with the Planning Department and with the City Attorney' s office, and a report had been made to the Mayor. Meetings will continue , to monitor programs. Sarah Stiteler of the Planning Department gave a brief overview of the recommendations of the group, pointing out that the study is not meant to replace any of the City ' s existing documents, but will be in addition to the Comprehensive Plan and the CBD Plan. Actions recommended by the Task Force fall into three major areas : Image improvement, circulation improvement, and consideration of incentives for new develop- ment, and a format for implementing these. Woods, Task Force Chairman, recognized those j responsible for the action plan: Les Thomas, Joan Petersen, John D'Amore, Pat Curran, Steve Burpee, as well as City staff members Sarah Stiteler and Julie Youmans. Certificates of j appreciation were presented by the Mayor. i - 1 - May 5, 1986 PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Solid Waste Task Force. Task Force Chairman Biteman presented certificates of appreciation from Mayor Kelleher to committee members Judy Dexter, Karen Waalkes and David Marshall. Other certificates were distributed at the last meeting. CONSENT CALENDAR JOHNSON MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A through K be approved, with the exception of Item G which was removed by DiJulio. Biteman seconded and the motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5A) Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of April 21 , 1986 , as amended. The following item was inadvertently omitted from the minutes of the April_ 21 , 1986 Council meeting. It should appear at the beginning of the minutes, under the heading of Public Communications : Ed Nelson of 3525 Canterbury Lane stated that one of the alternative uses for Cambridge Square would be as a fire station site and that he had talked to neighbors who favored such a use over having a shopping center on that site. Bailey stated that this item was premature, inasmuch as neither the Police or the Fire Department had made a report to the Council regarding site selection, and therefore the Council has insufficient inform- ation. He pointed out that other sites could be considered and these would have to be ranked, with time required to determine the impacts of each site. Such impacts would include response time for emergency vehicles. Mayor Kelleher noted that an item entitled Public Safety Bond Issue was scheduled for later, on this agenda, and that a West Hill fire station was included in the bond proposal . He further noted that he would make some personal comments when this item was heard. 2 - May 5, 1986 HEALTH & ( CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5D) SANITATION LID 323 - Olympic View Heights Sanitary Sewer - Resolution. ADOPTION of Resolution 1102 setting June 2 , 1986 as the date for a public hearing on formation of LID 323 . (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5E) Kentridge Division 4. ACCEPTANCE for continu- ous operation and maintenance, the bill of sale and warranty agreement for construction of approximately 3 , 302 feet of water main improvements and 4 , 712 for sanitary sewer improvements constructed in the vicinity of 124th Avenue S.E. and S.E. 280th Street and release of the cash bond after expiration of the maintenance period. STREETS (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5F) LID 321 - SR515 Improvements - S.E. 252nd to S.E. 242nd. AUTHORIZATION to transfer $70 , 000 from the unencumbered funds of the Water Utility for this project. STREET VACATION (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5K) Street Vacation - Resolution. ADOPTION of Resolution 1105 setting June 16, 1986 as the public hearing date for the vacation of a portion of 27th Avenue South. WATER Declaration of Water Emergency Condition. The Director of Public Works, with the approval of the Public Works Committee, recommends a water emergency condition be declared as out- lined in Section 10 of Ordinance 2227. Upon questions from the Council , Wickstrom noted that this is just a safety precaution due to recent growth. JOHNSON MOVED that a water emergency be declared as outlined in Section 10 of Ordinance 2227, Woods seconded. Motion carried. REZONE Pacific Industrial Concept Rezone No. RZ-82-4 - Ordinance 2604. Correction of an Admini- strative error under Section 3 Condition 7 (B) of Ordinance 2604. WOODS MOVED to adopt Ordinance 2630 to approve the correction as noted, Johnson seconded. Motion carried. 3 - i I May 5 , 1986 AFFORDABLE HOUSING (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5G) (REMOVED AT THE REQUEST OF CITY ATTORNEY DIJULIO) i Affordable Housing Study. AUTHORIZATION has been requested for the City Attorney to pre- pare a resolution to accept the Affordable Housing Study Phase I as City policy and to direct the staff to meet annually with repre- sentatives of the Building Committee to review codes and regulations. Upon questions from the Council, Harris and Angelo explained that Jack Ewing ' s letter of April 21 had stated that the basis for changes in the housing policies in the City should come from the options listed in the report on pages 47 through 58, and further suggested that annual or semi-annual reviews be included to discuss changes in Code interpretation, etc. It was pointed out that the recommenda- tion did now provide for annual review. Angelo j referred to a letter. dated May 5 which he and Jim Chandler, Building Official , had sent to Ewing, referring to Ewing ' s hand written notes received by the Planning Department on May 1 . The letter noted that the City agreed that it was always healthy to look at possible ways to improve commnications and the processes , and that an option for further study should be added to the report of the Planning Depart- ment. Such option should reflect the desir- ability to communicate and overview the pro- cesses available to review code changes and interpretations , with the intent to clarify and improve the processes where possible. Bailey objected to the motion as stated in the agenda and MOVED ONLY to accept the Phase I Study, without further direction. The motion was not immediately seconded and was declared dead. At. Woods ' request, Angelo explained that the proposed motion on the agenda was printed before todays meeting with Ewing. Angelo explained that he had met