HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 02/03/1986 Kent- Washington February 3 , 1986 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7 : 00 o ' clock P.M. by Mayor Kelleher . Present : Mayor Kelleher, Councilpersons Bailey, Biteman, Dowell , Houser, Johnson, White and Woods , City Administrator Cushing , City Attorney DiJulio , Planning Director Harris, Public Works Director Wickstrom, and Finance Director McCarthy . Also present : Assistant City Administrator Webby, Fire Chief Angelo, Parks Director Wilson and Police Captain Rees . Approximately 50 people were in attendance at the meeting . PERSONNEL City Administrator . Mayor Kelleher noted that it was the last official Council meeting for City Administrator Cushing inasmuch as he has resigned his position with the City of Kent to take a similar position wityi the City of Olympia beginning February 18 , 1986 . Best wishes were extended to Mr . Cushing on his new endeavors . On behalf of the City and staff, Council President Johnson presented a plaque to Mr . Cushing signed by former Mayor Isabel Hogan and those councilpersons who had served during his seven years with the City. Resolution No . 1091 was introduced, commending Mr . Cushing for his integrity and for his dedicated service to the City . A framed copy of the Resolution, signed by Mayor Kelleher and by each Councilmember was then presented . JOHNSON MOVED to adopt Resolution No . 1.091 , Woods seconded . and the motion carried . PERSONNEL Employee of the Month. Brigitte Hoopes , Finance Department Employee and Payroll Bookkeeper in the Accounting Division was honored as February employee of the month for the City of Kent . A plaque was presented to Brigitte in honor of the occasion . PROCLAMATION Employee Recognition Week . A proclamation was read by Mayor Kelleher declaring the week of February 10 - 14 , 1986 as Employee Recognition Week in the City of Kent . CONSENT WOODS MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A through CALENDER P be approved, with the exception of Items D and E , which were removed at the request of Councilperson Bailey . J . Johnson seconded . 1 J 1, February 3, 1986 Motion carried . MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5A Approval of Minutes . APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of January 21 , 1986 and of the special meeting of January 17 , 1986 . HEALTH & ( CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5G) SANITATION Evergreen Hydraulics Bill of Sale . ACCEPTANCE for continuous operation and maintenance, the Bill of Sale and the Warranty Agreement for construction of approximately 86 feet of sanitary sewer extension in the vicinity of 84th Avenue S. & S. 218th Street for Evergreen Hydraulics and RELEASE of the cash bond after expiration of the one year maintenance period . (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5K) LID 322 - Westview Terrace Sewers . ADOPTION of Resolution 1092 setting March 3, 1966 as the date for a public hearing on the creation of Local Improvement District No . 322 for the Westview Terrace Sewer project . STREETS (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5L) LID 320 (James Street Improvements ) . ADOPTION of Resolution 1093 setting March 17 , 19 6 as the date for a public hearing on the creation of Local Improvement District 320 for improvements on James Street . TRAFFIC (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5J) CONTROL Crow Road Traffic Revisions . AUTHORIZATION to transfer 2,535 . 90 from the Completed Street Fund for completion of the traffic revisions to prohibit left turns from Kent/Kangley on to Crow Road and from Crow Road on to Kent/Kangley , as recommended by the Public Works Committee . ( CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5N) Parking Lot Modifications . APPROVAL of the parking lot modifications associated with the City/King County Library District parking lot at the southeast corner of Third Avenue and Gowe Street . Wickstrom clarified that the King County Library District concurs . CBD (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5M) IMPROVEMENTS LID 313 - CBD Improvements . ADOPTION of Ordinance 2 February 3 , 1986 2605 confirming the Final Assessment Roll for LID 313 , as approved at the January 4 Council meeting . LID 313 - CBD Improvements Bids . Bid opening was held on November 5 , 19 5 with three bids received . The low bid of $617 , 766 . 68 was submitted by R.W . Scott Construction Company . It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director that the low bid be accepted . WOODS MOVED that the low bid of $617 , 766 . 68 by R .W . Scott Construction Company be accepted for construction of the LID 313 improvements . Dowell seconded . Motion carried . STORM LID Segregation for Storm Drainage Utility . In DRAINAGE the process of acquiring properties for future drainage improvement projects identified in the Storm Drainage Utility Master Plan , it is necessary to clear outstanding LID assessments against land being acquired for the Valley Detention Basin and the Garrison Creek Detention Basin . It is recommended that authorization be given to segregate LID assessments affecting acquisition of these lands . J. JOHNSON MOVED that staff be authorized to segregate such LID assessments , Biteman seconded , and the motion carried . ANNEXATION East Hill Community Well Annexation - Area #1 . On May , 19 5 Council authorized execution of agreement with the East Hill Community Well Company for the City to take over water service to their existing customers . A requirement of that agreement was that at least 75 percent of the existing shareholders execute covenants to annex to the City. That requirement has been met and the covenants have been verified by the City Property Manager . It is now recommended that circulation of the 75% petition be authorized . WOODS SO MOVED, J . Johnson seconded , and the motion carried . SENIOR CENTER ( CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5C) Adult Day Care Program Grant . AUTHORIZATION to accept a $10, 100 grant from the Leon and Annette Bocker Fund through the Seattle Foundation for a 45 week pilot adult day care program and AUTHORIZATION to establish a project budget within the Senior Center budget . 