HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 07/06/1982 Kent, Washington
July 6, 1982
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at
7: 00 o' clock p.m.. by Mayor Hogan. Present: Mayor Hogan, Council-
persons Bailey, Biteman, B. Johnson, J. Johnson, Kelleher, Leahy
and Mooney, City Administrator Cushing, Acting City Attorney Heavey,
Planning Director Harris, Public Works Director Wickstrom and Finance
Director McCarthy. Also present: Administrative Assistant Webby,
City Treasurer Drotz, Associate Planner Jim Hansen and Parks
Director Wilson. Approximately 30 people were in attendance at
the meeting.
CONSENT B. JOHNSON MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A
CALENDAR through R be approved, Mooney seconded. Motion
Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular
Council meeting of June 21, 1982 .
Water Quality St SETTING the Council meeting
RRECTED • REFER date of August Stud 982 for a public hearing on
the Water Quality Study.
UTES OF 7- 1- 8 --),
Resolution - Water Shortages. ADOPTION of Resolution
No. 967 directing staff action in the event of water
shortages, as approved at the June 28 workshop.
Geology of Valley Floor. APPROVAL to establish a
budget in the amount of $2 , 000 from the unencumbered
water funds for geological studies of potential well
sites in the valley.
Kent-Renton Intertie . APPROVAL to establish a bud-
get in the amount of $11, 000 for telemetering of
the Kent-Renton Intertie . Funds will come from
the unencumbered water funds.
Vacation of Portion of 101st Avenue S.E. ADOPTION
of Ordinance No. 2356 approving the 101st Avenue S. E.
street vacation, approved by Council action on June 7,
1982 .
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July 6, 1982
Pavement Marking Demonstration Project. APPROVAL
of a change order reflecting an $8, 000 reduction
in the contract cost to Kaspac Corporation, as re-
commended by the Public Works Committee. Kaspac
has submitted a change order for an $8 , 303. 50 re-
duction due to a change from cold plastic to hot
plastic. The hot plastic is less expensive to use
initially. In addition, the City will be purchasing
a machine to maintain the hot plastic markings.
1982 Asphalt Overlay. Bids were opened on July 2
and three bids were received as follows :
M. A. SeQale, Inc . $116 , 515 . 40
Lakeside Ind. 117 ,717 . 08
Hi Line Asphalt Paving 123, 389 . 60
MOONEY MOVED that the bid for the 1982 Asphalt
Overlays be awarded to M. A. Segale, Inc. at
$116 , 515. 40 in accordance with the recommendation
of the Public J?orks Committee. B. Johnson sec& 4 i d.
{ 1
Motion carried. t ''
STUDY Agricultural Study. SETTING July 19, 19822 as the
public hearing date on the agricultural study.
Union Pacific Land Resources Rezone. ADOPTION of
Ordinance No. 2357 approving the Union Pacific
Land Resources Rezone, with conditions, in accordance
with Council action of June 21 , 1982 .
Urbana Rezone Ordinance. An ordinance approving
the Urbana Rezone with 14 conditions was presented
at the June 21, 1982 Council meeting . Action on
the proposed ordinance was withheld pending review
by the City Attorney. BAILEY MOVED to adopt the
ordinance approving the rezone for Urbana Equities,
with the conditions as recommended by the Hearing
Examiner . Mooney seconded . Kelleher stated he
still had reservations about opening this area to
development. Leahy noted that he felt no compulsion
to go along with actions of the previous Council .
J. Johnson noted that he would vote against the
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REZONE motion. The motion to adopt the ordinance failed,
with only Bailey, Mooney and B. Johnson voting in
DEFERRED An ordinance has been prepared which will enable
COMPENSATION employees to participate in a voluntary deferred
EMPLOYEES compensation program. The Finance Committee has
PLAN reviewed the ordinance and recommends approval.
J. JOHNSON MOVED to adopt Ordinance 2361 and the
summary thereof , establishing a Deferred Compensa-
tion Program. Leahy seconded and the motion
Permissive Use . AUTHORIZATION for Mayor to sign
permissive use agreement with Union Pacific Rail-
road for green belt at 6th and Meeker Street
(property extending from Meeker to Smith) .
