HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 04/21/1986 Kent, Washington April 21 , 1986 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7: 00 o ' clock p.m. by Mayor Kelleher at Totem Junior High School . Present: Councilmembers Bailey, Biteman, Dowwe1_1, Houser, Jofinson_,_White and Woods, Acting City Administrator/City Attorney DiJulio, Planning Director Harris and Public Works Director Wickstrom. Also present: Fire Chief Angelo, Police Chief Frederiksen, Personnel Director Webby and Finance Director McCarthy. Approximately 200 people were in attendance at the meeting. The flag salute was lead by Boy Scout Troop 237 of the Mount Rainier Council , PROCLAMATIONS Student Employment Week. Mayor Kelleher declared the week of April 21 to April 25 to -- ------ be Student Employment Week and presented a CORRECTED - REFER TO proclamation to Linda Smith. MINUTES OF 5' S" 86 Volunteer Week. A proclamation was issued by Mayor Kelleher declaring the week of April 21 as Volunteer Week. He noted that volunteers performed many services for the City. I'OLID WASTE Councilman Biteman, Chairman of the Solid Waste m,T\S ' FORCE Task Force, presented a report noting that the task force started with 12 members and soon had 60 members. Five committees were formed and meetings were conducted weekly. The report contained problem definitions and recommendations from each of the following committees : Air Quality & Methane Team, Medical Team, Alternatives Team, Leachate Team, and Soil Contamination Team. Certifi- cates of appreciation were awarded by Mayor Kelleher to team members : Tom Crone, Dave Marshall, Karen Waalkes, Roy Anderson, Judy Dexter, Roberta Sample, John McGown, Gil Hotchkiss and Myron Harr. A copy of Biteman ' s report has ben made a part of the record, and Mayor Kelleher commended Biteman and Houser, co-chairmen for this task force. Kent Highlands Landfill. Mayor Kelleher noted that Mayor Royer had announced that the Kent Highlands Landfill would be closed by December 31 , 1986 . The Mayor noted that the City of Kent should also discontinue the use of this landfill and he noted that hauling garbage to the Bow Lake Station would increase the garbage rates. He pointed out that the City would cooperate with the County in seeking an acceptable alternative to landfills. - 1 - April 21 , 1986 CONSENT BAILEY MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A CALENDAR through V be approved, with the exception of Items J and M which were removed by White. Woods seconded and the motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5A) Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of April 7 , 1986 . STREETS ( CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5G) LID 304 - Resolution. ADOPTION of Resolution 1097 entitled: A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, directing the Finance Director to segre0ate assessment #10 levied under LID 304 . This,_�esolution was authorized at the April 7 meeting. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5T) SR 515 - S.E. 242nd to S.E. 252nd. AUTHORI- ZATION for the Mayor to execute an agree- ment with the State for utility improvements on SR 515 from S.E. 242nd Avenue to S.E. 252nd Avenue in conjunction with the street improve- ment project. STREET IMPROVEMENTS (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5U) 98th Avenue S. Street Improvements. AUTHORI- ZATION to establish a budget in the amount of $42 , 952 for the 98th Avenue S. Street Improve- ment project and approval to transfer the funds from the unencumbered water utility funds. WATER ( CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5N) Kent Springs Transmission Main - 132nd Ave. S.E. to 152nd Avenue S.E. ACCEPT as com- plete the contract with Robison Construction for construction of the Kent Springs Water Transmission Main Project from 132nd Avenue S.E. to 152nd Avenue S.E. and release of the retainage after receipt of the necessary releases from the State. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5Q) Public Works Trust Fund. ADOPTION of Resolu- tion 1098 which reflects the City ' s intent to enter into a loan and agreement with the Public Works Board subject to mutually satisfy- ing terms and conditions for the Kent Springs Transmission Main Rebuild project. - 2 - April 21 , 1986 WATER 125,000 Gallon Tank Improvements. Bid opening was held April 3 with four bids received. All bids exceeded the Engineer ' s estimate for the project. It is recommended the bids be rejected. JOHNSON MOVED that the bids received for the 125 , 000 gallon tank improvements be rejected, White seconded. Motion. carried. DRAINAGE UTILITY (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5S ) Drainage Utility Water Quality Program. AUTHORIZATION to transfer $55 , 000 from the unencumbered Sewerage Funds for the Water Quality Program of the Drainage Utility. EROSION CONTROL (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 50) City/County Agreement - Erosion Control Levee. