HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 02/22/1983 Kent, Washington
February 22 , 1983
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at
7 : 00 p.m. by Council President Billie Johnson, in the absence of
Mayor Hogan. Present: Councilmembers Biteman, B. Johnson,
Kelleher, Leahy and Woods , City Attorney DiJulio, Public Works
Director Wickstrom, Planning Director Harris and Finance Director
McCarthy. Also present: Parks Director Wilson, Accounting
Supervisor May Miller. Assistant City- Administrator Webby attended
in place of City Administrator Cushing. Councilmembers Bailey
and J. Johnson were absent. Approximately 50 citizens were in
PROCLAMATION Mayor Pro Tem. B. Johnson read a proclamation declar-
ing March 5th through 12th as Anti-Shoplifting Week,
noting that the Kent Meridian Deca Club, in con-
junction with the National Coalition to Prevent
Shoplifting, would be providing a forum for dis-
cussions about shoplifting.
AWARD B. Johnson noted that P4ayor Hogan had received
a letter from the Municipal Finance Officers Associ-
ation stating that the City had been awarded the
Certificate of Conformance in Financial Reporting
and that Accounting Supervisor Mayene Miller had
been named for an Award of Financial Reporting
Achievement. Finance Director McCarthy noted that
the City' s first Certificate had been earned for
the 1980 report and that Ms . Miller had been respon-
sible for making the necessary improvements required
for attaining the award again this year . A plaque
for the city and a certificate for Ms. Miller were
then presented. It was noted that only five govern-
mental units in Washington hold current certificates .
CONSENT KELLEHER MOVED that the Consent Calendar Items
CALENDAR A through N be approved, Woods seconded. Motion
Approval of' Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of
the regualr Council meeting of February 7 , 1983.
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February 22, 1983
STREET Street Vacation - Portion of Cedar Street
CEDAR STREET On January 17 , 1983 , a public hearing was held on the
application of the First Church of the Nazarene for
vacation of a portion of Cedar Street . The Planning
Department recommended that the vacation be approved with
the following conditions:
A. Restrict the vacation to exclude the westerly 105
feet of Cedar Street and require the deeding, to the
City, of sufficient additional property from the
adjacent property owners in the vicinity of the
westerly 105 feet , for a cul de sac turnaround.
Said cul de sac turnaround shall have a radius of 55
feet with its center point located at the inter-
section of the right-of-way centerline of Cedar
Street and the northerly projection of the easterly
lot line of Lot 6 .
B. Retain an easement for utility purposes and
pedestrian right-of-way over that portion of Ced2
Street right-of-way approved for vacation and
prohibit any fencing which would interfere with C_
maintenance practices or operations.
C. Prohibit vehicular access to Cedar Street from the
church-owned , leased or operated properties . (The
Traffic Engineer , Jim Poston, states: "If the
vacation is approved , no access should be permitted
from the church property to Cedar Street . Such
access would increase nonresident traffic on Hazel
Avenue and Cedar Street , both of which are designed
for residential access only. In addition, the
intersection of Hazel Avenue and James Street is not
safe as the existing church driveway onto James
Street . Preventing access to Cedar Street is a
safer , less disruptive alternative . Although the
majority of traffic occurs on Sunday, the increase
in traffic throughout the week would be . noticeable
on Cedar Street and Hazel Avenue. " )
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February 22 , 1983
STREET D. In accordance with Ordinance 2333 , Cedar Street is
VACATION - classified as a Class C street and as such,
CEDAR STREET compensation may be required . It is recommended
that compensation at one-half the full appraised
value be required .
The public hearing was continued to this date and the
matter was discussed by the Public Works Committee on
February 8 , 1983 . The Committee recommends that the
application be approved with the conditions suggested by
the Planning Department .
The public hearing r,•as .r.eonened. A letter was read
from Frank Nowak of 623 East Smith noting that he
owned property on N. Alvord which is bordered by
the east end of Cedar Street. The letter noted that
when a portion of Cedar Street was vacated in 1966,
he was assured that the City would give him an ease-
ment to his property but had not done so. He pointed
out that he had given the City of Kent an easement
for water to serve the Nazarene Church and the Straub
properties and that the Church had given him an ease-
ment for ingress and egress over a vacated portion
of Cedar Street. Copies of both instruments, dated
in 1968 , were provided. Mr. Nowak was present and
stated that his easement to Cedar Street should be
continued. Upon Questions from the Council, Wickstrom
noted that if this petition to vacate the street is
granted, Nowak will have to negotiate with the church
for the right to go through the newly vacated portion
of Cedar Street, to his property. Nowak noted that
he planned to develop the property and needed to have
access in order to develop it.
