HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 10/18/1982 Kent, Washington
October 18 , 1982
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at
7 : 00 o'clock p.m. by Mayor Hogan. Present: Mayor Hogan, Council-
persons Bailey, Biteman, B. Johnson, J. Johnson, Kelleher and
Leahy, Assistant City Administrator Webby, City Attorney DiJulio,
Public Works Director Wickstrom and Finance Director McCarthy.
City Administrator Cushing was not in attendance. Also present:
Police Chief Skewes, Police Captain Rees, Fire Chief Angelo,
Assistant Fire Chief LaBore, Parks Director Wilson, and URS re-
presentative Ramsey. Approximately 90 people were in attendance
at the meeting.
PROCLAMATIONS United States Day. The Mayor proclaimed Sunday,
October 24 , 1982 to be United States Day in the
City of Kent.
DAV Handicapped Parking Awareness Month. Mayor
Hogan proclaimed the month of October, 1982 to
be DAV Handicapped Parking Awareness Month in the
City of Kent.
AWARDS Police and Fire Departments. Assistant Fire
Chief LaBore explained the awards which were to
! be presented to three members of the Fire Depart-
ment and three members of the Police Department.
He described the procedures which were used for
determining the recipients of the awards, noting
that nominations could be made by other employees,
the Departments or citizens of the community.
Captain Rees of the Police Department explained
the circumstances and Mayor Hogan made the awards
to the following police officers:
Officer Scott Somers , awarded the EXCEPTIONAL DUTY
MEDAL, for conducting and coordinating the investi-
gation involving around activities at the Roadside
Tavern, in an exceptional manner.
Officer Allen Emerson, awarded the MERITORIUS SER-
VICE MEDAL for his immediate actions with a potenti-
ally dangerous suspect and saving the life of the
victim in a rape/attempted homicide case.
Sergeant Robert Cline, awarded the EXCEPTIONAL
DUTY MEDAL for rendering immediate assistance and
control in a critical situation in this same case.
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October 18 , 1982
AWARDS Without the actions of both officers, it is likely
the victim would have died.
Assistant Fire Chief LaBore explained the awards
being given to three firefighters, with Mayor
Hogan presenting the sollowinq awards:
Firefighter Robert Pessemier - CERTIFICATE OF COMMENDATION
All three firefighters were commended for courage,
bravery and professionalism in rescuing and restor-
ing the life of a victim trapped underwater in a
car in the Green River on July 14, 1982 . Repeated
dives were made to remove the victim from the sub-
merged car at great risk to their own lives.
The actions and concerns of these individuals went
well beyond the call of duty. Upon presenting the
awards, the families of the named Police Officers
and Firefighters were introduced by Mayor Hogan,
and appreciation was expressed by all attending the
CONSENT B. JOHNSON MOVED that the Consent Calendar Items
CALENDAR A through N be approved, J. Johnson seconded.
Motion carried.
Approval of Minutes_. APPROVAL of the minutes of
the regular Council meeting of October 4 , 1982 .
COUNCIL Council Vacancy. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of the receipt
of a letter of resignation from Councilmember Dave
Mooney, effective as of 5 : 00 p.m. on October 15 , 1.982 .
SANITATION LID 311 - Sewers on South 180th. ADOPTION of Reso-
lution 979 declaring the City' s intent to make
sewer improvements on South 180th and setting a
public hearing date for November 15, 1982 , on the
formation of this Local Improvement District. The
cost of the project is estimated to be $53, 182. 55,
of which approximately $18 , 000 will be assessed
against the property specially benefited.
Meadow Grove Plat. ACCEPT for continuous operation
and maintenance , the bill of sale and warranty
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October 18, 1982
HEALTH & agreement for consturction of water and sewer main
SANITATION extension for Meadow Grove Plat and release of cash
bond after payment of any outstanding bills to the
City and expiration of the one year guarantee period.
The Engineering Department has received the bill of
sale and warranty agreement for approximately 2, 221
feet of water main extension and approximately 2, 192
feet of sanitary sewer extension constructed for
Meadow Grove Plat in the vicinity of 118th Avenue
SE and SE 251st.
1982 Street Asphalt Overlay Project. ACCEPT as
complete contract with M.A. Segale for 1982 Asphalt
Overlay Project and release of retainage after re--
ceipt of necessary releases from the State.