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to execute an agreement with the County for participation in a grant from the State for improvements to the levee in the area north of the Green River Bridge at S. 212th St. TRAFFIC CONTROL (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5F ) North Central Avenue Speed Limit Reduction. ADOPTION of Ordinance 2626 entitled: AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Washington, relating to traffic ; amending KCC 10. 10. 08 ( 22 ) to reduce the traffic on North Central Avenue from the intersection of Novak Lane to the intersection of James Street from 35 mph to 30 mph ; providing for reduced speeds upon posting of appropriate signage upon direct-ion. of the Director of Public Works during con-- struction. This ordinance was requested b,,f the Public Works Department to provide for traffic safety on North Central Avenue durin,,_Y the final stages of construction north of James Street. CBD IMPROVEMENTS (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5D) Certification on Prepayments on LID 313. ACCEPTANCE of the certification from the Finance Director on prepayments totaling $32 , 000. 10 on LID 313 . These payments were received during the 30 day interest-free period ending April 2 , 1986 as allowed by law. 3 - April 21 , 1986 CBD IMPROVEMENTS (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5R) LID 313 - Change Order. As recommended by Kent Development Association and the Public Works Committee, APPROVAL of a change order to substitute light standard banners in place of the "Love Kent" signs as originally proposed for the project. Purchase Proposal for LID 313 Bonds. Finance Director McCarthy recommended acceptance of a proposal from Shearson Lehman Brothers , Inc. to purchase bonds for LID 313 at an interest rate of 8. 03%. Dick King of Shearson Lehman Brothers was available to answer any questions. Bailey noted that this proposal had been heard by the Operations Committee and urged the Council to approve the recommendation. WOODS MOVED to accept the offer from Shearson Lehman Brothers, White seconded. Motion j carried. i Bond Ordinance LID 313. Bond Counsel has prepared Ordinance 2628 authorizing the issu- ance of bonds for LID 313 in the amount of $408 , 509 . 79 and accepting the offer of Shear- son Lehman Brothers to purchase said bonds. WOODS MOVED to adopt Ordinance 2628, Bailey seconded. Motion carried. ANNEXATION (CONSENT CALENDAR 5P) Rupert Annexation. ADOPTION of Ordinance 2627 approving the annexation of approximately five acres in the vicinity of 94th Avenue S. and 238th, as approved by Council on April 7 , 1986 . ECONOMIC (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5V) DEVELOPMENT Cascade Development Company - Industrial CORPORATION Revenue Bonds. The City Council, by Resolu- tion 1058, approved this $3 . 75 million Industrial Development Bond Issue. As requested by Cascade Development Company and recom- mended by Bond Counsel, ADOPTION of Resolution 1099 entitled: A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of. Kent approving execu- tion and delivery by the City of Kent Economic Development Corporation of a First Supplemental Indenture of Trust and Amendment No. 1 to the Loan Agreement in connection with its Floating/ Fixed Rate Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, Series 1985 ( Cascade Development Proje, - 4 - April 21 , 1986 PUBLIC DEFENSE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5H) Kirshenbaum and Combs Contract. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to execute a public defense contract with Kirshenbaum and Combs for the period of May 1 , 1986 through April 30, 1987, with an option for additional years. This pro- posal has been received by the City Attorney, and has been reviewed and recommended by the Public Defense Committee composed of Finance Director McCarthy, Personnel Director Webby and Attorney Robert Kitto. CABLE TELEVISION ( CONSENT CALENDAR ITET1 5L) Cable Television Franchise Transfer. AUTHORI- ZATION to set May 19, 1986 as the date for the public hearing to consider the transfer of the City ' s CATV franchise from Group "W" i to TCI Cablevision of Washington, Inc. CITY COMPUTER (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5M) (REMOVED AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCILMEMBER WHITE) Conceptual Systems Design for City Information Systems. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign an agreement for $9 , 600 with Info Comp Systems Incorporated, Colorado Springs, Colorado, to develop a conceptual systems design document outlining their current/planned municipal information systems, the major system func- tions and underlying concepts , the inter- relationships of key subsystems, and the estimated costs/schedul-ing for any required major modifications in response to City- specified information needs. This item was reviewed and recommended for approval during the Operations Committee meeting of April 15, 1996 . After determining that the study could not be done in house, WHITE MOVED to adopt Item 5M, Wood seconded. Motion carried. PARKS (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5C) Transfer of Senior Building Trust Fund to Senior Activity Center Construction Fund. Transfer of the Senior Center Building Trust Fund, in the amount of �-10 , 32.1 . 