Kelleher asked if , provided all the other problems
connected with the street vacation were solved, an
agreement for access could be worked out between
Nowak and the church prior to actually granting the
vacation. DiJulio noted that such consideration
by the City would be inappropriate, that the City' s
determination must be based upon the best interest
of the public , not the individual . Nowak noted
that if the property is vacated, the City will re-
serve a utilities easement and asked why he couldn' t
have an easement for access at the same time. He
described the physical properties of the land noting
that access through Cedar Street would best suit
development of the property.
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February 22, 1983
STREET Upon a question from Don Watts, Wickstrom explained
VACATION - that Condition "C" would prohibit access to Cedar
CEDAR STREET Street from the church property. Joe Just objected
to the expansion of the church facilities in this
residential zone. Upon Kelleher' s question, Harris
noted that the existing Conditional Use permit might
have to be reviewed, or perhaps an additional permit
would be requried. Ron_ Benson spoke on behalf of
the church noting that he was sorry that a represent-
ative from the church had not attended the Public
Works Committee meeting on February 8 . He stated
that he thought the church could satisfy the Public
Works Committee' s concerns about drainage. Regard-
ing Condition "C" , Benson opined that the church
could present a traffic study which would justify
allowing traffic access to Cedar Street, and further,
regarding Condition "D" that evidenace could be
presented to allow this condition to be readdressed.
Judy Taylor and Sunny Anderson, both residents of
Prospect Street, noted the drainage problems already
existing in the area. Ms . Taylor noted that water
runoff from James an(I from Kent Kangley Road ended
up in her yard now. Ms . Anderson asked that the
Council require that the church make the drainage
study before considering granting the street vaca-
tion. DiJulio reiterated that the Council ' s concern
is whether or not the proposed vacation is in the
public interest of the City of Kent, not what the
church plans to do with the property. Kelleher noted
that certain development could impact the neighbor-
hood and DiJulio noted that in the planning stages
of development, such impacts would be considered at
a public hearing.
Dennis Johnson, pastor of the Nazarene Church said that
there were no plans to extend the school beyond the 7th
grade level and that the daycare facility and the usual
church activities would continue. He noted that under-
ground drainage would be provided to take care of the
surface water problem.
There were no further comments and Leahy MOVED to
close the hearing. Woods seconded, motion carried.
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February 22, 1983
STREET Upon Kelleher' s question, DiJulio confirmed that
VACATION - the City could approve the vacation with the con-
CEDAR STREET ditions recommended, and later, after analysis if
it appeared that some conditions ?ere no lonaer war-
ranted, then could be deleted. With regard to Nor.
Nowak' s auestions about the easement, DiJulio
pointed out there were two issues : he has access,
not to Cedar Street, but to Alvord and the other
issue was whether the old access to the former
Cedar Street had any value. DiJulio concurred
with Kelleher that the easement is only to the
church property, which is all Nowak ever had.
Nowak then stated that his easement gave him
access to Cedar Street. DiJulio stated that
the City was under no obligation to maintain
that, in light of the fact that he had access
to Alvord.
Leahy asked Benson if the church would still be
interested in the vacation if all the conditions
were imposed. Benson stated it would. Biteman
noted that he hoped that the church would work
something out with Nowak. KELLEHER MOVED to
grant the street vacation with the conditions
listed. Biteman seconded. The motion carried
with Leahy voting against it.
SANITATION 1983 Sanitary Sewer Replacement. AUTHORIZATION
to transfer S145 , 000 from the unencumbered balance
of the Sewer Fund to the 1983 Sanitary Sewer
Replacement Project Fund. This project is the
first phase of the 1983 sanitary sewer replacements.
This phase will replace and repair the sewer on
West Valley Highway in the vicinity of K-Mart.
The Public Works Committee has reviewed the re-
auest and recommends approval.
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February 22 , 1983
SANITATION Midway Creek Storm Drainage. As recommended by
the Public Works Committee, APPROVAL of the change
order for Rental Marts in the amount of $4 , 391 for
additional riprap required at the outlet at the
creek and time required to winterize the project.
In the spring the contractor will complete the
final grading and do the hydroseeding.
1983 Sanitary Sewer Replacement Phase I . Bid
opening was held February 17 , 1983, with 12 bids
received. Upon the recommendation of the
Director of Public T^7orks, LEAHY MOVED
that the bid for the 1983 Sanitary Sewer Replace-
ment Phase I be awarded to Ford Construction in
the amount of $100 , 725. 22 , Biteman seconded.
