HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 11/21/1983 Kent, Washington
November 21, 1983
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at
7: 00 o'clock p.m. by Mayor Hogan. Present: Mayor Hogan, Council-
members Bailey, Biteman, B. Johnson, J. Johnson, Kelleher, Leahy
and Woods, City Administrator Cushing, City Attorney DiJulio,
Planning Director Harris, Public Works Director Wickstrom and
Finance Director McCarthy. Also present: Fire Chief Angelo,
Police Chief Skewes, Personnel Director Webby. Approximately
15 people were in attendance at the meeting.
CONSENT BAILEY MOVED that the Consent Calendar Items A
CALENDAR through J be approved with the exception of Item
F, removed at the request of Councilmember B.
Johnson. B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried.
Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of
the regular Council meeting of November 7, 1983 .
S. 212th/S. 208th Street Wells. Authorization
has been requested for the Mayor to sign the
agreement with CH2M Hill for manganese treatment
investigation for the S. 208th Street and S. 212th
Street wells. At B. Johnson ' s request, the matter
was delayed until the December 5, 1983 meeting.
Water District 111 Water Rate Agreement. AUTHORI-
ZATION for the Mayor to sign a one-year agreement
with Water District 111 effective December 1, 1983
specifying the rates for sale of water to the
Armstrong Springs Well Facilities. Four bids were
opened for this project on October 26. The low
bid was from Omega Contractors in the amount of
$264 , 230. 92. Contract award was delayed until
some further research could be done on a specific
type of pump and motor included in the low bid.
It is recommended the contract be awarded to Omega
Contractors. LEAHY MOVED that the contract be
awarded to Omega Contractors at the low bid of
$264, 230 . 92, B. Johnson seconded. In response to
Bailey' s questions, Wickstrom noted that the pumps
to be provided met all of the specifications. Motion
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November 21, 1983
LID 314 Water Mains - 104th Avenue. ADOPTION of
Ordinance 2441 creating LID 314 and authorization
to allocate $14, 909. 70 from the unencumbered balance
of the Water Fund for oversizing the mains on 104th
Avenue to 12 inches. The public hearing on this
project was concluded on November 7 .
MANAGEMENT PSCOG Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan.
AUTHORIZATION to pay $2, 293 to Puget Sound Council
of Governments as Kent' s share of the assessment
for preparation of the "Hazardous Waste Element"
of the Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan.
This will be paid from the unencumbered funds of
the Sewer and Garbage Funds.
Jail and Court Facilities Site. ADOPTION of Ordi-
nance 2442 confirming acquisition of the Skacel
property for the Aukeen Court and Kent City Jail
Site. This was approved at the Council meeting
of October 3, 1983 .
TRAFFIC Downtown Parking. The City Attorney has prepared
CONTROL Ordinance 2444 providing for extended parking time
in downtown parking areas during the holiday season.
J. JOHNSON MOVED to adopt Ordinance 2444, B. Johnson
seconded. Motion carried.
Santa Day Parade. Council approval has been requested
for the proposed parade route of the Santa Day Parade
on November 25, 1983 as presented. J. JOHNSON MOVED
to approve the proposed parade route for the Santa
Day Parade on November 25, 1983 . Woods seconded.
Motion carried.
COMMUNITY Allocation of Additional Po uulation Funds for Kent' s
DEVELOPMENT 1984 H & CD Program. AUTHORIZATION to add $3, 199
to existing POP Funds for the Park Project at 2nd
and Gowe and to delete $3 ,199 from the requested
Needs Funds for the same project. This item was
discussed at the November 14 workshop.
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November 21, 1983
RECREATION Irrigation System Easement. ADOPTION of Ordinance
2443 authorizing an irrigation system easement to
be granted to the LDS Church across the portion of
the riverfront property they donated to the City of
Kent in 1982 by Quitclaim Deed, as discussed at the
Park Committee Meeting on November 15. The property
is located on the north side of 212th Street between
Frager Road and the Green River.
Kent Memorial Park Restroom Remodeling. Three bids
were opened for this project on November 16. In
accordance with the recommendation of the Parks
Department, KELLEHER MOVED that all bids be rejected,
Biteman seconded. Cushing explained that the project
may be rebid in conjunction with another remodeling
project scheduled for the site next year . Motion
PRELIMINARY Northwest Business Park Phase I Preliminary Plat
PLAT (SU-83-1) . On November 7, 1983 , the Council set
November 21, 1983 for a public meeting to consider
the Hearing Examiner' s recommendation on this re-
quest for a 23 lot preliminary plat in an Ml,
Industrial Park, District located north of S. 228th
Street between 54th Avenue and 64th Avenue. The
Hearing Examiner has recommended approval with con-
ditions, as set forth in her October 19 , 1983 report.
J. JOHNSON MOVED to adopt the Hearing Examiner' s
recommendation to approve the Northwest Business
Park Phase I Preliminary Plat, with conditions,
Leahy seconded. J. Johnson raised questions about
the traffic impact on Russell Road. Nadine Burke
noted that this was not brought out at the time of
the hearing but that it was expected most of the
truck traffic would be from West Valley Highway.
