HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 07/16/1984 Kent , Washington July 16 , 1984 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7 : 00 o ' clock p.m. by Mayor Hogan . Present : Mayor Hogan , Counci_lmemhers Bailey, Johnson , Kelleher , Leahy, White and Woods , City Administrator Cushing, City Attorney DiJulio, Planning Director Harris , Public Works Director Wickstrom, Finance Director McCarthy, City Treasurer Drotz , Assistant City Administrator Webby and Fire Chief Angelo . Council- member Biteman was absent . Approximately 50 people were in attendance at the meeting . CONSENT JOHNSON MOVED to approve Consent Calendar CALENDAR Items A through M with the exception of Items C and J which were removed at the request of Kelleher . Woods seconded. Motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5A) Approval of Minutes . APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of July 2 , 1984 . HEALTH & Agreement for Domestic Sewage Facility. SANITATION This matter comes before the Council at the request of the Public Works Department to authorize the Mayor to enter into an agree- ment on behalf of the City of Kent with Norman G. Heutmaker , Jr . and Sheila Heutmaker as owners of certain property. This agree- ment is entered into to conform to the require- ments of State Law concerning private owner- ship of domestic sewage facilities . Such private ownership and operation will not b approved if the City does not agree to assume responsibility for the system upon failure . The City will agree to accept such responsibility upon failure and any costs or obligations incurred by the City will become a lien upon the property. This matter is continued from the July 2 , 1984 meeting because the form of the agree- ment had not been approved by the Department of Ecology. The City has been advised that the developer has now secured necessary approval by DOE . - 1 - i t July 16 , 1984 HEALTH & JOHNSON MOVED to authorize agreement between SANITATION the City of Kent and Norman G. Heutmaker , Jr. and Sheila Heutmaker for domestic sewage facility and to authorize the Mayor to exe- cute the necessary documents . Kelleher noted that he would abstain from voting on this item because of a security interest in the property. Motion carried, with Kelleher abstaining . WATER West Hill Water System Pressure Improvements . Five bids were received on July 11, 1984 . In accordance with the recomemndation of the Public Works Director , KELLEHER MOVED that the low bid of Puget Constructors in the amount of $146 , 000 plus tax be accepted and that $223 , 609 be trans- ferred into the existing fund from the unencum- bered balance of the water utility funds . White seconded. Motion carried. STREETS (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5G) LID_ 300 - Crow Road and South 260th and 101st Avenue_S .E . ACCEPTANCE of the contract with City Transfer as complete , for construction of the improvements for LID 300 and authorization to pay the retainage after receiving required releases from the State . LID 307 - (S . 180th/S .W. 43rd Street Improvements - Joint Project - Kent/Renton. The improvements made under LID Jul were done as a joint project with Renton . The preliminary assessments to Kent property owners were $483 , 266 . The City of Renton and the City of Kent assess their property owners at the same rate . Renton is proposing to reduce their assessments about 40% . The question to Kent City Council is whether Kent will continue to assess at the same rate as Renton . The Mayor noted that the matter had been discussed at the July 9 workshop and also pointed out that she had discussed the matter with Mayor Shinpoch of Renton. In response to her question , Wickstrom noted that there were two LIDs on S . 180th, one in Renton and one in the City of Kent . Wickstrom recom- mended that the most logical way of handling I - 2 - July 16 , 1984 STREETS the issue would be that the City and the pro- perty owners would share in the cost savings equally. KELLEHER MOVED that the City proceed in accordance with the staff recommendation outlined in Wickstrom' s July 13 memo to the Mayor and Council . Bailey seconded. Motion carried. LID 283 - Streets , Sewer & Water. At the July 2nd public hearing, the City' s appraiser indi- cated that before and after appraisals had been done for Assessments No. 26 and 27 as shown on the Final Assessment Roll. This was not the case and it is recommended that the public hearing be reopened to correct the record and take any other testimony on this matter which might be offered. It is also recommended that Assessment No. 38 be corrected reflecting the proper distribution of assessments for the street lighting on West Valley Highway. Wickstrom noted that the Council