HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 03/19/1984 Kent, Washington March 19, 1984 The regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7 : 00 p.m. by Mayor Hogan. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilmembers Biteman, Johnson, Kelleher, Leahy, White and Woods, City Admini- strator Cushing, City Attorney DiJulio, Planning Director Harris, Public Works Director Wickstrom and Finance Director McCarthy. Also present: Personnel Director Webby and Parks Director Wilson. Approximately 90 people were in attendance at the meeting. CONSENT JOHNSON MOVED that the Consent Calendar Items A CALENDAR through J be approved, White seconded. Motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5A) Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of the Special Council meeting of March 8 , 1984 . HEALTH & (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5F) SANITATION Utility Easement Request - Cook. APPROVAL to grant a utility easement to a parcel of land in the vicinity of 114th Avenue S.E. off Kent-Kangley, as recommended by the Public Works Director and the Public Works Committee. WATER (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5I) Regional Water Association of South King County. APPROVAL of the City ' s continued participation in the Regional Water Association of South King County and transfer of $3 , 500 from the Unencumbered Water Fund for Kent' s share of anticipated costs for the association' s activities . STREETS (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5H) LID 289 - Kent-Kangley Road Improvement (256th to 116th) . APPROVAL to set April 16, 1984 as the date for the public hearing on the confirmation of the Final Assessment Roll for LID 289. HOUSING & (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5J) COMMUNITY Reallocation of H & CD Block Grant Funds. AUTHORI- DEVELOPMENT ZATION for $12 , 473 of population money allocated for the 2nd and Gowe Street Project to be trans- ferred to the Japanese Garden Park Project, as recommended by the Planning Director and concurred with by the Council Public Works and Planning Com- mittee. This matter was discussed at the March 12 workshop meeting. - 1 - March 19 , 1984 PUGET SOUND It is necessary to have an alternate for Mayor COUNCIL OF Hogan for the Puget Sound Council of Governments. GOVERNMENTS WOODS MOVED for Jon Johnson to be appointed to serve in this capacity, White seconded. Motion carried. TRAFFIC (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5E) CONTROL Master Signal Control Computer - Change Order. APPROVAL of a change order for approximately $44 , 700 for an addition to the Engineering Depart- ment Building to house the master signal control computer and for new controllers, as recommended by the Public Works Director and Public Works Committee. AFFORDABLE At the February 27 workshop, HOUSING the Council reviewed the work outline for the Affordable Housing Project. The Public Works and Planning Committee recommends that the Planning staff be directed to initiate the work program as presented with an additional item under Phase II. KELLEHER MOVED to authorize the Planning staff to initiate the work program for the Affordable Housing Project as outlined in the memo from the Planning Department. Upon Leahy' s question, Hansen noted that the study would take five to six months. Harris noted that progress would be reported through the minutes of the Public Works/Planning Committee minutes. White seconded. Motion carried. BOARD OF (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5G) ADJUSTMENT Board of Adjustment Appointment. CONFIRMATION of the Mayor ' s appointment of Robert Kitto to the Board of Adjustment to replace Beth Carroll. His term will expire in February, 1989 . CITY HALL (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5D) City Hall Energy Audit. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to enter into an agreement with Puget Sound Power and Light Company to write specifications for the installation of energy conservation measures for City Hall . These conservation measures relate to outdoor walkway lighting, stairwell lighting and double glass windows. This project is estimated to cost approximately $68 , 000 of which $43 ,240 will 2 - I March 19 , 1984 CITY HALL be provided by a Puget Sound Power and Light Company grant. The remaining $24, 780 is included in the City' s 1984 Budget. The proposal from Puget Sound Power and Light Company was discussed at the February 29 Finance Committee meeting and a copy of the minutes and an explanation of the project has been distributed. GOLF COURSE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5C) Golf Course Driving Range Repair. ACCEPTANCE of the contract with PK Enterprises, Inc. as complete for the