She also noted that traffic is always a general
concern . Motion carried.
BUDGET 1984 City Budget. Legal notice has been given for
this date for the public hearing on the 1984 Budget
and copies of the Preliminary Budget have been made
available to the public. Input will be received
from the public and the Council will meet at a
work session to make final adjustments
on November 22, 1983 at 3: 00 p.m. Citv
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November 21, 1983
BUDGET Administrator Cushing briefly reviewed the budget
as presented, noting that it was quite different
from last year's budget and its attendant cuts.
He explained that the 1984 budget contains more
capital improvement projects.
The public hearing was opened by Mayor Hogan. A
representative of Domestic Abuse Women6 Network
expressed appreciation to the Council for the
City' s continued support.
Ted Knapp of Upland Industries referred to a dona-
tion made by his company of riverfront property
for a park and questioned whether funding would be
available for improving the park area. Helen Adams
clarified that a request had been made for funds
for improvements but that it had not survived the
budget process.
There were no further comments and BAILEY MOVED
to close the public hearing, Woods seconded. Motion
J. JOHNSON MOVED to instruct the City Attorney to
prepare the ordinance for the 1984 budget for pre-
sentation on December 5, 1983. B. Johnson seconded.
Motion carried.
FEDERAL Federal Revenue Sharing Budget Hearing. This date
REVENUE has been advertised for the Federal Revenue Sharing
SHARING Budget hearing as required by Federal Revenue Shar-
ing laws. At the October 17 City Council meeting,
a public hearing was conducted on the proposed use
of Federal Shared Revenue Funds for 1984 . The 1984
allocation is anticipated to be $533, 568 . The Pre-
liminary Budget provides for funding for several
social and health service type organizations such
as Rape Relief, Kent Valley Youth Services and the
Auburn-Kent Community Center. At the October 17
hearing, Dee Moschel requested that Green River
Community Health Service be considered for funding.
Cushing explained that Federal Revenue Sharing funds
are typically used for one-time costs, studies, pur-
chases of equipment, plus funding for some social
and health service programs.
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November 21, 1983
FEDERAL Mayor Hogan opened the public hearing. There were
REVENUE no comments from the audience and no correspondence
SHARING has been received. BAILEY MOVED to close the
public hearing, Kelleher seconded. Motion carried.
B. JOHNSON MOVED that action on the Federal Revenue
Sharing Budget be held over to the December 5
meeting to coincide with the adoption of the City
Budget for 1984 , Woods seconded. Motion carried.
WEST HILL Harris noted that the West Hill Plan has now been
PLAN prepared and that a public meeting was scheduled
before the Council for December 5. After that meet-
ing, the Plan may be referred to Council workshops
for further review. The schedule as now established
calls for a public meeting on December 5, a workshop
meeting on December 12 , and another public meeting
on December 19 , with more to follow if necessary.
In response to Biteman' s questions, Harris noted
that public hearings were held before the Planning
Commission in June, July and August and the pro-
cedure was for the Council to consider the Planning
Commission' s recommendation of approval at a Council
public meeting. Biteman noted that the public
notice for the December 5 meeting states that there
will be no public testimony and objected to this
procedure, pointing out that citizens would not
come if they will not be heard, and that people
did not usually come to Council meetings during
the holiday season.
Harris noted that citizens could file written
material concerning the Planning Commission recom-
mendations and referred to Resolution 989 which
governs the procedure for City Council review of
recommendations of the Planning Commission. He
further explained that the Council could accept
the Planning Commission recommendations as set
forth, modify them or reject the recommendations.
He clarified further for Biteman that those indivi-
duals who had testified at the Planning Commission
hearings would be notified. Biteman disagreed,
stating that individuals should be allowed to
offer testimony at the public meetings. Harris
noted that the Council could continue the public
meetings until after the holidays if it so desired.
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November 21, 1983
Bill of Sale - Don Johnson Warehouse. ACCEPTANCE
of the bill of sale and warranty agreement for
continuous operation and maintenance of approximately
210 feet of storm sewer improvements in the vicinity
of Central and Willis. The cash bond will be re-
leased after the expiration of the one-year main-
tenance period.
COUNCIL Public Safety Committee. J. Johnson reported that
COMMITTEES the proposed pawnbrokers ordinance would be dis-
cussed at the workshop of November 28 .
PLANNING Resignations. Mayor Hogan noted that resignations
COMMISSION had been received from Barbara Bell and Mary Louise
Kilbourn. Recommendations for new appointments
would be brought to the Council on December 5.
ARTS Appointments. The Mayor noted that two vacancies
COMMISSION would be filled on the Arts Commission, as well as
the reappointment of Carolyn Wiley.
Approval of Bills. Approval of payment of the bills
received through November 16, after auditing by
the Finance Committee at its meeting at 4 : 00 p.m.
on November 30.
ADJOURNMENT BITEMAN MOVED that the meeting be adjourned at 7: 25
p.m. J. Johnson seconded. Motion carried.
EXECUTIVE An executive session was convened immediately
SESSION following the regular Council meeting to discuss
matters of litigation.
Marie Jensen, CMC
City Clerk
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