HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 02/04/1985 i Kent, Washington February 4, 1985 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7: 00 o' clock p.m. by Mayor Hogan. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilmembers Bailey, Johnson, Leahy, White and Woods, Assistant City Administrator Webby, City Attorney DiJulio, Principal Planner Hansen and Public Works Director Wickstrom. Council- members Biteman and Kelleher, City Administrator Cushing and Planning Director Harris were not in attendance. Also present: Finance Director McCarthy. Six people were in attendance at the meeting. CONSENT JOHNSON MOVED that the Consent Calendar Items A CALENDAR through X be approved, Woods seconded. Motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5A) Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of the January 21, 1985 Council meeting with the following correction on Page 5, last para- graph, relating to LID 300: "An appraisal of Item No. 2 (not Item No. 28 as reported) showed that the property would not be benefited so the assessment has been deleted. " HEALTH & (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5P) SANITATION Sanitary Sewer Extension - S. 202nd Street & 76th Avenue S . ACCEPTANCE of the Bill of Sale and Warranty Agreement for approximately 373 feet of sanitary sewer extension constructed in the vicinity of S. 202nd St. and 76th Avenue S . ACCEPTANCE of the sewer extension for con- tinuous operation and maintenance and release of the cash bond after expiration of the main- tenance period, as recommended by the Engineer- ing Department. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5S) Agreement with Soil Conservation Service. AUTHORIZATION for the Public Works Director to sign an agreement with SCS for evaluation of the sewer lagoon as a part of the Wetlands Project and to establish a project for the same. The cost of $5, 000 will be reimbursable to Kent from SCS. - 1 - February 4 , 1985 WATER (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5L) Charge in Lieu of Assessment, Water Main 118th Avenue S. E. As recommended by the Public Works Director and the Public Works Committee, AUTHORI- ZATION for the Public Works Department to assess a charge in lieu of assessment on the distribution main constructed in the vicinity of 118th Avenue S.E. between 203th Street and approximately 300 feet south of S.E. 284th. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 51) Water Leak Policy. As discussed at the January 28 workshop, ADOPTION of a policy with regard to water leaks as follows: If the leak is in the service line and proof of repair is provided within ten days of notification, the City will adjust for 50 percent of the charge for excess usage up. to $100. Adjustments will not be made a second time for the same location with the same owner. This policy may apply to a maximum of ten to fifteen accounts per year and should cost the City' s water utility less than $2, 000 a year. Upon questions, McCarthy explained that he and Treasurer Drotz would administer the policy. It was determined that adjustments would not have to be brought to the Finance Committee after this policy is approved. STREETS (CONSENT CALENDAR ITED1 5M) Agreement with State - SR 516 Improvements - 116th to 140th. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign an agreement with the State for construc- tion of their SR 516 Improvement Project, at a cost of approximately $80, 000 to the City with the funds therefor coming from the unencum- bered fund balances of the respective utilities, water $27 , 000 and sewer $53 , 000. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5N) Latecomer Agreements for Street Improvements. ADOPTION of Ordinance 2532 authorizing the City to prepare Latecomer Agreements for developer- constructed street improvements . - 2 - February 4, 1985 STREETS (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 50) Agreement with State - 'Nest Valley Highway Overlay, Meeker to 212th. AUTHORIZATION for the mayor to sign an agreement with the State j for buttoning and striping the West Valley Highway in conjunction with the State' s Overlay Project, at a cost of approximately $22, 000 to the City. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5T) LID 317 - 45th Place South Street Repair and Overlay. AUTHORIZATION to set March 4 as the date for the public hearing on the confirmation on the final assessment roll for LID 317 . (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5U) LID 314 - 104th/270th Water 'Main Extension. AUTHORIZATION to set March 18 as the date for the public hearing on the confirmation of the final assessment roll for LID 314 . (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5V) LID 300 - Confirmation of Final Roll - Ordinance. The Council confirmed the final assessment roll for LID 300 (Crow Road and S. 260th Street Improvement) at the January 21, 1985 regular Council meeting, and directed the City Attorney to prepare the confirming ordinance. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 2533 entitled: An Ordinance of the City of Kent, Washington, approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll of Local Improvement District No. 300 which has been created and established for the purpose of improving a portion of the City of Kent by the widening, construction and reconstruction of Crow Road, S . E. 260th Street and 101st Avenue S.E. from Kent-Kangley Road to 104th Avenue S.E. with asphalt pavement, concrete curb and gutter, sidewalks, storm drainage and retention, under- ground power, street lighting and landscaping, togehter with the construction and installation of mainline sewer extensions and necessary appur- tenances thereto on S. E. 260th Street and on an easement running 390 feet north from S.E. 260th Street, togehter with various side sewer stubs through the project area; and together with the 3 - February 4 , 1985 STREETS construction and installation of mainline water main extensions and necessary appur- tenances thereto on 101st Avenue S.E. and on an easement running from approximately 330 feet north of S.E. 260th Street to a point approximately 615 feet north of S.E. 260th Street, together with various stubs through- out the project area; all as provided by Ordinance 2246; and levying and assessing the amount thereof against the several lots, tracts, parcels of land and other properties shown on the roll . LID 318 - North Central Avenue Street Improve- ments. Ordinance No. 2485 created LID 318, providing for improvements to North Central Avenue from James Street to S . 228th. Seventy- three percent of the project costs are to be paid by grant funds from the State ' s Urban Arterial Board. The grant funding is conditioned, however, upon the project being under construction by the summer of 1385. Acquisition of the necessary right of way is proceeding. However, in order that the project not be dealyed, the City Attorney has prepared the necessary condemnation ordinance. Negotiations will continue with property owners after adoption of the ordinance, and may continue to the point of trial or just compensation. JOHNSON MOVED to adopt Ordinance No. 2536, Woods seconded. Motion carried. Intersection Improvements (Smith & Jason, Smith & Clark, James & Central) . Bid opening was held January 24 with five bids received. The low bid submitted by University Utility Contractors was in the amount of $208 , 041 . 98 . It is recommended the low bid be accepted. The low bid received was higher than the amount budgeted for construc- tion; therefore it is requested that $37, 000 be transferred from the Arterial Street Fund to - 4 - February 4 , 1985 STREETS this project fund . WOODS MOVED that the low bid of $208 , 041 . 98 from University Utility Contractors be accepted For the Intersection Improvement Pro- ject and that $37 , 000 be transferred to this project fund from the Arterial Street Fund. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. HEALTH (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5J) Dialysis Services . EXPRESSION of support by the Council for the creation of a dialysis facility in South King County in accordance with a present- ation at the January 28 workshop. CABLE TV (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5D) Cable Television Administrative Services Contr<ict Renewal . AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign a professional services contract with 3-H Cable Communications Consultants . The Agreement pro- vides CATV technical and administrative services and is a renewal of our existing contract. Terms of the Agreement provide for service fees not to exceed $4 , 556 during the term of the contract, January 1 , 1985 through December 31 , 1985. PARKS & (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5F) RECREATI014 Golf Course Pro Shop Addition Project. AUTHOR�- ZATION for the Finance Department to transfer $2, 743 . 35 from the 1985 Golf Course_o�erating — _ fund to_cover_ overruns and ACCEPTANCE of project as complete and AUTHORIZATION to release retain- age to Morrison Construction upon receipt of releases from the State. (The underlined added by Bailey and accepted as part of the Consent Item. ) (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5G) Union Pacific Railroad Property Lease. AUTHORI- ZATION for the Mayor to sign a lease for property across the street from Uplands Playfield (Milwaukee Playfield) as presented at the .January 24th Parks Committee meeting . The amount of the lease is $250 for a five-year term. EQUIPMENT (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 50) RENTAL Fuel Card System. ACCEPTANCE of the contract with Northwest Pump and Equipment as complete for installation of the Card Controlled Fuel System for the City Shops, and release of retainage after receipt of necessary releases from the State. 