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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 06/03/1985 i
Kent Washington
n ton
June 3 , 1985
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7:00
o 'clock p.m. by Mayor Hogan. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilpersons
Bailey, Biteman, Johnson, Kelleher, Leahy, White and Woods, City
Administrator Cushing, City Attorney DiJulio, Planning Director Harris,
Public Works Director Wickstrom and Finance Director McCarthy. Also
present: Assistant City Administrator Webby, Parks Director Wilson
and Assistant Fire Chief LaBore. Approximately 20 people were in
attendance at the meeting.
CONSENT BITEMAN MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A through
CALENDAR N be approved, with the exception of Items G,
which was removed at the request of Council-
member White and Item J, which was removed at
the request of Rick Hodder. Woods seconded.
Motion carried.
Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes
of the regular Council meeting of May 20 , 1985 with
the following correction of a typographical error:
On Page One, adoption of Ordinance 2564 relating
to Local Improvement Districts should read
Ordinance 2563.
WATER Pump Station No 5, Control Conversion. Bid
opening was May 29 with only one bid received.
The bid submitted by Technical Systems, Inc. in
the amount of $51 , 355. 07 is in excess of the
Engineer ' s Estimate. It is recommended that
this bid be rejected and the project be re-
advertised. BITEMAN MOVED that the bid received
from Technical Systems, Inc. be rejected and
that the project be readvertised, Kelleher seconded.
Motion carried.
LID 308 (S E 260th Street Improvement. ADOPTION
of Ordinance No. 2565 approving and confirming
the Final Assessment Roll for LID 308. The Council
considered this matter at its regular meeting of
May 20 , 1985 and considered protests submitted
to the Council , and determined that the roll
should be confirmed as presented.
Intersection Improvement Project. AUTHORIZATION
to transfer $25 , 000 from the Completed Street
Fund to this project fund as recommended by the
Public Works Director and concurred with by the
Public Works Committee.
MINUTES OF 6 7-,�5-
June 3, 1985
James Street Interurban Trail Pedestrian Crossing
Signal. AUTHORIZATION to establish a project
fund for the James Street Interurban Trail Pedes-
trian Crossing Signal and to transfer $10,000
from the Completed Street Fund to this project
1985 Asphalt Overlays. Bid opening was held on
May 29 with four bids received. The low bid
was received from M. A. Segale in the amount of
$143 , 789 . 22. KELLEHER MOVED that the low bid
of $143 , 789. 22 be accepted for the 1985 Asphalt
Overlay project , Woods seconded. Motion carried.
Street Use Permit Ordinance. Ordinance 2566
has been prepared granting a Street Use Permit
to the Kent Lions Club for a public festival
and providing for a $25 permit fee and providing
further that 5% of the gross sales from street
fair booth sales (not to exceed $500) be paid to
the City Treasurer by September 20, 1985. Rick
Hodder asked that the fees be deleted from the
ordinance, noting that the proceeds all go to
charity. Bailey noted that the Parks Committee
had studied this issue for eight or nine months
and that the Lions Club accepted the fee as proper.
He pointed out that the City contributed approxi-
mately $3 , 000 in services to the Cornucopia Days
festival. He then MOVED to adopt Ordinance 2566
and Woods seconded. KELLEHER MOVED to amend the
motion to delete Section 4. 1 of the ordinance,
entitled "FEE" . Biteman seconded the proposed
amendment. Kelleher noted that the proceeds
are for charity and that none of the service
clubs involved had a salaried person. He stated
that the clubs were doing a favor to the city by
volunteering their time and services. Wilson
noted that the service clubs paid a fee to have
a booth at the festival and that a policy should
be established for street use fees. Biteman noted
that the Lions Club provided eye care for youngsters
and that if the city charged a percentage of the
proceeds that such clubs might no longer be will-
ing to participate in the festival. Hodder noted
that the festival was a source of revenue to
the city. Kelleher ' s proposed amendment FAILED
with only he and Biteman voting in favor. The
motion to adopt Ordinance 2566 then passed
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June 3 , 1985
CLAIMS Public Works Claims Process. ADOPTION of Resolution
No. 1063 relating to Public Works, establishing
procedures for filing claims against the retained
percentage. This resolution clarifies existing
procedures for claimants on Public Works con-
tracts and was reviewed by the Public Works Com-
mittee at its meeting on Thursday, May 2.3, 1985.
Moore Annexation. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 2564
annexing to the City certain lands contiguous
thereto in the area of Reith Road and Military
Road South. This annexation was approved by the
Council on May 20 , 1985.
LeBlanc Annexation. This date has been set for a
meeting with the initiators of the LeBlanc Annex-
ation for property in the vicinity of 112th Avenue
S.E. and S.E. 232nd. The initiator has been
notified of this meeting date. JOHNSON MOVED
that the Council concurs with the proposed annex-
ation and authorizes the circulation of the 75
percent petition subject to the existing bonded
indebtedness to the City and the Land Use Plan
for the annexation, Biteman seconded. Motion
REZONE Northwest Business Park Rezone No. RZ-85-3. The
Northwest Business Park Rezone application for a
reclassification of an 8. 81 acre sight from MA,
Industrial Agricultural , to Ml, Industrial Park,
was heard by the Hearing Examiner on May 1, 1985.
