HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 06/06/1983 Kent, Washington June 6 , 1983 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7 . 00 o'clock p.m. by Mayor Hogan. Present: Mayor Hogan, Council- members Bailey, Biteman, B. Johnson, J. Johnson, Kelleher and Woods , City Administrator Cushing, City Attorney DiJulio, Planning Director Harris and Public Works Director Wickstrom. Councilmember Leahy and Finance Director McCarthy were not in attendance. Also present: City Treasurer Drotz , Personnel Director Webby, and Parks Director Wilson. Approximately 20 people were in attendance at the meeting. CONSENT B . JOHNSON MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A CALENDAR through P be approved, woods seconded. Motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5A) Approval of Minutes . APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular Council r-,eeting of May 16 , 1983 with the following correction: On Page 5 - the Mill Creek Canvon Park Resolution should be corrected to Resolution No. 995. STREETS (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5G) LID 301 - S . 252nd Street Improvement. ACCEPT as complete, the contract with Robison Construction for LID 301 - South 252nd Street Improvement Pro- ject and payment of the retainage after receipt of necessary releases from the State. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5H) LID 291 - S 196th/Russell Road Improvements . AUTHORIZATION to set July 5 , for a public hearing on confirmation of the REVISED final assessment roll for LID 291. LID 308 - S . F. 260th - Bids Seven bids were opened for this project on June 2. The Director of Public Works has recommended that the bids be held until all rights of entry have been secured and the Council concurred. WATER (CONSENT CALENDAP ITEM 5J) S . 208th/S . 212th Street Wells-Change Order. As recommended by the Public Works Department and concurred with by the Public Works Committee, - 1 - June 6, 1983 WAFTER APPROVAL of a change order in the amount of $11 , 758 . 64 , for Armstrong Drilling for additional work required to control the two artesian wells . (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5K) Guiberson Street Reservoir Site . The property at 520 Guiberson was originally used for two reservoirs in the early 19001s . These have since been abandonded. An old fire station on the property is currently leased as a residence. APPROVAL of the Public Works Committee' s recom- mendation that the land be declared surplus and offered for sale at the fair market value. DRAINAGE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITFM 5L) Fastside Green River Watershed Project. CON- CURRENCE with the Citv of Renton' s action to proceed with its efforts to construct Phase I in the Eastside Green River Watershed Project. Renton will act as sponsor, if necessaryjand will be responsible for securing available Federal participation. This was discussed at the May 23 workshop and a memo from the Public Works Director has been filed. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5P Corps of Engineers Green Fiver Flood Damages Reduction Study. AUTHORIZATION for the City to support and participate in the manner necessary to secure the implementation of that feasible project reflected in the Army Corps of Engineers ' Findings for the Green River Flood Damages Reduction Study, including securing the Corps ' participation via the 205 program. This was discussed at the May 23 workshop and the Public Works Director ' s report has been placed on file. STORM (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEPA 5I) SEWERS Benaroya Business Park Pill of Sale. As recom- mended by the Engineering Department, ACCEPTANCE of Bill of Sale for continuous operation and maintenance of approximatelv 418 feet of storm sewer constructed in the Benaroya Business Park, release of the cash bond , and approval to waive the maintenance period. 2 - June 6 , 1983 AGRICULTURAL (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5E) LAND USE Funding for the Agricultural Work Program. APPROVAL of the Planning Department' s request that unallocated Revenue Sharing monies in the amount of $4 , 150 be utilized in supplementing existing funds for the EIS and zoning regulations for the Agricultural Study Work Program. This was discussed at the May 23 workshop. VALLEY (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5C) FESTIVAL St. Anthony ' s Church Vallev Festival . APPROVAL of the Parks Department recommendation for the follow- ing closures for the St. Anthony' s Church annual festival : Titus Street from 3rd Avenue to the clinic driveway from 8 : 00 a .m. Wednesday, June 8 , until 5: 00 p.m. Monday, June 13 . Parish Parking Lot - from 5 : 30 p.m. , Tuesday, June 7 , to 8 : 00 a.m. Tuesdav, June 14 . PRELIMINARY (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5D) PLAT Burlington-Northern Norpac Industrial Park Prelimi- nary Plat Extension. APPROVAL of the request for a one-year extension (to July 1984) for the Burling- ton Northern Norpac Industrial District No. 1, Division No. 3 Replat. (SU-80-2) . The preliminary plat was approved in July 1980 and the Subdivision Code allows three years for the filing of the final plat. The Code provides also for a one-year exten- sion. REZONE Tonelli Rezone (RZ-83-1) . The following rezone re- quests for the Tonelli Short Plat were heard by the Hearing Examiner on April 27 , 1983 . Portion of Lot 2 - from R1-7 . 