Valley Investors Short Plat. ACCEPT for continuous
operation and maintenance the bill of sale and war-
ranty agreement for construction of street and storm
sewer improvements in the vicinity of 76th Avenue S.
through Valley Investors Short Plat and release of
the cash bond after payment of any outstanding bills
against the project and that the guarantee period
be waived. The Engineering Department has received
the bill of sale and warranty agreement for approxi-
1, 356 feet of street improvements and approximately
1, 440 feet of storm sewer improvements constructed
for the Valley Investors Short Plat. It is recommended
that the guarantee period be waived inasmuch as this
project was completed and accepted by the Engineering
Department two years ago but the bill of sale was not
brought to the Council.
Traffic Signal South 208th and 84th Avenue South.
ACCEPT the bill of sale for continuous operation
and maintenance of the traffic signal in the vicinity
of South 208th and 84th Avenue South. The Engineer-
ing Department has received the bill of sale for a
traffic signal installed at the request of Boeing
Company by West Coast Electric in the vicinity of
South 208th and 84th Avenue South. All costs incurred
were paid by Boeinq . Installation was completed
November 19 , 1981 .
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October 18 , 1982
Puget Power Agreement - Smith Street Project.
AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to execute an agreement
with Puget Power to install underground electrical
facilities in conjunction with the Smith Street
Improvement Project at a cost of $14, 676. 64 which
is consistent with Electric Tariff G, Schedule 71
(conversion to underground service) on file with
the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission.
Consortium Water Supply Well Drilling Project.
ACCEPT as complete contract with Storey and Dodge
Drilling for the Consortium Water Supply Well Drill-
ing Project and release of retainage after receipt
of necessary releases from the State .
RECREATION Mill Creek Park Transfer of Funds. AUTHORIZATION
for the Finance Department to transfer the unex-
pended balance of $4 , 111 ,88 from the East Hill
Park Project account to the Mill Creek Park and
Drainage Project account. This will be used by
the Parks Department in combination with the Mill
Creek Project balance to purchase approved park
furniture and provide safety features and future
landscaping (including a sprinkler system) of the
retention basin area. This was discussed and ap-
proved at the October 8 , 1982 Parks Committee meeting.
Kent Memorial Park Sidewalk Project. ACCEPTANCE
of Kent Memorial Park Sidewalk Construction Project
as complete and authorization to pay the retainage
after receipt of releases from the State.
Union Pacific Donation of Uplands (Milwaukee) Play-
field. ACCEPTANCE of a donation of a 2. 3 acre par-
cel jointly owned Union Pacific Railroad Company
and Union Pacific Land Resources Corporation (sub--
sidiary of Uplands Industries Corporation) commonly
known as the "Milwaukee Playfield. "
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October 18, 1982
PARKS & Uplands (Milwaukee) Playfield Master Plan. A
RECREATION public hearing has been advertised for this date
to allow public input on the Master Plan for the
Uplands (Milwaukee) Playfield. The plan was re-
viewed at the workshop of September 27 . The public
hearing was opened by the Mayor . The Clerk noted
that a letter from Uplands Industries regarding
the proposed land donation had been included in
the packet. BAILEY MOVED to make the letter part
of the record, B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried.
B. Wilson noted that Ted Knapp of Uplands had been
working with the City regarding the proposed pro-
ject. Wilson pointed out the location of the
park, noting that Uplands had offered to donate
property and that the. City would now apply for
matching IAC funds in order to utilize the value
of the donation for the. City' s matching share.
He also referred to the proposed improvements
to the playfield, including softball fields and
soccer fields. B. Johnson noted that the property
is commonly known as the "Milwaukee Playfield" and
asked if the name would be changed so as to give
credit to Union Pacific. Wilson noted that this
was a requirement of the donation. There was no
further discussion and B. JOHNSON MOVED to close
the public hearing , Bi_teman seconded. Motion
carried. B. JOHNSON MOVED to approve Resolution
No. 977 approving the Uplands (Milwaukee) Playfield
Master Plan and authorizing an application for
funding assistance to IAC , Bailey seconded. Motion
carried .
Comprehensive Parks & Recreation Plan (1982) . The `
Comprehensive Parks & Recreation Plan (1982) pre-
pared by Jones & Jones has been discussed at Council
workshop and at the September 17 Parks Committee
meeting. The plan contains a policy statement
and provides for futurt� amendments. An addendum
to the plan, received October 13, 1982 , has been
furnished to the Council . The public hearing has
been advertised for this date to receive public com-
ment on the plan. The public hearing was opened by
the Mayor. The Clerk noted that no correspondence
had been received. B. Wilson introducted John Hunt
of Jones & Jones , noting that the Parks Department
October 18 , 1982
PARKS & had been working with the firm for over a year
RECREATION and had met with different organizations in the
area to receive input regarding the Comprehensive
Parks Plan.