The applicant, Uplands Industries Corporation,
anticipates the uses will be those of warehousing
and light manufacturing. The subject property
is located between 54th Avenue South and 64th
Avenue South, just south of the Puget Power right-
of—way. The Examiner has recommended approval
without conditions. LEAHY MOVED that the recom-
mendation of the Hearing Examiner be approved
and the City Attorney be instructed to draft
the necessary ordinance, Kelleher seconded.
Motion carried. Upon Kelleher ' s question, Wick-
strom noted that the SCS proposal to change the
shape of the lagoon would not affect the 200 '
setback area.
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June 3 , 1985
Amendments to the Zoning Code. The Planning
Department has proposed to set a public meeting
date of June 17 , 1985 to consider amendments
to the Zoning Code for Planned Unit Developments
and for Mixed Use Development. Upon White ' s
question, Harris noted that this matter had not
been to the Planning Committee, but had been
recommended by the Planning Commission. WHITE
MOVED for the matter to be referred to the Plan-
ning Committee, Kelleher seconded and the motion
City Shops Lounge/Restroom Renovation. ACCEPT
as complete the contract with H & S Builders
for construction of the City Shops Lounge/Rest-
room Renovation and release of the retainage
after receiving the necessary releases from the
FIRE DEPARTMENT High Pressure Breathing Air Compressor. One bid
was received on May 13 , 1985 for a Breathing Air
Compressor for the Fire Department. The Depart-
ment recommends that the bid of Safety & Supply
be accepted in the amount of $26 , 786. 00, including
tax. JOHNSON MOVED to award the bid as recom-
mended, Kelleher seconded. Motion carried.
Fire Station No. 1 Wash Rack Pad. Four bids were
received on May 30. The low bid, $33, 835. 30 sub-
mitted by Scotty ' s Bulldozing, exceeds the budget.
In accordance with the recommendation of the Public
Works Director, BI`1'EMAN MOVED to reject the bids
and to re-evaluate the project. Kelleher seconded
and the motion carried.
EMPLOYEE OF Personnel Director Mike Webby described the City ' s
THE MONTH Employee Recognition Program and noted that. Sue
Reardon, Secretary in the Personnel Department,
had been chosen Employee of the Month for June.
He noted that she has been active in employee
oriented programs and had spent many hours organiz-
ing the City ' s Christmas party. A plaque was
presented to Ms. Reardon by Mayor Hogan.
Special Assistant City Attorney. AUTHORIZATION
to retain Richard L. Barbieri of Edwards and
Barbieri , as Special Assistant City Attorney
to represent the City of Kent in the matter of
the appeal of William N. Nirk and authorization
- 4 -
June 3, 1985
EMPLOYEE OF to expend unencumbered funds in the Contingency
THE MONTH Fund for this matter. . This was discussed with the
Finance Committee on May 31. , 1985.
Payment of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the bills
received through June 5 after auditing by the
Finance Committee at i..ts meeting at 4 : 00 p.m.
on June 14, 1985 .
LID 314 - 104th Avenue Water Mains - Treasurer's
Certificate. ACC:EPTAJCE of the City Treasurer ' s
statement certifying that $47 , 581. 58 has been
collected in assessmerit-s for LID 314 during the
thirty day period e-iding May 15 , 1985 without
j interest as allowed by law. $37 , 162. 42 remains
to be collected.
LID 317 - 45th Place South Street Repair - Treasurer's
Certificate. ACCEPTANCE of the City Treasurer ' s
statement certifying that: $5 , 058. 81 has been collected
in assessments for T,TD 31.7 during the thirty day
period ending May 1 , -,- 85 without interest as
allowed by law. $5 , 26h. 15 remains to be
COMMONS Pedestrian Cross:i_ g. Dale Brantner filed a petition
PLAYFIELDS containing 4 , 205 signatures requesting an overpass
for pedestrians and participants at events at the
Commons Playfields. Ho noted that he represented
the Kent Kids Safety Coalition group and asked
that the City set a definite date for the proposed
vacation of a portion :)f Russell Road. The petition
was filed for the record . A copy of Wickstrom' s
memo to the Council , rl,-.t.ed May 31, 1985 entitled
"Korry Field Pedestriari/Vehicle Situation" was
given to Brantnr by Mayor Hogan.
COUNCIL COMMITTEES Finance -- Refunding Bonds. Leahy noted that at
the play 31 Committee m-eting, Foster & Marshall
representatives proposed that it would be advan-
tageous for the city to refund two of the city' s
outstanding bond issues , the Golf Course and Water
Revenue Bonds. He MOVED for Foster & Marshall
to be authorized t_.o prepare such an offer, noting
that the City was under no obligation to accept
such an offer. Bai. i ,�y seconded and the motion
carried .
June 3, 1985
COUNCIL COMMITTEES Public Works & Planning. Kelleher noted that there
would be a brief meeting of the Public Works Com-
mittee on Thursday, June 13 , to discuss the Tacoma
Intertie and the South King County Water Pur-
veyor ' s Association and that at the regular
meeting of June 27 the issue of the overpass
j would be discussed.
Public Safety. Biteman reported that the Committee
would meet t 4 : 30 p.m. on June 13 on the second
floor to discuss: Teenage Niqht Clubs, Animal
Control Ordinance and to review the Radio System.
ADJOURNMENT BAILEY MOVED that the meeting be adjourned at
7: 40 p.m. , Kelleher seconded. Motion carried.
EXECUTIVE SESSION Following the meeting the Council met in executive
session to discuss a real estate matter.
Marie Je�en, CP.76
City Clerk
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