HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Regular Minutes - 07/18/1983 Kent, Washington
July 18 , 1983
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at
7: 00 o ' clock p.m. by Mayor Hogan. Present: Mayor Hogan, Council-
members Bailey, Biteman, B. Johnson, J. Johnson, Kelleher, Leahy,
and Woods, City Administrator Cushing, City Attorney DiJulio,
Planning Director Harris, Public Works Director Wickstrom and
Finance Director McCarthy. Also present: City Treasurer Drotz
and Personnel Director Webby. Approximately 20 people were in
attendance at the meeting.
CONSENT J. JOHNSON MOVED, Woods seconded, to approve Con-
CALENDAR sent Calendar Items A through J, with the exception
of Item D. Motion carried. Item 5D was removed
from the calendar by Biteman at the request of
Patricia Crockett.
Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of
the regular Council meeting of July 5, 1983.
LID 301 - S.E. 252nd Street Im rovement. AUTHORI-
ZATION to set August 15 for a public hearing on
the confirmation of the Final Assessment Roll for
LID 301.
LID 291 S. 196th/Russell Road St. Improvement.
ADOPTION of_Ordinance 2417 confirming the revised
Final Assessment Roll for LID 291. The public
hearing was concluded on July 5.
PROGRAM Six Year Transportation Improvement Program.
SETTING a public hearing for the August 1 Council
meeting on the annual updating for the Six-Year
Transportation Improvement Program.
Green River Pedestrian Bridge Agreement. It is
recommended by the Public Works Department that
the Mayor be authorized to sign an agreement with
the State to obligate the City up to the amount
of $107 ,102 for the construction of the Green
River Pedestrian Bridge. $100,000 is currently
budgeted for this project. The total cost of the
Pedestrian Bridge, including construction and
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July 18 , 1983
TRANSPORTATION engineering, is estimated at $165, 000. The State
PROGRAM is picking up the engineering costs with the City' s
obligation being the construction cost. Should
the bids be favorable, the City' s share may be
within the budget. Actual need for the additional
money would not be until 1984 for which an ' 84
budget request could be made. It is anticipated
that this project will be advertised for bids
starting the last week of July.
B. JOHNSON MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to
sign the Green River Pedestrian Bridge agreement
with the State, obligating the City up to an
amount of $107 , 102 for the construction costs,
Woods seconded. Motion carried.
WATER West Hill Water Pressure Problems . At the July 11,
1983 Council workshop, the information prepared by
the Public Works Department pertaining to the pres-
sure problems on the West Hill and various proposed
alternatives were reviewed. It was the Council ' s
recommendation that new pumping facilities be con-
structed which would increase the pressure service
flow to the West Hill customers. It was also re-
commended that a fund be created for this project
and that $50 , 000 be transferred from the unencumbered
water fund. BITEMAN MOVED that the staff include
necessary pumping facilities to increase pressure
service flow for the West Hill service area in the
updated Capital Improvement Program and that a
fund be created for this project with $50 , 000
being transferred from the unencumbered Water Fund,
Kelleher seconded . Motion carried .
PARKS Mill Creek Park Transfer of Funds. Authorization
has been requested for the Finance Department to
close the Lower Mill Creek Basin account, which
was set up to purchase park furniture, and transfer
the remaining balance of $6 , 095 .89 to the 1983
budgeted Mill Creek Canyon Phase I Development
Account. B. JOHNSON MOVED to authorize the $6, 095. 89
transfer and to apply an additional $1, 800 grant
from Valley Publishing Company for landscaping to
the budget change. Bailey seconded. Motion carried.
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July 18 , 1983
LICENSES Pawnshops/Second Hand Dealers . SETTING a public
hearing for the August 1 Council meeting on a
proposed new ordinance for pawnshops and second
hand dealers .
BOARD Library Board Ordinance. ADOPTION of Ordinance_
2416 relating to Library services , creating a
Library Board and adding a new Chapter 2 . 36 to
the Kent City Code.
COMMISSION Arts Con-nission Appointment. CONFIRMATION of the
Mayor ' s appointment of Don Campbell to replace
Merrily Dunham on the Arts Commission. This term
will expire in October 1983 .
PERSONNEL Hiring Relative in Public Works Department. LEAHY
A10VED to hire Glenn Bearson as a Utility Maintenance
Worker in the Public Works Department, B. Johnson
seconded. Leahy noted that Rearson' s wife is a
part-time secretary in the Engineering Department.
In response to Biteman ' s question, Cushing noted
that City policy requires that hiring of relatives
receive Council approval and that it was handled
on a case by case basis . He noted that he would
furnish Mr . Biteman a copy of the pertinent policy.
Motion carried.
