HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 03/03/1986 Kent , Washington March 3 , 1986 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7 : 00 o ' clock p.m. by Mayor Kelleher. Present: Mayor Kelleher, Councilmembers Dowell , Houser, Johnson, White and Woods , Acting City Administrator/City Attorney DiJulio, Planning Director Harris , Public Works Director Wickstrom and Finance Director McCarthy. Also present: Personnel Director Webby. Councilmembers Bailey and Biteman were not in attendance. Approximately 75 people were present. PROCLAMATIONS Kent Meridian Gymnastics. Mayor Kelleher noted that the Kent Meridian Royals had set a new State record in total points in gymnas- tics and that Suanne Wales had been declared the State All Around Gymnastics Champion. Coach Gunter Bohrman and Miss Wales were recognized by the audience. The Mayor declared the week of March 10 as Kent Meridian Gymnastics Week and March 12 as Suanne Wales Day. PTA - Drug Awareness. In recognition of the educational programs sponsored by PTAs, Mayor Kelleher declared March 2 through March 8 to be National PTA Drug & Alcohol Awareness Week. EMPLOYEE OF Mayor Kelleher noted that Tom Arnson, mechanic THE MONTH for the Fire Department, had been named the Employee of the Month for March. A present- ation was made to Arnson on Saturday at the Fire Station when the Fire Department ' s new equipment wasdedicated. Arnson was commended for his dependability and ingenuity in main- taining Kent ' s fire apparatus . CONSENT CALENDAR JOHNSON MOVED that the Consent Calendar Items A through N be approved, Woods seconded. Motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5A) Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of February 18 , 1 986 . HEALTH & (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5I ) SANITATION Evergreen Hills Plat. ACCEPTANCE of the bill of sale and warranty agreement for continuous operation and maintenance of approximately - 1 - March 3 , 1986 HEALTH & 1 , 325 feet of sanitary sewer extension, SANITATION 1 , 524 feet of street improvements, and 1 , 367 feet of storm sewer improvements constructed in the vicinity of 94th Place S. and S. 213th Place for the Evergreen Hills Plat, and RELEASE of the cash bond after expiration of the one year maintenance period. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5J) Western Processing. ADOPTION of Resolution 1095 relating to the Western Processing hazardous waste site. This matter was dis- cussed before the City Council at a workshop session on February 24 , 1986 and Council President White requested the preparation of the resolution. ANNEXATIONS (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5C) Ryan No. 3 Annexation. ADOPTION of Ordinance 2611 annexing to the City approximately 15 acres in the vicinity of S . 218th Street and 98th Avenue S. , for which the public hearing was conducted on February 18, 1986 . (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5H) Rupert Annexation. AUTHORIZATION to set April 7, 1986 as the date for the public hearing to consider annexation of approximately five acres in the vicinity of 94th Avenue South and James Street, known as the Rupert annexation. TRAFFIC CONTROL (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5D) Traffic & Parking. ADOPTION of Ordinance 2612 relating to traffic and parking; amend- ing KCC 10 . 06 . 04 to add new subsections 22, 23 , 24 , 25 , 26 and 27 , prohibiting park- ing on designated City streets ; amending KCC 10 . 08. 08 to add a new section reducing the speed limit on S.E. 260th Street from the intersection of 97th P1. S. to the inter- section of 108th Avenue S.E. to 30 mph. ( CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5E) Unauthorized Parking in Handicapped Parking Zones. ADOPTION of Ordinance 2613 relating to unauthorized parking in Handicapped Park- ing Zones and defining penalties therefor. 2 - March 3, 1986 TRAFFIC CONTROL (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5F) Parking Unlicensed Vehicle. ADOPTION of Ordinance 2614 relating to parking an unlicensed vehicle, and adding a new section to 10 . 06 providing penalties therefor. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5G) _Prohibited Parking in a Fire Lane. ADOPTION of Ordinance 2615 relating to fire prevention; amending Chapter. 13 . 02 . 030 (G) , Kent City Code to amend penalty provisions for parking in a fire lane. WATER East Hill Well Improvements. Bid opening on the above referenced project was held February 26 , 1986 and the following four bids were received: Weber Electric $ 98 , 750 Omega Construction $102 , 940 Haga Construction $104 , 000 Lakeview Construction $104 , 800 The Public Works Director recommends that the project budget be increased from $100, 000 to $155, 000 with $55, 000 to be transferred from the unencumbered funds of the water utility. JOHNSON SO MOVED. Woods seconded and the motion carried. JOHNSON MOVED to award the contract for the East Hill Well Improvements to Weber Electric, Inc. in the amount of $98 , 750 plus tax. PARKS (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5K) Green River Corridor. ADOPTION of Ordinance 2616 relating to parks and recreation; recog- nizing and accepting the Green River Corridor, authorizing closure of Russell Road to through automotive traffic between Meeker Street and James Street ( S. 240th Street ) ; directing the opening of T. S. Russell Road conveyed under recording numbers 2801929 and 2801930, Records of King County, Washington, in the vicinity of Van Doren ' s Landing Park, and directing the City Attorney to proceed with any legal action necessary to establish rights to open said portion of Russell Road to pedestrian and nonmotorized vehicles ; ratifying and con- firming prior acts . This was discussed at the City Council workshop on February 24 , 1986 . - 3 - March 3 , 1986 INSURANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5L) Self Insurance of Property Damage on Certain Vehicles. AUTHORIZATION for the City to self- insure property damage on vehicles other than fire trucks, aid cars and large dump trucks as discussed at the Finance Committee meeting of February 14 . The City will continue to charge the departments and accumulate those funds in a self-insurance trust similar to the existing self-insurance trust currently operated by the City. COUNCIL CHAMBERS (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5M) Sound System Modification. As discussed with the Finance Committee, and based upon requests from various Councilmembers , AUTHOR- IZATION to sign an agreement to do a study of the options related to improving the sound system within the Council Chambers. Options will consider the possibility of Council Chamber remodel and the possible introduction of cable TV along with addressing the existing problems. SOCIAL SERVICE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5N) CONTRACTS Contract Authorization. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign the 1986 social service contracts with the following agencies: Kent Valley Youth Services , Kent Community Food Bank, Green River Community Health Services, Rape Relief and Domestic Abuse Women ' s Net- work. As discussed at the Finance Committee meeting on February 1 , these contracts are the same contracts that had previously been approved by the City Attorney and used for the last couple of years. The only change from prior year contracts are the inclusion of the 1986 budgeted amounts. HEALTH & Creation of LID 322 - Westview Terrace Sani- SANITATION tary Sewer Improvement. Resolution se this date for the public hearing on the form- ation of LID 322 for sanitary sewer improve- ments in the vicinity of S.E. 208th to S.E. 213th and from 97th Place S. to 102nd Avenue S.E. Proper legal notice has been given by the City Clerk. 4 - I March 3 , 1986 HEALTH & Director of Public Works Wickstrom noted SANITATION that this hearing was the result of a peti- tion from residents of the area, and that an informational meeting held on January 30 indicated that there was sufficient support to form an LID. The proposed project would include the installation of 8 inch or larger sanitary sewers , and 6 inch side sewers, at an estimated cost of $950 , 000 . 40. The area includes 180 single family parcels and each therefore would be assessed $5 , 277. 78 . Upon questions from the audience, Wickstrom explained that upon the passage of an ordi- nance to create an LID, a 30-day protest period begins. If protests are received from owners of land subject to more than 60% of the total of the assessments, the proposed project is cancelled. He explained that after the completion of an LID project, another hearing is held on the final assessment roll noting that at that time any portion of the assessment may be paid within the first 30 dys without interest. The balance is paid over a ten year period, in equal amounts, plus interest on the unpaid balance. Upon questions as to why the LID area wasn ' t larger, Wickstrom explained that the Seattle/ King County Department of Health had identified failing septic systems and due to the severity of the problem had approached the City about sanitary sewers. The City engineers requested that a petition be circulated. Such a peti- was received, containing 78 signatures, which was sufficient to start the process to form an LID. He pointed out that boundaries were not planned, that signing the petition was the property owners ' statement of interest in forming the LID. He noted that an attempt to enlarge the boundaries of this proposed project would cause considerable delay, and suggested that additional small LIDs could be formed and then the engineering and con- struction work could be combined. Several people questioned the requirement of an annexation covenant and some noted that they wanted the sewers but did not want to sign an annexation covenant. 5 - March 3 , 1986 HEALTH & Wickstrom explained that although the area SANITATION is within the City ' s franchise area , it is outside the City limits, and will , there- fore require the final approval of the King County Boundary Review Board. He clarified that to satisfy the Board the City will require that an annexation no-protest covenant be signed for each sewer permit issued. Pro- perties covered by such covenants will be counted as "yes" votes if an attempt is made to annex the area in the future. This procedure is an alternate to actually requir- ing annexation prior to forming an LID. Approximately 20 people participated in the discussion and after all who wished to speak had done so, WOODS MOVED to close the hearing. White seconded and the motion carried. The City Clerk noted receipt of a letter of protest from Jerry P. Gilmour of 9737 S. 212 . JOHNSON MOVED to file the letter for the record. Woods seconded and the motion carried. Johnson clarified that the decision to proceed with this project rested with the property owners within the boundaries of the proposed LID. He pointed out that the City could not finance a study for an area outside the City limits. White supported Wickstrom' s suggestion that areas not included in this proposed LID should petition the City for sewer lines through additional LIDs. He recommended that the progress of this project not be delayed, pointing out that the problems were serious . WOODS MOVED to direct the City Attorney to prepare the ordinance to create LID 322. White seconded and the motion carried. FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5B) Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through March 6 after auditing by the Operations Committee at its meeting at 8 : 30 a.m. on March 14 , 1986 . 6 - March 3 , 1986 COMMITTEE REPORTS Public Works Committee. Johnson noted that the Public Works Committee would meet at 4 : 00 p.m. on March 13 . EXECUTIVE SESSION At 8: 10 p.m. Mayor Kelleher announced that the Council would adjourn to an executive session for approximately 30 minutes . DiJulio noted that the subjects to be discussed ADJOURNMENT would be labor negotiations, litigation and property acquisition. At 8: 45 p.m. the City Attorney reported that an additional 20 minutes would be required. At 9 : 07 p.m. the Council reconvened in open session and WHITE MOVED to adjourn. Dowell seconded and the motion carried. Marie Jens , CMC City Clerk i 7 -