HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 07/05/1983 Kent, Washington July 5, 1983 Regular meetinq of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7 : 00 o'clock p.m. by Mayor Hogan. Present: Mayor Hogan, Council- persons Bailey, Biteman, B. Johnson, Kelleher and Leahy, City Administrator Cushing, City Attorney DiJulio, Planning Director Harris, Public Works Director Wickstrom and Finance Director McCarthy. Councilpersons J. Johnson and Woods were not in attendance. Also present: Personnel Director Webby, Fire Chief Angelo, Parks Director Wilson and Planning Commissioner Baer . Approximately 15 people were in attendance at the meeting. PROCLAMATION A proclamation was read by Mayor Hogan declaring July 15 , 16 and 17 as Kent Cornucopia Days in the City of Kent. CONSENT B . JOHNSON MOVED, Leahy seconded, that Consent CALENDAR Calendar Items A through I be approved . Motion carried . MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5A) Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of of the regular Council meeting of June 20, 1983 . STREETS LID 291 - S. 196th/Russell Road Improvements. On June 6 , 1983 the Council set this date for the public hearing on the confirmation of the REVISED Final Assessment Roll for LID 291. Pro- per legal notice has been given by the City Clerk. The public hearinq was opened by the Mayor. There were no comments and no correspondence has been received . B. JOHNSON MOVED to close the public hearing , Leahy seconded. Motion carried. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the City Attorney be directed to prepare an ordinance confirming the Revised Final Assessment Roll for LID 291, Leahy seconded. Motion carried. WATER (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5G) S . 212th Street Well Change Order. APPROVAL of a change order in the amount of $9 , 334 . 06 for Armstrong Well Drilling for additional work re- quired to set the well screen, complete the well and control the artesian flow and authorization to transfer $34 , 000 from the completed water pro- ject fund to this project fund as recommended by the Public Works Department and concurred with by the Public Works Committee. - 1 - July 5, 1983 WATER (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5H) Carriage Row Condominiums Bill of Sale. As re- commended by the Engineering Department, ACCEPT- ANCE of the Bill of Sale and Warranty Agreement for the construction of 544 feet of water main extension constructed in the vicinity of 46th Place S . and S . 272nd Street for the Carriage Row Condominiums for continuous operation and maintenance and RELEASE of the cash bond after expiration of the one year guarantee period and payment of any outstanding City charges against the project. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5I) Water Impoundment Reservoir. AUTHORIZATION to close on the property options currently being held by the City for this project, effective as of July 19. POLICE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5C) Donation to Police Department Safety Education Program. ACCEPTANCE of the Kiwanis Club donation of $50 . 00 to the Kent Police Department Safety Education Program. Kent Traffic Code Amendment. The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 2414 amending the Kent Traffic Code to add a new section to the Kent City Code prohibiting open alcoholic con- tainers in motor vehicles and declaring an emer- gency therefor . DiJulio explained that passage of the ordinance was necessary to bring City Code in compliance with State laws . B . JOHNSON MOVED to adopt Ordinance No . 2414 amending the Kent Traffic Cod( Leahy seconded. Motion carried. FIRE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5F) Regulation of Fireworks Ordinance . ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 2413 relating to fire prevention and adopting the State Fireworks Law. This ordi- nance repeals KCC Chapter 13 . 08 andadds Chapter 13 . 09 . CITY (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5E) PROPERTY Surplus Property Resolution. ADOPTION of Resolution 998 setting a public hearing for August 1, 1983 pursuant to RCW 35 . 94 . 040 , on the declaration of 2 - July 5, 1983 CITY surplus property and to authorize the sale of PROPERTY same. A call for bids will be advertised follow- ing the public hearing . On June 6 , the Council declared as surplus the property located at 520 Guiberson Street described as follows : Lots 1 and 2 , Block 13 , WCIC Knob Hill Addi- tion to Kent, recorded in Volume 5 of Plats, page 97 . The property to be sold does not include the building now leased as a residence. The lease will run until May 31, 1991. The property has been appraised at $20 , 000 for the land only. CORNUCOPIA (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5D) DAYS Kent Cornucopia Days Street Closures and City Pro- perty Utilization. ADOPTION of Resolution No. 997 approving the request of the Cornucopia Days Com- mittee to close certain streets and to utilize certain City property and reauirinq that the Committee file a certificate of insurance holding the City harmless from claims arising from the Cornucopia Days activities. MIDWAY A presentation was made by Charles Doyle, member HISTORICAL of the Midway Historical Society, asking that the SOCIETY City consider giving assistance to the Society in