HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 08/20/1984 I Kent, Washington August 20, 1984 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7: 00 o'clock p.m. by Mayor Hogan. Present: Mayor Hogan, Council- members Bailey, Biteman, Johnson, Kelleher, woods and White, Assistant to City Administrator llebby, City Attornev DiJulio, Principal Planner Hansen and City Engineer Gill . Councilmember Leahy, City Administrator Cushing, Planning Director Harris and Public Works Director Wickstrom were not in attendance. Also present: Fire Chief Angelo. Approximately 50 people were in attendance at the meeting. CONSENT JOHNSON MOVED to approve the Consent Calendar CALENDAR Items A through R, with the exception of Item C, which was removed at the request of Council- member Kelleher and Item P, which was removed at the request of Councilmember White. Woods seconded. Motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5A) Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of August 6, 1984 . REGULATORY Regulatory Review - Sprinkler Ordinance. On REVIEW August 6, 1984, a public hearing was held on j PROCESSES - the City' s regulatory processes. Considerable input was received on the City' s requirements SPRINKLER for automatic sprinkler systems. Ordinance ORDINANCE 2484 , changing the minimum floor area require- ments for automatic sprinklers from 6 , 000 to 12, 000 square feet was adopted on August 6 and was subsequently vetoed by Mayor Hogan on August 7 . It was subsequently decided that this item should be the subject of a separate hearing and such a hearing has been advertised for this date. Mayor Hogan noted that the deci- sion to hold this hearing was made at the work- shop on August 13, and although proper legal notice had been published, the City usually allows a longer time for such notices. She suggested that the hearing could be continued to the next Council meeting, in keeping with the City' s usual practice regarding notification. She then opened the public hearing. No action was taken to continue the hearing. A letter from John Gretz of Saint James Episcopal Parish was read and filed for the record. Receipt of a letter from Glenn Votaw of the Chamber of Commerce was acknowledged and filed for the record. - 1 - i August 20, 1984 REGULATORY Fire Chief Angelo noted that he wished to clarify REVIEW that the original sprinkler ordinance was passed PROCESSES - in March 1980 which was before the MGM Hotel fire in Las Vegas. lie identified the issues as follows: SPRINKLER ORDINANCE The impact on affordable housing. The cost of doing business. The need for sprinklers in non-residential buildings. Angelo stated that the issues were NOT: Are sprinklers cost effective? Do sprinklers protect life and property? Angelo described the time it takes for a fire to reach "flashover" stage and stated that sprinklers act immediately before this stage and control fires even before the firemen arrive. He described the response time factors, and noted that water damage from sprinklers is minimal. Referring to affordable housing, he noted insurance incentives if sprinklers were installed and pointed out that use of plastic pipe reduced the cost. Sprinklers control fires before the toxic elements get into the air. He opined that there is a market for peace of mind and security. Angelo stated that the Marriott Hotel had found that after a fire it took two to three weeks to get a room ready to rent, but it only took four hours to ready a room which had sprinklers installed. He recommended that the 6, 000 sq. ft. minimum be retained and that the matter be studied after the Fire Master Plan is in place. Upon Biteman ' s question, Angelo clarified that the Uniform Building Code indicates the national standards and the Uniform Fire Code is regional. He explained that the UBC ' s stand on sprinklers is complicated and based on various give and take situations and is often administered on case by case decisions. He further clarified that the Fire Master Plan states that sprinklers are one alternative but does not go into depth. - 2 - i August 20, 1984 REGULATORY DiJulio clarified for Johnson that cities may have REVIEW laws which are more strict than state laws, but if PROCESSES - less strict, then the state law would prevail. SPRINKLER Morgan Llewellyn suggested that the choice of using ORDINANCE sprinklers could be left to the builders, each to decide what constitutes affordable housing. Paul Morford suggested that the city operate under the UBC and UFC, allowing the chance for trade-offs. He pointed out that the City Hall did not have sprinklers, and noted further that during last winter many sprinkler systems froze and caused thousands of dollars worth of damage. He noted that he also wanted to make his apartments afford- able. Morford pointed out that smoke detectors saved lives and cost very little. Angelo noted that the heat was turned off in some buildings which experienced frozen sprinklers. Raul