Reith Road Park Site Plan. As recommended at the
June 28 , 1982 workshop, AUTHORIZATION for the Parks
Department to contract with SEA, Inc. , to complete
a Preliminary Master Plan for Reith Road Pit Site
for a lump sum fee of $9 , 885 . 00 .
Mill Creek Preliminary roaster Plan. As recommended
at the June 28 , 1982 workshop, AUTHORIZATION for
the Parks Department to contract with Jones and
Jones to complete a Preliminary Master Plan for
Mill Creek Canyon Park for a lump sum fee of $8 , 203. 00 .
Rowley Annexation #3 . A 10% Notice of Intent to
circulate an annexation petition has been received
and certified by the Property Manager as sufficient.
A meeting with the initiators is hereby scheduled
for the Julv 26th workshop, at 7: 00 p.m.
Rowley Annexation 44 . A 10% Notice of Intent to
circulate an annexation petition has been received
and certified by the Property Manager as sufficient.
A meeting with the initiators is hereby scheduled
for the July 26th workshop, at 7 : 00 p.m.
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Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the bills received
through July 2 , 1982 after auditing by the Finance
Committee at its meeting of July 15, 1982 at 4: 00 p.m.
LID 309 Interim Financing . ADOPTION of Ordinance
No. 2358 accepting the proposal of Peoples National
Bank to hold City of Kent LID 309 Interest Bearing
Warrants at 9 . 90% interest ( 60% of the bank' s prime
rate) .
LID 307 Interim Financing . ADOPTION of Ordinance
No. 2359 accepting the proposal of Peoples National
Bank to hold City of Kent LID 307 Interest Bearing
Warrants at 9 . 90% interest (60% of the bank' s prime
rate) .
LID 289 Interim Financing . ADOPTION of Ordinance
No. 2360 accepting the proposal of Peoples National
Bank to hold City of Kent LID 289 Interest Bearing
Warrants at 9 . 90% interest ( 60% of the bank' s prime
rate) .
COUNCIL Finance & Personnel . LEAHY MOVED to allow Helen
COMMITTEES Adams to attend the National Parks & Recreation
Conference in October in Louisville , Kentucky at
a cost of approximately $800 . B. Johnson seconded
and the motion carried with Kelleher and Biteman
voting in opposition.
Public Works . Mooney noted that the committee
would meet on Wednesday, July 7th at 8 : 15 a.m.
and that since the SCS project had been abandoned,
Kent, Renton, King County and Drainage District #1
would have to work on a new plan.
Parks Committee. Bailey noted that Parks Committee
meetingswould be changed to 8: 30 a.m. on Fridays .
The next meeting is scheduled for August 6 .
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EAST HILL East Hill Plan and Environmental Impact Statement.
PLAN AND On May 11, 1982, the Planning Commission completed
EIS the review of the East Hill Plan and recommended
approval. The Plan was reviewed by the City
Council on a workshop/tour on May 26, 1982. A
public hearing was scheduled for June 7, 1982
and continued to the June 21st Council meeting
to allow further discussion at the workshop on
June 14 . After receiving input on June 21, the
public hearing was further discussed at the
June 28th workshop. A packet of information
dated June 30 was distributed from the Planning
The public hearing was reopened by Mayor Hogan.
Correspondence distributed to the Council and
filed for the record was acknowledged as follows:
Letter from William Turnidge received July 2
Letter from Gary Hall received June 30
Letter from Charles Bolz received June 30
Associate Planner Jim Hansen referred to the
changes to the goals, objectives and policies
proposed by the Chamber of Commerce, and the
staff recommendation for each change proposed
by the Chamber . After some discussion and some
proposed motions, it was decided that motions
would be withdrawn and withheld and the public
hearing kept open, thus allowing input from the
The Chamber of Commerce has proposed 25 changes
to the text, each of which was considered by
the Council.
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Natural Environment Element
Page 30 : Goal 3 , Objective 1 , Policy 2
Require building setbacks , limits on vegetation removal and
other appropriate design and construction controls for develop-
ment adjacent to streams , lakes and wetland areas to protect
water quality, minimize erosion and sedimentation, and preserve
natural drainage and wildlife habitat.
Chamber of Commerce revision: Establish building setbacks ,
where appropriate . . . .