STREET USE Saar Street. It was noted that a request has been
unofficially made by the Methodist Church for the
closure of a portion of Saar Street for a street
fair. No one was in attendance at the meeting to
speak on behalf of the church. DiJulio noted that
he did not know the exact nature of the request nor
the time involved bat it was presumed to be in earl,:-
Auqust. BAILEY" MOVED for the Public Works
Department to be authorized to deal with this
matter , Biteman seconded. Motion carried . In
response to Biteman' s question , DiJulio noted
that he was working on a policy to cover such street
closures so it would not be necessary to bring each
case before the Council .
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July 18, 1983
ANNEXATION Des Moines Proposed Annexation. Mrs. Sara Naslund
referred to a recent article in the Des Moines
paper about a proposed annexation of a portion
of Kent by the City of Des Moines and asked what
action Kent would take.
Cushing noted that he was meeting with the City
Manager from Des Moines regarding modification
of Kent' s western boundaries, and the implications
of such proposed action. He noted that a report
would be made at a Council workshop. At ,Mayor
Hogan' s request, Mrs. Naslund left her phone number
for future contact.
SOLAR ENERGY Conservation Management Services . Planning Director
APPLICATION Harris requested authorization to work with the firm
of Conservation Management Services of Portland
and Bend, Oregon to submit an application to the
Bonneville Power Administration for a solar energy
grant. He pointed out that it was necessary for
Kent to adopt a Solar Energy Plan for our citizens
to be eligible for rate cuts . He noted that if the
application is successful and the firm of Conserva-
tion Management Service is hired to do the work
authorized by BPA, there would be no charge to the
City. If the grant is successful and CMS is not
retained to do the work, the cost of filling out
the application would be $1500. Harris further
referred to the fact that the Planning Department
has a 1983 goal to develop an energy program.
BITEMAN MOVED that the Planning Department be authorized
to retain the firm of Conservation Management to
write an application for the City of Kent for sub-
mission to the Bonneville Power Administration for
a solar energy grant. J. Johnson seconded. Motion
carried .
HOUSING & 1984 Funding for Kent Housing and Community Develop-
COMMUNITY ment Block Grant Program. A public hearing is
DEVELOPMENT scheduled for this meeting to consider adoption
of the draft 1984 Kent Funding Policies for the
1984 Kent Housing and Community Development Block
Grant Program, a copy of which has been filed for
the record. The document will guide the use of
Federal Housing and Community Development Block
Grant monies for Kent, and was discussed at the
July 11 workshop. The public hearing was opened
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HOUSING & by the Mayor. The Clerk noted that no corres-
COMMUNITY pondence had been received. There were no comments
DEVELOPMENT from the audience and B. JOHNSON MOVED that the
hearing be closed, Bailey seconded. Motion carried.
B. JOHNSON MOVED to approve Kent' s 1984 Community
Development Funding Policies as drafted, Bailey
seconded. Motion carried.
1984 Housing & Community Development Block Grant
Funds - Human Services. AUTHORIZATION for the
Mayor to submit the letter of intent to apply
for 1984 Housing & Community Development Block
Grant Funds for a public (human) service project.
This will enable King County H & CD to develop
a recommended fair share allocation of public
service dollars to consortium cities in advance
of the October application deadline.
Kent Development Association-CBD Impr m
oveent Pro-
ject. Several meetings have been held with the
Kent Development Association and with the involved
property owners. A scope of work has been decided
upon and funding levels determined. Authorization
has been requested for the staff to proceed with
the formation of the LID. Patricia Crockett, owner
of the Creamery Building, addressed the Council
regarding the proposed LID. Crockett suggested
that the Council consider making the improvements
through a PBIA (Parking & Public Improvement Area)
or through general taxation, rather than through
the LID process , referring to the large amounts
of the assessments and the effects on the businesses
and tenants in the area. Mayor Hogan noted that
the action contemplated was to direct City staff
to proceed with the formation of the LID, that a
resolution would be passed setting a public hearing
date and that it would probably be two months be-
fore the required public hearing was held. Cushing
also noted that staff is interested in the PBIA
concept. BAILEY MOVED to authorize staff to proceed
with the formation of the LID, B. Johnson seconded.
Motion carried .
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STORM Interim Storm Drainage Ordinance (Ordinance 2375) .
DRAINAGE Repeal of the Interim Storm Drainage Ordinance has
been discussed at workshop meetings on June 13 and
June 27. The Public Works Committee favors repeal-
ing the ordinance, but the Public Works Department
does not so recommend. After a brief discussion at
the July 5 Council meeting the matter was held over
to this meeting because two Councilmembers were
absent. A packet of information has been distributed
to the Council. KELLEHER MOVED to repeal the Interim
Storm Drainage Ordinance (Ordinance 2375) and for the
City Attorney to be directed to prepare the ordinance
necessary for such repeal. Biteman seconded. Bailey
asked if the proponents of this motion had any addi-
tional material to support the motion. He referred
to his prior comments relating to granting special
privileges and further noted that the ordinance will
expire in November. He opined that if the city does
not have an adequate drainage plan in place for this area
that the ordinance should be extended in November.
