HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 10/07/1985 Kent, Washington October 7 , 1985 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7 . 00 o ' clock p.m. by Mayor Hogan. Present: Mayor Hogan, Council- persons Bailey, Biteman, Johnson, Kelleher, Leahy and White, City Administrator Cushing, City Attorney DiJulio, Planning Director Harris and Public Works Director Wickstrom. Also present: Assistant City Administrator Webby, Fire Chief Angelo, Information Services Director Spang and Parks Director Wilson. Councilperson Woods and Finance Director McCarthy were not in attendance. Approximately 35 people were present. PERSONNEL Employee of the Month. Richard Coolidge, recipient of the Employee of the Month Award for October, was presented with a plaque by Information Services Director Spang. Coolidge was recognized for his outstanding services and dedication to the City as a computer programmer-analyst over the past fourteen years . PROCLAMATION Chamber of Commerce. A proclamation was read by Mayor Hogan observing the month of October, 1985 as Pride in the Chamber Month. CONSENT JOHNSON MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A through CALENDAR L be approved, with the exception of Item D which was removed at the request of Bailey and Item M, removed by DiJuliO, Biteman seconded. Motion carried. MINUTES ( CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5A) Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of September 16 , 1985 and correction to page six of the minutes of the September 3 , 1985 meeting as follows: 1982 Water Revenue Bonds - Reallocation Authorization to transfer $325T990 $327 , 000 from the Impoundment Reser- voir Fund to the Kent Springs Trans- mission Main Replacement Fund. ANNEXATION Moore Annexation. On August 7 , 1985 , the Hearing Examiner held a public hearing to consider initial zoning to be assigned to property recently annexed to the City of Kent, known as the Moore Annexation. The annexation contains approximately 2 . 76 acres and is located at the northwest corner of Military and Reith Roads. Under the provisions of City of - 1 - October 7, 1985 ANNEXATION Kent Ordinance 2469 , the Council will hold two or more public hearings, at least 30 days apart, upon receipt of the recommendation of the Hearing Examiner for the initial zoning classification. The City Clerk has given proper legal notice for both hearings. On August 21 , 1985 , the Hearing Examiner recommended that the zoning classification of the Moore Annexa- tion be consistent with the goals of the City-wide Comprehensive Plan and the West Hill Plan; and that the subject property be zoned R1-7. 2 , Single Family Residential , with minimum lot sizes of 7 , 200 square feet. The public hearing was opened by Mayor Hogan. There were no comments from the audience and no correspondence has been received. JOHNSON MOVED to continue the public hearing to November 18, 1985 for final action, White seconded. Motion carried. HEALTH & ( CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5C) SANITATION LID 299 - Charge in Lieu of Assessment. ADOPTION of Ordinance 2584 entitled: AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Washington, relating to LID 299 and the City ' s system of sewerage; accepting $4 , 060. 38 pursuant to Ordi- nance 2577 as a charge in lieu of assessment; directing the Supervisor of Treasury Accounting to deposit $4, 060. 38 in the System of SewerageCouncil Fund. (Ordinance 2577 was adopted by the on September 3 , 1985 . ) (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5H) Sunrise Point Apartments . ACCEPTANCE of the bill of sale and warranty agreement for continuous operation and maintenance of approximately 1480 feet of water main extension and approximately 1387 feet of sewer main extension constructed in the vicinity of 109th Avenue S.E. and S.E. 256th for the Sunrise Point Apartments and RELEASE of cash bond after expiration of the one year maintenance period. WATER (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5I ) Request for Time Payment of Water Charge in Lieu of Asessment - Seek. As recommended by the Public Works Committee, APPROVAL of time payments for the 2 - i October 7 , 1985 WATER water charge in lieu of assessment by Ronald Seek in the amount of $2 , 768. 38, for property located at 12031 Kent Kangley Road and AUTHORIZATION for the City Treasurer to prepare the necessary note. STREETS (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5L) S.E. 256th Avenue and 116th Avenue S.E. Inter- section Improvements. AUTHORIZATION to transfer $16 , 000 from the Street Division ' s annual over- lay budget to this project fund. S.E. 256th Avenue and 116th Avenue S.E. Inter- section Improvements. Bid opening was held September 11 , 1985 , with two bids received. The low bid was submitted by Signal Electric in the amount of $244 , 147. 