John Hunt addressed the meeting, noting that the
Plan had been presented to the Council on numerous
occasions. He pointed out that revisions had been
made to the Plan since the last meeting, to include
input from Council and the public. Bailey noted
that he had reviewed the Plan and if there were
no questions on the addendum he was prepared to
make a motion to approve it.
DiJulio confirmed for Kelleher that Council action
on the plan was appropriate at this meeting. Bailey
clarified for B. Johnson that all boundaries had
been covered. Biteman stated that while he was
fully cognizant of the fact that Kent' s playfields
are looked up to by the majority of the State, he
was embarrassed at Kent' s lack of neighborhood
and community parks and for that reason would ab-
stain from voting on the Plan.
BAILEY MOVED to accept the amendments as reflected
in the addendum to the plan, Items 2 through 28.
B. Johnson seconded. Kelleher referred to Item 23,
Subparagraph 4, adopt policy for joint use of flood
control facilities for public recreation and wild-
life habitat areas" , expressing his concern that the
wildlife habitat not be jeopardized. Hunt noted
that that portion of the Plan comes from the Green
River Corridor Study which was presented in 1980
and approved in 1981 and that therefore Jones &
Jones had not gone into great detail on this point.
The motion carried , with Biteman abstaining. There
were no further comments and B. JOHNSON MOVED to
close the public hearing, J. Johnson seconded.
Motion carried. BAILEY MOVED to adopt Resolution 976
adopting the Comprehensive Parks & Recreation Plan
and the related Policy Statement shown as Appendix
"A" . B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried, with
Biteman abstaining.
Reith Road Pit Site Park. Legal notice has been
given for a public hearing for this meeting to
allow public input on the Master Plan for the
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October 18, 1982
PARKS & Reith Road Pit Site Park. The Plan was reviewed
RECREATION by the Council at the September 27 , 1982 workshop.
The public hearing was opened by Mayor Hogan. The
Clerk noted that no correspondence had been re-
ceived. B. Wilson noted that the proposed plan
had been discussed at several workshops and in
fact was the first time a plan had been presented
for property not yet owned by the City. He noted
that the property is still owned by the State and
that the Public Works Department and State Highway
Department are presently working to reach the grade
level needed for the Dark. Wilson referred to pro-
posed plans for the park, which included soccer
fields, tennis courts, jogging trails and play,
picnic and parking areas at an estimated cost of
$400 ,000 . Kathy Seeley of the Police Department
asked if the landscaping would be coordinated
with crime prevention efforts. Dale Roper of SEA
noted that no new shrubbery was planned , that the
plantings would consist of grass and trees. He
pointed out that the lack of shrubs would deter
vandalism. In response to further questions, Roper
noted that no lighting was contemplated for the
tennis courts or for the nark other than that from
existing street lights . In responso to
questions from the audience , Mayor Hogan noted that
while the property is presently owned by the State,
that the City planned to exchange property near
the S . 212th interchange for this site. Roper
noted that present plans allow for 10 to 12 un-
covered picnic tables, with a barbecue foy Pack
two tables . Darla Dodson read a letter expressing
the sentiments of residents of the area with regard
to this proposal and asked that the park not be
delayed . She also suggested that a different
`i name be given to the park.
Mayor Hogan pointed out that the long delay in
completing the park was due to the continued liti-
gation on the completion of SR 516. She noted
that the City was not willing to take possession
of the property until it had been properly contoured
for a park site. Wilson pointed out that the con-
tractor was still at the site because not as much
fill had been removed as originally contemplated
and it thus required more work before the site
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October 18, 1982
PARKS & could be completed. In response to questions from
RECREATION the audience, Mayor Hogan noted that it was not
possible to give a target date for completion of
the proposed park. Wilson also clarified for members
of the audience that the State owns approximately
40 acres on Reith Road, in which the City had ex-
pressed interest as early as 1962. He pointed out
that it was 1981 before the State began removing
the fill at which time they offered the property
to the City. He stated that no one was trying to
delay completion of the park. Mayor Hogan noted
that the property at S. 212th and the proposed park
site would have to be appraised when a consideration
was made as to whether the State would accept the
exchange, but contemplated no delays in this regard .
