HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 06/17/1985 i
Kent, Washington
June 17, 1985
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at
7 : 00 o ' clock p.m. by Mayor Hogan. Present: Mayor Hogan, Council-
members Bailey, Biteman, Kelleher and Leahy, City Administrator
Cushing, City Attorney DiJulio, City Engineer Gill, Principal
Planner Hansen and Finance Director McCarthy. Councilmembers
Johnson, White and Woods were not in attendance at the meeting.
Approximately 40 people were in attendance at the meeting.
CONSENT CALENDAR KELLEHER MOVED that the Consent Calendar Items A
through I be approved, Leahy seconded. Motion
Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes
of the regular Council meeting of June 3 , 1985
with the following addition: Setting a public
hearing for June 17 for the six-year Transport-
ation Improvement Plan. (This item was added
to the Consent Calendar on June 3 , and was
inadvertently omitted from the minutes. )
SANITATION East Hill Automotive Bill of Sale. ACCEPTANCE
of the bill of sale and warranty agreement
for approximately 252 feet of sanitary
sewer extension in the vicinity of
104th Avenue SE and 260th, and release of
the cash bond after expiration of the one-
year maintenance period.
SKCRWA/Tacoma Water Supply Agreement. AUTHOR-
IZATION for the Mayor to sign the South King
County Regional Water Association/Tacoma Water
Supply Agreement subject to securing modifica-
tions of our existing Water District 75/Kent
Intertie Agreement.
East Hill Well Agreement. AUTHORIZATION to
approve the revision to page 4 of the pre-
viously approved agreement.
STREET VACATION Vacation of Portion of 74th Avenue S. Resolu-
tion 1062 sets this date for a public hearing
for the vacation of a portion of 74th Avenue S.
in the area of Willis Street and South 259th
Street as requested by James B. Foster. Proper
legal notice has been given by the City Clerk.
The Planning Department recommends approval
with conditions.
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June 17 , 1985
STREET VACATION The public hearing was opened by Mayor Hogan.
It was noted that no correspondence has been
received. Bob Scholes spoke on behalf of the
property owner in favor of the street vacation.
There were no further comments and BAILEY
MOVED to close the public hearing, Leahy seconded.
Motion carried. BAILEY :MOVED to direct the City
Attorney to prepare the ordinance vacating a
portion of 74th Avenue S . Kelleher seconded.
Motion carried.
Alley Vacation Resolution. ADOPTION of
Resolution No. 1065 settin a public hearing
for July 15 , 1985 , for an alley vacation in
Block 19 , Washington Central Improvement Com-
pany ' s first addition to Kent, between McMillan
and Smith Streets and State and Kennebeck
HOUSING & Revision to 1985 Housing and Community Develop-
COMMUNITY ment Block Grant Program. A public hearing
DEVELOPMENT is scheduled for this date to consider a
modification to the 1985 Kaibara Park Projects
consolidating Kaibara Park Funding ( $3 , 000 ) ,
and Kaibara Park lA Construction Funding
( $6 , 250 ) into one project, referred to as
Kaibara Park 2 Construction with total funding
of $9 , 250. The public hearing was opened by
Mayor Hogan. No correspondence has been re-
ceived and there were no comments from the
audience. LEAHY MOVED to close the public
hearing, Biteman seconded. Motion carried.
BAILEY MOVED to approve the consolidation
of Kaibara Park Project Funding. Leahy seconded.
It was determined for Biteman that the funds
were those already allocated to the project.
Motion carried.
RECREATION City Code Revision. ADOPTION of Ordinance No.
2567 relating to the Department of Parks &
Recreation repealing Chapter 4. 10 Kent City
Code concerning the Kent Comprehensive Park &
Recreation System Plan, amending Chapter 4. 12
Kent City Code concerning street trees and the
Department of Parks & Recreation' s responsi-
bility for street tree regulation and mainten-
ance, amending and renumbering Chapter 2. 30
of the Kent City Code and adding a new Section
2. 30. 200 regulating and prohibiting activities
in City Parks and providing for criminal
penalties for violation of the ordinance.