Motion carried.
Benaroya Business Park Kent North. As recommended
by the Engineering Department, ACCEPTANCE of the
bill of sale and warranty agreement for continuous
operation and maintenance of approximately 10 . 937
feet of water main extension constructed in the
vicinity of S . 208th Street in the Benaroya Business
Park, Kent North AND release of cash bond after
expiration of the one-year guaranty period and pay-
ment of any outstanding bills against the project.
Clemens & Moorman Agreement Release. ACCEPTANCE
of an easement from Clemens & Moorman for the Kent
Springs Transmission Main Project. In 1979 Clemens
and Moorman entered into an agreement with the City
of Kent in which they agreed to pay a charge in lieu
of assessment in the amount of $9 , 081 . 45 within two
years from date of agreement, in exchange for con-
nection to a City water main in the vicinity of
104th Avenue S .E. The assessment has not been paid
to date. After negotiations , the property owners
have agreed to give an easement needed for the Kent
Springs Transmission Main project which has a com-
parable value to that of the assessment they owe.
The value of the easement was determined by the
City ' s property management department. The easement
has been worded such that acceptance of same would
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February 22, 1983
WATER release the property owners from their agreement to
pay the charge in lieu of assessment in the amount
of $9 , 081 . 45. The Public Works Committee has re-
viewed the request to release the agreement and has
recommended approval .
Master Pieter Re uest - East Hill Shopping Center.
APPROVAL of a request .or a master meter for East
Hill Shopping Center. The Public Works Department
has reviewed a request for a master meter to serve
two of the complexes planned for the East Hill
Shopping Center and has recommended approval.
Bids - South 212th Water Supply Well #2 . Bid open-
ing was held February 17 , 1983, with three bids
rece_ved. UDon the recommendation of the
D 4rectos of Public Works, LE,'kHY MOVED
that the low bid for the South 212th Water Supply
Well #2 be awarded to Armstrong Well Drilling at
$69 , 786 . 32 , Biteman seconded. Motion carried.
STREETS Dispute - Alley in 700 Block between Dean and
Guiberson. Dennis Bennett of 1013 15th Avenue
East in Seattle noted that he was a partner of
Allen Johnson in a business operating at Johnsons
residence at 718 Dean Street and that there was a
dispute with the Burkeys as to the use of the
alley. DiJulio noted that he had been in contact
with both parties since August, and he had advised
both parties that if they did not resolve the pro-
blem, the City may have to enforce its parking
ordinances in the area. Upon receipt of Mr. Johnson' s
January 28 letter to the Council, DiJulio had ad-
vised Johnson and Burkev' s attorney of the dates
of City Council meetings . Bennett presented various
documents , and upon DiJulio ' s suggestion, these were
turned over to him and the matter referred to him
for further review and for a report to be made at
the next workshop meeting .
S.E. 256th and 116th Avenue S .E. Improvements. As
recommended by the Public Works Committee, AUTHORIZA-
TION for the Mayor to sign the application for FAUS
Grant in the amount of $182 , 600 for improvements
to the intersection of S .E. 256th and 116th Avenue
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February 22 , 1983
STREETS S .E. and authorization to allocate $40 ,000 from the
Smith Street Project Fund to this project. The
City has been advised of the availability of FAUS
money for improvement of S.E. 256th and 116th Avenue
S.E. intersection. This is a 90o grant in the amount
of $182 , 600 and the City would need approximately
$40 , 000 in matching funds to complete the project
which can be allocated from the Smith Street project.
The improvements would include signalization and
left turn pockets on S.E. 256th.
Agreement for Buttoning of SR 181 . As recommended
by the Public Works Committee, AUTHORIZATION for the
Mayor to sign the agreement with the State for button-
ing of SR 181 with Kent' s obligation totaling approxi-
mately $12 , 000 and authorization to reallocate this
amount from the Smith Street Project Fund. The State
will be doing an overlay on West Valley Highway
in the vicinity of K-Mart and the City is responsible
for buttoning on that project. The cost to the City
would be approximately $12, 000.
EQUIPMENT Bids - Equipment Rental Department. Bid opening was
RENTAL held February 4 , 1983 for a 1983 sedan, 1983 wagon,
DEPARTMENT two 1983 1/2-ton vans and a 2 cubic yard loader.
Only one firm submitted bids for the sedan, wagon
and vans and eleven bids were received for the loader.