had been furnished with a copy of his letter to Mel Kleweno addressing the Due and Bevilacqua properties in which reference was made to the fact that an error had been made with regard to the City having made before and after appraisals. on those two parcels . The appraiser had indi- cated that he had done so but then determined j that in fact , he had not . He noted that the City subsequently had Letters of Opinion from the appraiser on these two parcels which were delivered to the Clerk .for the record. Wick- strom also noted that the Letters of Opinion also contained an error in that the appraiser assumed that sewer service was provided to these parcels as part of the LID, and it was not . Wickstrom also noted that just prior to the Council meeting he had received a verbal cor- rection from the appraiser on the parcels and with respect to Mr . Due ' s property the net value attributed to the LID was $184 , 241. 00 and his assessment was $22 , 688 . 57 , which Wick- strom contended showed that the Due property was being benefitted much more than the assessment . 3 - July 16 , 1984 STREETS With regard to Mr . Bevilacqua, Assessment No. 26 , Wickstrom noted that because of the size LTD 11.83 of his property which was only 1/3 of an acre, it showed that the total benefit to the pro- perty was only $3 , 368 . 00 while the assessment on that same parcel was $6 , 667 . 01 . He noted that it was the recommendation of the Public Works Department that Mr . Bevilacqua' s assess- ment be reduced to $3 , 368 . 00 and that difference amounting to $3 , 299 . 01 be added to the City' s parcel which is Assessment No. 24 , thus increas- ing the City' s assessment from $109 , 139 . 26 to $112 , 438 . 27 . WOODS MOVED that the public hear- ing be reopened, White seconded. Motion carried. The Mayor declared the public hearing reopened. Wickstrom requested that the appraisals be entered into the record, noting that the changes had been made in pencil from the verbal conversation with the appraiser. WOODS SO MOVED. Kelleher seconded. Motion carded. There were no further comments and BAILEY MOVED that the public hearing be closed, Kelleher seconded. Motion carried. KELLEHER MOVED that Assessment No. 38 be increased by $2 , 776 . 30 for the left turn lane assessment distribution , Woods seconded. Motion carried. KELLEHER MOVED to adopt Ordinance No. 2481 con- firming the Final Assessment Roll for LID 283 as amended by the Public Works Director ' s recom- mendations . Woods seconded. Motion carried. LID 318 - North Central Avenue Improvements . This date has been set for the public hearing on the creation of LID 318 . The Public Works Director described the area of the proposed LID, as North Central_ Avenue from S . 240th to S . 228th and noted that the City had received a grant from UAB to participate in 730 of the funding of this improvement . The improvement calls for the improvement of a two-way continuous left turn lane on Central from James Street to 228th and would also include new curbs and gutters , sidewalks , new storm drainage system, street lights throughout the project , under- - 4 - July 16 , 1984 STREETS grounding power and telephone, street trees , replacement of the water main and some sewer and water stub-outs to the undeveloped pro- LID 318 perties . He clarified that the project total was esti- mated at $2 , 308 , 518 . 02 . The UAB grant is for $1, 592 , 938 . 21 and the City' s portion for rehab- ilitation of the existing main is $109 , 994 . 76 , leaving $605 , 585 . 05 to be assessed to the pro- perty owners . Wickstrom pointed out that the street improvements were assessed on a modified zone and termini method and that the water improvements included the oversizing of an existing water main . He noted that the City is paying for the replacement of the existing 6" main but because the 6" main does not have fire protection capabilities , the abutting property owners were being assessed for the oversizing. He also noted that a different type of assessment was used for those properties which had no sewer or water service at all. Wickstrom also referred to the tight construc- tion schedule on the project , noting that it was required that the plans and specifications had to be completed and submitted for the construc- tion grant by the end of A4gust , 1984 . The City would then proceed to acquire rights of way, noting that the street improvement would require about 71-2 feet on each side of the street for the additional widening. He noted that some property owners have deeded properties to the City with the understanding that if they were involved in the LID they would get credit on their assessments , and that these covenants would be honored in the LID process , with a credit being given toward