HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 08/05/1985 Kent, Washington August 5 , 1985 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7 : 00 o' clock p.m. by Mayor Hogan. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilmembers Bailey, Biteman, Johnson, Kelleher, Leahy, White and Woods , Assistant City Administrator Webby, City Attorney DiJulio, Planning Director Harris and Public Works Director Wickstrom. Approximately 30 people were in attendance at the meeting. AWARDS Employee of the Month. Information Services Director Ron Spang introduced Joan Michaud of the Word Process- ing Division, Employee of the Month for August. Joan was commended for her dependability, efficiency and her positive attitude. On behalf of the City, Mayor Hogan presented Joan with a plaque. CONSENT JOHNSON MOVED that the Consent Calendar Items A CALENDAR through S be approved with the exception of Item R, removed at the request of Kelleher. ( CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5A) MINUTES Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of July 15 , 1985. ECONOMIC City of Kent Economic Development Corporation, Meteor DEVELOPMENT Building Associates Application. Meteor Building CORPORATION Associates have applied for Industrial Development Bond financing through the City of Kent Economic Development Corporation. Federal income tax regula- tions relating to the bond issue require that a public hearing be held on the proposed issue of Industrial Development Bonds. Public notice of tonight ' s hearing has been given by the City Clerk. The public hearing was opened by Mayor Hogan. There were no comments from the audience and the Clerk noted that no correspondence had been received. BITEMAN MOVED to close the public hearing, Leahy seconded. Motion carried. The City Attorney noted that no action was required at this meeting. HOUSING & 1986 Housing and Community Development Block Grant COMMUNITY Program. A public hearing was scheduled for this DEVELOPMENT date to consider adoption of Kent ' s 1986 Community Development Local Program Policies. The draft docu- ment was reviewed by the Public Works and Planning Committee on July 18, 1985 . The public hearing was opened by Mayor Hogan. There were no comments from the audience and the Clerk noted tha no corres- pondence had been received. JOHNSON MOVED to close the public hearing, Woods seconded. Motion carried. KELLEHER MOVED that Kent ' s 1986 Community Development Local Program Policies be approved as described in the draft document. Woods seconded. Motion carried. - 1 - i August 5, 1985 (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5F) HOUSING & Letter of Intent to Apply for Housing and Community COMMUNITY Development Block Grant Funds for Public (Human) DEVELOPMENT Services. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign a letter of intent to the King County Housing and Com- munity Development Division to apply for 1986 Block Grant Funds for Public (Human) Services Funding. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5G) and Community Letter of Intent to Apply for Housing a Y Development Block Grant Planning and Administration Funding. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign a le tt of intent to King County Hous ing and Community for use of 1986 Bloc k Development Division to apply Grant Funds for Planning and Program Administrat ion. (CONSE NT CALE NDAR ITEM 5H) HEALTH & Buetow Water and Sewer Extension. ACCEPTANCE of the SANITATION bill of sale and warranty agreement for continuous operation and maintenance of approximately 135 feet of water main and 135 feet of sanitary sewer extension constrLuted in the vicinity of 124th Avenue S. E. and S.E. 253rd Street, and rel ease of the cash bond after expiration of the one year maintenance period. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5N) LID 315 74th Ave S. and S. 259th Street Utility Improvements. AUTHORIZATION for City Attorney to prepare an ordinance to repeal Ordinance 2470 which established and created LID 315. Midway Landfill. Mayor Hogan noted that a copy of the draft EIS for the Midway Landfill Closure Plan is on file in the City Clerk' s office. An informal workshop will be conducted on August 22 from 7 : 00 to 9: 00 p.m. in the Kent Council Chambers and formal public hearings will be conducted from 7: 00 to 9 : 00 p.m. on Thursday, August 29 in the Kent Council Chambers AND on Wednesday, September 11 from 6: 30 to 8: 00 p.m. in the Seattle Municipal Building, Room 401 at 600 4th Avenue in Seattle. She noted that written comments may be sent to the Seattle address. ( CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5C) STREETS LID 308 (S.E. 260th Street Improvement) . ACCEPTANCE of the Treasurer ' s certification that no prepayments were made for LID 308- during the thirty day Period in Jul 20 1985. Unpaid assessments in the end g y , district amount to $447 , 043 . 18. ( CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5J) State Acquisition on 104th Avenue S.E. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign quitclaim deed for a 15 foot striP on 104th Av enue S.E. between S.E. 252nd and S.E. 240th to the State of Washington. - 2 - August 5, 1985 (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 50) STREETS Russell Road Closure Plan. As discussed at the July 18 Park Committee, APPROVAL of the concept plan for closure of Russell Road between Russell Road Park and Riverfront Park. ( CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5L) WATER Representative to METRO Water Pollution Abatement Advisory Committee. AUTHORIZATION to name the Director of Public Works as the City ' s representative to the METRO Water Pollution Abatement Advisory Committee and the City Engineer as the alternate. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5M) Clark Springs Improvements. AUTHORIZATION to estab- lish a project fund in the amount of $100, 000 for improvements to Clark Springs, as recommended by the Public Works Committee, and to transfer said funds from the unencumbered fund balance of the water fund. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5K) ANNEXATION Rupert Annexation. ACCEPTANCE of the ten percent annexation petition and AUTHORIZATION to set August 19 as the date to meet with intiators. PLAT Twenty-Five Foot Height Limitation in Southcenter Y g Corporate Park. A proposed amendment to Condition 18 of Southcenter Corporate Park restricting building height to 25 feet is recommended to authorize the Planning Director to review and permit a modifica- tion of the height restriction. The Planning Depart- ment has provided a staff report. JOHNSON MOVED that the recommendation to allow modification of the 25 foot height restriction for Southcenter Corporate Park be approved and that the City Attorney be instructed to draft the necessary ordinance, Woods seconded. Motion carried. EXCISE TAX ON (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5R) REAL ESTATE REMOVED AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCILMEMBER KELLEHER SALES Excise Tax on Real Estate Sales. On July 15, 1985 , the City Council adopted Resolution No. 1066 adopt- ing a Capital Improvement Program. The resolution directed the preparation of an ordinance to make the real estate excise tax effective September 1, 1985. This ordinance is scheduled for adoption con- sistent with Resolution No. 1066 . Copies of Ordinance 2573 have been distributed. WOODS MOVED to adopt Ordinance 2573 imposing a one-quarter percent excise tax on the sale of real property in the City of Kent; III providing for the use of such revenues ; specify- ing a date of imposition and an effective date; creating a lien on subject property; prescribing procedures for collection, forfeiture and refund; and adopting Chapter 82 . 45 RCW by reference, adding 3 - August 5, 1985 EXCISE TAX ON a new Chapter 3. 09 Kent City Code, Excise Tax on REAL ESTATE Real Estate Sales. Johnson seconded. The motion SALES carried, with Kelleher and Biteman opposing. TRAFFIC Traffic Control - 42nd Avenue S. The Council has P CONTROL received copies of a letter from Barbara Boross relating to the speed humps and traffic circles on 42nd Avenue S. BAILEY MOVED to refer the letter to the Public Works Committee. Woods seconded and the motion carried. Bill Young of 26316 42nd Avenue S. reported on the residents ' evaluation of the traffic control devices on 42nd Avenue S. as follows: 38% in circles favor of traffic , 54% in favor of speed noted humps and 8% in favor of having both. It was n o that this item would be discussed at the Public Works Committee meeting on August 12 . NEWSPAPER (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5Q)Official Newspaper Designation. ADOPTION of Resolu- tion 1067 designating the Daily News Journal as the er of the City of Kent. newspaper Y official p P CENTRAL ( CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5I ) BUSINESS LI 313 - CBD Improvements. AUTHORIZATION to set DISTRICT September 3 as hearing date on confirmation of final assessment roll for LID 313 . FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5B) Payment of Bills. APPROVALpayment of a ment of the bills a received through August 6 after auditing by the Finance Committee at its meeting at 4: 00 p.m. on August 15, 1985. POLICE CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5D) Drinking Driver Task Force Contribution. ACCEPTANCE of a $200. 00 contribution from Soroptimist Inter- national of Kent and ACCEPTANCE of miscellaneous contributions from Kent Cornucopia Days in the amount of $196. 93. ARTS (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5E) COMMISSION Arts Commission Appointment. CONFIRMATION of the Mayor ' s appointment of Patricia Peacore to the Arts Commission to fill the unexpired term of Maureen Curran to October 1987. PARKS ( CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5P) Transfer of Park Project Funds to the West Fenwick Park Project. As discussed at the July 18 Park Committee meeting, APPROVAL to transfer the project j ba lances lances in the Park Management Study Pro 7ect ( $1 , 599 ) 1 i htin Project ( $7 , 900 ) to the and Kent Memoria L g g J West Fenwick Park Project for an irrigation system. 1 Also, APPROVAL of any overruns (estimated at $ , 000 ) to be taken from the unexpended revenue sh aring in g balance. 4 - August 5, 1985 EQUIPMENT Concrete Saw and Blades. Two bids were received on RENTAL August 2 for the purchase of a concrete saw and blades. In accordance with the recommendation of the Public Works Director, JOHNSON MOVED to accept the bid of Sahlberg Equipment Company in the amount of $18, 009. 46 , Biteman seconded. Motion carried. PERSONNEL (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5S) New Positions in Golf Course Complex. AUTHORIZATION to increase two positions from part time to full time ( ten months ) in the Golf Course Complex, as recommended at the Parks Committee meeting on July 18 and at the Finance Committee meeting on July 31. The addi- tional funding will be provided from the unencumbered golf course revenues. GRAYS HARBOR The City Clerk distributed copies of an invitation INVITATION to the Grays Harbor County Energy Efficient Home Tour to the Council. COUNCIL Parks Committee. Bailey noted that the Parks Committee COMMITTEES would meet on August 13 at 8: 15 a.m. I EXECUTIVE At 7 : 15 p.m. Mayor Hogan noted that the Council SESSION would recess to an executive session for ten minutes to discuss pending litigation. CITY OF KENT At 7 : 25 , the meeting was reconvened and JOHNSON MOVED V. FARRELL to adopt Ordinance No. 2574 approving the settlement agreement in City of Kent v. Farrell. ADJOURNMENT WOODS MOVED that the meeting be adjourned at 7 : 25 p.m. , Biteman seconded. Motion carried. I —----------- �- rz Marie Je s City Cler I I I 5 -