HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 11/01/1982 i Kent, Washington November 1, 1982 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7: 00 o 'clock p.m. by Mayor Pro Tern B. Johnson. OATH OF OFFICE The City Clerk administered the Oath of Office to new Councilmember Judith Woods. Present: Councilmembers Biteman, B. Johnson, J. Johnson, Kelleher, Leahy and Woods, City Administrator Cushing, City Attorney DiJulio, Planning Director Harris, Public Works Director Wickstrom and Finance Director McCarthy. Mayor Hogan and Councilmember Bailey were not in attendance. Also present: Administrative Assistant Webby, Fire Chief Angelo, Planning Commissioner Baer and URS re- presentative Abed. Approximately 35 people were in attendance at the meeting. CONSENT J. JOHNSON MOVED that the Consent Calendar Items CALENDAR A through E be approved. Kelleher seconded. Motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5A) Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of the following Council meetings: Regular meeting of October 18 , 1982 Special meeting of October 25, 1982 Special meeting of October 28, 1982 HEALTH & (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5C) SANITATION Change Order - Downtown Sanitary Sewer Improvement Project. APPROVAL of change order submitted by Dav- lin Construction in the amount of $16, 626 for addi- tional work reauired on East Hill. Davlin Construction submitted a change order in the amount of $16, 626 for additional work required on the East Hill. The total of all the change orders is $62, 918 , which exceeds the ten percent contingency for the project. However, due to the savings on other bid items, the project is still anticipated to be completed for the bid price. The Public Works Committee has reviewed the change order and recommends approval. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5D) LID 296. ACCEPTANCE as complete, the contract. with Robison Construction for LID 296, Sanitary - 1 - November 1, 1982 HEALTH & Sewer, Water and Storm Drainage Improvements in SANITATION the vicinity of 72nd South and South 182nd and release of retainage upon receipt of the necessary releases from the State. STREETS LID 310 - 72nd Avenue S . (P-2 Channel Crossing) . Resolution No. 974 passed on October 4 , 1982, set this date for a public hearing on the formation of LID 310 . The proposed project includes the installation of street improvements, including curbs and gutters, sidewalks, a 44-foot wide roadway and drainage improvements across the existing channel in accordance with the require- ments of the proposed future channel. The street improvements shall connect together with the exist- ing roadway south of the crossing to the proposed improvements (to be constructed by other) north of the crossing . The cost of the improvement is estimated to be $343, 932. Mayor Pro Tem Johnson opened the public hearing. Wickstrom explained the scope of the proposed project and the method of financing to be used. He also noted that before passing an ordinance ordering the LID that it would be necessary to obtain an agreement with CPI , one of the property owners involved in the LID, for the furnishing of other road improvements and deeding of certain property to the City. Wickstrom noted that if the LID was approved, work on the project could begin in the summer of 1983 with an anticipated completion date for late 1983. In response to B. Johnson' s questions, he noted that no protests had been received. Gary Shafer, 5802 Jasper, Altadena, California, questioned the method of determining the assessments and Wickstrom explained that the assessments had been based on zones of 200 ' depth. He also clarified that other improve- ments would be covered by obtaining agreements from other property owners in the area. There were no further comments and the Clerk noted that no correspondence had been received. BITEMAN MOVED to close the public hearing, Leahy seconded. Motion carried. J. JOHNSON MOVED that the City Attorney be directed to draft the ordinance to create the LID. Kelleher seconded. Motion carried. 2 - November 1, 1982 WATER Water System Plan Amendment and Financial Plan and Revenue Program. A public hearing was opened by October 4 , 1982 and continued until this Council meeting. In the interim, the Water System Plan Amendment and Financial Plan and Revenue Program were presented to the Council at the workshop and October 11, 1982 and two public meetings were held on October 14 and October 21, 1982 to receive input from the citizens . No citizens attended the public meetings, however. Mavor Pro Tem B. Johnson reopened the public hearing . The Clerk noted that no corres- pondence had been received. Wickstrom addressed the meeting, noting that the Amendment to the Comprehensive Water Plan was designed to show where the water will come from in the future and that it included adoption of the financial plan to show how the needed water will be financed. He noted that an ordinance would also be presented regarding utility billing and delinquent account collection as well as a resolution covering the life-line rate. Wickstrom referred to charts showing the projected demand for water , as well as the sources of supply. He noted that it was no longer possible to depend on Seattle or Tacoma as possible water sources. He pointed out that Tacoma' s plans for Green River Pipeline 95 had been underway for several years. Figures were given for the actual rate of growth of water users since 1974 and the initial projections for that period, noting the increase in residential and commercial users. Wickstrom referred to present water sources and their capacities, including Kent Springs , Clark Springs, Seven Oaks Plat Well, Arm- strong Springs, Garrison Creek Well, and the East Hill Well . He also responded to a question from the audience regarding the S . 