59 plus accrued interest into the Senior Activity Center Construction Account. Thi�' was discussed and recommended at the April 10 Park Committee meeting. i - S - I I April 21 , 1986 I PERSONNEL (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5E) Authorization for Full Time Meter Reading Position and Equipment. As discussed at the Operations Committee meeting of April 15 , AUTHORIZATION to convert an existing part- time meter reading employee to full time, including provision of benefits and associated miscellaneous costs for vehicle rental , cloth- ing, etc. Total Budget impact of approximately $16 , 000 would be paid through an allocation through the Water Fund. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5I ) Department Manager Classification Review. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign a professional services agreement with James Consulting Ser- vices, in an amount not to exceed $3 , 850. The Agreement provides a comprehensive classi- fication review and recommendation for City department manager positions . The James Agreement was recommended following a staff review of three ( 3 ) consultant proposals and is the lowest cost of all three proposals. The recommendation was reviewed and approved by the Council Operations Committee at its meeting of April 15 , 1986 . (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5J) (REMOVED AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCILMEMBER WHITE) Employee Right-To-Know - Hazardous Materials. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign a professional services agreement with Hazcon Inc. in an amount not to exceed $5 , 850 . The Agreement provides hazardous materials identification and training for employees of the City. The Hazardous Materials Identification and Train- ing Program is required as a result of legis- lation which became law in 1985 and is commonly known as the Employees ' Right-To-Know Act. The recommendation was reviewed and approved by the Council Operations Committe at its meet- ing on April 15 , 1986 . Upon White ' s question, DiJulio noted that the � City does not have the ability to address this issue in house. WHITE MOVED to adopt Item 5J. Woods seconded and the motion carried. - 6 - I April 21 , 1986 PERSONNEL (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5K) Employment of a Related Individual - Engineer- ing Division. AUTHORIZATION for the Engineer- ing Division to hire Bonnie Fell in the posi- tion of Engineering Accountant . Ms. Fell is the wife of Fire Lt. Jan Fell . The request was presented to the Operations Committee at its meeting on April 15 , 1986 . The Com- mittee approved the Public Works Department ' s request. EQUIPMENT RENTAL Bids were received on April 16 for six items for the Equipment Rental Division. The Public Works Department recommends that the bids be awarded as follows : 1 . Loader/Backhoe/Extendahoe I Craig Taylor $20 , 451 . 44 including tax and trade 2 . 1986 Service Body Installed on Ford 3/4 Ton Cab & Chassis with Superstructure Sound Truck $4 , 034 . 38 3 . 1986 Service Body Installed on 1986 Ford 3 4 Ton Cab & Chassis Sound Truck $2 , 502 . 85 4. 1986 Service Body installed on 1986 Chevrolet C-20 Cab & Chassis Sound Truck $2 , 582 . 05 5. One Ton Utility Service Van with Hydraulic !I Crane Includes Cut-A-Way Cab & Chassis I Utility Equipment $35 , 319 . 17 6 . One Ton Utility Service Van Includes Cut- A-Wa Cab & Chassis Utility Equipment $26 , 704. 68 JOHNSON MOVED to award the bids as recommended by the Public Works Department , Houser seconded. Motion carried . 7 i April 21 , 1986 FINAL PLAT Evergreen Hills Final Plat - No. SU-79-3 - Ordinance. A public hearing to approve this final plat was conducted on April 7, 1986 and continued to this date. The Fire Depart- ment had expressed concern over access to the plat because of the steep grade. The public hearing was reopened by Mayor Kelleher. Jack Ewing, 622 S. Central, engineer for the appli- cant, noted that the Fire Chief and the appli- cant had reached an agreement whereby the concerns of the Fire Depatment will be a part of the ordinance which approves the plat and the real estate listing agent will so inform purchasers of homes in the plat. Chief Angelo commended. Mr. Ewing and Mr. Ivan Christianson, the owner, for their positive attitude and public concern. BAILEY MOVED to close the public hearing. Woods seconded and the motion carried. WOODS MOVED to adopt Ordinance 2625 approving the Evergreen Hills Final Plat, subject to the conditions imposed as part of the preliminary plat approval , and subject to the condition imposed at this meeting. Bailey seconded and the motion carried. GREEN RIVER LEVEE Federal Emergency Management Agency. Bailey introduced Resolution 1101 relating to the Green River, and the system of dikes and levees along the Green River; protesting the policies of the Federal Emergency Management Agency relating to Green River levee improvements. BAILEY MOVED to adopt Resolution 1101 , Woods seconded. Motion carried. FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5B) Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through April 22, 1986 after auditing by the Operations Committee at its meeting at 8 : 30 a.m, on