repair to the Driving Range fence, poles and netting. The retainage will be paid upon receipt of the necessary releases from the State. PERSONNEL Creation of Information Services Director Position. An ordinance has been prepared to amend the 1984 Budget deleting the Data Processing Manager posi- tion and adding the job classification of Informa- tion Services Director, at a salary range of 46. KELLEHER MOVED to adopt Ordinance 2459 , Leahy seconded. Motion carried. WESTERN Mayor Hogan noted that the Councilmembers had re- PROCESSING ceived a copy of a letter to EPA from Garmt Nieuwen- huis of Western Processing, dated February 29 , 1984 . A copy was filed for the record by motion. METRO Mayor Hogan noted that about a year ago she had TRANSIT been asked to explore the possibility of establish- ing a bus pull-out facility on the West Valley Highway between S . 192nd and S. 212th, primarily for the convenience of Boeing employees. She for- warded correspondence relating to this project to the Public Works Committee and they have recom- mended that the City become involved in establish- ing such a pull-out at S. 204th. It was determined that the City ' s cost would be $6, 000 plus the on- going cost of illumination. BITEMAN MOVED to authorize the City' s participation. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. - 3 - March 19, 1984 TRANSPORTATION Transportation Plan. The public hearing on the PLAN Transportation Plan has been continued to this date. Discussion of the pedestrian, bicycle and truck elements of the plan are scheduled for this meeting. Mayor Hogan reopened the public hearing. Mayor Hogan noted that letters had been received and distributed from: Metro Hauling, dated February 24 , the Chamber of Commerce, dated March 5, Seattle Tacoma Box Company, dated February 3, Continental Mills, Inc. dated February 2 and Warren Secord Enterprises, dated February 7 . She also noted receipt of a letter from Seattle Master Builders, dated March 12. These letter were filed for the record by motion. Sixty-eight copies of a form letter urging the elimination of S.E. 224th from the Transportation Plan were also received by the Mayor. These were also filed for the record, by motion. A report from Jim Poston, Traffic Engineer, dated March 2, has been distributed and has been placed on file. Pedestrian Element. Poston noted that improvements are recommended as soon as funds are available for the following locations inside the city: Canyon Drive from Hazel to Kent-Meridian High School 116th Avenue S.E. from S. E. 240th to S.E. 234th Woodland Way from Reiten to Plaple and from Maple to S. E. 267th West Valley from James to Green River Frager & Russell Roads from Kent-Des Moines Rd. to S. 200th He noted that Canyon Drive from Jason to Hazel and Reiten Road, from Titus to Woodland Way, were funded in the 1984 budget. He pointed out that the improvements listed only those in the arterial street system and major pedestrian corridors, but that many local streets should have improvements for pedestrians especially near schools. New stan- dards are recommended in the plan for all new arterial construction in the city. 4 - March 19 , 1984 TRANSPORTATION Bicycle Element. Poston noted that this element PLAN lists proposed improvements to correct existing problem areas and sets forth standards to be applied to new arterial construction. Improvements are recommended for the following city locations: Totem Junior High, Star Lake Elementary, Kent Elementary and Scenic Hill Elementary. The Sunnycrest project is included in the 1984 city budget. He described the new standards for bicycle systems , including a widened outside lane of 15 feet, paved shoulders and signed bicycle routes where no parking would be allowed. Ken St. John filed a letter for the record and noted that he favored the option of bicycle lanes over a widened lane or the paved shoulder. He further favored the signing of bike paths for safety. He suggested that school improve- ments, specifying paved shoulders, were not suffi- cient. Fritz Baesman concurred with St. John, noting that shoulders are neglected by road crews and often are littered with glass, nails and over- grown with vines. Poston noted that the recommend- ations were a compromise and that paved shoulders were an interim improvement. Glen Votaw of the Chamber of Commerce expressed support for the pedestrian and bicycle elements of the plan. Truck Element. Poston noted that the Public Works Department recommended that the section of the Truck element entitled "Regulations" be deleted. He further recommended that the Truck Routes be established as: 1 . SR 515 (Benson Highway, 104th Avenue S.E. ) 2 . SR 516 (Kent-Des Moines Road, Willis Street, Central Avenue, Smith Street, Canyon Drive, S.E. 256th Street, Kent-Kangley Road) 3. SR 167 (Valley Freeway) 4 . SR 5 (Interstate 5) - 5 - March 19 , 1984 TRANSPORTATION 5. SR 181 (West Valley Highway, Washington Avenue, PLAN 64th Avenue South, 68th Avenue South) 6. South 180th Street (SW 43rd Street) 7 . South 212th Street (Orillia Road) 8 . South 228th Street (South 224th Street) 9 . South 277th Street Poston noted that trucks should be prohibited, with the exception of deliveries on the following: 1 . S. 240th Street (James Street) - between Central Avenue and 94th Avenue, restriction to take effect when first new east-west arterial is opened. 