212th Well near the Wilson Well. Wickstrom noted that improvements to the system are estimated to cost $16 million dollars, which in- cludes replacement of the Kent Springs transmission line. He described the problems which presently exist in the transmission line which must be cor- rected. Wickstrom also pointed out the need for several pump stations, improvements to the Guiberson Street Reservoir and the need for a storage area to guard against future problems. - 3 - November 1, 1982 WATER Upon questions from the audience, Wickstrom and Cushing noted that the water utility was self- supporting and that money from the general fund, which is used for such things as police and fire protection, parks and streets, could not be used for water projects. He also clarified that there were no grant monies available and noted that a systems development charge was assessed against new businesses coming into the area and that the charge could be as high as $100 ,000 for a meter for a large industry. He pointed out that these funds were used to improve the water system. Responding to further comments from the audience, it was noted that there was no reauirement that landscaping projects be watered, though it was hoped that developers would maintain the landscap- ing. Chuck Lambert noted that the Woodland Estates Apartments (formerly San Juan Apartments) has done all their irrigation from a holding pond on the property, and Harris noted that similar irrigation was done in the Benaroya Business Park Complex. Wickstrom also clarified that in the case of a major fire there would probably not be enough water available unless the needed improvements were accomplished. In response to a_uestions about the Kent Springs Transmission Main, Wickstrom noted that improvements to the line had been deferred for several years because of the size of the pro- ject and because there were no grant monies available. Suzette Cooke noted that while the Chamber of Commerce was initially opposed to the proposed rate increase, they were aware that the improvements had to be made. They did suggest, however , that if there should be excess funds available after the improvements were made that these funds revert back to the people most adversely affected by the rate increase. Wick- strom responded to a question from the audience by noting that consideration had been given to the fact that the rate increase would decrease the sale of water considerably but that the projected future land use had been considered also. A member of the audience also suggested that industrial users would be more inclined to go where the water rates were cheaper. With regard to a comment about water pres- sure on the West Hill, .Don Baer, Planning Commission 4 - November 1, 1982 WATER member, noted that the people there had rejected the idea of an elevated tank several years ago. Wickstrom noted that the new West Hill Distribution Main should be solving this problem and that individual pressure problems were probably due to the age of the OORRECTED • REFER TO plumbing and pipes to existing residences. He sug- gested that those property owners should contact the ��-lS-82 Engineering Department in this regard. There were no further comments and BITEMAN MOVED to close the public hearing, Leahy seconded. Motion carried. B. JOF'.NSON MOVED to adopt Ordinance No. 2369 which adopts the Water System Amendment for the Water Utility 1982 and authorizes the sale of the bonds and establishes Interim Financing. Biteman seconded. Motion carried. J. JOHNSON MOVED to adopt Ordinance No. 2370 includ- ing the summary publication version, fixing the use and price of water at the new rates, Biteman seconded and he concurred that no other action could be taken at this time other than to make the necessary improvements , even though they should have been done many years ago. J. Johnson suggested that previous Councils had neglected to take this action and that now it must be done. Motion carried. BITEMAN MOVED that Resolution No. 980 be adopted establishing new eligibility requirements for Life- line Utility Rates , Kelleher seconded . Motion carried. Water Service Request (Charles Rasmussen) . The property owner of a parcel located at 263rd and 116th Avenue Sotuheast has requested water service from the City of Kent. At the time he purchased the property, water service was being supplied from the City via a connection to the neighbor. Although this property has received service in this manner for many years, the neighbor now has cut the connec- tion. There will be a charge, in lieu of assessment, in the amount of $788 . 25 and the property owner has requested he be allowed to pay this amount in installment payments. J. JOHNSON MOVED to give authorization for the Public Works Director to allow water service to the property at 26313 116th Avenue 5 - November 1 , 1982 WATER Southeast and authorization for the property owner to pay the charge in lieu of assessment of $788 . 25 in installment payments as requested. Kelleher seconded. Motion carried. FIRE Hazardous Materials Incident Comma J • &. DEPARTMENT October 22 , the Public Safety Co . * ttee discu Bjd.