2 (Single Familv Residential) to CM (Com- mercial Manufacturing) . Lot 3 - from Rl-'7 . 2 to MR-G (Garden Density Multi-familv Residential) . Westerly 250 ' of Lot 4 - from CT'I to MR-G and the remainder of Lot 4 from R1-7 . 2 to MR-G. The total area to be reclassified is 12-32 acres with 12 . 01 acres to be rezoned MR-G. The proposed rezone includes a specific site plan. The subject project is located on 88th Avenue South, just north of South 228th Street. The Hearing Examiner recommended approval subject to the four conditions listed in the Hearing Examiner Findings, dated May 11 , 1983 . 3 - i June 6, 1983 REZONE J. JOHNSON MOVED to adopt the Hearing Examiner 's recommendation to approve the rezone with conditions and for the City Attorney to be instructed to draft the necessary ordinance, Woods seconded. In re- sponse to questions from Kelleher, Harris noted that a Declaration of Non-Significance had been issued for the proposed rezone which indicated that no problems existed which necessitated the preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement. Motion carried. PARKS & Golf Course Parking Lot Construction/Dike Paving RECREATION Budget Changes . The Golf Course Parking Lot Con- tract was approved by City Council but the total project budget, including architect fees , was never approved. The project has been completed and an additional $22, 707 needs to be transferred from the Golf Course Operating Budget to the Golf Course Parking Lot Budget. This money will come from excess cash carryover from 1982 and increased revenues in 1983 . Paving of the riverfront dike top at Riverfront Park and the Golf Course was part of the same contract funded from a separate Revenue Sharing Account. That project exceeded its budget by $2 , 524 . This additional amount is requested from Revenue Sharing. These budget changes were presented to the Finance Committee on May 31 , 1983 and they recommended Council approval . J. JOHNSON MOVED that the Golf Course Operating Budget and Parking Lot Development Budget be approved and that an additional $2, 524 be approved from Revenue Sharing for the River- front Dike Top Paving Project, Woods seconded. Motion carried. Reith Road Pit Site Agreement. An agreement has been received from the State Department of Trans- portation which provides for the State to delete the seeding, mulching , and fertilizer from their contract for the reclamation of Pit Site A252 (Reith Road) . The monies they were planning to use will be transferred to the City to be utilized for seeding the pit site with playground type grass. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to sign an agreement to accept $13 ,140 lump sum trans- - 4 - i June 6, 1983 PARKS & fer from the State Department of Transportation RECREATION to be utilized for seeding, mulching and fertiliz- ing the pit site with a grass mixture suitable for playground use, J. Johnson seconded. In respo4sel' . to B. Johnson' s questions , Helen Adams``nbt'6 It at a meeting was scheduled with the atchitectson Friday and that it would be approximate-ly one- month before a call for bids was issued. TRAFFIC (CONSENT CALENDAR ITE'l 5N) CONTROL Parking - Handicapped Facilities Ordinance. ADOPTION of Ordinance 2406 amending Section 10.06 . 23 of the Kent City Code to make handicapped parking regulations enforceable on private property open to the public and amending penalty provisions relating thereto. This ordinance was discussed at the Council workshop on May 23 , 1983 . (CONSENT CALENDAR ITE"q 50) Parking - Municipal Facilities Regulations Ordinance. ADOPTION of Ordinance 2407 adding a new section, Section 10 . 06. 030 , to the Kent City Code to regulate parking at municipal facilities . This matter was discussed at the May 23 , 1983 workshop. Sunnvcrest Neighborhood Traffic Problems . Citizens in the Sunnvcr_est neighborhood have voiced concern about traffic problems, particularly along 38th and 42nd Avenues . A public meeting, organized by some of the residents in the area, was held on Play 19 . After that meeting , the situation was reviewed. The Transportation Engineer distributed a memo proposing possible solutions to the problem. BITFMAN MOVED that the recommendation of the Trans- portation Engineer be approved as to the proposed solution to the traffic problem in the Sunnycrest Neighborhood and that the project be funded as recommended, B. Johnson seconded. Wickstrom commented on Poston ' s memo, explaining that "speed humps" would be installed on 38th Avenue South to control speeds in the area. In response to B . Johnson ' s question, he explained the difference between "speed bumps" and "speed humps" . He further explained that these had been tried in California , Mountlake Terrace and Rainier 5 - June 6, 1983 TRAFFIC Valley. Bailey pointed out that at least six CONTROL accidents had been documented in the area during the past year . He also noted that some of the VIN'U'TESECTED REFER T4 problem stemmed from the fact that three of the four houses close to the intersection had parking OF (­70 " 83 areas which obstructed the view of oncoming cars . Biteman referred to suggestions which had been received during the recent neighborhood meeting, such as a four-way stop and closure of S. 253rd to through traffic. Biteman also indicated at this point he was willing to go along with the recom- mendation from the Transportation Engineer to determine if it would, in fact, be effective. Bailey a_uestioned why the Public Works Department was not considering the 4-way stop. Biteman stated he had been advised that a 4-way stop seems to lessen the effectiveness of stop signs. He noted that there is presently a 4-way stop on Military Road . In response to the Mayor ' s question, Wick- Strom noted that the speed humps would be placed on 38th Avenue only. A woman in the audience noted that the neighborhood was concerned about the safety of children walking to and from school and suggested that speed humps would not control traffic. She pointed out that something was also needed at S. 249th and 42nd Avenue S . and suggested that a 4-way stop sign would be more effective. J. Johnson noted that he lived near Park Orchard Elementary and the 4-way stop sign there was fre- quently ignored. He suggested the only deterrent was for the Police Department to cite offenders. In response to B. Johnson' s questions, Poston stated that Sgt. Hammer of the Police Department noted that during the time the situation on the West Hill was being monitored, approximately 25 warnings or cita- tions were issued. Bailey auestioned how the success of the speed humps would be monitored and Poston explained that they have a current study and the traffic speeds would be monitored again after the installation of the speed humps . Kelleher expressed concern about 42nd Avenue and Poston pointed out that 38th Avenue would be a test case and the studies would show if the speed humps were successful. B. Johnson noted that she had been in attendance at the recent meeting and appreciated the citizens ' concerns. - 6 - i June 6 , 1983 TRAFFIC She also expressed support for the recommendation CONTROL of the Traffic Engineer. Upon her Question, Poston advised that the School District had been contacted about the excessive speed of the school buses. The motion carried. FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITE74 5F) Extension of the City' s Banking Services Agreement. On May 18 , 1981 , the City Council authorized Peoples National Bank of Kent to provide banking services for the City for the period July 1, 1981 to June 30, 1983 with the option to extend for one additional year, assuming satisfaction by both parties. Based upon the Finance Director ' s report at the May 31, 1983 Finance Committee , ACCEPTANCE of the Committed 's recommendation that the agreement be extended for one year . (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5P) Industrial Development Bonds Resolution. ADOPTION of Resolution 996 approving the issuance of Indus- trial Revenue Bonds of the Industrial Development Corporation of the Port of Seattle for the C F S Continental project. This matter was discussed at the May 23 , 1983 workshop. Bad Check Charge Ordinance. Ordinance 2408 has been prepared by the City Attorney authorizing a new section in Chapter 2. 16 of the Kent City Code to impose a fee of $10 . 00 for dishonored (bad) checks tendered to the City for payment of fees or services . BAILEY MOVED to adopt Ordinance 2408, B. Johnson seconded. Tn response to questions from B. Johnson and Biteman, it was determined that the $10. 00 charge was sufficient at this time and could be changed at a later date if necessary. City Treasurer Drotz noted for Biteman that the City receives approximately_ 40 such checks each month. Motion carried. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5B) Payment of Bills . APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through June 2 after auditing by the Finance Committee at its meeting at 4 : 00 p.m. on June 15, 1983 . 7 - June 6, 1983 COUNCIL Public Works. Kelleher reported that the Public COMMITTEES Works Committee would not meet this week; however, the matter of the interim storm drainage ordinance would be discussed at the next workshop meeting. AWC Convention. B. Johnson noted that the three councilmembers registered for the AWC conference next week would he the voting delegates . ADJOURNMENT BAILEY MOVED that the meeting be adjourned at 7 : 20 p.m. , B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. EXECUTIVE Cushing noted that the Council meeting would be SESSION followed by an executive session to discuss several items . Marie Jdr2n, CMC City Clerk 8 -