44. It is recommended the low bid be accepted. KELLEHER MOVED that the bid submitted by Signal Electric in the amount of $244 , 147 . 44 for the S.E. 256th Avenue and 116th Avenue S.E. Intersection Improvements be accepted, Biteman seconded. Motion carried. (CONSFNT C'ALFNDAR ITEM 5K) Railroad/City Agreement. ADOPTION of Ordinance_ 2585 entitled: AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Washington authorizing an agreement for a signal system interconnect and a wire line crossing across the property and under the tracks of Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Company and Union Pacific Railroad Company at milepost 167. 27. (James Street Pedestrian Crossing. ) This ordinance authorizes the Mayor to sign the agreement with the Railroad covering underground power lines for the James Street Pedestrian Crossing. SURPLUS (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5J) EQUIPMENT Sale of Surplus Equipment. AUTHORIZATION to declare as surplus, Equipment Rental Department units numbers 54 , 81 , 105, 734 , 721 , 60 , 14, 162 , 384 , 369 , 371 , 370 , 386 , 389 , 377 , 302 , 301 and the following vehicles : 1974 Chevy Monte Carlo, 1975 Ford Pinto, 1964 Chevrolet Chevelle, 1972 Dodge Pickup and approval of the sale thereof . - 3 - i October 7 , 1985 KENT COMMONS Energy Modifications to Kent Commons. No bids were received for energy modifications to the Kent Commons. The packet will be restructured by the Commons Facility Manager and resubmitted. JOHNSON MOVED to authorize a recall for bids, Leahy seconded. Motion carried. CITY BUILDINGS Engineering Department Heating and Cooling Revisions. KELLEHER MOVED that the recommendation of the Public Works Director be approved and the bid from IMS Refrigeration, Inc. in the amount of $34 , 700.10 be accepted and that $15, 000 be trans- ferred from the completed street fund to this project. Biteman seconded and the motion carried. FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5B) Payment of Bills . APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through October 4 , 1985 after auditing by the Finance Committe at its meeting at 4: 00 p.m. on October 15 , 1985. PARKS ( CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5F) DEPARTMENT Parks Department Exchange of Property. AUTHORIZA- TION for the City Attorney to prepare the necessary Ordinance to provide for the exchange for a sixty foot parcel of land in Southcenter Corporate Park for a sixty-five foot parcel in Southcenter Corporate Park. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5G) Amendment to Van Doren ' s Landing Contract Award. APPROVAL to correct and amend the Council authori- zation of April 15 , 1985 for the Van Doren ' s Landing Park Contract in the amount of $176 , 212 plus tax to R. W Scott Construction. The amount of the award is corrected and amended to $185, 212 plus tax. New Senior Center. A slide presentation was made by Parks Director Wilson regarding the new Senior Center site preparation. He referred to the pro- posed schedule for work on the project, noting that completion was expected by October, 1986 with an open house to be held in November, 1986 , and occupancy to take place by December of that year. He also noted that the ground-breaking ceremony was scheduled for October 16 at 10: 30 a.m. 4 - October 7, 1985 PERSONNEL (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5D) REMOVED AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCILMEMBER BAILEY Salary Reclassifications. The Finance & Personnel Committee reviewed certain salary reclassifica- tion proposals at its meetings on September 16 , 1985 and September 30 , 1985. BAILEY MOVED to adopt the salary reclassifications distributed with the agenda , with the exception of the reclassification suggested for Carol Storm of the Engineering Department. Kelleher seconded. Bailey clarified that the position in question would be persued through other administrative procedures. Motion carried. Meter Reader Position. In a memo distributed with the agenda packet, City Administrator Cushing noted that an additional half time meter reader position had been authorized in the Finance Department. After interviews, it was determined that the most qualified person was related to a City employee, but that the employee works in a different department and no supervisory relation- ship would be involved. Since City practice requires Council approval for hiring a relative, LEAHY MOVED to approve said hiring and Bailey seconded. At Biteman ' s request, the City Clerk read the appropriate sections of the City Policy Manual regarding