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June 17, 1985
Process and Procedures for Rewards to Prevent
Vandalism. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 2568
adding a new Chapter 2 . 31 of the Kent City
Code establishing a process and procedure
for rewards for information leading to the
arrest and prosecution of City property.
This matter was discussed and recommended
by the Parks Committee at its meeting of
June 6 , 1985.
Drinking Driver Task Force Contributions.
AUTHORIZING the Drinking Driver Task Force
to receive and accept donations and contri-
butions for Task Force purposes. Ratifying
and confirming the receipt and acceptance
of prior contributions not previously acknow-
ledged by the City. ACCEPTANCE of the follow-
ing community contributions:
Kent Rotary Club $100
Kent Area Council PTA $160
Kent Kiwanis Club $100
Sequoia Jr. High PTSA $ 20
STREETS 1986-1991 Six Year Transportation Improvement
Program. This date has been set for the public
hearing on the Six Year Transportation Improve-
ment Program. City Engineer Gill reviewed
the recommended Program, noting that it was
an "obligation" program rather than a "construc-
tion" program and that generally, once funds
are committed to a project that project is
then dropped from the obligation program.
A project, however, may not be completed
for some time after funding has been approved.
A lage number of projects are carried over each
year from the previous T. I.P. because no fund-
ing has been allocated. Gill explained the
different methods of financing and referred
to projects which could be funded by applying
for State and/or Federal funds. He also
noted that some projects have been dropped
from the T. I.P. because there seemed to be
little or no chance of receiving outside fund-
ing and that some of these projects appeared
to have a high probability of being funded
and constructed through private development.
The changes from last year ' s T. I.P. are as
follows :
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June 17 , 1985
STREETS Projects Funded and Dropped from the T.I.P.
1. S.E. 256th Street and 116th Avenue Intersection Improvements
Projects Not Funded and Dropped from the T.I.P.
1. S.E. 240th Street and 102nd Avenue S.E. Street Improvements. This
project will probably be constructed through an L.I.D. and developer
financed improvement project. These improvements were required of
Fred Meyer as part of the SEPA process to mitigate traffic impacts.
2. 104th Avenue Street Improvements - S.E. 260th Street to S.E. 264th Street.
This section of 104th will be improved by developers as projects are
3. 64th Avenue Construction - Smith Street to S. 228th Street. This will
be financed by developers or as an L.I.D.
Projects Added to the T.I.P. that have City Funding
1. Smith Street Improvements - 1st Avenue to Jason. This project consists
of widening for additional turn lanes, signal, drainage, and illumination
2. West Valley Highway channelization at James Street. This project
consists of extending the southbound left turn pocket to S. 238th Street.
New Projects Added to the T.I.P.
1. S. 212th Street and 42nd Avenue Illumination. This project consists
of illuminating the intersection area.
2. West Valley Highway Lighting. This project consists of reconstructing
the intersection illumination systems at 228th Street, 212th Street,
and 196th Street.
3. S. 240th Street Widening - 10600 Block to 116th Avenue. The project
consists of widening S. 240th Street to 5 lanes including grading,
drainage, paving, curb & gutter, sidewalks, channelization, illumination,
street trees,. underground utilities, etc.
Biteman referred to the improvements on West
Valley Highway and complimented the Engineering
Department on the strides being made in such
types of improvements.
There were no further comments or questions and
BAILEY MOVED to close the public hearing,
Kelleher seconded. Motion carried. KELLEHER
MOVED to approve the 1986-1991 Six Year Trans-
portation Improvement Program and that Resolu-
tion No. 1064 adopting the Program be approved.
Biteman seconded. Motion carried.
SIDEWALKS Woodland Way/Reiten Road Pedestrian Improvements.
The bid opening on this project was held June
11, 1985 with six bids received. The low bid of
$67, 400. 07 was submitted by the Wilson Company.
In accordance with the recommendations of the
Public Works Director, KELLEHER MOVED that the
low bid of the Wilson Company for the Woodland
Way/Reiten Road Pedestrian improvements be
accepted. Bailey seconded. Motion carried.