April 30. Business & Industry Show. DiJulio noted that the 2nd Annual Business & Industry Show will run Friday and Saturday, April 25 and 26, at Kent Commons. He requested authorization to spend up to $400 from the Administrator ' s budget for additional display racks for the Show. BAILEY SO MOVED. Biteman seconded and the motion carried. - 8 - April 21 , 1986 PUBLIC SAFETY Public Safety Bond Issue. At the workshop of April 14 , 1986 , background information was presented on the proposal from the Police and Fire Departments for a Public Safety bond issue and a summary has been filed for the record. Fire Chief Angelo requested authori- ation for the Mayor to appoint a community committee to consider the proposal that the Police Department and the Fire Department have put together. He noted that the original comprehensive plan for capital improvement was for $14 . 2 million, and stated that at this time he is requesting a $12 . 225 million bond issue. The bond issue would cover fire stations, fire equipment, Police and Fire radio equipment, computers and also a joint training center for Police and Fire. All of the items have been documented in the report and he noted that a new Police headquarters station was not included in this proposal . Angelo noted that this was a conservative proposal. WHITE MOVED for the Mayor to be authorized to appoint a committee to conduct a detailed overview of the Police and Fire Department proposal, Dowell seconded. Motion carried. Mayor Kelleher noted that this proposal pro- vided for a new fire station on the West Hill and that if the bond issue was approved by the voters , he would ask that consideration be given to locating such a station at Military Road, north of Glenn Nelson Park, commonly referred to as the "Cambridge Site" . FAST HILL PLAN Comprehensive Plan - Amendment to East Hill Plan. On February 25 , 1986 the Planning Commission recommended certain sites on East Hill be designated for commercial expansion and the Council discussed this matter at the workshop of April 14 , at which time the Council elected to consider the issues at tonight ' s meeting. The City Clerk noted that letters had been distributed from the East Hill Busi- ness Council , the Covington Business Council and the Kent Chamber of Commerce, all of which have been filed for the record. The City Attorney has prepared alternative resolutions to cover adoption of the Planning Commission ' s recommendtion, and for several other alternate 9 _ April 21 , 1986 EAST HILL PLAN actions, copies of which were distributed with the agenda packet. WHITE MOVED to adopt Resolution 1100, Alternative II, a resolution providing for disapproval of the Planning Commission recom- mendation and referring the matter back to the Planning Commission for complete review, public hearing and for the Commission to report back to the Council in six months . Biteman seconded. Bailey suggested that the last portion of Section 1 of Alternative III be included and SO MOVED. Woods seconded. Mayor Kelleher clarified that with Bailey ' s addition, the motion is as follows : From Alternative II Section e Planning Department shall conduct further environmental review, including making a threshold determination in light of the alternative recommended by the Planning Commission on February 25, 1986 , and shall schedule the matter before the Planning Com- mission for further hearing. The Planning Com- mission shall report back its findings and recommendations to the Council within six months of the date of this resolution. Add From Section 1 of Alternative III The Commission shall further consider options for mitigating traffic and transport- ation impacts of commercial development in the study area, including but not limited to re- quiring development in the study area to par- ticipate in the funding of the S.E. 272nd/277th Street corridor. White stated that he considered this a friendly amendment. Johnson spoke in favor of Alterna- tive I which would disapprove the Planning Commission ' s recommendation and not permit expansion of the commercial areas. He stated that the traffic problems would not support additional commercial designations and the action proposed would only delay coping with the problem. Dowell concurred with Johnson. The Mayor clarified that the Planning Com- mission had recommended that the commercial area on East Hill be expanded by 75 acres and the Council. now had to take official action on that recommendation. 10 - April 21 , 1986 EAST HILL PLAN White stated that all factors had to be thoroughly considered. Biteman noted that he agreed with White. Woods noted that letters received tonight from the East Hill Business Council and the Covington Business Council urged that the Planning Commission recommendation be rejected and stated that she supported Johnson ' s and Dowell ' s position. Upon a roll call vote, White ' s motion to adopt Resolution 1100 , as amended by Bailey, carried with Bailey, Biteman, Houser and White voting in favor and Dowell, Johnson and Woods dis- senting. ADJOURNMENT BITEMAN MOVED that the meeting be adjourned at 8: 15 p.m. , Dowell seconded. Motion carried. Marie Jense , CMC City Clerk - 11 -