the hiring of relatives . The motion carried. ARTS (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5E) COMMISSION Appointments. CONFIRMATION of the Mayor ' s appoint- ment of Merrily Manthey to the Arts Commission to fill the unexpired term of June Mercer; Leslie Ann Barstow to fill the unexpired term of Julie Patterson; and the reappointment of Sue Cannole. These terms will expire in October, 1989. RESOLUTION (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5M) TO CONGRESS REMOVED AT THE REQUEST OF CITY ATTORNEY DIJULIO Resolution to Congress . A resolution has been prepared opposing the adoption by Congress of the Administration ' s Federal Income Tax proposal as it relates to elimination of tax exempt status to municipal bonds and obligations. DiJulio noted that the proposed resolution would be deferred to the Council meeting of October 21 , 1985. - 5 - October 7, 1985 OUT OF STATE Mayor Hogan referred to the recent death of Herbert TRAVEL Bayer, designer of the Earthworks Sculpture, and noted that a memorial service was to be held in California in his honor on October 17. She requested authorization to attend the services if her schedule permits . Since sufficient funds are available in her budget for such a trip, BAILEY MOVED to authorize the said out of state travel , Kelleher seconded. Motion carried. TREE Mayor Hogan noted that a letter had been received PRESERVATION from Dunham' s Super Market relative to the possible removal of some large trees near the street. She requested that the matter be referred to the Parks Committee and noted that she would like to be part of any discussion regarding the decision as to the trees. White noted that the Dunhams had indicated a willingness to pay the replacement costs for some smaller trees. Mayor Hogan noted, however, that there was also value to the trees that are presently there and that costs would also be involved in their removal. WHITE MOVED that the matter be referred to the Parks Committee, Johnson seconded. Bailey suggested that a member of the Planning staff be included during any such discussion. Motion carried. STREET BANNERS Kent Youth Soccer Association. Bailey noted that a letter had been received from Kent Youth Soccer Association seeking permission for a street banner on November 2 and 3 , 1985. It was deter- mined that the City is still in the process of establishing criteria for banner placement and that recently a similar request from Green River Com- munity College was denied. DiJulio clarified that the Council moratorium is still in effect. BAILEY MOVED that the Kent Youth Recreation Soccer Assoc- iation be advised that no banner placement will be allowed at this time. White seconded. In response to questions from White, DiJulio noted that the moratorium, adopted earlier this year, could be lifted by majority vote of the Council. He noted that the moratorium had been put in place in order to allow guidelines to be established. Bailey withdrew the motion, White the second. WHITE MOVED that the moratorium on street banners be lifted and the request of Kent Youth Soccer Association approved for November 2 and 3 , 1985 . 6 - October 7 , 1985 STREET BANNERS Kelleher seconded. Upon Bailey' s question, White suggested that establishment of guidelines had been under consideration for a long period of time. He noted that many service groups attracted a large number of people to the area and that the Soccer Youth Group especially should be made welcome. It was determined that the motion would lift the moratorium for this one request only, until guidelines were established. The motion carried, with Johnson and Leahy voting no. TRAFFIC CONTROL Crow Road. White noted that several accidents had occurred at the intersection of the Crow Road and Kent Kangley Road and asked that the pro- blems at this intersection be discussed at the next Public Works Committee and possibly have some input from the Public Safety Committee. HOUSING Receipt of a letter was acknowledged from Washing- ton State Housing Finance Commission relating to the 1984A Single-Family Mortgage Revenue Bond Program. The letter has been distributed and was filed for the record, by motion. i MIDWAY LANDFILL Copies of an announcement of a public meeting regarding the Midway Landfill were distributed and filed for the record. The flyer, signed by Bob Brown and Waneta Bosshart, urged community residents to come to the Parkside School on October 15 at 7 : 00 p.m. to meet with DOE repre- sentatives. REVIEW OF Review of Regulatory Processes. In accordance REGULATORY with Resolution No. 1023 , a public hearing is PROCESSES scheduled for this meeting to review the City ' s regulatory processes . The City Clerk has given proper legal