HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 05/16/1983 Kent , Washington May 16 , 1983 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7 :00 o ' clock p.m. by Mayor Hogan . Present : Mayor Hogan, Councilperson-, Bailey, Biteman, B. Johnson, J . Johnson, Kelleher , Leahy and Woods, City Administrator Cushing , City Attorney DiJulio , Planning Director Harris and Public Works Director Wickstrom. Finance Director McCarthy was not in attendance . Also present : Personnel Director Webby. Twenty people were in attendance at the meeting . PROCLAMATIONS National Public Works Week . A proclamation was read by Mayor Hogan declaring the week of May 22-28 , 1983 as National Public Works Week in Kent . Poppy Days . Mayor Hogan proclaimed the month of May, 1983 as Poppy month and May 21 , and 22 , 1983 as Poppy Days in the City of Kent , and urged all citizens to support this fund raising activity . CONSENT B. JOHNSON MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A CALENDAR through J be approved , with the exception of Item E which was removed at the request of Councilmember Bailey . J . Johnson seconded . Motion carried . MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5A ) Approval of Minutes . APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of May 2 , 1983 . HEALTH & (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5C) SANITATION King County Solid Waste Plan Resolution. ADOPTION of Resolution 994 adopting the 1982 King County Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan. This item was discussed at the April 18 workshop and removed from the May 2nd City Council Agenda for further clarification by the City Attorney . STORM DRAINAGE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5H ) Storm Drainage Utility Rate Structure . APPROVAL of storm drainage utility rate structure and concept as presented at workshop on May 9 , 1983 . Copies of the rate structure are included in the packet . - 1 - May 16 , 1983 STORM DRAINAGE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5J) P-5 Drainage Channel - Release of Easement . As recommended by the Public Works Department and concurred with by the Public Works Committee , authorization for the Mayor to sign a release of an easement on property to the north of the P-5 Channel constructed by Uplands between West Valley Highway and 192nd . STREETS LID 291 - S . 196th/Russell Road Street Improvement . This date has been set for the public hearing for the confirmation of the Final Assessment Roll for LID 291 . The City Clerk has given proper legal notice for the hearing . Public Works Director Wickstrom reviewed the scope of the project , pointed out the location on the map and explained how the assessments were figured . He noted that the project was formed in 1980 and that the estimated cost was $2 , 161 ,900 .00 . The final actual costs represent a reduction of approximately 16% . Wickstrom clarified that it would be necessary to make some minor adjustments in the assessment amounts pertaining to credits for property given and for sewer and water completed under LID 252 and ULID #1 . The public hearing was opened by Mayor Hogan. There was no correspondence and no comments from the audience or questions from the Council . BITEMAN MOVED to close the pubic hearing , J . Johnson seconded . Motion carried. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the City Attorney be directed to prepare the ordinance confirming the Final Assessment Roll for LID 291 subject to the minor corrections . Woods seconded . Motion carried. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5I ) 180th Street Improvement Project - Burlington Northern Easement . AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign easement with Burlington Northern for right-of-way in conjunction with the 180th Street Improvement Project , as recommended by the Public Works Department and concurred with by the Public Works Committee . TRAFFIC CONTROL (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5D ) Speed Limit - Ordinance . ADOPTION of Ordinance 2405 amending subsection 10 .08 .08 ( 1) of the Kent City Code reducing the speed limit on Pacific - 2 - I May 16 , 1983 TRAFFIC CONTROL Highway South from 50 mph to 45 mph . This covers the area from a point 530 feet south of the intersection of South 252 Street to the intersection of Kent-Des Moines Road . This matter was discussed at the May 9 workshop . WATER Kent Memorial Park Water Main Intertie, Phase II . Eight bids were opened for this project on May 11 . The Director of Public Works recommends acceptance of the low bid of $26 ,929 . 10 from Robison Construction and that $12 ,000 be transferred from the Completed Water Projects Fund to the Kent Memorial Park Water Main Project Fund . J . JOHNSON MOVED to award the bid to Robison Construction and to transfer the $12 ,000 as recommended by the Public Works Director , Woods seconded . Motion carried . WATER Ordinance No . 2227 - Water Emergency Condition. The Director of Public Works recommends that a water emergency condition be declared as outlined in Section 10 of Ordinance 2227 . This declaration would be a safety precaution inasmuch as two of the City sources could be out of service during portions of the critical summer demand period . The Tukwila line that services the portion of Tukwila lying south and east of the river , and thereby servicing Kent through the Kent-Tukwila intertie, was washed out last winter . It is anticipated that the connection repairs will be completed by July. In the meantime , Kent is servicing that portion of Tukwila . The Kent-Springs source is also temporarily out of service due to the replacement of the Kent-Springs transmission main. It is anticipated that the transmission main will be back in service by June 14 . The loss of these two sources represent about 2 .6 MGD which constitutes about 18 percent of the total available supply capability. Bailey noted that he had questions regarding Ordinance 2227 and noted that the Mayor had , in fact , vetoed the ordinance , which was then passed over her veto . He referred to the Mayor ' s veto