HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 03/07/1983 Kent, Washington March 7, 1983 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7: 00 o'clock p.m. by Mayor Hogan. Present: Mayor Hogan, Council- rnembers Biteman, B. Johnson, J. Johnson, Kelleher, Leahy and Woods , City Administrator Cushing, City Attorney DiJulio, Planning Director Harris, Public Works Director Wickstrom and Finance Director McCarthy. Councilperson Bailey was not in attendance. Also present: Assistant City Administrator Webby, Parks Director Wilson-,and Planning Commission members Kilbourn and Baer. Approxi- mately 60 people were in attendance. SEATTLE Cultural Arts Director Nancy Carpenter introduced OPERA members of the Seattle Opera who were in attendance to publicize City of Kent Night at the Opera, Wednesday, March 23. Members of the Opera pre- sent reviewed the story of "Girl of the Golden West, " to be presented at that time. Kent employees and citizens were urged to attend the performance and it was noted that 300 of the ticket sales would be returned to Kent for the Arts programs. KENT/KAIBARA Representatives of the Kent-Kaibara Committee re- AFFILIATION ported on the activities of the group. Ms . Lingus introduced Cathy Lingus, who was Kent' s exchange student to Japan during 1980-81. She expressed appreciation to the Mayor and City for the oppor- tunity of spending a year in Japan. Robert Nelson also addressed the Council, noting that his son had been an exchange student to Japan also. He referred to the many cultural and educational benefits of the Kent/Kaibara Affiliation, now in its 17th year. PROCLAMATION Girl Scout Week. A proclamation was read by Mayor Hogan declaring the week of March 6 - 12 , 1983 as Girl Scout Week in the City of Kent. Representatives of Brownie and Girl Scout Troups 836 and 1587 made Mayor Hogan an honorary Girl Scout and presented her with appropriate pins . Traffic Awareness Week. The week of March 20 - 26, 1983 , as proclaimed by Mayor Hogan, is Traffic Awareness Week in the City of Kent. - 1 - I March 7 , 1983 CONSENT B. JOHNSON MOVED that the Consent Calendar Items CALENDAR A through P be approved, J. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5A) Approval of Minutes . APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of February 22, 1983 . WATER (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5G) Tiede S. 180th Water Main Extension Bill of Sale. ACCEPTANCE of the Bill of Sale and Warranty Agree- ment for continuous operation and maintenance for approximately 170 feet of water main extension constructed at 7209 S. 180th by Keith and Nancy Tiede. RELEASE of the cash bond after expira- tion of the one year guarantee period and payment of any outstanding bills against the project, as recommended by the Public Works Committee. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5H) Cross Connection Ordinance. ADOPTION of Ordinance 2394 and approval of the ordinance summary, adopt- ing rules and regulations of the State Board of Health relating to regulating cross connections in public water systems. This ordinance was developed to bring the City into conformance with State Law. The City is currently complying with the construction require- ments. The Public Works Committee has reviewed the ordinance and recommends adoption. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5J) West Hill Pump Station No. 4 Easement. AUTHORIZA- TION for Mayor to sign easement for Puget Power which will allow them to run power to the pump station for the West Hill Pump Station No. 4 , as recommended by the Public Works Department. The contract for the Pump Station was recently awarded to A and C Construction and construction is expected to begin soon. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5K) Donofrio Water Service Request. APPROVAL for Water District 75 to provide water service to the Donofrio residence in the vicinity of S . 216th and 42nd Avenue S. , as recommended by the Public Works Committee. 2 - i March 7, 1983 WATER The parcel is within the Kent City Limits and in our service area but Kent presently does not have any mains close enough to serve the property. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5L) Seven Oaks Plat Well . ACCEPTANCE as complete of the contract with Omega Contractors for the Seven Oaks Plat Well and release of retainage after receipt of releases from the State, as recommended by the Engineering Department. Omega Contractors has completed the work covered by their contract for the construction of a well facility including pump and motor, control system, piping, structure and related appurtenances for the Seven Oaks Plat TJell. POLICE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5F) King County Public Defense Contract. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to enter into a contract with King County for the providing of Public Defense Services. The agreement would authorize the County ' s Office of Public Defense to continue to provide defense services at the rate of $132 per case assignment through April 30, 1983. The term may be extended on a month-to-month basis upon agreement of the Director of the Office of Public Defense and the Kent City Attorney. The interim nature of the contract is to allow the City to investigate the potential for contracting with local counsel for indigent defense. This issue was reviewed at the February 28 , 1983 workshop. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM :)E) Jail Project. The City Council on February 11, and again on February 28, 1983 , reviewed the option of constructing a 50-bed jail based on leasing 20 beds to the Federal Marshals. Based on the prospect that such a facility could be feasible and beneficial to the community, the staff is directed to develop for Council consideration, a complete project pro- posal including an evaluation of incorporating new quarters for the Aukeen Court. 3 - March 7 , 1983 FINAL PLAT (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5N) Foster Final Plat. APPROVAL of request for a one- year time extension on the final plat approval for the Foster Plat, contingent upon the payment within 60 days from this date, to the Public Works Department, of 50 percent of the outstanding charges for plan checking of construction plans for street and utility improvements. PLANNED (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 50) UNIT East Hill PUD Extension-PUD 81-2 (formerly Natural DEVELOPMENT Land Group) . APPROVAL of the request b_y James Magstadt of Landon Development Corporation for a six-month extension to September 1, 1983 . KENT (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5P) DEVELOPMENT Kent Development Association Logo. AUTHORIZATION ASSOCIATION to contract wi-th the Kent Development Association to design a logo for downtown promotion and business improvements, as discussed at the February 28 work- shop. UPPER MILL (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5I) CREEK DETEN- Upper Mill Creek Detention Basin. APPROVAL for TION BASIN transfer of $33, 000 from Revenue Sharing to Upper Mill Creek Detention Basin project. During the budget process , an item of $33, 000 from Revenue Sharing to the Upper Mill Creek Detention Basin was approved but was inadvertently left out of the final budget negotiations . The project is pro- . gressing and the Citv is currently in the process of acquiring right-of-way. The Public Works Com- mittee has recommended approval of the request to allocate $33 , 000 from Revenue Sharing for this project. PARKS & (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5D) RECREATION Mill Creek Canyon Master Plan Update. APPROVAL of the Site Master Plan update for Mill Creek Canyon Park as prepared by Jones & Jones and as recommended by the Parks Committee. Copies of the Plan have been distributed to the Council. Robert Keyes, who noted his property was in the vicinity of S.E. 267th and 104th S .F.. , raised ques- tions about the Plan and the possible impact on his 4 - March 7 , 1983 PARKS & property. At Cushing ' s suggestion, it was deter- RECREATION mined that a copy of the Plan would be made avail- able to Mr. Keyes and his concerns addressed. PLANNING (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5C) COMMISSION Planning Commission Appointment. CONFIRMATION of the Mayor ' s appointment of Nancy Rudy to the Planning Commission to replace Bill Carey. This term will expire December 31, 1984. HEALTH & (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5M) SANITATION LID 296 - Orillia Utilities (Final Assessment Roll Confirmation) . AUTHORIZATION to set April 4 , 1983 for a public hearing to confirm the Final Assess- ment Roll for LID 296 . The final costs have been tabulated and the Final Assessment Roll prepared. The project consists of water, sewer and storm drainage on 72nd Avenue S . and on S. 182nd. LID 287 - 94th Place S . Sanitary Sewers. This date has been set for the public hearing on the confirmation of the Final Assessment Roll for LID 287 , in the amount of $224 , 609 . 22 , The public hear- ing was opened by Mayor Hogan. Wickstrom reviewed the project, noting that the original project esti- mate was $232 , 639 . He explained that the modified zone and termini method was used to determine the assessments . The Clerk noted that four letters had been received objecting to the amount of the assessments as follows : G. J. Pieper (Assessment #13) Joan Thompson (Assessment #1) Rev. Ostrom (Assessment #26) Lester Poole (Assessment #25) B. JOHNSON MOVFD that the letters be accepted for the record, J. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. In response to questions from Harold James , Wickstrom explained the method of payment of assessments . Rev. Ostrom suggested that the LID should have encompassed a larger area, and Wickstrom clarified the LID bounda- ries. Upon Jim Fleck ' s question about the adjacent area, he pointed out that any property owners out- side the City who requested sewer service would have to sign annexation covenants . He noted that an election in the Westview area to consider annexing to the City had failed in 1974 . 5 - March 7 , 1983 HEALTH & Comments were made about the septic tank problems SANITATION and the resulting health hazards in the surrounding area. Lester Poole and G. J. Pieper both described their properties and questioned the amount of the assessments. Both noted that the properties could not be further developed for more than a single residence, despite the fact that the area was larger than that required for a single residence. It was determined that the assessments were based on the square footage. Wickstrom noted that there was the potential of splitting the property. Wickstrom clarified that 12" pipe was used in order to gain access to the lower areas, and in consideration of the existing slope. Upon Joan Thompson ' s question, Wickstrom noted that a main line extension would be required if she wanted to subdivide at a future date. Pieper noted that the sewage problems created by Westview Terrace would not be solved bV this LID. He asked what the city could do about resolving the problem. DiJulio noted that the residents could file suit to direct the County to enforce their laws in the Westview area, or the residents could proceed directly against the people in Westview creating the problem. Cushing pointed out that if Westview was inside the City and a health hazard existed, the City could force an LID, but the County did not have this same type of authority. It was determined that the City could advise the Department of Health of the problem, citing the current situation and the past events. Pieper noted that at the time Westview had the elec- tion to annex, the County Health Department compiled a list of failing septic systems and that he had had correspondence with the County on this matter. Upon Charles Doyle' s question, Harris clarified that the East Hill Plan includedithis area but that the plan did not address sewers and that it was doubtful that the Westview area would be annexed. There were no further comments and B. JOHNSON MOVED to close the hearing. Woods seconded. Motion carried. BITEMAN MOVED to table the preparation of the ordinance confirming the assessment roll for two weeks, to the March 21st meeting . Poole & Pieper - 6 - March 7 , 1983 HEALTH & were invited to attend the Public Works Committee SANITATION meeting on March 8 at 3: 00 p.m. to further discuss their concerns about the amount of their assess- ments. Kelleher seconded. Motion carried. STREET S.E. 260th Street Vacation. On April 2, 1979 the VACATION Council approved the application of Contemporary Structures for vacation of S.E. 260th Street east of 108th S.E. with the following conditions: 1. Retain utility and drainage easements. 2. That $1, 518. 00 , one-half of the appraised value of the street, be paid to the City. A hearing held on January 17 , 1983 to take public testimony on the matter was continued to this date. On February 23 , 1983 the Public Works Com- mittee reviewed the circumstances surrounding the vacation and recommended that the street vacation process be continued. The conditions of the approval have been fulfilled. The Mayor reopened the continued public hearing. Wickstrom explained that proper notices had been given for the hearing in 1979 and it was determined that the best course of action was to reaffirm the original approval of the street vacation. BITEMAN MOVED to close the public hearing, J. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. KELLEHER MOVED to reaffirm the approval of the vacation of S.E . 260th Street and for the City Attorney to be directed to prepare the required ordinance. B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5B) Payment of Bills . APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through March 3 , 1983 after auditing by the Finance Committee at its meeting at 4 : 00 p.m. on March 15, 1983. ADJOURNMENT WOODS MOVED that the meeting be adjourned at 8 :40 p.m. , B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. Marie Jeer en, CMC City Clerk 7 -