HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 12/19/1983 Kent, Washington December 19, 1983 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7: 00 o'clock p.m. by Mayor Hogan. Present: Mayor Hogan, Council- members Bailey, Biteman, B. Johnson, J. Johnson, Kelleher, Leahy and Woods, City Administrator Cushing, City Attorney DiJulio, Planning Director Harris, Public Works Director Wickstrom and Finance Director McCarthy. Also present: Personnel Director Webby. Approximately 25 people were in attendance at the meeting. PROCLAMATION Free Enterprise Week. In response to a request from the DECCA program at Kent-Meridian High School, Mayor Hogan proclaimed the week of December 18 to 24 , 1983 as Free Enterprise Week in the Citv of Kent. CITY COUNCIL Mayor Hogan noted that this was Billie Johnson' s last official meeting as a Councilmember. She introduced Resolution 1005 honoring Billie and thanking her for her ten years of service on the Council. Gifts from council and staff were pre- sented and Ms. Johnson stated that she considered her years serving as a Kent Councilmember as a most gratifying experience. BAILEY MOVED to adopt Resolution No. 1005. Woods seconded and the motion carried. CONSENT B. JOHNSON MOVED to approve Consent Calendar Items CALENDAR A through J, with the exception of Items C and E, removed at the request of Councilperson Kelleher, Woods seconded. Kelleher and J. Johnson noted that as employees of King County, they wished to abstain from voting on Items 5C and 5E. Both items were then passed with Kelleher and J. Johnson abstaining. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5A) Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of December 5, 1983 . LIBRARY (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5D) Library Board. CONFIRMATION of the Mayor' s appointment of Judy Johnston to replace Helen Selig. This term will expire in April 1985. HEALTH (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEA'I 5E) Health Contract for 1984 . AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign the health contract with King County for 1984 . The draft contract was discussed at the workshop of December 12 . - 1 - i December 19 , 198' BUDGET (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5F) 1983 Final Budget Adjustments. ADOPTION of Ordi- nance 2450 incorporating all Budget changes for 1983 previously approved by the Council. This was discussed at the December 2, 1983 Finance Committee meeting and with the full Council at the December 12 workshop. SPHERE OF (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5G) INTEREST Kent Sphere of Interest Amendment. ADOPTION of Resolution No. 1006 amending the Kent Sphere of Interest document to show a map change as designated in Exhibit "A" . HEALTH & (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5I) SANITATION LID 283 - Street Improvements S. 220th, 216th, 72nd Avenue ff.-APPROVAL to set January 16 as the date for the public hearing on the confirmation of the final assessment roll for LID 283 . PLANNING (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5J) COMMISSION Planning Commission Appointments. Confirmation of the following appointments: Raymond Ward to replace Mike Powers - term expires 12/31/85. Robert Anderson to replace Mary Louise Kilbourn - term expires 12/31/86. James Byrne to replace Barbara Bell - term expires 12/31/84 . Reappoint Charles Lambert - term expires 12/31/86. BUSINESS (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5C) LICENSES King County Contract. AUTHORIZATION to renew the contract with King County for 1984 relating to the licensing of private security guards and merchant patrolmen. The contract has not been changed. 2 - December 19 , 1983 BUSINESS Proposed New Ordinance re Pawnbrokers/Secondhand LICENSES Dealers. A proposed new ordinance governing the activities of pawnbrokers and secondhand dealers in Kent has been the subject of discussion at several Public Safety Committee meetings and Council workshops. This date has been set for a public hearing. The public hearing was opened by Mayor Hogan and the Clerk reported that no correspondence had been received. A handout prepared by the City Attorney, showing a compara- tive analvsis between the draft ordinance and State law, along with his comments was distributed with the agenda packet. J. Johnson noted that the Public Safety Committee had not made a recom- mendation to the Council. B. Johnson stated she was in favor of adopting the state statutes. Suzette Cooke noted that the Chamber of Commerce had polled some of the merchants who would be affected as to their reactions to the proposed new ordinance and made brief comments. The list of exemptions contained in the proposed ordinance was discussed with comments from Bill Stewart, Lou Marenakos of Lucky Loans and one other gentleman who failed to identify himself . City Attorney DiJulio noted that it was not proposed that an ordinance be passed at this meeting, but that he would prepare an ordinance for adoption in accordance with the Council ' s decisions at this hearing. At the conclusion of the comments, the public hearing was closed. J. JOHNSON MOVED to have the City Attorney pre- pare an ordinance in accordance with the draft ordinance as submitted. Woods seconded. J. Johnson then proposed to amend the motion to delete Section 5. 10A. 030 dealing with the fees, and instead, to have the business license fees paid by pawnshops and secondhand dealers ear- marked for enforcement of this ordinance. Woods seconded the proposed amendment. DiJulio noted that a special fund would have to be established to accomplish this. J. Johnson changed the 3 - December 19, 198' BUSINESS amendment to simply delete Section. 5. J0A. 030 . This LICENSES proposed amendment carried unanimously. BAILEY MOVED to reconsider the motion. J. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. Bailey clarified that the fees referred to in the proposed new ordinance would be in addition to the regular business license fee and that eliminating this section from the ordi- nance might appear to eliminate the requirement for a regular business license fee. DiJulio noted that the fees in 5. 