HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 09/03/1985 Kent, Washington
September 3 , 1985
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7 : 00
o 'clock p.m. by Mayor Hogan. Present : Mayor Hogan, Councilmembers
Bailey, Biteman, Johnson, Kelleher, Leahy, White and Woods, City
Administrator Cushing, City Attorney DiJulio, Planning Director Harris
and Public Works Director Wickstrom. Finance Director McCarthy was
not in attendance. Also present: Assistant City Administrator Webby.
Nineteen people were in attendance at the meeting.
j EMPLOYEE OF Director of Public Works Wickstrom introduced
THE MONTH Gary Van Auken of the Street Department who
has been chosen Employee of the Month for
September. Van Auken has worked for the City
for 15 years and was commended for the consistent
quality of his work and for his willingness to
serve on various committees. City Administrator
Cushing noted especially the contribution Van Auken
made to the Employee Recognition Committee. Wick-
strom presented a plaque on behalf of the City.
CONSENT JOHNSON MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A
CALENDAR through H be approved, Woods seconded. Motion
Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of
the regular Council meeting of August 19, 1985.
SANITATION Kent-Kangley Multifamily Units. ACCEPTANCE of
the bill of sale and warranty agreement for con-
tinuous operation and maintenance of approximately
2 , 030 fet of water main extension and approximately
1 , 350 feet of sanitary sewer extension constructed
in the vicinity of Kent-Kangley and 116th Avenue
S. E. AUTHORIZATION to release the cash bond
after expiration of one-year maintenance period.
North Central Right-of-Way - LID 318. AUTHORIZA-
TION for necessary right-of-way documents to be
signed, as depicted in the LID 318 North Central
Street Improvment Project map.
North Central Puget Power Easements. AUTHORIZA-
TION to grant necessary easements to Puget Power
for the North Central Street Widening Project.
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September 3 , 1985
Armstrong Springs Well. AUTHORIZATION to transfer
$3 , 431 from the unencumbered water funds to the
Armstrong Springs Well Fund.
West Hill Water Pressure. At Kelleher ' s request,
Wickstrom explained that a problem had developed
causing a delay today, but that the water pressure
would be increased by ten pounds immediately. The
residents will be notified as to the date the
pressure will be increased to the full thirty
Pump Station No. 5 Conversion. Bid opening was
held August 15 with two bids received. The bids
have been reviewed and it is recommended that the
low bid of $42 , 840 from Lucas Industrial Electric
be accepted. BITEMAN MOVED that the bid for the
Pump Station No. 5 Conversion Project be awarded
to Lucas Industrial Electric at $42 , 840, White
seconded. Motion carried.
Housing opinion Survey. AUTHORIZATION for the
j Planning Department to contract with Hebert
Research, Inc. to proceed with the public opinion
survey as part of the work program on housing
issues presented to the City Council on July 8.
An amount of $4 , 500 , to complete the survey, is
requested to come from unexpended Federal Revenue
Sharing Funds.
Upon questions from Biteman, Harris noted that
this material was presented at a workshop session
in July, after which the Planning Department
had talked to consultants about the housing survey
consisting of 200 interview random samples to
get at the affordable housing issue, by targeting
specific points. Biteman noted that he had
learned at conferences and by serving on committees
that probably 200 of the cost of housing was
attributable to permit costs . Harris pointed
that this survey would be a combination of things
-- an opinion survey from the citizens, how they
feel about housing and opinions from three
different neighborhoods, all of which would be
combined toward forming a housing issues program.
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September 3 , 1985
HOUSING Kelleher noted that after the committee presented
the program, Bailey had suggested that one of the
ways to look at the overall housing policies would
be to go out into the community and to conduct a
survey. Biteman noted that he had been on vaca-
tion for two weeks in July and had missed a meeting.
He stated that he would like to see the type
of questions
ns which would be asked. Harris noted
that this subject was scheduled for the next
workshop and the qu
estions would be availab
and the matter could be further discussed. He
clarified that the questionnaires would be put
together by experts. Bailey noted that the majority
of the Council had agreed that such expert assis-
tance was needed, and that Biteman should not
now request that he review the questionnaire
before it was sent. Biteman stated that the last
time the City conducted a survey, the question-
naire was beautifully written but the people did
not understand it. He opined that if the City
is spending the money, we should know what direc-
tion the survey is to take and what the consul-
tant is attempting to gain by it.
A letter from the Chamber of Commerce, dated
August 26 has been distributed to the Council
and was filed for the record by motion.
PLAT Strains First Addition. The City Attorney has pre-
pared Ordinance 2577 reinstituting Strain' s First
Addition Plat, with conditions as contained in
the ordinance.
The plat was approved on August 4 , 1980 with
certain conditions which were fulfilled. The
current owner wishes to transfer interests in
the property and to accomplish this the vacation
must be set aside. KELLEHER MOVED to adopt
Ordinance 2577 , Leahy seconded. Motion carried.