Ramos stated that interest rates, the cost of installing sprinklers and city regulations are all important factors in building affordable hous- ing. Glen Crow urged the City to adopt the UBC standards, stating that the use of the building should be considered. Bailey noted that the City had only a 2-3o vacancy factor and hundreds of units were pending. He stated that he could see no reason to rush to change this ordinance. He agreed with Tom Sharp' s statement, made at the August 6 meeting, that the problem should be studied by a group representing the Fire and Building Depart- ments and builders. He MOVED to continue this hear- ing until a study is made addressing the problems relative to fire prevention, new methods of con- trolling fires and the pros and cons of the UBC. There was no second to the motion and it FAILED. BITE.MAN MOVED to close the hearing. Kelleher seconded, motion carried . JOHNSON MOVED and Kelleher seconded for the Council to take action at this time on Ordinance 2484 , changing the minimum floor area requirement for automatic sprinklers from 6 , 000 to 12, 000 square feet. Motion carried. Johnson FURTHER MOVED to accept the Mayors veto message for the record. Kelleher seconded, motion carried. BITEMAN MOVED to override the veto and Kelleher seconded. Johnson and Biteman spoke in favor of passing the ordinance over the veto. The motion to override the veto passed with Bailey opposing it. 3 - f August 20, 1984 FRED MEYER Fred Meyer Rezone. At its August 6 meeting the REZONE Council determined to approve the recommendations APPEAL of the Hearing Examiner, and denied the proposed Fred P4eyer rezone. A letter from Roy Whitman of Fred Meyer Ltd. dated August 13 , 1984 , addressed to the Mayor and Council and a copy of a memo from Mayor Hogan dated August 14 were distributed with the packets and were filed for the record, by motion. KELLEHER MOVED to adopt Resolution 1027 concerning the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan, directing the Planning Commission to study com- mercial zoning in the general vicinity of the intersection of 104th Avenue S.E. and S.E. 240th Street and to make recommendations for Comprehen- sive Plan and implementing zoning amendments. Woods seconded. White asked if a time frame of 45 to 60 days could be specified since the Fred Meyer representatives had stated 60 days as their deadline. Hansen pointed out that staff would discuss the matter with the Planning Commission, but that the time frame for public hearings had to be observed. DiJulio clarified for Bailey that this resolution confirms the direction made at the last meeting to ask the Planning Commission to consider the commercial zoning in that particular area. It was concluded that the 45 to 60 day time frame could be considered a goal. The motion to adopt Resolution 1027 carried. Hansen clarified for Mayor Hogan that the Commission would look, at the impact of existing commercial development, traffic, and the usual environmental check list in the analysis. KELLEHER MOVED to adopt Resolution 1028wherein the Council concurs with the recommendation of the Hearing Examiner and denies the proposed rezone. Biteman seconded. Motion carried. DiJulio pointed out that the letter from Fred Meyer Ltd. filed for the record tonight, is a request for reconsideration and action should be taken. WOODS MOVED to reject the request for reconsideration. Kelleher seconded, and clarified that since the matter of reviewing the Comprehensive Plan and zoning has been referred to the Planning Commission, it is not necessary that reapplication be made. He noted that this would make the process quicker. White stated that he would support the motion since it would 4 - i August 20, 1984 FRED MEYER speed up the process. DiJulio noted that tonight' s REZONE actions made it clear that there is nothing further APPEAL pending before the .Council. Motion carried. STREETS (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5D) LID 304 - Smith Street Improvements. AUTHORIZATION to set September 17 as the date for a public hear- ing on confirmation of the Final Assessment Roll for LID 304 . (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5E) S. 212th Street Interchange. AUTHORIZATION for the Playor to sign an agreement with the State for a culvert at 212th Street Interchange as recommended by the Public Works Committee. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5111) Meeker Street Storm Drainage and Asphalt Overlays. ACCEPTANCE as complete the contract with Robison Construction for construction of street and storm improvements and AUTHORIZATION to release the retainage after receiving the necessary releases from the State. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5N) 1983 Asphalt Overlays. ACCEPTANCE as complete the contract with M. A. Segale for the 1983 Asphalt Overlay project and AUTHORIZATION to release the retainage after receiving the necessary releases i from the State. LID 317 - 45th Place South Street Improvements. Bid opening was held on August 14 and one bid was received . That bid exceeded the Engineer' s esti- mate and it is recommended the bid be rejected j and the project readvertised. KELLEHER MOVED that the bid for LID 317 be rejected and the pro- ject readvertised, White seconded. Motion carried. James Street Planters. Mayor Hogan noted that during the construction work on James Street the landscaped islands from Central to 94th Avenue are to be removed and replaced with traffic buttons. She noted that the increase in traffic had resulted in maintenance safety problems . The islands above 94th Avenue will be removed when the overlay for that section of James Street is underway. I - 5 - i August 20, 1984 WATER (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5L) West Hill Pump Station No. 4 - Change Order. ACCEPTANCE as complete the contract with A & C Construction for construction of the West Hill Standby Pump Station No. 4 and AUTHORIZATION to release the retainage after receiving the necessary releases from the State. The City and A & C Construction ("A & C" ) entered into a contract for the construction of the West Hill Pump Station No. 4 , and necessary appurtenances. A & C has requested additional compensation by way of Change Order for work performed pursuant to the contract. Against this requested Change Order the City is entitled j to an offset in the amount of $16, 800 which represents liquidated damages for a 56 day delay at $300 per day. PUBLIC WORKS (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 50) One Call System - Utilities. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign an agreement for the City' s participation in the One Call Utility Location Program at a cost of approximately $290 per month as recommended by the Public Works Committee. TRAFFIC Parking and Speed Limit Amendments - Ordinance. CONTROL Upon the recommendation of the Public Works Department, the City Attorney has prepared an ordinance relating to traffic and amending certain sections of the Kent City Code relating to no parking zones and speed limits. BITEMAN MOVED to refer this item back to the Public Works Committee, noting that the Council had not had an opportunity to review the proposed ordinance. White seconded and the motion carried. i i i 6 - i i August 20, 1984 ZONING OF Rowley #3 and Rowley #4 . The recommendations of ANNEXATIONS the Hearing Examiner for the initial zoning of these recently annexed areas have been received by the Council. Kent City Code 15. 09 . 055E. 2 provides that "the Council shall hold two or more public hearings at least 30 days apart. " KELLEHER MOVED to schedule public hearings on September 4, 1984 and October 15, 1984 on the zoning of areas recently annexed to the City by Rowley Annexations 3 and 4 . Moods seconded. Motion carried. SOLAR (CONSENT CALENDAR ITFM 50) ACCESS Solar Access Demonstration Project. AUTHORIZATION for the Planning Department to proceed with the Solar Access Demonstration Project, reauesting funds in an amount between $2, 000 and $5, 000 from the Washington State Energy Department. The project was discussed at the August 13 Council workshop. POLICE Jail Project. Fourteen bids were received on August 15, 1934 for the Kent Jail Project. The low bid was Absher Construction of Puyallup in the amount of $2 , 671, 000. The architect' s esti- mate is $2 , 966,740. The low bid is within the budget and it is recommended that the award be made to the low bidder subject to concurrence by the State Correction Standards Board. BAILEY SO MOVED, Biteman seconded. Motion carried . PARKS & (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5F) RECREATION Puget Power Easement. As recommended by the Parks Department and Parks Committee, AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign an easement with Puget Power to cover their facilities to be located on the golf course property as part of the West Meeker Street underground conversions. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5G) West Fenwick Park. ACCEPTANCE of the project as complete and AUTHORIZATION to pay retainage after receipt of release from the State. i 7 - i I August 20, 1984 I PARKS & (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5H) RECREATION Kent Memorial Park Building Renovations. ACCEPTANCE j of the project as complete and AUTHORIZATION to pay retainage after receipt of release from the State. i (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5J) Uplands Playfield Donation. AUTHORIZATION to accept a quit claim deed from Union Pacific Land Resources Corporation (Uplands) and Union Pacific j Railroad Company for the Uplands Playfield with i the exception of the east 27 feet. I (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5K) Uplands Playfield Lease. AUTHORIZATION for the j Mayor to sign a five year lease with Oregon- Washington Railroad and Navigation Company and the Union Pacific Railroad Company for the east 27 feet of the Uplands Playfield. The lease amount is $50 for the five year term. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5R) Civic Center Complex Ordinance. ADOPTION of Ordinance 2487 entitled: "An ordinance of the City of Kent, Wash- ington relating to the City's Civic Center Complex; amending Ordinance No. 2478 to correct a typographical error in the pro- position for the submission to the qualified voters of the City at a special election to be held therein on September 18 , 1984 , in conjunction with the State primary election to be held on the same date. " This is a technical amendment, and does not otherwise affect Ordinance 2478 . PERSONNEL (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5P) REMOVED AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCILMEMBER WHITE Reclassification - Personnel. APPROVAL of the j staff recommendation associated with the reclassifi- cation of a variety of positions within the City ' s Pay Plan, including the proposed dates for imple- mentation. This recommendation, including imple- mentation schedule, was discussed at the workshops 8 - i t i August 20 , 1984 PERSONNEL of July 23 , 1984 and August 13 , 1984 . White noted that although this item covered relatively few employees, the Council was aware that the j City has a fine group of employees. He noted that the Personnel Director had assured him that a process would be established on an on-going basis so that others would be considered and recognized. Biteman agreed with White and noted that he would be looking for positive results. WHITE MOVED to approve Item 5P, Bailey seconded and the motion carried. Hiring of Relative. Bailey noted that Gene Bridge, husband of Jane Bridge of the Legal Department, had been the top candidate of 60 applicants for a temporary construction inspector position with the Public Works Department. He pointed out that this position could become full-time upon the retirement of a current employee. The Finance Committee concurs with Personnel and the Public Works Departments in recommending that approval be given to hiring Mr. Bridge, and BAILEY SO MOVED. Kelleher seconded. Biteman suggested that the City policy requiring Council approval for hiring relatives be reviewed. Motion carried. PLANNING (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5C) COMMISSION REMOVED AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCILMEMBER KELLEHER Planning Commission Appointment. CONFIRMATION of the Mayor ' s appointment of Robert Badger to the Planning Commission to fill the unexpired term of Helen Brooks. This terms expires December 31, 1985. Kelleher asked if Mr . Badger was present and Playor Hogan noted that she had not specifically asked him to attend. Biteman suggested that this could be done in the future so that the Council would have an opportunity to meet new appointees. KELLEHER MOVED to approve Item 5C, Woods seconded. Motion carried. FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5B) Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through August 21 after auditing by the Finance Committee at its meeting at 4 : 00 p.m. on August 31, 1984 . I _ 9 _ i i I August 20 , 1984 FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5I) Golf Course Expansion Fund. AUTHORIZATION to borrow up to 550, 000 from the Capital Improvement Fund to establish a Golf Course Expansion Develop- ; ment Fund, as discussed at the August 13 workshop. The Capital Improvement Fund will be repaid at j the time the bonds for development are sold. VALLEY Mayor Hogan noted that Valley General Hospital GENERAL would like to schedule a luncheon or dinner so HOSPITAL that the City officials may meet the staff. This will be further discussed at a workshop. COUNCIL Public Works Committee - Citywide Transportation COMMITTEES Plan. Kelleher noted that the Council final anproval of the Transportation Plan left the City with a Transportation Plan which does not conform to our Comprehensive Plan. He noted ! that within the next few weeks this issue would i come before the Council again for consideration j of altering either of the Plans. i Parks Committee - Women' s Softball Tournament. Bailey noted that the national tournament had been a huge success, and that people from all j over the country had been impressed with the facilities and the arrangements, including medical teams and donations by merchants. He noted that the game he had attended had over a thousand spectators and that the Directors were interested in returning to Kent. He expressed appreciation to the Parks Department, especially Bill Stevens and Neil Sullivan for a job well done. Public Safety. Biteman noted that the Police Services report had been presented to the Com- mitee and that a presentation would be made to the entire Council . ADJOURNMENT KELLEHER MOVED that the meeting be adjourned at 9: 15 p.m. , Biteman seconded. Motion carried. i Marie Jensen, CMC City Clerk i I - 10 -