message in which she had noted that the ordinance was inconsistent with the Planning Department requirement regarding landscaping . He questioned whether the Planning Department or Planning 3 - I May 16 , 1983 WATER Commission had made any attempt to further study the problems of landscaping for industries. Harris noted that this had not been done and noted that there didn ' t seem to be a problem since any emergency situation might only last for a week . B . JOHNSON MOVED that Kent City Council declare that a water emergency condition prevails and that Ordinance 2227 shall be enforced, Kelleher seconded . Biteman referred to Section 10A of the ordinance which reads : "The provisions of this ordinance shall be in full force and effect only upon adoption by the City Council of the declaration that a water emergency condition prevails. " He questioned whether this would be a matter which would be considered by the Council each time it was determined that an emergency situation exists . Wickstrom explained that it would and this was what was being done at this time . Wickstrom pointed out that it was merely a precautionary measure because of the problems currently being experienced with two of the City ' s water sources. Referring to Section 6 , Site Design Review, Harris clarified that the ordinance states that "While this ordinance is in effect , no planting or landscaping required by the site design revie process or other City action shall be implemented unless the City determines that the health, safety or welfare of the public might be endangered . " He pointed out for Biteman that during an emergency period developers would not be required to put in landscaping, that the Public Works Director would be contacted regarding the projected length of the emergency. In response to Kelleher ' s question, it was determined that the emergency water status could be lifted as soon as June 14 . Biteman expressed concern over the thousands of dollars of landscaping which has already been required of businesses . It was pointed out that the water must be provided to the public for health, safety and welfare purposes . Bailey expressed disappointment that the Planning Department had not responded to the concerns expressed by the Mayor in her veto message and suggested that some alternatives should be considered in the landscaping requirements if a water shortage is declared periodically. Harris suggested that the Council has the power and authority to direct the Planning Department to - 4 - May 16 , 1983 WATER make such a study . Biteman questioned whether property owners could be advised that if a water shortage existed , required planting could be delayed until the fall . Harris stated that the Council should direct staff to come back with some suggestions regarding the problem. Cushing suggested that the provisions of Section 10B provide that the ordinance shall not be in effect after October 15 of any year in which an emergency is declared to exist . He noted that landscaping would still be required but would not take place during that period of time . There was no further discussion and the motion CARRIED, with Biteman voting no. BAILEY MOVED that the Council direct the Planning Department to consider alternate methods of providing adequate landscaping for development within the City of Kent specifically addressing the potential water shortage in the future . B. Johnson seconded . Leahy stated that he would prefer that the matter be referred to the Public Works Committee . He further pointed out that his concerns were covered in the ordinance . BAILEY OFFERED A SUBSTITUTE MOTION to refer the matter to the Public Works Committee, B. Johnson concurred and the motion carried . POLICE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5F ) DEPARTMENT Donation from Kent Rotary Club . ACCEPTANCE of the $500 donation made on April 13 , by the Kent Rotary Club toward the Kent Police Department Safety Education Program. PARKS & Mill Creek Canyon Park - Resolution. Resolution 966 has been prepared approving an application "~ for matching fund assistance from the Interagency CORRECTED • REFER TO Committee for Outdoor Recreation for development MINUTES OF _,.,..�.8.3- of Mill Creek Canyon Park . B. JOHNSON MOVED to adopt Resolution 996 , J . Johnson seconded . Motion carried . LIBRARY BOARD (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5G ) Library Board Appointment . CONFIRMATION of the Mayor ' s reappointment of Jack Meredith to the Library Board . This term will expire in December 1987 . 5 - I I May 16 , 1983 CITY HALL (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5E ) City Hall Master Plan. The City Hall Master Plan as prepared by Ellerbe Architects and Engineers be accepted as complete and the staff be directed to retain Ellerbe for the purpose of preparing a City Hall Complex Site Plan Analysis in accordance with the proposal discussed at the May 9 workshop. This item was removed from the Consent Calendar at Bailey ' s request . Bailey noted that citizen input had been received relative to the availability of the Kent Elementary School site . He MOVED to amend the above to specify that the first order of business pertaining to the study shall be to determine the availability of the Kent Elementary School and if it is available , to consider it as the first alternate in the analysis . Biteman seconded . In response to Leahy ' s question, Bailey suggested that the City Administrator contact the School District in this regard so that the matter could be discussed by the School Board to see if the site would be available in the foreseeable future . Bailey further clarified that it would not be proper to make a formal offer at this time . The motion carried . HOUSING & 1983 Supplemental Housing and Community Development COMMUNITY Block Grant Applications . The Planning Department DEVELOPMENT staff is submitting 4 applications for supplemental block grant funding for Council approval and priority ranking of the projects as recommended by the staff . This matter was discussed at the May 9 workshop. The staff recommendations , as