��; a proposed ordinance which would dee4�e--"e Fire Department as the command agency fo—r ­tT1e City for hazardous materials incidents . The ordinance would further enable the Fire Chief or his designee to enter into agreements with the private sector for equipment or supplies or to enter into agree- ments with knowledgeable consultants in the event of a hazardous material emergency incident. The committee recommends that the ordinance be adopted. J. JOHNSON MOVED to adopt Ordinance 2372 as described above, Kelleher seconded. Motion carried. POLICE Jail Project Coordinator Position. The study evalu- DEPARTMENT ating the feasibility of a subregional jail in South King County is scheduled to provide a preliminary analysis by November 29 and a final report by the end of December or early January. Bob Lubowicki will be working with King County and their consultant, Arai Jackson, to complete this project. It is esti- mated that at least 75% of his time will be devoted to the project during the next two months. There- fore, it is necessary to continue the Jail Project Coordinator position to that time. J. JOHNSON :MOVED that the Jail Project Coordinator be continued until December 31, 1982, B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. CONDITIONAL R & B Corporate Park Remand Decision. On August 2, USE PERMIT 1982, the Kent City Council heard an appeal from APPEAL R & B Enterprises from the Hearing Examiner 's decision on file number CE-82-7 . With the exception of a specific restaurant use, the City Council remanded this matter to the Hearing Examiner for consideration of R & B Enterprises' list of potential uses as condi- tional uses in an M-1 District. On September 22 ,, 1982, a public hearing was held and testimony re- ceived. The Hearing Examiner approved a proposed conditional use as remanded on October 6, 1982 . - 6 - November 1, 1982 REZONE Howard Properties Rezone (RZ-82-2) . The Howard Properties, Inc. Rezone (RZ-82-2) application for a reclassification of approximately ten acres located south of S .E. 248th at approximately lllth Avenue S.E. extended requests a rezone of property from R1-7 . 2, Single Family Residential, and MR-M, Medium Density Multifamily Residential, to MR-G, Garden Density Multi-family Residential. The Hear- ing Examiner recommended approval on October 6, 1982 with conditions . J. JOHNSON MOVED that the Hearing Examiner ' s recommendation to approve the rezone with conditions be adopted and the City Attorney be instructeJ to draft the necessary ordinance. Biteman seconded. Motion carried. ZONING Zoning Code Amendments . On October 27, 1982 the CODE Planning Commission held a public hearing to con- sider proposed amendments to Chapter 4, Off Street Parking and Loading Requirements , of the Kent Zoning Code. The hearing was concluded on that date and the Planning Commission recommended approval of the amendments . The public hearing was declared open. A packet of the proposed revisions has been distri- buted along with a memo from Harris stating that some of the changes were made to eliminate redundancy, clarify wording or to insure consistency in the text. He reviewed the proposed changes to the Zoning Code, noting that the parking requirements .for off-street parking had been modified inasmuch as it has now been determined that fewer parking spaces are needed for shopping centers than the number previously re- quired. He also referred to the number of compact cars which were being driven in the area and noted that the size of the parking stalls had been reduced accordingly. Biteman auestioned the width of the parking areas for standard size cars and questioned whether additional striping had been considered such as was used in other areas . There were no further comments and J. JOHNSON MOVED to close the hearing, Biteman seconded. Motion carried. LEAHY MOVED to adopt the amendments to Chapter 4 of the Zoning Code as recommended by the Planning Commission, a copy of which has been made a part of the official records. Biteman seconded. Motion carried. 7 - November 1, 1982 DOWNTOWN (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5E) IMPROVEMENTS Kent Downtown Improvements Program. ADOPTION of Resolution 981 in support of the Downtown Kent Business Improvements Program. COUNCIL Budget. B. Johnson noted that a schedule of budget COMMITTEES reveiw meetings had been distributed and suggested that those who were unable to attend the meetings should notify her or Mr. Cushing. Finance & Personnel . Leahy noted that agreement had been reached with regard to garbage hauling permits and that the matter would be discussed at the next workshop, as well as the proposed amusement game licensing ordinance changes . Public Works . It was reported that the Public Works Committee would meet at 8 : 15 on Friday morning, November 5, with the budget review for the Public Works Department to follow the meeting. Parks. It was noted that the Parks Committee would meet on November 19 at 1 : 00 for the budget review. Public Safety. B. Johnson reported that the Public Safety Committee would meet on November 10 at 3 :00 for the purpose of budget review. PERMITS Cushing and DiJulio reported on a request for permits to place newspaper vending machines on public pro- perty in Kent for a new publication called U.S.A. Today. It was determined that no action was required and that other newspaper vending machines had been located at various places within the city. DiJulio explained that while there were now no permits re- quired for the placement of such vending stands, the Council night want to consider such action in the future. FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5B) Payment of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through November 3, 1982 after auditing by the Finance Committee at its meeting at 4 :00 p.m. on November 15, 1982 . ADJOURNMENT LEAHY MOVED that the meeting be adjourned at 8 :45 p.m. B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried Marie Je s n, CMC - 8 - City Clerk