10A. 030 would be over and above the fees for the usual standard business license and that he understood Johnson ' s amendment to mean that there would be no additional fees over and above the regular business license fees. J. Johnson concurred with this statement and Bailey noted that this should be rude clear. J. Johnson stated his proposed amendment again: to instruct the attorney to prepare an ordinance in accordance with the draft submitted, deleting Section 5. 10A. 030. Woods seconded. B. Johnson opined that there should be some additional fees for pawn shops along with the regular license fees. The amendment, to delete Section 5. 10A. 030, carried with B. Johnson, Leahy and Bailey opposing. Kelleher noted that he favored B. Johnson' s suggestion to adopt State statute. B. Johnson opined that the State statute was stronger than what we proposed. The motion, as amended, failed with only J. Johnson, Leahy and Woods supporting it. B. JOHNSOIN then MOVED for the City Attorney to draft an ordinance adopting the State statutes governing pawnbrokers and secondhand dealers to enable the City to prose- cute our own cases. Biteman seconded and the motion carried with J. Johnson and Woods dissenting. It was determined that the ordinance will be pre- pared by the City Attorney and presented to the Council . ZONING CODE Amendment to the Zoning Code -_ Water Quality Ordinance AMENDMENT and Tree Preservation Ordinance. At the December 12, 1983 workshop, the City Council reviewed the draft Water Quality Ordinance and a Tree Preservation ordi- nance as recommended by the Planning Commission at a public hearing on November 29 , 1983. In August 1982 , 4 - i December 19 , 1983 ZONING CODE the City Council adopted the Water Quality Manage- AMENDMENTS ment Program including eight recommendations, one of which was to adopt a Water Quality Ordinance. The stream part of old Tree and Stream Ordinance is being integrated into the Water Quality Ordinance necessitating a new ordinance for tree preservation. A copy of the draft Water Quality Ordinance was included in the packet. The public hearing was opened by Mayor Hogan. Harris noted a change to the draft ordinance and Jim Hansen explained that on page 5, under D. Exceptions, a section should be added as follows : 4 . Vehicular and Pedestrian Access a. In situations where vehicular and (or) pedestrian access cannot be reasonably provided by avoiding identified water- courses , then such access shall be allowed in the form of a vehicular or pedestrian bridge. Construction of any bridge shall be subject to the approval of the Public Works Department regarding storm drainage and hydraulics and guidelines and recom- mendations of the Washington State Depart- ment of Fisheries and Game. Tom Miller of Trout Unlimited, expressed his pleasure in serving on the Water Quality Committee and recom- mended that the Council approve the ordinance. Suzette Cooke noted that the Chamber had perused the report and supported adoption. Kelleher noted that the Public Works and Planning Committee had also recommended that the proposed ordinance be approved. There were no further comments and the public hearing was closed. B. JOHNSON MOVED to approve the amend- ments to the Zoning Code and to instruct the City Attorney to prepare the Water Quality Ordinance and the Tree Preservation Ordinance as a section amend- ment to the Zoning Code. Biteman seconded and the motion carried. 5 - i December 19, 198 SURPLUS Surplus Data Processing Equipment. Finance Director EQUIPMENT McCarthy noted that with the installation of the new Data Processing equipment, some City-owned equipment was no longer needed. Jorgenson Steel Company has offered to purchase our three disk drives at $3 , 500 each and will pay $100 each for surplus disk packs. These prices have been checked and deemed fair by Data Processing managers. The City also owns a Central Processing Unit for which the value has not yet been established. BITEMAN MOVED to authorize the Finance Director to make the most cost effective disposition of the City- owned portions of the old Univac 90-30 system. Woods seconded. Motion carried. HOUSING & Interurban Trail. Two bids were received on COMMUNITY December 14 for provision of rubberized crossing DEVELOPMENT pads for the improvement of grade crossings on the Interurban Trail at approximately S. 188th and approximately S . 224th. The County received $40 , 000 of Housing & Community Development funds to install rubberized railroad crossing pads and filler strips. Installation of the pads will be handled by Union Pacific Railroad. The County delegated management and administration of the project to Kent. Omni Rubber Products Portland, Oregon $19, 920. 00 Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. Akron, Ohio $20, 526. 00 The Planning Department has recommended awarding the bid to Omni. Bill Andre of Goodyear stated that the Omni filler strip was a new design and had not been proven. He suggested that samples be sent to the railroad for their evaluation. Upon questions from the Council , Bruce Creager explained that there were three firms which make this product and the County was satisfied with the term "or equivalent in the specifications. Cushing suggested that Andre was Questioning a technical part of the specifications and that they should be examined to see if Omni ' s product met the specifications. KELLEHER MOVED to refer this to the Public Works Committee. Woods seconded. Motion carried. 6 - December 19, 1983 FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5H) Approval of Accounts Receivable Write-Offs. AUTHORI- ZATION to write off $19 , 255. 18 in accounts receivable, as recommended by the Finance Committee and the City Attorney. Over the last twelve months, the Finance Department has collected $46, 286. 58 in accounts receivable over 90 days old. $19 ,255. 18 remains in accounts for 1982 or prior, for which collection effort has been determined to be not cost effective. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5B) Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through December 16, 1983 after auditing by the Finance Committee at its meeting at 4 : 00 p.m. on December 30 , 1983 . COUNCIL Public Works. Kelleher reported there would be no COMMITTEES Public Works Committee meeting this week. Parks. Bailey reported that the Parks Committee would meet ,at 3 : 00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 20.. ADJOURNMENT The meeting w1as adjourned at 8 : 15 p.m. and a short executive session followed. Marie Jensen, CMC City Clerk 7 - I