contained4 i;n, %le p,a Ic�� for this meeting , are as follows : »`o �«slifi� � : PRIORITY PROJECT REQUESTED 1 . Domestic Abused Women' s Network $19 ,840 2 . Green River Community Health Center 21 ,000 3 . Kent Memorial Park Building Renova- tion for Handicapped Access 12 , 140 4 . Kent Meridian High School Peer Helper Project 12 ,910 - 6 - may 16 , 1983 HOUSING & B. JOHNSON MOVED to approve and rank the priority of COMMUNITY the block grant applications as recommended by the DEVELOPMENT staff , bloods seconded . It was noted that as a result of the recent Federal Emergency Jobs Bill , the King County Block Grant Consortium will have $700 ,000 for grants for eligible projects of Consortium Cities on a competitive basis. Associate Planner Jim Hansen explained the staff recommendations , noting that all of the requests represent "one-time only" requests for Block Grants and that King County had advised that these types of projects would be favored for funding. He noted further that priority will be given to restoring funding to projects wick received legislative approval as 1983 Community Development Block Grant requests , but were not fully funded due to Federal limits on Community Development Block Grant public service spending . Projects No . 1 and No. 2 fall into this category, and have therefore been recommended as highest in priority. Kelleher noted that Project No . 3 had not been on the list presented at the May 9 workshop . Hansen explained that this project had "washed out" early in 1983 and upon reconsideration and discussion with the Parks Department , it was decided that this should be included . KELLEHER opined that according to the criteria , Project No . 3 did not fall into the higher category and MOVED to amend the motion to reverse the order of Projects No . 3 and No. 4 . Biteman seconded the proposed motion . Harris pointed out that this amendment would make the top three projects all "service" projects and that it was doubtful that three "service" projects would be funded . Both Bailey and B. Johnson referred to a prior capital project proposal covering No . 3 which had not been rated high enough for consideration . Bailey noted further that the City had elected to support the use of the Kent Memorial Park Building by a group of handicapped citizens and for this reason he supported leaving this project as No . 3 . B. Johnson concurred with Bailey and noted further that No . 4 was part of the KVYS program which was already supported by the City. J. Johnson suggested that perhaps Project No. 3 could be accomplished by staff with the use of Federal Revenue Shared Funds if it was not funded by Community Development Block Grant . Kelleher pointed out that he was not opposed to Project No. 3 but questioned the fact that it was not on the list last week for consideration at the workshop. - 7 - May 16 , 1983 HOUSING & Upon Woods ' question , B. Johnson noted that all COMMUNITY of the projects were "one-time only" requests , DEVELOPMENT and that since No . 3 was the only non-service project , that the City might try to fund this project from other sources if it was not funded by the County. She expressed confidence in the staff ' s recommendation as to the priority rating . Mayor Hogan noted that she was on the Committee and that KVYS had just had some funds restored by the County and opined that when the $700 ,000 was divided among the cities that Kent was not likely to have more than two projects funded . Kelleher noted that he would be willing to drop the proposed amendment if the Council was willing to commit to finding alternate funds for Project No . 4 . Bailey noted that he favored the peer helper project but would rely on the staff ' s perception as to which projects had the better chance for funding . Biteman favored No. 4 over No . 3 stating that it was a "people" project rather than a renovation. B. Johnson stated that No . 3 covered renovations for the handicapped, and was therefore important as a "people" project also . The proposed amendment to the motion FAILED with only Kelleher and Biteman supporting it . Leahy noted that in order to strike a balance between the capital projects and the service projects he would offer another amendment . He MOVED to amend the motion to reverse the order of No . 2 and No . 3 . The motion failed for lack of a second . B. Johnson' s original motion to approve and rank the priority of the block grant applications as recommended by the staff then carried unanimously . FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5B ) Payment of Bills . APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through May 17 after auditing by the Finance Committee at its meeting at 4 : 00 P.M. on May 31 , 1983 . 8 - May 16 , 1983 COUNCIL Public Works . Kelleher reported that the Public COMMITTEES Works Committee would discuss a concept of affordable housing , that this was still in the preliminary stages and no decisions had been made as yet . He indicted that this would also be discussed at a future workshop. Also to be discussed at the Committee meeting would be the interim storm drainage ordinance . Kelleher noted there were concerns about restrictions and whether they were justified in terms of liability. This matter will also be taken up at the workshop meeting . An additional item to come before the Public Works Committee concerns the matter of water pressure problems on the West Hill . SCS PROJECT Mayor Hogan reported that she and Wickstrom had attended a Basin Executive Committee meeting in Renton. The SCS service has some " jobs bill" monies and the Renton City Council was to discuss the matter this evening to determine whether Renton should be an applicant for those funds to do Phase I of the SCS project . She noted that $1 ,600 ,000 was now available for the first phase of the project . The Mayor noted further that the Kent Council would be asked to support Renton' s position should they decide to go ahead with the project . ADJOURNMENT J . JOHNSON MOVED that the meeting be adjourned at 7 : 50 p .m. , Kelleher seconded . Motion carried . Marie Jensen, CMC City Clerk 6867-95A 9 -