She clarified again that the main problem was for
the contractor to finish at the site . In response
to further questions as to the time frame, Wilson
noted that passage of the proposed resolution would
allow the City to apply for matching IAC funds_
He noted that while it would be neces-
sary to get the deed for the property, the City
Council has promised that the property will be in
public ownership and that it would be March before
the City would know whether matching funds would be
available even though application would be made in
November. Wilson clarified that if only a portion
of the funding were received, the City would go
ahead with Phase I and that Phase II would be com-
pleted at a later time. Wilson also clarified for
Baffaro that no official name had been decided on
for the park as yet and the Mayor noted that sug-
gestions would be received from the public.
Wilson noted that when the park was completed it
would contain approximately 83 acres or almost
the size of Mill Creek Park which consists of 100
acres. There were no further comments and BAILEY
MOVED to close the public hearing, B. Johnson
seconded. Motion carried. B. JOHNSON MOVED to
adopt Resolution No. 978 approving the Reith Road
Pit Site Park Master Plan and authorizing applica-
tion for funding assistance to IAC, Biteman seconded.
Motion carried.
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October 18, 1982
HOUSING & 1983 Proposed Housing & Community Development
COMMUNITY Program. This date has been advertised for a
DEVELOPMENT public hearing on the 1983 Housing and Community
Development Block Grant Program. The proposed
projects were reviewed at the October llth work-
shop. The Mayor opened the public hearing . Harris
noted that the Planning Department had some modi-
fications to propose to the social services part
of the program which were not contained in the
packet. A letter from the YWCA, East Valley Branch,
was part of the packet for the October 11, 1982
workshop. The letter was officially filed for
the record upon Council motion. Bruce Creager
of the Planning staff noted that letters from
the Kent Police Department plus one anonymous
letter had been received in support of DAWN. He
stated that 20 phone calls , plus 6 letters had been
received in support of the Green River Valley Com-
munity Health Project. This material was then
filed with the City Clerk for the record.
Creager referred to new information regarding
public service projects and explained the funding
procedure of the County. He noted that because
of the 100 limitation on public service projects,
the County might not approve the "population"
request for DAWN. The Planninn commission recorrier.d-
ation is as follows-:
"` g ST FUNDING --
Tota Pop-,l.atlon Neejs
1 Housing re,:3ir S rvice rogr��� $
9� 32,C00 S 22,000 5 66,000
2 Green River Co[ unit; HIe_i h 10,3_,- 28,000 7,000 21 ,000
3 DM-2stic
DA�I � 38,295 3£3,295 11,655 26,640
4 Y. lJ. C. A. E r _- _ 12 "'CJ 12,000 I 3,000 9,000
41 ,93, I 41 ,93J 41,930 —_ ---
Piannii _
Totil�, S 208,225 5 85,585 5 122,640
----------- -------------
----------- ---------- --
Crime Prevention 'inane RePlir, 5 70,000
Kent Memorial Park 40,909
North Park Storrs Drain Constr� tion
Targk--` Area Street- it , Plunt�n:3, 30,000
Green River Trail Underpasse, 147,415
October 18, 1982
HOUSING & Creager noted that the Planning Department had re-
COMMUNITY commended that the North Park Storm Drainage pro-
DEVELOPMENT ject be added as priority #5, with the total re-
commended funding in the amount of $46, 620 to be
shown entirely in the "Needs" category. He ex-
plained that the figure of $46 , 620 was used instead
of the full project amount of $110, 000 in case the
DAWN program did not meet the King County criteria
and was not funded. If not funded, the DAWN "popu-
lation" funds of $11, 655 would provide the 250 of
the total funding required for the North Park
Drainage project.
Representatives from DAWN, Green River Valley Com-
munity Health Service and the YWCA Family Emergency
Housing Program were present and described the
activities provided by each. Kathy Seeley of the
Kent Police Department spoke on the importance of
the Crime Prevention Home Repair Program. The
letter from the Police Department supporting the
DAWN program was read from the audience and reference
was made to two letters from people who had been
assisted by the DAWN program. Ms. Carroll stated
that it was hard to believe that "population" funds
might go to a sewer project rather than to the
DAWN program.