the final assessments . Wick- strom clarified that the construction project was an 18 month award in terms of UAB, which rquires that the City be under contract within 18 months or the grant would be in jeopardy. The City has indicated that they would be under contract within 14 months which would mean about June of 1985 . It is anticipated that the project would be completed in March of 1986 . Wickstrom then explained the method of financing and con- - 5 - July 16 , 1984 STREETS cluded by noting that the SEPA checklist had received a negative declaration . In response to Bailey' s question, Wickstrom LID 318 noted that he thought that the State had modi- fied the radius of the freeway access turn and clarified further that the sidewalks would be on both sides of the street , and would be 61-2 feet from the face of the curb with no planting strip and that the street trees would be in back of the sidewalks . The public hearing was opened by Mayor Hogan. The Clerk noted that no correspondence had been received. William Springer, 36 - 157th Avenue , Bellevue , WA noted that he owned parcels on the north end of the project on the west side of North Central. Referring to the map , he noted that this area was desig- nated as the Springer Short Plat . Springer clarified that he was not objecting to the forma- tion of the LID but questioned the benefits to certain parcels . Referring to Parcel 28 , he noted that it did not have any frontage on North Central and that its only access was around the corner . He noted that this parcel was being assessed for $920 . 53 . With regard to Lot 30 , he noted that the assessment was $6 , 059 . 00 and pointed out that the City had already determined that both lie within the 100 year flood zone and that he had been denied a building permit for Lot 30 . He contended that the double left turn lane was of no benefit to his property. Springer pointed out that his engineers had made an error in the amount of the limited access during the process of short platting the property which resulted in there being no access to Lot 30 . He con- cluded that he wished to make his comments a matter of record with regard to those two parcels . He also questioned the necessity of extending the project to 228th because the access to that property on both sides was limited from the north edge of the motel and there was nowhere to turn from the left turn lanes . In response to the i 6 - i July 16 , 1984 STREETS Mayor ' s question, Springer noted that he was the owner of the property when the Valley Freeway was constructed and he clarified that the total lack of access was due to an engi- neering error at the time of short platting. There were no further comments and KELLEHER MOVED to continue the public hearing until August 6 , Woods seconded. Motion carried. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5L ) LID 318 - North Central Improvement - Bicycle Paths . AUTHORIZATION for the Department of Public Works to proceed with the original approved project scope which does not include bicycle routes . LID 315 - 74th Ave . and South 259th St . and Utility Improvements . Bid opening was held June 26th with eight bids received. Upon the recommendation of the Public Works Director, KELLEHER MOVED that the bids received on June 26th for LID 315 be rejected, because the property owners have not executed the required escrow agreements . Woods seconded. Motion carried. SIDEWALKS Pedestrian Safety Along Cambridge Drive . The Mayor noted receipt of letters from Ronald Straub and from William F. Young, 26316 42nd Avenue South, regarding pedestrian safety along Cambridge Drive , particularly in the area of Star Lake Elementary School. Also presented was a petition containing six sign- atures regarding sidewalk improvements on Cambridge Drive . KELIEHER MOVED to make these a part of the record, White seconded. Motion carried. Mr . Young was in attendance and sug- gested that perhaps 42nd Avenue should be shut off , and that even though the new sidewalks were a good idea they would not solve the problem. Mayor Hogan noted that their con- cerns would be an agenda item for the Public Works & Planning Committee meeting on July 18 and that the group would be advised of the time . - 7 - July 16 , 1984 AGRICULTURAL Agricultural_Zo_nin Amendment . On July 2 , ZONING 1984 , the City Council set July 16 , 1984 as AMENDMENT the date for a public hearing to consider proposed Agricultural. Zoning ( A-1 ) for the west and south sides of the Green River . The Planning Commission held public hearings on March 27 , April 17 , and May 8 , 1984 , and re- commends the proposed A-1 Agricultural District Zoning as shown on Map 1 . Kelleher noted that inasmuch as we have not as yet completed the Comprehensive Plan