Recommendation: Retain present wording. However, use of the
term "establish" is acceptable. The words , "where appropriate"
are redundant.
Kelleher suggested that after the words "water quality" that the
following phrase be added. . . "when other ir^pact mitigating measure
are not practical" . Upon Bailey' s question, Kelleher explained
that his intent was to clarify since someone would have to inter-
pret this, either the Hearing Examiner or the Council and that he
would propose to delete the words "where appropriate" . The
Council was in general agreement with the exception of B. Johnson.
Barney Wilson and Iry Hamilton objected to deleting the word
"Require" .
Page 30 : Goal 3 , Objective 1, Policy 3
Require additional development restrictions , were necessary,
to avoid degradation to any water supporting salmon or trout
as identified by the Washington State Department of Fisheries
and Game and/or the City of Kent Planning Department.
Chamber of Commerce revision: Encourage. . . .
Recommendation: Retain present wording. Citizens who served
on the Natural Environment Committee expressed strong opinions
regarding the wording of this and other policy statements.
In their opinion, "encouragement" has not resulted in adequate
protection of local fisheries . The present wording of this
policy is consistent with current city requirements .
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Kelleher suggested that the word "Require" be changed to "develop
for Council approval" . The Council was in agreement except for
B. Johnson and J. Johnson.
Page 31 : Goal 3 , Objective 1 , Policy 6
Retain in a natural state wetlands having value for storm water
drainage and flood control , water quality protection and wild-
life habitat.
Chamber of Commerce revision: Acquire and retain in a. . . .
Recommendation: Retain present wording. Other policy
statements included in the Natural Environment Element
(see page 29 , Objective 3 and Policy 1 under Objective
3) address the issue of acquisition. The intent of this
policy is to promote compatible development approaches
when acquistion of a valuable wetland is not feasible. As
indicated in other National Environment policy statements,
building setbacks, site layout, limiting removal of vege-
tation and other building design or construction measures
may be appropriate.
7elleher onine-1 that t?^e Council should identify the wetlands
referred to. Bailey feared that Kelleher' s Proposal would
liberalize the Policy contrary to the wishes of the residents
of the area. Kelleher stated it was not his intent to water
down the policy, that he favored the wetlands being identified
and then a strategy developed for preserving such wetlands.
He opined further that this would strengthen the plan even
though some of the area was not within the city limits. Leahy
suggested that some of these ideas should be accomplished by
ordinance or zoning laws and should not be done by removing
language from this planning document. Bailey opined that staff
could be asked to include changes in the zoning code. Iry
Hamilton agreed with Kelleher that the Council should make the
plan workable so that the Hearing Examiner would know what the
Council had in mind. Chuck Bolz noted that he had served on
the Public Facilities Committee and that the wording was care-
fully chosen, and that Kelleher ' s proposal seemed to suggest
that the plan be rewritten. Barney Wilson noted that a past
development had stripped the vegetation at 104th and S.E. 260th.
Cushing noted that the staff could go over the council ' s con-
cerns and report back with more information, as was done on
the Valley Studies . Kelleher concurred with this suggestion.
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July 6, 1982
Housing Element
Chamber of Commerce revision: . . . . housing that is
affordable, . . . .
Recommendation: The proposed addition of the word, "affordable"
is inappropriate and unnecessary. Goal 2 of the Housing Element
promotes "diverse housing opportunity. " Objective 1 under Goal
2 states : "Provide a variety of housing types , densities and
prices. "
Kelleher favored the Chamber ' s proposed addition of the word
"affordable" . B. Johnson objected, noting that "affordable"
meant different things to each nerson, and that the staff refe-
rence to "diverse housing opportunity" covered this. Sally
Clarke of the Mueller Group noted that she had suggested, at
the last meeting, that an additional policy be included covering
specific developments with unique characteristics . Hansen noted
that this was covered elsewhere in the plan, on page 39 , policy 1.
Transportation Element
Page 47 , Goal 3 : Establish and maintain the highest feasible
level of service for East Hill .
Chamber of Commerce revision: . . . . the highest practical and
realistic level. . . .