5 - February 4 , 1985 SUBDIVISION (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5E) CODE Subdivision Code Amendments. ADOPTION of Ordi- nance No. 2530 amending the Kent Subdivision Code (Ordinance No. 1840) . Amendments to the Subdivi- sion Code were the subject of a public hearing before the Planning Commission on January 15, 1985 and were also discussed at the Council workshop of January 28 , 1985 . ANNEXATIONS (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5R) Wilcox Annexation. CONCURRENCE with the proposed annexation and AUTHORIZATION for circulation of the 75 percent petition, subject to initiators agreeing to assume their pro rata share of the existing bonded -indebtedness of the City, as discussed at the workshop of January 28 . ZONING (CONSENT CALENDAR ITE71 5W) Creation of Agriculture General Zone. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 2534 adding an Agricultural General (A-G) Zone, Section 15. 05. 015, to the Kent City Code. REZONE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5X) A-G Rezone Ordinance. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 2535 rezoning approximately 151 acres of land generally located west of the Valley Freeway (SR 167) , north of South 277th Street, east of West Valley Highway (SR 181) and Kent City Limits, and south of the Green River, from Manufacturing Agricultural (MA) and Residential-Agricultural (RA) to Agricul- tural General (AG) . LEGISLATIVE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITE11,1 5K) ISSUES 1985 Legislative Issues. ACCEPTANCE of the recom- mendation of the City Administration concerning 1985 legislative issues, as presented at the January 28 , 1985 Council workshop, and DIRECTION to the City Administrator to communicate the posi- tion of the City concerning such issues to the appropriate representative or representatives . BUSINESS (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5C) LICENSES Pawnbroker and Secondhand Dealers. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 2529 relating to pawnbrokers and secondhand dealers and enacting a new section 6 - February 4 , 1985 BUSINESS 5. 10A of the rent City Code. This ordinance LICENSES adopts the provisions of Chapter 19 . 60 RCW relating to pawnbrokers and secondhand dealers and was discussed at the Council workshop on January 28 , 1985. SOLAR ACCESS Solar Access Program. At the December 17 , 1984 public hearing, the Council continued this matter to the January 28 , 1985 workshop and determined not to continue the public hearing but to defer action on the item to this date. A review of the program was held at the January 28 Council workshop. BAILEY MOVED to delay consideration of this item to the last meeting in February (February 19) . White seconded and the motion carried. FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5H) 1984 Budget Adjustments . ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 2531 consolidating all Budget items approved at various Council meetings during 1984 . The ordinance also includes approval for those items previously discussed with the Council ' s Finance Committee but for which no formal Council action was taken. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5B) Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through February 6, 1985 after auditing by the Finance Committee at its meeting at 4 : 00 p.m. on February 15, 1985. PERSONNEL Part-Time Help. Leahy noted that Cushing had re- quested a temporary, part-time entry-level clerk/ receptionist on an "as needed" basis for assistance in the Legal , Administration and Personnel offices, at a cost of approximately $6, 000 for 1985 . He noted that the Finance & Personnel Committee had recommended approval and MOVED to approve the request. Bailey seconded and the motion carried. Hiring of Relative. Leahy noted that Thomas Adams had been found to be the most qualified applicant for an opening in the Parks Maintenance Department, and that since he was a relative of Helen Adams of the Parks Department, his employment required - 7 - February 4 , 1985 PERSONNEL Council approval. In accordance with the recom- mendation of the Finance & Personnel Committee, LEAHY PROVED to approve employment of Thomas Adams. Bailey seconded and the motion carried. COUNCIL Public Works & Planning. Woods noted that the COM24ITTEES Committee meeting would be delayed from this week to February 14 . Parks Committee. Bailey noted that the Parks Committee would meet on Tuesday, February 5 at 4 : 00 p.m. in the second floor conference room. COUNCILME1BER Bailey requested that he be excused from the ABSENCE Council meetings of March 4 , March 18 and April 1. WOODS SO MOVED, White seconded and the motion carried. ADJOURNME14T JOH14SON ,MOVED that the meeting be adjourned at 7 : 10 p.m. , Woods seconded. Motion carried. Marie Jens , CMC City Clerk 8 -