notice for such a hearing. Planning Director Harris noted that the Planning Depart- ment had designed forms for use by the public to provide for an orderly review of specific City regulations. A copy of the form was included in the agenda packet. He noted that the Plan- ning Department had utilized such a form to request a change in a section of the Zoning Code relat- ing to landscaping of parking areas. He suggested that the Council refer this to the Planning Com- - 7 - October 7, 1985 REVIEW OF mission for review and recommendation to the REGULATORY Council. White suggested that the form could PROCESSES be simplified, using less technical terms. The public hearing was then opened by Mayor Hogan, and the City Clerk noted that no correspondence had been received. Jack Elder, President of the Chamber of Commerce, noted that the Chamber had concerns over several regulations, which would be listed in a letter to be delivered tomorrow. He noted that the letter would be followed by a more detailed review from the Chamber, using the City' s new format. BAILEY MOVED to close the public hearing and Johnson seconded. The motion carried. Bailey suggested that when the Chamber ' s letter was submitted that it be directed to the Mayor and Administrator and Council President for review and then be referred to the various depart- ments affected before the particular concerns come to the Council and HE SO MOVED. Johnson seconded. White noted that it was his understanding that the Council was to have a public hearing to review any ordinances that the public wanted to change. He expressed concern that the format suggested by the Planning Department had just been made available and should have been available to the general public two or three weeks ago. He referred specifically to the fact that the only change suggested at this hearing was the one recommended by the Planning Department. Mayor Hogan noted that the Chamber seemed to be the only group which was raising questions and that they seem to be agreeable to using the format when their con- cerns are sent to the City. White contended that there was not much point in having a public hearing under these circumstances. Mayor Hogan noted that the public hearing was now in fact closed. Biteman questioned as to what the procedure would now be. Mayor Hogan noted that all concerns submitted would be directed to the City Administration and would then be 8 - October 7 , 1985 REVIEW OF referred to specific departments for response REGULATORY before coming back before the Council at workshops PROCESSES or committee meetings. She further clarified that those concerned would have the opportunity to give their views on suggested changes as they would be informed as to when the matter would be brought back before the Council . In response to Kelleher ' s questions regarding suggested action, White pointed out that the Chamber of Commerce was obviously not ready for this hearing, nor was the staff prepared with the format. Cushing clari- fied that it had not been expected that input received at this hearing would be in the proposed new format, but rather that concerns would be presented. The concerns would later be developed in the proposed format. Cushing noted further for Biteman that the forms would be available to concerned citizens any time during the year in the Planning Department. Kelleher noted that he had no objections to Bailey ' s motion but suggested that the course of action should be determined by the Council and that the Council should be aware of the pro- posals before referral to the various depart- ments. Bailey noted that his motion included the Mayor, Administration and the Council President. He further noted that the proposal was to bring all the various matters before the Council at one time rather than over several months, as well as giving concerned citizens the opportunity to meet with Administration and other interested departments with a view to resolving the concerns. It was also pointed out that the public was invited to participate in the committee meetings , or the workshops. Kelleher noted that he would like to see the procedure spelled out. Cushing clarified for White that the forms could be available anywhere but they had originated in the Planning Department. It was determined that the forms would be available in all of the City offices. There was no further discussion and the motion carried. KELLEHER MOVED to refer the amendment to the Zoning Code proposed by the Planning Department to the Planning Commission. Bailey seconded and the motion carried. 9 - I October 7, 1985 ADJOURNMENT JOHNSON MOVED that the meeting be adjourned at 7: 50 p.m. , Leahy seconded. Motion carried. Marie J en, CMC City Clerk - 10 -