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June 17, 1985
FINANCE Limited Tax General Obligation Refunding Bond
Ordinance. John Moore of Shearson Lehman/
American Express, Inc. , Foster & Marshall
Division reviewed a handout furnished to the
Mayor and Council covering their offer to
purchase $-2 & ,„-��- I limited tax general
obligation refunding bonds. It was noted
that this refunding issue will refund current
general obligation bonds outstanding of
$1 , 780 , 000. These outstanding bonds carry an
average interest rate of 10. 77%. The interest
rate for the refunding issue will be low enough
so that the City will save approximately
$63 , 000 in present value debt service. It
was noted that the current general obligation
bonds outstanding were because of the 1981
golf course bond issue. LEAHY MOVED to adopt
Ordinance No. 2569 providing for the issuance
of in limited tax general obligation
r7ti. refunding bonds and to accept the proposal of
J Shearson Lehman/American Express, Inc. , Foster
& Marshall Division, to purchase these bonds
at the net effective interest rate of 8. 67%.
Biteman seconded. Motion carried.
Water Revenue Refunding Bond Ordinance
Finance Director McCarthy explained that a
similar offer has been made by Shearson Lehman/
American Express, Inc. , Foster & Marshall
L ; Division, to purchase in water
revenue refunding bonds. He noted that these
refunding bonds will refund existing 1982
water revenue bonds of $4 , 800, 000 currently
outstanding at 10. 17%. Due to the reduced
interest rate presently available on the market,
the refunding of these bonds will provide
a net present value savings to the City of
approximately $80 , 000. In accordance with his
recommendations, LEAHY MOVED to accept the
,y Shearson Lehman/American Express, Inc. , Foster
& Marshall Division, proposal to purchase
these water revenue bonds at the net effective
;?1 '^r� interest rate of 8. 48% and FURTHER MOVED to
",r" delay passage of the ordinance providing for
the issuance of the water revenue refunding
bonds until the Council meeting of July 1, 1985.
Bailey seconded. Motion carried.
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June 17 , 1985
Payment of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the
bills received through June 19 , 1985 after
auditing by the Finance Committee at its meet-
ing at 4: 00 p.m. on July 1 , 1985 .
TRAFFIC CONTROL 42nd Avenue S./Cambridge Drive/40th Avenue S.
Speeding Problem and Safety Hazard. A petition
containing approximately 113 signatures was
presented to the Council by William Young,
resident of the area and Deacon of Trinity
Reformed Church, and Mary Mathews, Vice-President,
Star Lake PTA. Ms. nathews noted that she
lived at the intersection of 42nd S. and S. 262nd
which is more commonly called "Dead Man' s :Hill" .
The petition referred to the fact that measures
which have been taken in the past to alleviate
the problems have been ineffective. Mr. Young
suggested that the residents of the area and
petitioners were requesting that further
action be taken by the City on or before the
next Council meeting and the petition requested
the installation of speed bumps in the area
referred to. BITEMAN MOVED to accept the
petition. Kelleher seconded. Motion carried.
Gary Gill noted that the result of the Public
Works Department investigation to this point
had revealed that in most cases the speeding
seemed to be caused by residents of the area .
He also noted that enforcement had been stepped
up in the area and that additional citations
had probably been issued. Gill agreed with
Mr. Young that the public education program was
not as effective as it should be. Biteman
concurred with the residents of the area about
the safety hazard existing at the present time
and urged that the public safety committee take
a look at the situation. It was determined
that the matter should appropriately be discussed
at a Public Works Committee meeting and Kelleher
pointed out that the next meeting would be on
June 27 at 2 : 00 p.m. in the Engineering Build-
ing. Gill concurred that a report would be
forthcoming from the Public Works Department at
that time. It was pointed out to the citizens
in attendance at the meeting that the Public
Works Committee meetings were open to the public
and they were invited to attend the meeting.
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June 17 , 1985
ADJOURNMENT BAILEY MOVED to adjourn the meeting to executive
session at 7: 50 p.m. , Leahy seconded. Motion
Betty Gray, CPS
Deputy City Clerk
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