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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 04/01/1985Kent, Washington April 1, 1985 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7:00 o'clock p.m. by Mayor Pro Tem Johnson. Present: Councilmembers Biteman, Johnson, Kelleher, Leahy, White and Woods, City Administrator Cushing, City Attorney DiJulio, Planning Director Harris and Public Works Director Wickstrom. Mayor Hogan, Councilmember Bailey and Finance Director McCarthy were not in attendance. Also present: Assistant City Administrator Webby, Fire Chief Angelo and City Treasurer Drotz. Sixteen people were in attendance at the meeting. EMPLOYEE Employee of the Month. Fire Chief Angelo introduced Linda RECOGNITION Mock, who has been employed as an Administrative Unit Secretary for seven years. Mayor Pro Tem Johnson presented Ms. Mock with a plaque honoring her as Employee of the Month for April, 1985. CONSENT CALENDAR BITEMAN MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A through J be approved, Woods seconded. Motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5A) Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of March 18, 1985. STREET USE PERMIT On Thursday, March 28, 1985, the Public Works and Planning Committee considered a request by Jube Art and Frame for a street use pemit at 213 South First Avenue, to extend an awn- ing four feet into the First Avenue right of way. The Com- mittee recommends approval of the request. KELLEHER MOVED to approve the requested street use permit, Woods seconded. Motion carried. STORM DRAINAGE Storm Drainage Utility. The public hearing on the storm UTILITY drainage utility was closed on March 18 and action on this issue was delayed until this date. It is recommended that the enabling ordinance be adopted. LEAHY MOVED that Ordi- nance 2547 be approved, adopting the master plan for the storm drainage utility and establishing the rate structure, Woods seconded. Upon Biteman's question, Wickstrom explained the classes of impervious areas, noting that expansion of the classifications would increase the administrative costs of the Utility, which in turn would necessitate raising the rate. He pointed out that the changes suggested by Mr. Howard Braden were based on the present rates, changing only the imperviousness factors. Wickstrom pointed out that the equity of the existing proposal is within 5% of what might be construed as optimum, and is reasonable, considering all facets. White noted that the proposal does not allow credit for d�- tention systems and Wickstrom explained that it is recom- mended that credits not be granted for detention because - 1 - April 1, 1985 STORM DRAINAGE 1) there is no direct measurable benefit to the Utility at UTILITY least with respect to reducing the capital needs; 2) the cost of administering such a program would easily outweigh the credits given; 3) the proposed service charges would have to be increased to finance the program and 4) the cost of the program will increase in the future as developments re- quiring on -site detention systems occur. Biteman and White noted that detention facilities were installed at some expense. Wickstrom confirmed for Biteman that the Council could request that this matter be further investigated and a report given after the Utility is under- way. He noted that the appeal standards were to be developed by July 1. Kelleher referred to the City's Land Use Plan, noting that this Utility makes good sense. He noted, however, that if the Plan is changed the need for the Utility will also change. He asked if any Councilmember was willing to support delaying action on this item until after the staff could conduct a study on the impacts which could result from a change in the land use policies of the City. Johnson noted that changes in the land use plans would take considerable time and that this utility should not be delayed. Upon White's question, Kelleher noted that the increase in utility rates to the citizens was of great concern to him. He pointed out that when the land use plans were developed, there was no provision to discuss the impact of development on the utility rates. Leahy suggested that a delay at this point was impractical. Upon Biteman's question, DiJulio noted that the ordinance did not provide for an appeal for credit for a detention system. The motion to adopt Ordinance 2547 carried unanimously and BITEMAN THEN MOVED to request the Public Works Department to prepare further analysis on the issue of extending credit for detention systems. Kelleher seconded and the motion carried unanimously. Letters from the following were distributed to the Council and filed for the record, by motion: Randy Revelle, King County Executive George Daniel, Kent Public Schools Ron Hallissey, R. J. Hallissey Co., Inc. HEALTH & (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5G) SANITATION Clark's Glenn Sanitary Sewer Extension S.E. 227th Street. ACCEPTANCE of the bill of sale and warranty agreement for approximately 1,554 feet of a sanitary sewer extension - 2 - April 1, 1985 HEALTH & constructed in the vicinity of S.E. 227th Street and 109th SANITATION Place S.E., acceptance for continuous operation and main- tenance and release of the cash bond after expiration of the one year guarantee period. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5H) Metro - Central Valley Interceptor Agreement. In accord- ance with the recommendations of the Public Works Com- mittee, AUTHORIZATION to transfer $13,000 from the Unen- cumbered Sewer Funds for Kent's share of the expenses involved in grouting the sewer line on East Valley Highway. WATER LID 314 - Final Assessment Roll - Confirmation. This matter was heard by the City Council at a regular scheduled public hearing on March 18, 1985. The hearing was closed and consideration of the final assessment roll was continued until the next regular meeting of April 1, 1985. KELLEHER MOVED to adopt Ordinance 2548 confirming the final assessment roll for LID 314, Woods seconded. Motion carried. ANNEXATION (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5J) ZONING Rowley Annexation No. 3 - Zoning. ADOPTION of Ordinance JS 4(p No.-4416-relating to planning and property and amending Ordinance No. 2503 to correct typographical and legal description. errors. Ordinance No. 2503 rezoned, with con- ditions, approximately 22 acres located south of S.E. 248th Street on the east and west side of 104th Avenue S.E. from R1-20 Single -Family Residential (Interim Zoning) to MR-M, Medium Density Multifamily Residential, and 0, Office (Rowley Rezone No. 3 AZ-84-1). ANNEXATION (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5F) Ryan Annexation No. 3. ACCEPTANCE of a ten percent peti- tion for annexation and AUTHORIZATION to set April 15 as the date for Council to meet with initiators. EAST HILL PLAN (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5C) Resolution Amending the East Hill Plan. ADOPTION of Resolution No. 1051, amending the Kent Comprehensive Plan/ Kent East Hill Sub -area Plan to redesignate the property commonly known as the LeBlanc Garden5 from in Family (4 to 6 units/acre) to Multi -Family (7 to 1 u its/acre This amendment was considered and approved by the Council at its March 18 meeting. FIRE DEPARTMENT (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5D) Emergency Medical Services Contract. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign the 1985 Emergency Medical Service Contract for Basic Life Support Services with King County, as recom- mended by the Public Safety Committee. - 3 - April 1, 1985 POLICE DEPARTMENT (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5I) Lewd Conduct Ordinance. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 2545 relating to crimes and offenses against the public order, adding new sections 9.02.34 and 9.02.35 to the Kent City Code and providing for penalties, and repealing Kent City Code 9.02.120 (17) concerning public indecency. INSURANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5E) Puget Sound Cities Insurance Authority - Amended Interlocal Agreement. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign a modified Interlocal Agreement related to the Puget Sound Cities Insurance Authority. The modified Agreement, reviewed by the Finance/Personnel Committee at its April 1 meeting, adds flexibility to the Authority allowing new cities to be added and further allowing the provision of associated services to nonmember cities at fee. FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5B) Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through April 5 after auditing by the Finance Committee at its meeting at 4:00 p.m. on April 15, 1985. CORRESPONDENCE DiJulio noted that Cushing had referred Council corres- pondence from Eva French and from Laurie Cowert to the Planning Department. ADJOURNMENT LEAHY MOVED that the meeting be adjourned at 7:45 p.m., White seconded. Motion carried. Marie Jense CMC City Clerk - 4 -