with Ewing and that the City could not meet the five handwritten rpaui rpment-- howpver th?ro are processes in place now - code changes , pro- vision for Chamber members to join the Inter- I 4 - I May 5, 1986 AFFORDABLE HOUSING national Congress of Building Officials so as to have input, etc. The option proposed to Ewing was that the City would meet with the Chamber to explain what processes are already in use and explain in a short one- day seminar, changes proposed every three years for the new code adaption. j WOODS MOVED to accept the Affordable Housing Study Phase I with the addition of the letter to Jack Ewing from Angelo and Chandler. Johnson seconded and the motion carried. REGULATORY REVIEW _Regulatory Review Request. On March 13 , 1986 , the Council Planning Committee met to discuss the process of Regulatory Review. On April 24, they considered six questionai.re/requests. The recommendations of the committee have been distributed to the Council and have been filed for the record. WOODS MOVED to accept the Planning Committee ' s reports and recommendations, Johnson seconded. Motion carried. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5J) CORPORATION Economic Development Corporation Appointment - Resolution. ADOPTION of Resolution 1104 entitled: A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, relating to the City of Kent Economic Development Corpor- ation, filling positions 1 , 2 , 4 and 5 on the Board of Directors of the City of Kent Economic Development Corporation. These appointments have been reviewed with the Economic Development Corporation, Council President White, and the Operations Committee. Councilmember Dowell will fill Tim Leahy ' s unexpired term through 1987 . Councilmember Bailey is reappointed to a four year term. Tim Leahy is appointed to fill the unexpired term of Leo Powers through 1987. (Leo Powers has requested that he be replaced on the Board. ) Walt Ramsey, who was previously appointed to fill the unexpired term of Mike Miller, is appDj nted to a fui t term. co n:,i i memb-r Biteman continues )n the Boarn. i 5 - May 5 , 1986 BUSINESS LICENSES (CONSENT CALENDAR 5C) Amusement Device Licensing - Ordinance. ADOPTION of Ordinance 2629 entitled: AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Washington, relating to the licensing and regulation of amusement devices and arcades ; amending Sections 5. 19 . 020 , 5 . 19. 030 , 5. 19. 054 , 5 . 19 . 080 Kent City Code; repealing Kent City Code 5. 19. 090 to eliminate the requirement for individual amusement device licenses, and to simplify licensing procedures. This ordinance is recommended by the Finance Department and the City Attorney ' s Office to simplify the procedures for licensing of pre- mises with amusement devices ( e.g. , pinball machines and video games ) . The previous regulations required licensing of individual machines. The Finance Department, working with the Police Department, has determined that licensing of individual machines is no longer necessary. This proposal has previously been reviewed and approved by the Operations Committee. PARKS (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5H) Correction of Oakhurst Trail Easement Legal. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to execute an amendment to correct the legal description of the Oakhurst Office Park Trail easement. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5I ) Application to IAC for Funding Assistance for Green River Corridor Park. ADOPTION of Resolution 1103 authorizing application to the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation for funding assistance to develop Green River Corridor Park; and authorization to transfer $65 , 000 of Revenue Sharing earmarked for Russell Road lights to the $37, 000 Green River Dike Top Paving Account and that the combined account be renamed The Green River Corridor Park so that the monies can be used as the local cash match for the grant applica- tion. This project is included in the Green River Corridor Plan adopted March 2 , 1981 and in the Comprehensive Park Plan adopted by Resolution 976 on October 18 , 1982 . The Parks Committee recommended approval at its April 10 , 1986 meeting. 6 - May 5, 1986 FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5B) Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through May 7 after audit- ing by the Operations Committee at its meet- ing at 8: 30 a.m, on May 15 . LTGO REFUNDING Advance Refunding 1984 LTGO Bonds. Bailey BONDS - 1986 noted that the City ' s financial advisors have advised that conditions are now favorable to refinance the bonds. The Operations Com- mittee will meet at 8: 30 Wednesday morning, May 12 Meeting T�Iay 7 , to consider reissuing these bonds. The projected savings is estimated at one quar- ter of a million dollars. He suggested that tonight ' s meeting be recessed to Monday, May 12, 1986 at 7 : 00 p.m. , at which time the Council would take official action to adopt the required ordinances. COUNCIL COMMITTEES Public Works Committee. Johnson noted that th,:E� Public Works Committee will meet on Thurs- day, May 15 at 4: 00 p.m. TRAFFIC CONTROL DiJulio noted that an information item had been distributed from the Public Works Com- mittee meeting of May 1 , listing the Staff Recommendations for left turn restrictions at S. 212th and Frager Road and at S. 212th and Russell Road. SENATOR EVANS DiJulio noted that Senator Dan Evans ' mobile field office will be in the Kent City Hall parking lot on May 8 from 9: 30 to 11 : 00 a.m. Staff members will be present to talk with citizens. CITY ADMINISTRATOR Mayor Kelleher announced that he has appointed Brent McFall as the new City Administrator. Mr. McFall was introduced and welcomed to the community. Mayor Kelleher expressed appreciation to the Selection Committee, the Council and to Tom Waldron who was in charge of the search for a new administrator. WOODS MOVED to confirm the Mayor ' s appointment, and to approve the contract with Brent McFall. Biteman seconded and the motion carried. - 7 - i May 5, 1986 ADJOURNMENT At 7: 50 p.m. , the meeting was recessed to Mondc May 12 , at 7: 00 p.m. , at which time action will be taken on the LTGO Refunding Bonds - 1986. EXECUTIVE SESSION DiJulio announced that a short executive session would follow the meeting to discuss litigation and property acquisition. j i C Marie Jensen, CMCI City Clerk i I 8 - I