There were no further comments, and B. JOHNSON MOVED
to close the hearing . Leahy seconded. Motion
carried. Upon Bailey ' s question, Creager pointed
out that if the DAWN project is not approved by the
County, the $11 , 655 will not be lost to the City,
but will be reallocated by the City. Bailey
pointed out that approval of the DAWN project might
be beyond the City ' s control . He noted that agencies
receiving grants would be required to periodically
file reports as to financial breakdowns, number of
cases handled, where the people receiving the assis-
tance actually live, etc . Harris noted that the
Planning Department had to have all of the required
information available for the federal audits. It
was pointed out that Kent Valley Youth Services
and Rape Relief also provided this kind of informa-
tion in conjunction with receiving Federal Shared
Revenue funds . It was determined that the conditions
of the grants would specify that the agencies would
be required to file the reports mentioned by Bailey.
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October 18, 1982
HOUSING & KELLEHER MOVED to approve the Block Grant Proposals
COMMUNITY as recommended by the Planning Commission and to
DEVELOPMENT include the North Park Storm Drainaje Project, as
Total Population Needs
1 Housing-Repair Services Program > 90,000 $ 88,000 $ 22,000 $ 66,000
2 Green River Community Health 18,804 28,000 7,000 21,000
3 Domestic Abused Worren's Network
(DAWN) 38,295 38,295 11,655 26,640
4 YWCA E�,�rgency Housing 12,000 12,000 3,000 9,000
5 North Park Storm :)rain I[I 110,°700 46,620 -0- ' 46,620
Planning and Administration 41 ,930 _41,930 41_,930
Totals $254,845 $ 85,585 $169,260
------------ -------------------------------------
* Council has stated that any copulation funds that
b; un�i l,,_d t,a as a result of the King County
c`n f'o�icy Committee allocation process shall be
directed to this North Park project and will thereby
reduce the Needs request by that amount.
J. Johnson seconded. Creager clarified that applica-
tions would be submitted for the five projects.
Motion carried.
COMMISSION Arts Commission Appointment. CONFIRMATION of the
Mayor ' s appointment of Julie Patterson to replace
Kal Arterre on the Arts Commission. This term
will expire in October 1.983.
FEDERAL Proposed Use. Notice of a public hearing for this
REVENUE date has been given for suggestions and input from
SHARING the public concerning the proposed use of Federal
Revenue Sharing Funds. Funds in the amount of
$535, 414 . 00 are anticipated for 1983. The public
hearing was opened by Mayor Hogan. No correspondence
has been received and there were no comments from
_ 11 _
October 18, 1982
FEDERAL the audience. B. JOHNSON MOVED to close the public
REVENUE hearing , Biteman seconded. Motion carried. Mayor
SHARING Hogan noted that the final hearing on Federal Revenue
Sharing Funds would be held in December in conjunction
with the public hearing on the City' s 1983 budget.
COUNCIL Finance & Personnel. Leahy noted that the matter
COMMITTEES of garbage hauling permits would be continued until
the next Finance Committee meeting on October 29.
In response to questions, it was noted that the
new ordinance for amusement game licenses would be
discussed at the workshop on October 25.
Public Works Committee. Biteman noted that the
Public Works Committee would meet at 8 : 15 a.m. on
October 20 . B. Johnson stated that she would attend
the meeting until such time as a new Council member
had been appointed and a new committee member named.
Parks Committee. Bailey reported that the Parks
Committee would meet on November 19 at 8: 15 a.m.
B. Johnson noted that a new member would also be
named to that committee and that she would attend
if necessary.
Public Safety Committee. DiJulio noted that the
Fire Department would be contacting the Public
Safety Committee with regard to the matter of the
designation of the Kent Fire Department as the
Hazardous Material Reporting Area.
UNITED DiJulio noted that the UGN campaign is underway in
WAY Kent and asked for the cooperation of all .
BANNER Mayor Hogan noted a letter from Ford Kiene stating
that the members of the Ashland, Oregon Shakespearean
troup would be presenting a series of plays at Green
River Community College November 11 through 14, 1982 .
He pointed out that this was the first public tour
for the group and requested authorization for a
banner to be placed announcing the performances.
BAILEY MOVED that the Public Works Department be
authorized to work out the details of placing the
banner over public right-of-way, subject to the
appropriate sections in the Zoning Code pertaining
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October 18 , 1982
BANNER to temporary signs. B. Johnson seconded. Motion
Approval of Bills . Approval of payment of the bills
received through October 19, 1982 after auditing by
the Finance Committee at its meeting at 4: 00 p.m.
on October 29, 1982 .
ADJOURNMENT B. JOHNSON MOVED that the meeting be adjourned at
8 : 50 p.m. , Biteman seconded. Motion carried.
Marie Jensen, CMC
City Clerk
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