2 . Reith Road - between SR 516 and Military Road 3. S. 218th Street - between 92nd Avenue S. and 100th Avenue S. E. 4. 35th Avenue South/37th Place South/40th Place South - between 42nd Avenue South and Military Road Upon Votaw' s question about the prohibited routes, Poston suggested that signs would be posted such as we now have at Jason Street and at Clark Street. He noted that permits would not be issued and that the Police Deparment would enforce the truck rules. Upon White' s question, Poston noted he could pro- vide cost figures within a few days for bike lanes including striping and signing. White also ex- pressed the concern of some of the Scenic Hill residents who didn ' t want changes made to their streets, and suggested that action be delayed. KELLEHER MOVED to delay action on the pedestrian, bicycle and truck elements of the Transportation Plan and to continue the hearing to April 2, at which time there will be a review of the financing alternatives . Woods seconded and the motion carried. - 6 - March 19 , 1984 TRANSPORTATION A question about the proposed S.E. 224th corridor PLAN was raised and Poston clarified that this was not part of the Arterial Plan, that it was one of the possible corridors for study which will become active if King County approves such a study. Upon Johnson' s quesiton, DiJulio noted that all plans are blueprints and guides for future development. A man from the audience asked if it was required that a home owner tell a prospective buyer that S.E. 224th is a proposed corridor route. A woman stated that she was a real estate dealer and that it was required that such information be given to a prospective buyer. Baesman asked about Leahy' s proposal to drop 224th from the plan. Wickstrom noted that final action will be by Resolution after the hearings are con- cluded, at which time the Council may elect to make changes. WEST HILL On February 8, 1984, the City Council held a Special COMPREHENSIVE Meeting at Totem Junior High School to conduct a PLAN public hearing on the Planning Commission ' s recommenda- tion for the West Hill Comprehensive Plan. The hear- ing was concluded on February 8, 1984 and the matter was further discussed at the February 27 workshop and at a special workshop on March 8, 1984. The recommendation of the Planning Commission is before the Council at this meeting for Council action to approve , disapprove or modify the West Hill Plan or refer the Plan back to the Planning Com- mission for further proceedings . The Clerk noted receipt of the following letters : • Mr. and Mrs . _Grant-Conn, received March 13 , and distributed with the agenda for this meeting. ° Mr_. and Mrs . Greg_Gramlin�c , received March 6 , and distributed at the March 8 workshop. ° Herbert__Phillips , received March 7 , and dis- tributed at the March 8 workshop. 7 - i March 19, 1984 WEST HILL Mayor Hogan read a letter from Dr. Roy Barnes, COMPREHENSIVE dated March 15, favoring business zoning for Mrs . PLAN Frazier ' s property. These letters were filed for the record by motion. It was determined that the Goals_ and policies would be considered before the land use portion of the Plan. KELLEHER MOVED to accept the Draft West Hill Policies and Recommendations as recommended by the Planning Commission (including the Planning Commission ' s Addi- tions/Revisions listed in the five page document dated November 8, 1983) . Woods seconded. Motion carried. Jim Hansen, Principal Planner, addressed the chap es to the Land_ Use Plan recommended by the Planning Com- mission, as listed on the handout used during prior discussions of the West Hill Plan. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDED LAND USE PLAN The following items represent the changes to Alternative #3 (page 103) that now comprise the recommended Land Use Plan. All of these changes are illustra- ted on the Land Use Plan Map in the Planning Department 1. Glen Nelson Park - Extend park designation northward to include the area known as the "Cambridge Commercial" area. 2. Midway Landfill - All of the active landfill site will be indicated as Commercial with the exception of the "Park." Extend the park designation westward to the westerly edge of the landfill on an alignment with the present boundaries of the park property. 