Amendment for Agricultural Preservation , it was illogical to deal with the Agricultural Zoning Amendment . He requested that this hearing be hold over to the August 6th meeting to allow time to cover the Com- prehensive Plan Amendment , scheduled for later this evening. DiJul.io suggested that the hearing he opened so that. those who wished to give testimony could do so , and then the hear- ing could he continued . Fred Satterstrom explained that at the Planning Com,nissi_on hearings , input had been received from the public . draft ITS was filed in March and the final iIS in June . He noted that the Comprehensive Plan portion should be completed first. . He briefly explained the proposed Agricultural Zoning District and referred to the zoning am(-ndment map . The public hearing was opened by Mayor Hogan . Edgar Rombauer , attorney for Andy Matelich, noted that he had scent_ a letter to the Planning Commission . Elarris clarified t',at this was the first Council public hearing on the Agricultural Zoni.nq Amendment. and that notices had been mailed to any owner of property to be affected by the zoning . John O' Rourke , representing Kent Highlands , stated he would reserve comments to iho next- meeting. KELLEHER MOVED to continue this public hearing to the August 6 , 1984 Council meeting . Woods seconded and the mot i.or) cal-I- i-1 . - 8 -- i July 16 , 1984 AGRICULTURAL Comprehensive Plan Amendment - Agricultural STUDY/COMPRE- Preservation . On July 2 , 1984 , City Council HENSIVE PLAN continued the public meeting to consider the AMENDMENT proposed Agricultural Preservation Comprehensive Plan Amendment as recommended by the Planning Commission . KELLEHER MOVED to accept the Plan- ning Commission ' s recommendation according to their map dated March 29 , 1983 with the follow- ing exception : in those areas south of the river between SR 167 and West Valley Road and the West Valley Road extended, we will accept the staff ' s recommendation which calls for in- clusion of those areas in the agricultural designation . Woods seconded. Satterstrom pointed out the area on the map and Kelleher clarified for Bailey that this motion was exactly the same as he had made at the July 2 meeting. Leahy stated that he had stated his objections at the last meeting and MOVED to amend the motion to include deleting Objective 5 , Policy 2 , which reads : Additional finan- cial compensation to property owners should be considered for farmlands that participate in the King County farmlands preservation program. " Kelleher seconded the proposed amendment and explained that the Planning Commission had been instructed to examine the compensation issue, i.t they determined that the King Country purchase plan was inadequate . The COMMiSSion has found that the County' s plan is adequate and Kelleher opined , therefore , that. policy 2 is a moot point . Bailey stated that there is nothing to indi- cate that King County had the funds or that they would be able to pursue the purchase of these properties . Johnson stated that the Comprehensive Ilan wou.l.d not take anything away from the property owners and that some want to be included it, the County' s plan. He agreed that. the Ci-ty should not be under any obligation to compensate property owners . The proposed amendme�it carried unanimously. The motion, as amended , carried with Bailey opposing. i - 9 July 16 , 1984 SUBDIVISION Subdivision Code Amendment . On June 26 , 1984 , CODE the Planning Commission held a public hearing on a proposed Subdivision Code amendment which would extend the expiration date of a prelimi- nary plat . The City Council reviewed the Planning Commission recommendation at the July 9 , 1984 City Council workshop. JOHNSON MOVED to adopt Ordinance_ 2482 approving the j Subdivision Code amendment as recommended by the Planning Commission , Woods seconded. Motion carried. ANNEXATION (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5F) Kent Springs Annexation. ADOPTION of Ordinance 2480 annexing the Kent Springs site to the City of Kent . ZONING CODE Zoning Code Amendment_ On June 18 , 1984 , the City Council set Jul-y 16 , 1984 as the date to hear the proposed Zoning Code amendment to reclassify Highway Commercial property to General Commercial . The Planning Commission held a public hearing on this item on May 22 , 1984 . City Council reviewed the Planning I Coun cil Commission ' s .recommendation at the Cou workshop of June 11 , 1984 . The Mayor opened the public hearing. There was no correspondence and no comments were made . BAILEY MOVED to close the public hearing . Woods seconded. Motion carried . JOHNSON MOVED to approve the above amendment to the Zoning Code . Woods seconded. Motion carried. HOUSING & Application for_1985 Housing and Community