The Superintendent of Equipment Rental and the
Director of Public Works have reviewed the bids
submitted and recommend the bids for the sedan,
wagon and the two vans be rejected and that they
be purchased through the State contract for the
price of $6, 467 . 22 , $7 ,435. 34 , $7553 , 36 and $7, 457 . 94
respectively and that the low bid of $41 ,179 . 75, in-
cluding trade , be accepted from Smith Tractor for
the 2 cubic yard loader. LEAHY MOVED to accept the
bid f-om Smith -.---actor for t'ne loader and to reject
t:_e bids for t=_e other ec-uinment. Kelleher seconded.
°lot_ cn care-ea.
PARKS West Hill Park (Reith Road Pit Site) . Barney Wilson
noted that on February 7 the Council had approved
$150 ,000 from the Environmental Excise Tax fund to
be used as the City ' s matching share for the applica-
tion to IAC for this $300 , 000 project. The Parks
Committee has recommended that a contract with SEA
be approved for workinq drawings, bid specifications
and a topography base map, at a cost not to exceed
$22 , 000 . Wilson explained that if these documents
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February 22, 1983
PARKS were on hand, showing that the city was ready to
proceed, our chances of receiving the IAC funds
would be enhanced. If funding is not approved
at the IAC funding session in March, 1983, the
plans could be used for the next funding session.
It was determined that the $22 ,000 would be a
portion of the $150 ,000 approved on February 7 .
LEAHY MOVED to authorize the Mayor to sign a con-
tract with SEA, Inc. , not to exceed $22, 000 for
the drawings, specifications and maps . Woods
seconded. Motion carried.
Russell Road Underground Wiring. AUTHORIZATION
to spend $9 , 259 . 95 for the underground wiring at
Russell Road Park as discussed at the February
14 Council workshop. Funding for this project
will come from a transfer from the unencumbered
beginning fund balance in the General Fund due to
1982 budget underrunds .
ARTS Appointments . CONFIRMATION of the Mayor's appoint-
CO;.'r'IS�IOT; ment of Emily Kelley Koons and Robert Owren to the
Arts Commission replacing Barbara Harger Boling
and Trisha Everts . Both terms will expire in
October 1983 .
YOUTH sign the contract in the amount of $33 , 337 with
SERVICES Kent Valley Youth Services for 1983 .
King County EMS Contract. AUTHORIZATION for the
Mayor to sign the renewal contract with King County
for Emergency Medical Services , as discussed at
the February 14 , 1983 workshop.
Industrial Development '3onds . The City has been
asked to approve the Port of Seattle ' s issuance
of Industrial Development Revenue Bonds to United
Lumber Company, Inc . of Kent. A representative of
the Port' s Bond Counsel was present at the February
14 workshop to discuss the matter and has prepared
a resolution. ADOPTION of Resolution 988 approving
the issuance of Revenue Bonds of the Industrial
Development. Corporation of the Port of Seattle.
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February 22, 1983
Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the bills
received through February 16, 1983 after auditing
by the Finance Committee at its meeting at 4 :00 p.m.
on February 28 , 1983.
COUNCIL Public Works . Kelleher noted that the Public Works
COMMITTEES Committee would meet on February 23 at 3 : 00 p.m.
in the Engineer' s conference room and that one of
the items to be discussed was the question of the
street vacation for S . E. 260th.
Parks . A meeting of the Parks Committee is scheduled
for 4 :00 p.m. Friday, February 25.
SUBURBAN B. Johnson noted that the Suburban Mayors Association
MAYORS would meet at H. D. Fotspurs on Wednesday, March 2
ASSOCIATION at 6: 30, with dinner scheduled for 7 :30 . Bob Hauth
of the Municipal Research Center will present a
program entitled "City Liability" . Those wishing
to attend should notify the City Clerk in Bellevue
by Friday, February 25. DiJulio noted that Hauth
was an attorney and was well known for his excellent
presentations .
CITY OF B. Johnson read a letter from Bob Roegner, Mayor of
AUBURN Auburn, noting that Wednesday, April 6 would be
Auburn/Kent Community Night at the Seattle Mariners/
New York Yankees baseball game in the Kingdome.
He has challenged Kent to compete with Auburn to
see which city will have the greatest number of
citizens attending this game.
CAPITAL Leahy noted that guidelines for the Capital Improve-
IMPROVEMENT ment Fund had been discussed at the February 15 Finance
PROGRAM Committee meeting and that further discussion of the
guidelines would soon be scheduled for a workshop.
ADJOURNMENT WOODS MOVED that the meeting be adjourned at 8 : 00
p.m. , Leahy seconded. "lotion carried.
�riJer�r en, CMC
City Clerk
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