HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 03/21/1983 Kent , Washington
March 21 , 1983
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7 : 00
o' clock p.m. by Mayor Hogan. Present : Mayor Hogan, Councilmembers
Biteman, B. Johnson, J . Johnson, Kelleher , and Leahy, City Adminis-
trator Cushing, City Attorney DiJulio, Planning Director Harris and
Public Works Director Wickstrom. Councilmembers Bailey and Woods
and Finance Director McCarthy were not in attendance . Also pre-
sent : Fire Chief Angelo, Parks Director Wilson, Personnel Director
Webby and Planning Commissioners Baer and Kilbourn . In addition to
City staff members, six citizens attended the meeting.
KENTRIDGE Beth Jackson, principal of Kentridge High School ,
HIGH SCHOOL distributed brochures explaining "Kentridge Showcase
- 83" . She invited the Mayor, Council and staff to
attend any of the functions. The "Showcase" will run
until April 30 and copies of the calendar of events
were distributed .
PROCLAMATION Mayor Hogan proclaimed the month of March as
Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA) month
in Kent .
At the request of the Police Department , the Mayor
reminded the audience that this week is "Traffic
Awareness Week" , as proclaimed on March 7 .
CONSENT J . JOHNSON MOVED, that the Consent Calendar Items
CALENDAR Items A through L be approved. Kelleher seconded.
Motion carried.
Approval of Minutes . APPROVAL of the minutes of the
regular Council meeting of March 7 , 1983 .
SANITATION LID 287 - 94th Place S . - Sanitary Sewers. The public
hearing for the confirmation of the final assessment
roll for LID 287 was concluded on March 7 , 1983 .
Action to authorize the preparation of the ordinance
to confirm the roll was tabled to this meeting to
allow time for the Public Works Committee to discuss
the amount of the assessments with G .J . Pieper and
Lester Poole .
TABLE action further to the April 4 , 1983 meeting.
Late Comer Agreement - Sewer Main - 114th Avenue S .E .
and S .E . 254th . AUTHORIZATION for the Public Works
Director to execute a Late Comers Agreement for the
Seventh Day Adventist Church for the sewer main exten-
sion constructed in the vicinity of 114th Ave. S.E .
and S .E . 254th in conjunction with the SDA Short plat .
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March 21 , 1983
Late Comer Agreement - Water Main - Hilltop Lane to
94th Avenue South . Authorization for the Public
Works Director to execute a Late Comers Agreement for
Richard Gradwohl for a water main extension
constructed in the vicinity of Hilltop Lane and 94th
Ave . South.
Late Comer Agreement - Water Main - 100th Avenue
S .E . and S .E . 228th St . AUTHORIZATION for the Public
Works Director to execute a Late Comers Agreement for
Washington Services for the water main extension
constructed in the vicinity of 100th Avenue S .E . and
S .E . 228th Street in conjunction with the Briere Lane
Plat .
STREETS State Agreement - Reith Road to SR 181 . The State is
improving the section of Meeker Street between SR 516
and the Meeker Street bridge and the City will be
responsible for the buttoning upon the completion of
the project . As recommended by the Public Works
Committee , B. JOHNSON MOVED for the Mayor to be
authorized to sign an agreement with the State for
the buttoning project and to direct the Public Works
Director to transfer $2 ,593 .20 from the unexpended
balance of the Smith Street Project to pay for this
work . J . Johnson seconded. Motion carried .
VACATION Street Vacation - S .E . 260th - Ordinance. ADOPTION
of Ordinance No. 2395 vacating S .E . 260th, east of
108th Avenue S .E . , as approved on March 7 , 1983 .
EQUIPMENT Equipment Rental - Dump Truck . Bids were opened on
RENTAL March 14 , 1983 for a 10 to 12 yard dump truck for the
Equipment Rental Division of the Public Works Depart-
ment . Four bids were received . It is recommended
that the bid from Mack Truck Company for the truck
with the Beal Transliner bed be accepted in the
amount of $69 ,756 .30 including tax, without trade .