COMMUNITY Development Block Grant Funding for Kent Valley DEVELOPMENT Youth Services . This public hearing is to consider the KVYS joint application with King County for 1985 H & CD Block Grant Funds for a proposed facility acquisition. This item was discussed at the City Council_ workshop on July 9 , 1984 . The Mayor opened the public hearing. There was no correspondence and no comments were made . JOHNSON MOVED to close the public hearing. Woods seconded. Motion carried . JOHNSON MOVED to approve the joint project application for1985 H & CD Block seconded. Motion carried. Brant Funds , Kel]_eher: I - l0 July 16 , 1984 SURPLUS Disposal of Surplus Real Property. On June PROPERTY 18 , 1984 this date was set for a public hearing to dispose of approximately one half acre of surplus property. The property is surplus to the improvement of the South 212th Street Interchange and is landlocked by the Jack Benaroya Business Park. The Mayor opened the public hearing. There was no correspondence and no comments were made . JOHNSON MOVED to close the public hearing. Leahy seconded and the motion carried. LEAHY MOVED to authorize the Mayor to conclude negotiations for the sale of the identified surplus property, Woods seconded. Motion carried. POLICE Jail Project . Eleven bids were received on July 12 for the clearing and earth work for the City Jail Building . Upon the recommenda- tion of Jan Rosholt , JOHNSON MOVED that the bid be awarded to Stowe Construction, Inc. , the low bidder in the amount of $35 , 811 . 37 and for authorization for execution of the contract documents , White seconded . Motin carried. SATURDAY (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5C ) MARKET ( REMOVED AT THE REQUEST_OF COUNCILMEMBER KELLEHER) Saturday Market Advisory Board. Kelleher sug- gested that some arrangement be made under which the Council could review applications and meet applicants who have expressed interest in serving on the City ' s various boards and commissions . Bailey noted that the enabling legislation for the committee specifically stated that the Mayor would appoint and further that a precedent had been set for this admini- strative matter . Mayor Hogan noted that this had been discussed at the Parks Committee meeting. Kelleher noted that he had no objec- tion to any of the appointees , but would like to have this held over to the next Council meeting. LEAHY MOVED to approve the following appointments : Vendors - Dorothy Woodruff , Patti Eckhoff , Cheri Uher Senior Citizen - Kathryn Lockwood Committee of ' 84 - Jan Jacobsen Special Friends of the Market - Dennis Steussey Merchant - Citizen at. Large - Sally Storey - 11 - I July 16 , 1984 SATURDAY Bailey seocnded and KELLEHER MOVED to table MARKET this to the August 6 meeting with discussion to be held at the July 23 workshop. There was no second to his motion. Leahy' s motion then carried unanimously. PARKS & (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5D) RECREATION Women ' s Youth World USSSA Tournament Banners . AUTHORIZATION to place three cross street banners to advertise the Women ' s Youth World USSSA Tournament to be held in Kent on August 9 , 10 , 11 and 12 , 1984 at the following locations : on Me.ker Street between 64th Avenue South and 68th Avenue South; on Central Avenue between Kent Memorial Park and Valley Freeway entrance; and on Smith Street near Mill Creek Canyon. The Tournament has been approved by the Council. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5E ) Parks Tournament Checking Account . AUTHORI- ZATION for the Parks Department to establish a special checking account for the Women ' s Senior Youth World Tournament to be held in the City of Kent in early August . The estab- lishment of this account was discussed with the Finance Committee at their June 29 meeting, and has been reviewed by the Finance Department , the City Attorney' s office and the State Auditor ' s office . (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5H ) SR516 Pond Site . AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign an agreement with the State of Wash- ington for use and development of the State park land at the 516 pond site . (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5I ) Kent Memorial Recreation Hall. APPROVAL to increase the Kent Memorial Recreation Hall Remodeling Budget from $20 , 000 to $20 , 800 to allow replacemnt of floor tile and kitchen counter formica. This is a Revenue Sharing project . I - 12 - July 16 , 1984 PARKS & (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5K) RECREATION Golf Course Expansion Design Contract . AUTHORIZATION to contract with William G. Teufel and Associates to provide consultation, planning and preliminary design concepts for the Golf Course expansion. Van