HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 01/21/1986 Kent, Washington January 21 , 1986 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7: 00 o' clock p.m. by Mayor Kelleher. Present: Councilmembers Bailey, Biteman, Houser, Johnson, White and Woods, City Administrator Cushing, City Attorney DiJulio, Planning Director Harris , Public Works Director Wickstrom and Finance Director McCarthy. Also present: Fire Chief Angelo and Parks Director Wilson. Approximately 40 people were in attendance. CONSENT CALENDAR BITEMAN MOVED that the Consent Calendar Items A through O be approved, with the exception of Item 5J, removed by Bailey. Johnson seconded and the motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5A) Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of January 6, 1986 and the special meeting of January 14 , 1986. HEALTH & (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5L) SANITATION Fourth Avenue Apartments. ACCEPTANCE of the bill of sale and warranty agreement for construction of approximately 670 feet of sanitary sewer exten- sion for the Fourth Avenue Apartments for continuous operation and maintenance and RELEASE of the cash bond after expiration of the one-year main- tenance period. STREET VACATION (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5D) Street Vacation - Portion of 80th Place South - Resolution. ADOPTION of Resolution No. 1089 setting a public hearing for February 18 on the petition of Burlington Northern Railroad/Mannesmann Tally to vacate a portion of 80th Avenue South. ANNEXATION ( CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5K) Ryan Number 3 Annexation. AUTHORIZATION to set February 18, 1986 as the date for a public hearing to consider annexation of approximately 15 acres south of S. 218th Street between 98th Avenue S. and the 9500 block. REZONE Pacific Industrial Concepts Rezone. On January 30 , 1985 , the Kent Hearing Examiner approved the application for rezone of property located in the vicinity of 212th and 64th Avenue, subject to meet- ing various Public Works requirements. These re- quirements have now been met and it is recommended the ordinance be adopted approving the rezone. JOHNSON MOVED to adopt Ordinance 2604 , White seconded. Motion carried. - 1 - January 21 , 1986 CBD IMPROVEMENTS LID 313 - CBD Improvements. Both the ordinance confirming the final assessment roll for LID 313 and awarding the bid for this project were removed from the agenda and will be considered at the next regular meeting on February 3 , 1986. ZONING CODE Amendment to the Zoning Code-Buffering between AMENDMENT Parking Lots and Residential Uses. On November 18 , 1985, the City Council moved to refer this amendment to the Public Works and Planning Committee. The proposed amendment to Section 15. 07. 040 J of the Kent Zoning Code relates to buffering park- ing lots and residential uses requiring an eight ( 8 ) foot high solid wood fence or equivalent. The Public Works and Planning Committee met on December 19 , 1985 and January 16 , 1986 to review additional information and elected to bring the issue back to the City Council meeting of January 21 , 1986 , with the modification listed in the accompanying staff memo. WOODS MOVED for the approval of the Public Works and Planning Committee ' s recommendation to modify the landscaping amendment to require a six ( 6 ) foot high solid wood or equivalent fence as buffering between parking lots and residential uses. White seconded and the motion carried. TREE PRESERVATION Repeal of Tree Preservation Ordinance. In accord- ance with Council action on January 6, 1986, the City Attorney has prepared an ordinance to repeal Ordinance 2452 . WOODS MOVED to remove this item from the agenda and to refer it to the Public Works and Planning Committee. Biteman seconded and asked that he be notified as to the Committee meeting date for discussion of this item. Woods noted that she and White and the Mayor had met with Planning Director Harris and had concurred in this proposed action. She noted that the com- mittee would consider this item early in February. Bailey stated that he had also been prepared to ask to have this item reconsidered. Upon Johnson' s question, Woods explained that it was hoped that the committee could propose a compromise which would be acceptable to all interested parties. The motion carried with Houser and Biteman dissent- ing. A letter opposing repeal of the ordinance from Richard Ogden of Kent Shires IV, received today, has been distributed to the Council and has been filed as a part of the record. 2 - i January 21 , 1986 STREET BANNERS (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5E) School Levy. AUTHORIZATION for placement of banners at Smith and Jason and the overpass of James at 100th Avenue to the Kent Citizens Levy Committee for the period January 28 to February 5 , 1986. CABLE TV (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5F) Renewal of CATV Administration Contract. AUTHORIZA- TION for the Mayor to sign the contract with 3-H Cable Communications Consultants for pro- fessional administrative services for 1986. The contract renewal has been reviewed and approved by the Council Finance/Personnel Committee and funding is provided in the 1986 Budget. GAMBLING TAX Gambling Tax Ordinance. The City Attorney has prepared Ordinance 2603 amending Chapter 5. 16 . 16 KCC to clarify a typo in the existing provisions , and to clarify a misunderstanding with respect to the application of penalty provisions in the collection of the gambling tax. BITEMAN MOVED to adopt Ordinance 2603 , Woods seconded. Motion carried. FIRE DEPARTMENT Fire Station Facility Bid. the mire Department advertised for bids for a new fire station under a lease, with option to purchase. One bid was received, from Corporate Property Investors. Jack Bennett of Corporate Property Investors and the architect described the proposed building and exhibited a display model . Mr. Bennett explained that the building would be leased to the city for 20 years with the city having multiple options to buy the facility. Lease for the first three years would be $65 , 000 each year, $91 , 861 for the next two years , and will be adjusted on the 6th, llth and 16th anniversaries of the lease commence- ment. Upon the recommendation of the City Attorney, BITEMAN MOVED to accept the bid from Corporate Property Investors and to authorize the Mayor to execute a lease-purchase agreement consistent with the terms of the bid. White seconded and the motion carried. BUSINESS LICENSES (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5C) Licensing Security Guards. AUTHORIZATION to renew for 1986 the contract with King County relating to licensing of private security guards and merchant patrolment operating within the City of Kent. The terms of the contract have not changed, and the City Attorney has recommended approval. - 3 - January 21 , 1 986 BUDGET (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5I ) 1985 Budget Adjustment Ordinance. ADOPTION of Ordinance 2602 authorizing the approval of $4, 333 , 433 in Citywide budget changes. For the most part, these changes have been approved dur- ing the year in various Council minutes. A copy of each change, by fund, was presented and dis- cussed in detail with the Finance Committee at the January 15 meeting where the adoption of this Budget Change Ordinance was recommended. CITY HALL (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5J) PARKING REMOVED BY COUNCILMEMBER BAILEY City Hall Parking Lot Modifications. The Traffic Division has developed an alternative parking lot configuration, which was discussed at the workshop of January 13 , and it has been recommended that authorization be given to proceed with the modifi- cations. Bailey noted that there was a question regarding the library parking lot and Cushing noted that changes would not be made until the question of title was clarified. Upon his recommendation BAILEY MOVED, and Johnson seconded to proceed with the modifications as outlined, with the exception of the lot in question, along with approval to overrun the 1986 Building budget in the amount of $3 , 665 to finance the modification:. Motion carried. ARTS COMMISSION (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5M) Arts Commission Appointment. CONFIRMATION of Mayor ' s appointment of Susan Jones to fill the unexpired term of Lori Severeid which expires October 1987 and Sulyn Warner-Bean to fill the unexpired term of Marilee Kiene which expires October 1989 . LIBRARY BOARD (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5N) Library Board Appointment. CONFIRMATION of the Mayor ' s appointment of Stephen L. Johnson to the Kent Library Board to fill the unexpired term of Jim Thorpe. This term expires October 1986 . PLANNING (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 50) COMMISSION Planning Commission Appointments. CONFIRMATION of the Mayor ' s reappointment of Raymond Ward and Robert Badger to the Planning Commission. These terms will expire December 1988. 4 - January 21 , 1986 FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5B) Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through January 23 , 1986 after auditing by the Finance Committee at its meeting at 4: 00 p.m. on January 31 , 1986 . (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5H) Accounts Receivable Write-Offs. AUTHORIZATION wrtf 2 , 011 outstanding accounts ton receivable, turning these accounts over to the City Attorney for possible legal action. The individual items are included in the memo distri- buted describing the total accounts receivable process. The memo and the procedures were dis- cussed with the Finance Committee at the January _ 5 meeting. Based upon the advice of the State Auditor, the City Attorney' s Office and the fact that the time spent in locating certain accounts is not cost effective, the Finance Committee recommends these write-offs. PERSONNEL (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5G) Renewal of the Employee Assistance Program Pro- fessional Services Contract. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign the contract with the Southeast Community Alcohol Center for professional ser- vices for 1986 . The contract renewal has been reviewed and approved by the Council Finance/ Personnel Committee and funding is provided in the 1986 Budget. City Administrator. Resolution 1090 has been prepared noting that Richard Cushington has announced his resignation from the position of City Administrator. The resolution authorizes the Mayor to execute an agreement with Walden & Company to provide for executive search and con- sultation services to fill the position and acknowledges that the City Attorney will serve as Acting City Administrator. WOODS MOVED to adopt _Resolution 1090 . Houser seconded and the motion carried. COUNCIL ABSENCE Bailey noted he would be out of the state and MOVED to have his absence excused for the following meetings : March 3 , March 17 and April 2 . Woods seconded and the motion carried. - 5 - January 21 , 1986 EXECUTIVE SESSION Mayor Kelleher noted that the Council would meet in executive session to discuss the following items: 1 . Mill Creek Construction - Aldrich Litigation 2. Embar - Kent Litigation (Ag zoning) 3. Cambridge Development Potential Litigation 4. Midway Sand and Gravel 5. Discussion of Qualifications of Candidates for the Council Vacancy The Mayor noted that the session would last approxi- mately 25 minutes and that he would ask to be excused from the No. 5 item. Houser noted that Charles Lambert, candidate for the vacant Council position, had been out of town during the Special Meeting of January 17 , and that he had, therefore not had the opportunity to give his three-minute presentation to the Council. Mr. Lambert then made a short statement and the Council recessed to executive session at 7: 22 p.m. At 7: 45 p.m. it was announced that an additional twenty minutes was required. The open meeting was reconvened at 8 : 07 p.m. Mill Creek Construction - Aldrich & Associates. WOODS MOVED to accept the tentative settlement agreement and to authorize the reallocation of $15 , 000 from the Sidewalk LID Participation Fund and $15, 000 from the Canyon Drive Sidewalk Improve- ment Fund for the payment thereof. Biteman seconded and the motion carried. Council Vacancy. Mayor Kelleher declared nomina- tions to be open for the Council vacancy. On behalf of the Council, Johnson expressed appreci- ation to all who had expressed interest in serving. He encouraged the remaining twelve candidates to seek appointments to the City ' s various boards and commissions, through the Mayor ' s office. Woods nominated Laurel Whitehurst to fill the vacant position and White nominated Stephen Dowell . There were no further nominations and the Mayor declared nominations to be closed. Upon a show of hands, Woods and Johnson voted for Whitehurst and Bailey, Biteman, Houser and White voted for Dowell. Dowell was then sworn in by the City Clerk. ADJOURNMENT There was no further business and Mayor Kelleher adjourned the meeting at 8: 30 p.m. Marie Jensen, CMC City Clerk 6 -