Bailey noted that if this protective ordinance is
repealed, development in the area would require an
EIS, which would most likely cost more than compli-
ance with the existing ordinance. He noted that
repeal could place the city in an untenable legal
position. Kelleher noted that the ordinance places
restrictions on builders and opined that the con-
sideration should be on the reasons to keep ordi-
nances in force rather than the reasons for repeal-
ing them. He stated that the original ordinance
refers to the SCS Eastside and Westside Green River
Watershed project and to the fact that these plans
have been abandoned , but that in fact, the basic
provisions of the SCS plan are being pursued by
Renton, Auburn and King County and that therefore
keeping this ordinance was no longer justified.
Referring to the City' s liability, Kelleher noted
that the City Attorney had not said that the City
would be acting in an irresponsible manner if the
ordinance was repealed. He pointed out that the
city was moving toward the ultimate drainage plan.
Bailey noted that builders have always been able to
go to the Public Works Department to resolve any
problems. He stated that repeal of the ordinance
would weaken the City' s position in the courts and
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STORM that the ordinance showed that the City recognized
DRAINAGE that there was the possibility of a flood problem
in that particular area. B. Johnson noted that
the SCS project had been pursued for 20 years,
and that the drainage utility would be the city' s
best answer. She noted that the possibility of a
100 year storm had to be considered, pointing out
the storms and flooding in the past year in California,
Utah and the flooding of the Snoqualmie River. She
concurred with Bailey' s comments. Leahy stated that
the ordinance was sound and that repeal of it would
constitute special treatment of a few developers.
He pointed out that the ordinance was labeled Interim
Storm Drainage Ordinance and that it was meant to be
kept in place until a permanent solution could be
reached. Biteman disagreed with Bailey' s reference
to jeopardy, noting that developers had operated
for years before this ordinance was enacted.
J. Johnson asked Wickstrom if there were any develop-
ments planned which would be affected by the repeal
of this ordinance. Wickstrom noted that the repeal
would affect LID 306 , the West Valley Storm Drainage
System project. Tom Miller of Trout Unlimited spoke
against repeal of the ordinance. Jack Ewing, a con-
sulting engineer , stated that the SCS project had
not been abandoned and the ordinance should be
repealed. Paul Morford spoke in favor of repealing
the ordinance, noting that the Chamber of Commerce
also supported repeal. Frank Nowak stated that
existing drainage ditches needed to be better main-
tained. Raul Ramos spoke in favor of repeal.
Kelleher ' s motion to repeal Ordinance 2375 carried,
with Bailey , B. Johnson and Leahy dissenting.
Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the bills
received through July 19 , 1983 after auditing by the
Finance Committee at its meeting at 4 : 00 P.M. on
July 29 , 1983.
Combined LIDs 287/296 Bonds . The City' s bond counsel
has prepared an ordinance for a combined bond issue
for LID 287/296 and for the sale of same to Foster
& Marshall/American Express, Inc. of Seattle. Mr.
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July 18, 1983
FINANCE Nowlin of Foster & Marshall addressed the Council,
noting that the amount of the combined bond issue
was $586 , 716 . 80. He explained the procedures in-
volved in the transaction, noting that the net
effective interest rate was 10. 579% and that orders
had been obtained for approximately $400 ,000 of
the bonds. He stated that Foster & Marshall was
willing to commit its own capital to purchase the
remaining bonds for resale at a later date. He
also noted that the bond sale was due to be com-
pleted by late August.
B. JOHNSON MOVED to adopt Ordinance No. 2415 pro-
viding for issuing the bonds and accepting the
purchase proposal of Foster & Marshall/American
Express , Inc. , Bailey seconded. Motion carried.
Registration for Obligations of the City. ordi-
nance 2418 has been prepared by bond counsel
adopting a system of registration for obligations
of the City. In accordance with the recommendations
of bond counsel and the City Attorney, B. JOHNSON
MOVED to adopt Ordinance No. 2418 , Woods seconded.
Motion carried.
COUNCIL Public Works Committee. Kelleher noted that the
COMMITTEES Committee meeting dates have been changed from
Tuesdays to the first and third Wednesdays .at
9 : 00 a.m. The next meeting was scheduled for
July 20.
Parks Committee. Bailey reported that the Parks
Committee would meet on Tuesday, July 26, at 9 : 00
a.m. and that the Six Year Comprehensive Parks
Improvement Plan would be discussed.
ADJOURNMENT KELLEHER MOVED that the meeting be adjourned at
8 : 05 p.m. , Biteman seconded. Motion carried.
An executive session was held immediately following
the regular meeting.
Marie Jensen, CMC �
City Clerk
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