Doren ' s Landing Grant Application and Master Development Plan. As presented at the July 9 workshop, the Parks and Recreation Committee seeks authorization to apply to the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recrea- tion for a 50 percent matching grant to develop a passive river front park at Van Doren ' s Landing. Public input is requested on the Park Develop- ment Master Plan which includes : Group and family picnicing, open playfield, children ' s tot lot , river front lawn/beach area, ramp to river for canoe/kayak launching, parking, rest rooms , horseshoe pits , volleyball court , trails , and landscaping. In addition to the public hearing and formal adoption of a Master Development Plan , Council action is required to adopt the resolution authoriz- ing application and commitment of the local matching share , adoption of the Six-Year Capital Improvement Plan , and authorization to contract with ORB to prepare working drawings and bid specifications . Helen Adams of the Parks Department explained the proposed project and displayed drawings of the planned facility. The Mayor opened the public hearing. There was no correspondence and no comments were made . WOODS MOVED to close the public hearing. Johnson seconded. Motion carried . BAILEY MOVED that the follow- ing be approved: 1 ) Adoption of the Van Doren ' s Landing Park Development Master Plan. 2 ) Adoption of Resolution 1024 authorizing application for funding assistance to the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation . i 13 - t July 16 , 1984 PARKS & 3 ) Adoption of the Parks and Recreation RECREATION Department Six-Year Capital Improvement Plan . 4 ) Authorization to contract with ORB to prepare working drawings and specifications . I Woods seconded. Motion carried. i (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5J ) ( REMOVED AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCILPERSON KELLEHER) A request has been made to authorize the contract with Henry Klein Partnership to provide archi- tectural services (design , construction, draw- ings , bid documents and construction observation ) for the new Senior Center to be located at the Smith Street Shopping Center site . Kelleher noted that he was unable to attend the workshop at which this was discussed and asked that Helen Adams explain the item. Adams explained that the contract was for the same amount as was included in the project budget , approximately $148 , 000 which would carry the project all the way through construction . She noted that the plan would leave room for the library and the performing arts center and that even if the bond issue for these two items did not pass , that the Smith Street Center was still considered the best site for the Senior Center. WOODS MOVED to approve Consent Calendar Item 5J , Johnson seconded. Motion carried. FINANCE LID 289 - Kent-Kangley Improvements Bond Ordinance . The City Treasurer has certified that she has collected $51, 358 . 69 in the 30 day interest-free period ending June 29 . Unpaid assessments remaining amount to $218 , 402 . 88 . The City' s bond counsel has prepared Ordinance 2483 for a bond issue in the amount of $218 , 402 .88 and providing for the sale of same to Foster & Marshall/American Express , Inc . of Seattle. Finance Director McCarthy noted that net effective interest rate was 10 . 785% and that this compared well with recent local bond sales . LEAHY MOVED to adopt Ordinance 2483 providing for issuing the bonds and accepting the Foster & Marshall proposal , Woods seconded. Motion carried. 14 - July 16 , 1984 FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5B ) Approval of Bills . APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through July 19 after auditing by the Finance Committee at its meeting at 4 : 00 p .m. on July 31. COUNCILMEMBER (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5M) ABSENCE Councilmember Absence . Biteman ' s request to be excused from the July Council meetings , due to his absence from the City is hereby granted. COUNCIL Public Works Committee . Kelleher reported that COMMITTEES the Public Works and Planning Committee would meet on Wednesday, July 18 at 2 : 30 p.m. for Public Works items and at 3 : 30 p.m. for Planning items . Parks Committee . Bailey reported that the Parks Committee would meet on Tuesday, August 7 at 9 : 00 a.m. BUDGET Cushing reminded the Council of the meeting at noon on Thursday, July 19 for goal setting on the 1984 budget . POPULATION Harris reported that the State had certified Kent ' s population at 26 , 250 . He noted that last years figure was 25 , 400 . ADJOURNMENT KELLEHER MOVED that the meeting be adjourned. at 8 : 15 p .m. , White seconded. Motion carried. Marie Jen9en , CMC City Clerk 1.5 - i