J . JOHNSON MOVED, to award the bid to Mack Truck
Company as recommended . Biteman seconded . Motion
PARKS Property Acquisition - Mill Creek . Parks Director
Wilson distributed a sketch entitled "Master Plan
Update , Mill Creek Canyon Park" noting that an. area
outlined on the sketch was an "opportunity project"
and that the City could buy a parcel of 22 ,000 square
feet for $3 to $4 ,000 under the asking price. He
noted that this had been discussed at the Parks Com-
mittee meeting and requested that a Resolution be
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PARKS passed at the next meeting authorizing the purchase
of this property. Upon Kelleher ' s question,
J . Johnson clarified that the Parks Committee had
recommended in favor of this proposal and MOVED for
the Resolution to be prepared . B. Johnson seconded.
Motion carried .
Russell Road Park - Puget Power Easement .
AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign any necessary
easement required by Puget Power for installation of
underground wiring at the Russell Road Park . Funding
for this project was approved at the February 22
meeting .
Transfer of King County Forward Thrust Funds .
ADOPTION of Resolution No. 990 approving the transfer
of $30 ,825 of Forward Thrust Funds from King County
to the City of Kent for acquisition of a Lower Green
River Trail and authorization for the Mayor to sign
an agreement and any other necessary documents to
accomplish this transfer .
PLAN Kent Comprehensive Plan Procedures - Resolution
ADOPTION of Resolution No. 989 adopting the procedure
for City Council review of the recommendations of the
Planning Commission for the Kent Comprehensive Plan
as discussed at the March 14 workshop.
Within 60 days of the receipt of the Planning Com-
mission' s recommendations for the Comprehensive Plan,
the Council will consider the recommendations at a
public meeting . Written submittals concerning the
recommendations filed prior to the public meeting
will also be considered . Following the public
meeting , the Council will vote to approve,
disapprove, approve as modified, or refer the
Comprehensive Plan back to the Planning Commission
for further proceedings.
COMMUNITY Mayor Hogan noted that HUD has asked for a citizen to
HOUSING serve on the Community Housing Resource Board. She
RESOURCE asked that any citizen who is interested in serving
BOARD contact her .
BLOCK GRANT Mayor Hogan noted receipt of a letter from Domestic
FUNDS Abuse Women' s Network ( DAWN) , supporting the request
for block grant funds for the East Valley YWCA
Emergency Housing Program . Harris noted that the
Council would be considering the allocation of block
grant funds in the near future .
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CONTROL Animal Control Service Contract . AUTHORIZATION for
the Mayor to sign a renewal agreement with King
County for Animal Control Service from April 1 , 1983
to March 31 , 1984 . This was discussed at the
workshop of March 14 .
COUNCIL Finance & Personnel . Leahy noted that the Finance and
COMMITTEES Personnel Committee had considered a request to
reclassify a position in the Fire Department from
Office Technician 2 to Office Technician 3 , based
upon the reallocation of duties for the position. He
MOVED to approve the reclassification, in accordance
with the Committee recommendation. B. Johnson
seconded , motion carried.
Public Works . Kelleher noted that the Public Works
Committee would meet on Tuesday at 3 :00 p.m. in the
Public Works Building.
Parks. J . Johnson reported that the Ultra Lights
people were considering leasing some private
property. He noted that the Committee had
recommended the following:
1 . Repair of the racquetball floors at the Kent
2 . Approval of a recreation agreement between
the City and the Kent School District .
3 . To establish rental fees for use of outdoor
passive parks.
No action was taken by the Council .
Public Safety. J . Johnson noted that graduation for
the Fire Service Training Recruit Academy would be
held at the Kentridge High School on April 1 at 7 :00
p.m. and that the Councilmembers were invited to
attend .
Capital Improvement Fund Guidelines . ADOPTION of
the Capital Improvement Reserve Fund Guidelines as
presented at the March 14 , workshop.
Payment of Bills . APPROVAL of payment of the bills
received through March 18 , 1983 after auditing by the
Finance Committee at its meeting at 4 :00 P.M. on
March 31, 1983 .
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EXECUTIVE Cushing noted that the Council would meet in
SESSION executive session following the regular meeting .
ADJOURNMENT J. JOHNSON MOVED to adjourn at 7 : 15 p.m. , Leahy
seconded . Motion carried.
Marie Jens6w', CMC
City Clerk
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