obtaining a house located at 23452 - 30th Avenue S. for use as a museum by the society as well as use of the adjoining abandoned property for the site of a possible Tot Lot playground for the West Hill . The President of the Society noted that most of the work would be done on a volunteer basis . Mayor Hogan suggested that the matter be considered administratively and members of the Historical Society contacted for further information. STORM Repeal of Interim Storm Drainage Ordinance (Ordi- DRAINAGE nance No. 2375) . It was noted that repeal of the Interim Storm Drainage Ordinance was discussed at the workshops of June 13 and June 27 . A packet of material supplied with this agenda has been reviewed by the Council . The matter has also been discussed 3 - I July 5 , 1983 STORM at several Public Works Committee meetings, and DRAINAGE the Committee favors repealing the ordinance. The Public Works Department, however, does not recom- mend that the ordinance be repealed. Bailey noted that Kelleher wished to hold this matter over to the next meeting inasmuch as J. Johnson and Woods were absent. A motion was passed to discuss this pro- posal . Bailey noted that he was not in favor of repealing the ordinance , and pointed out that it had been enacted in the best. interest of the City and further that if a plan for control of surface water is not in place by November , that the ordinance should be extended beyond its present November expiration date. He opined that repeal of the ordinance would grant a special privilege to valley developers , and noted that storm water retention rules had been imposed on East hill developers . Leahy concurred with Bailey. KELLEHER MOVED to hold this matter over to the next Council meeting, July 18 . Bailey seconded and the motion carried. FINANCE Utility Billing - First Christian Church of Kent. The Council was presented with a letter from Rev. Marvin Eckfeldt on behalf of the First Christian Church of Kent in regard to adjustment of a water bill . The letter noted that the excessive amount of water used was caused by a leak in the under- ground sprinkler system. It was determined that requests of this nature were normally discussed at Finance Committee meetings . Finance Director McCarthy noted that the matter would be referred to the Utilities Department and a report would be made available to the Finance Committee by its next meeting on July 15. Water Consumption by Mullen Construction. A letter has been received by the City Attorney from Samuel Burke of Mullen Construction, a division of Standard Equipment, Inc. , relating to action taken by the Finance Committee on May 31 , 1983 denying an adjust- ment to the Company ' s water bill . Mr . Burke ex- plained that there had been a hose running on the property but that the amount of water consumed 4 - i July 5 , 1983 FINANCE could not have been from this small 3/8" hose. It was determined that the meter had been checked at Burke ' s request and that no defect had been discovered. Mr . Burke had been notified that it was not possible to grant the request for the ad- justment because an irretrievable City resource had been used. The City Attorney noted that to reduce this bill would constitute a gift of public funds which the City may not do under State law. Upon a question from Biteman, DiJulio noted that the City of Seattle made exceptions for water purveyors in emergency situations only. It was also determined by Burke that the Company' s engineers could find no apparent reason for the large water consumption and conceded that the consumption was back to normal after the hose was turned off. After further discussion, KELLEHER MOVED to deny the request of Mullen Construction and to advise Mr. Burke that all Committee meetings were open to the public and that he could attend the Finance Committee meeting with any additional material that his engineers might have available. Bailey seconded . Motion carried. COUNCIL Public Works Committee. Kelleher reported that COMMITTEES the Public Works Committee had not met on June 21 but would meet on July 6 at 3 : 00 p.m. , at which time the matter of water pressure on the West Hill would be discussed. He noted that Ed Johnson had attended in the past and he hoped he would attend again since he had valuable information on this subject . Parks Committee. Bailey noted that a meeting of the Parks Committee would be scheduled later. FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5B) Approval of Bills_. APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through July 5 , 1983 after auditing by the Finance Committee at its meeting at 4 : 00 p.m. on July 15, 1983 . EXECUTIVE Kelleher & B. Johnson asked that the Senior Center SESSION site discussion be held at an executive session. BITEMAN MOVED for an executive session at 7 : 40 p.m. , B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. - 5 - { July 5, 1983 SENIOR At 8 : 00 p.m. , after the executive session, B. CENTER JOHNSON MOVED to authorize up to $10 , 000 of SITE unexpended Parks & Recreation funds for the pur- pose of evaluating and/or securing sites for eval- uation for a new Senior Center. Leahy seconded, motion carried. KELLEHER MOVED to adjourn at 8 : 00 p.m. , B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried, and a closed session followed. Marie Jensen, CMC City Clerk 6 - i i i