ECONOMIC Northwest Aluminum Products. The EDC has approved
DEVELOPMENT the issuance of industrial development bonds for
CORPORATION Northwest Aluminum Products, and approval of the
City Council is necessary. Bond Counsel has pre-
pared Resolution 1068 as follows:
A RESOLUTION of the City Council
of the City of Kent, Washington, approv-
ing the issuance of industrial development
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September 3 , 1985
ECONOMIC bonds by the City of Kent Economic
DEVELOPMENT Development Corporation for $2 , 300, 000,
CORPORATION and approving Resolution No. 1985-27 of
the City of Kent Economic Development
Corporation authorizing the sale of
the bonds to provide funds to finance
certain industrial development facil-
ities for Northwest Aluminum Products,
Inc. in the City of Kent, Washington,
and related matters ; approving execution
and delivery by the City of Kent Economic
Development Corporation of the Indenture
of Trust and Loan Agreement both
dated as of August 1, 1985 and
other related financing documents.
LEAHY MOVED to adopt Resolution 1068, Woods
seconded. Motion carried, with Kelleher abstaining.
TRAFFIC Safeco Golf Classic. Cushing noted that a request
CONTROL had been received to place directional signs in
the public rights of way from September 8 to
September 16. WOODS MOVED to approve the request.
White seconded and the motion carried. As a
member of the Meridian Valley Country Club, Bailey
40th - 42nd Avenue S. Kelleher noted that the
Public Works Committee had met with residents
of the area and that the staff recommendation
is to install nine speed humps, four inches in
height, spaced at 500 feet. WHITE MOVED to adopt
the staff recommendations, and for the humps to
be the same height and width as those on 38th
Avenue and for the Attorney to prepare the required
ordinance. Bailey seconded. Wickstrom noted
that there was no problem in changing the speci-
fications for the humps , or in making the base
12 feet wide.
Upon Johnson ' s question about signing, Transport-
ation Engineer Ken Morris noted that large warning
signs would be installed reading "Speed Humps"
and that the signs on 38th would be repainted.
Kelleher stated that the staff had noted that the
addition of "Stop" signs would be the next option
and that the residents of the area were in favor
of this. He noted that he wished to go on record
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September 3 , 1985
TRAFFIC as supporting the addition of "Stop" signs on
CONTROL 42nd Avenue S . at the intersection of Cambridge
Drive and Hampton Way, S. 262nd and 42nd Avenue
South and S. 268th and 40th Avenue S. , although
there was no support for this option from other
Councilmembers .
The motion to have the ordinance prepared carried
PLANNED UNIT Kelleher noted that the Planning Commission' s
DEVELOPMENT/ proposal would limit the useof density bonuses
MIXED UNIT in a PUD to proposals which would call for a mixed
DEVELOPMENT use of housing. Upon the recommendation of the
Planning Committee, he MOVED for the Council
to delay action on the PUD/MUD Ordinance pending
a comprehensive review by the Planning Commission
of those City Housing goals and objectives for
which no standards or regulations have been
developed but which the City may still choose
to promote through the use of incentives. The
review would also include an evaluation of poten-
tial incentive techniques which might be used to
encourage the implementation of those goals and
objectives. Woods seconded. It was determined
that the Council could request a report from
the Commission before a lengthy study was under-
taken. Motion carried.
PARKS Bailey noted that the Parks Committee would meet
at 9 : 00 a.m. on September 16 and that the Kiabara
Park dedication was scheduled for Saturday, Septem-
ber 7 , at 1 : 00 p.m.
Woodland Park Zoo Project. Bailey noted that
Johnson had referred a letter to the Parks Committee
from Mrs. North relating to the proposed County
wide bond issue proposal in the amount of
$33 million for the Woodland Park Zoo Project.
He noted that the Finance Committee had discussed
the matter and the concensus was that there pro-
bably would not be a direct impact on the City
of Kent but that this might impact our future
bond issues . Bailey pointed out that the Committee
had made no recommendation and thought it would
be prudent to take no action.
Woods noted that the City of Renton had approved
the proposal in concept only and encouraged the
County to place the proposal on the ballot, and
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September 3, 1985
PARKS that this action could also be taken by Kent.
It was determined that the City Administrator
would respond to the letter from Mrs. North.
Mayor Hogan noted that she had agreed to be a
co-chairman on this bond issue proposal and that
she asked the County to support the issue and to
place it on the ballot . The Council has received
a copy of a letter dated August 1.6, from County
Executive Revelle to Gary Grant, relating to this
subject. The letter has been made a part of the
official record.
Women' s Regional Tournament. Mayor Hogan noted
receipt of a letter from Kent Morrill compli-
menting the Parks & Recreation Department for the
manner in which the Women' s Regional "B" Tourna-
ment was conducted in August. The letter has been
filed for the record.
Payment of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the
bills received through September 6 , after auditing
by the Finance Committee at its meeting at 4: 00
p.m. on September 1.6 , 1985.
CORRECTED • REFER TO 1982 Water Revenue Bonds - Reallocation. AUTHORI-
ZATION to transfer $325 , 000 from the Impoundment
/0'7'-8� Reservoir Fund to the Kent Springs Transmission
Main Replacement Fund.
COUNCIL Public Safety Committee. Biteman noted that
COMMITTEES the Public Safety Committee would meet on
Thursday, September 5 at 4 : 30 p.m.
FIRE DEPARTMENT Retirement. It was noted that the City had pre-
sented a plaque to Battalion Chief Eugene Larcom
upon his retirement after serving 30 years as a
volunteer fire fighter in Kent.
METRO A letter from Metro dated August 12 announcing
vacancies on several committees has been distri-
buted and filed for the record.
ADJOURNMENT BAILEY MOVED that the meeting be adjourned at
7 : 45 p.m. , Woods seconded. Motion carried.
Marie Jensen, CMC
City Clerk
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