3 February 3 , 1986 CORRECTIONS (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5D) FACILITY (REMOVED AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCILPERSON BAILEY) Corrections Facility Food Service Contract/Food Management Control , Inc . Authorization has been requested for the Mayor to sign the food service contract required for the new Corrections Facility . In response to Bailey ' s question, Police Captain Rees noted that the reference to cost of living increases on page 4 were tied to a consumer index for the Seattle area . DiJulio noted that the name of the particular index would be spelled out in the contract . BAILEY MOVED to authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement as requested, Woods seconded . Motion carried . ( CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5E) (REMOVED AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCILPERSON BAILEY) ( Corrections Facility Medical Services Contract . Authorization has also been requested for the Mayor to sign the contract with Seattle-King County Department of Public Health for medical services for the new Corrections Facility. Bailey questioned the references to "emergency services" and Rees clarified that in an emergency situation the Fire Department Medic-One staff would provide transportation to a hospital if needed . He pointed out that this was not part of the contract . BAILEY MOVED to authorize the Health Services Contract , Woods seconded , and the motion carried . ZONING ( CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 50) Buffering Between Parking Lots and Residential Uses . ADOPTION of Ordinance 2606 relating to planning and zoning, amending Section 15 .07 . 040(J) to revise landscaping requirements applicable to parking areas abutting residential zones . This matter was reviewed and approved by the Council at its meeting on January 21 , 1986 . BOARD OF ( CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5P) ADJUSTMENT Board of Adjustment . CONFIRMATION of the Mayor ' s appointments to the Board of Adjustment : 1 ) f%4ppointment of Walter Flue ( Term expires 2) Appointment of Beth Carroll to fill Christi 4 February 3, 1986 Houser ' s position. (Term expires 2/1991 ) 3 ) Appointment of Anne Biteman to fill the unexpired term of Steve Dowell . ( Term expires 2/1987 ) . STREET (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5H) LIGHTING Puget Power Grant . AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign a Puget Power Grant in the amount of $4 ,082 . 00 for rehabilitation of lighting on Meeker Street , as recommended by the Public Works Committee . UTILITY (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 51) LOCATIONS Computerization of Utility Locations . AUTHORIZATION to increase the l9bb budget in the amount of $50 , 000 for the development of the Utilities M&O Plan with the funds coming from the unencumbered funds of the Water , Sevier and Drainage Utilities . The funds would be used to develop a computerized mapping and inventory of the City' s existing utilities , as recommended by the Public Works Committee . COUNCIL Finance & Personnel . Bailey reported that the COMMITTEES Finance & Personnel Committee would meet on February 14, 1986 at 8 : 30 a.m. FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5B) Approval of Bills . APPROVAL of payment of bills received through February 6 , 1986 after auditing by the Finance Committee at its meeting at 4 : 00 p .m. on February 14 , 1986 . STREETS LID 321 - 104TH Avenue SE Improvements . This date has been set for the public hearing on the creation of LID 321 . The City Clerk has given proper legal notice of the hearing . Wickstrom noted that LID 321 was a combination utility and partial street improvement of 104th Avenue SE (Benson Highway) between SE 252nd and SE 242nd . He noted that the City of Kent Public Works Department initiated the project because the State is proceeding with the construction of the road improvement . The LID will bring sewer and water service to the properties before the road is constructed . Wickstrom noted that the total LID was estimated 5 i February 3, 1986 to be $403, 125 . 00 . The portion inside the City limits is $147, 604 . 33 and the outside portion is $ 255 , 520 . 67 . He pointed out that the State is proposing to improve the street to five lanes with curbs , gutters , sidewalks , street lights and underground power . The City ' s obligation for the portion of the street project within the City limits is $500 , 000 and the City will bear $425,000 of this , leaving $75, 000 to be assessed against the properties to be benefitted . Wickstrom further explained that all costs of the sewer and water improvements will be borne by the property owners . He explained the need for the improvements , the method used in figuring the assessments and the ten year installment payments . The public hearing was opened by Mayor Kelleher. There was no correspondence and no comments were made from the audience . JOHNSON MOVED that the hearing be closed, Bailey seconded, and the motion carried . WOODS MOVED that the City Attorney be directed to prepare the necessary ordinance creating LID 321, Johnson seconded . Motion carried . ADJOURNMENT JOHNSON MOVED that the meeting be adjourned at 7 : 40 p .m. , Woods seconded . Motion carried . Marie Jens n, CMC City Clerk 6