3. Kent Highlands - Designate the area within the West Hill Plan Study Area as PUD with the intent of allowing up to 1 ,000 dwelling units at the sug- gested "Intermediate Level." Include Qualification Rl on page 99 as part of the recommendation. 4. Lake Fenwick - Designate one dwelling unit per acre for the area east of the Lake with a special notation that this is at a net density. This qualification was added due to nearby "constraint areas." 5. Curran Property - Designate the area in the southeasternmost tip of the study area as one dwelling unit per acre as opposed to "Open Space." 6. Star Lake - Assign a density of two to three dwelling units per acre for the area surrounding Star Lake. 7. 30th Avenue South - Indicate a maximum of 24 dwelling units per acre for this area. 8 - March 19, 1984 WEST HILL 8. Mrs. Frazier's Commercial - Change the commercial designation to Single COMPREHENSIVE Family at four to six dwellings units per acre. PLAN 9. Commercial west of Glenn Nelson Park - Delete this commercial designation. 10. Residential Area West of Cambridge (west of Military Road) - Assign a density of four to six dwelling units per acre. 11. North of Lake Fenwick - Designate the area that is the addition to the Swiss Gables Apartments at 12 to 24 dwelling units per acre to reflect present density. 12. Skyline Park - Designate the density at 12 to 24 dwelling units per acre to reflect development presently under construction. 13. East of Midway Drive-In - Designate as Community Retail. Hansen noted that Biteman had pointed out two errors in the chart on page 101 of the Plan, which he then corrected, and explained that they had no bearing on the Planning Commission ' s recommendation. It was determined that each of the 13 recommended changes listed would be considered separately. KELLEHER MOV_ED_t_o_a_d_opt Alte_rnative_3 of the-recom- mended Land Use Plan and Woods seconded. WHITE MOVED to AMEND the motion to change Item #8 to commercial/office designation, noting that this would not allow a supermarket but would permit offices. He stated that this would serve as a buffer area and that the Citizen ' s Advisory Committee had recommended this . Woods seconded and this amendment CARRIED. Biteman noted that although the attorney had advised him that he could vote, he would abstain on this matter in the interest of the appearance of fairness doctrine . JOHNSON stated that he was preparing an alternative and MOVED TO AMEND to delay action on Item_ #3 for two weeks . Biteman seconded. Motion carried. BITEMAN MOVED for an AMENDMENT to approve Ite_m_s__#1 and #2, Woods seconded. Motion carried. WOODS MOVED for an AMENDMENT to approve Items #4, #5 , #6 & #7, Leahy seconded. Motion carried. 9 - March 19, 1984 WEST HILL LEAHY MOVED for an AMENDMENT to approve Items #9, COMPREHENSIVE #11, #12 & #13 . Biteman seconded. Motion carried. PLAN Upon questions regarding Item #10, Hansen noted that the Plan ' s Alternative 3 listed three to__f_our_ dwelling_units per acre, and the Planning Commission recommendation shown in Item #10 shows the change as four_ to six dwelling units per acre. He noted that this was in accordance with Policy 3 shown on the top of page 63 of the Plan: "Encourage a pattern of residential develop- ment close to employment and recreational centers . " KELLEHER MOVED for an AMENDMENT to accept the recom- mended change as shown in #10 for the purpose of discussion. Woods seconded, and the proposed amend- ment FAILED with only Woods and Johnson supporting it. After some discussion on how to adopt the concept of three to four dwelling units per acre for Item #10, DiJulio noted that the original motion to adopt Alternative 3 would cover this . The motion to ad.oat Alternative 3 of the Land Use Plan as AMENDED, CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. (All changes to Alternative 3 recommended by the Planning Commission were aaopted as submitted, with the exception of Items #3 , #8 and #10. ) COUNCIL Par_k_s_ Committee. Woods noted that the Parks Com- COMMITTEES mittee would meet at 4 : 00 p.m. on March 26, 1984. Public_ Safety_Committee. Biteman noted that the Public Safety Committee would meet on Tuesday, March 20, 1984 at 7 : 30 a.m. FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5B) Approval of_Bills . APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through March 20, 1984 after auditing by the Finance Committee at its meeting at 4: 00 p.m. on March 30, 1984. - 10 - March 19, 1984 ADJOURNMENT JOHNSON MOVED that the meeting be adjourned at 8: 35 p.m. Woods seconded and the motion carried. The Council then met in executive session. Marie Jensen,CMC City Clerk - 11 -