Recommendation: Retain present wording. Use of the term,
"feasible" implies "practical and realistic . " Webster ' s
Dictionary defines the word "feasible" as follows : "Capable
of being done or carried out; practicable , possible . . . "
There were no comments.
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July 6, 1982
Page 47 : Goal 3 , Objective 1, Policy 2 :
Require all developers to mitigate their development' s impact
on traffic.
Chamber of Commerce revision: work with all developers to
minimize their development' s impact on arterial flow.
Recommendation: Substitution of the words , "work with" and
"minimize" is acceptable. Substitution of "arterial flow"
for "traffic" is not acceptable. Citizen Advisory Committee
members expressed concern about the general impacts of
development upon traffic.
Iry Hamilton suggested that the staff ' s recommendation be
accepted and the Council expressed general approval.
Public Facilities and Services Element
Page 56 , GOAL 1 : Adequate sewer service for existing
development ana those areas adjacent to the collec-
tion system prior to expanding the system.
Chamber of Commerce revision: Ensure adequate sewer . . .
Recommendation: Retain present wording as it is compatible
with the wording of other goal statements in the Public
Facilities and Services Element.
Suzette Cooke noted that the word "ensure" was suggested as a
means of making the sentence complete.
Page 57 , Goal 1, Objective 1, Policy 3 :
Developments that would utilize existing sewer facilities
should have preference for special permit approval over
developments that require new facilities .
Chamber of Commerce revision : Delete.
Recommendation: Deletion of this policy is acceptable .
No comments.
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July 6, 1982
Page 57 , Goal 1, Objective 1 , Policy 4 :
The funding of sewer projects in and around the east side
of Kent shall have priority over projects which extend into
previously undeveloped areas .
Chamber of Commerce revision: The public funding . . .
Recommendation : Retain present wording. Excluding privately
funded sewer projects from the policy statement would contra-
dict the Citizen Advisory Committee ' s intent as stated in
the overall goal for the Public Facilities and Services
Element: "The Public Facilities and Services for East Hill
should be cost effective to implement and maintain and should
promote in-fill and phased development from existing developed
areas. "
As noted in the draft East Hill Plan document , "the provision
of sewers is a major factor influencing the timing and loca-
tion of new development. The presence of sewers in or near
rural areas often results in continued pressures for conversion
to suburban development. When utilities are available ,
outlying areas become attractive as locations for new develop-
ment because of lower initial land acquisition costs and the
ease of assembling tracts of adequate size for development .
Scattered subdivisions separated by vacant or sparsely
developed areas have characterized much recent development
within unincorporated portions of the East Hill area . Pro-
viding public utilities and services for scattered development
is costly. Unnecessary public costs result when there are
demands for public expenditures to provide , maintain or
improve public facilities and services while existing facili-
ties are not utilized at capacity. "
Upon Kelleher ' s c+uestion, TTickstrom and *'arris exnlalned the
city Dolicv for sewer extensions. Heavev pointed out that pri-
vately installed lines are sometimes taken over by the city for
maintenance and so public funds can be involved. The Council
was in general agreement to leave out the word "public" and to
add "extension of sewer service" . Iry Hamilton suggested the
phrase "East Hill Study area" be used.
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July 6 , 1982
Page 58 , Goal 2, Objective 2 , Policy l :
The funding of water projects which will enhance the opera-
tion of the existing system shall have priority over those
projects which expand or enlarge the system.
Chamber of Commerce revision: The public funding . . .
Recommendation: Retain present wording . The preceding
comment concerning Policy 4 of Objective 1 , Goal 1 is appli-
cable to this policy as well .
It was decided that the word "public" should not be included
and that the phrase "extension of water service" should be
Page 58 , Goal 2 , Objective 3 , Policy 1 :
When extending the water system to areas of new development,
upgrade the existing distribution network and storage capacity
at the time of construction to assure adequate pressure and
Chamber of Commerce revision: . . .upgrade where appropriate. . .
to assure maintaining adequate. . .
Recommendation: The proposed additions to the policy state-
ment are acceptable. We suggest that "maintenance of" be
substituted for "maintaining .
It was generally agreed that the staff recommendation be
Page 59 , Goal 2 , Objective 4 , Policy 2 :
Residential and commercial development shall be designed
whenever possible to include systems and equipment which
conserve water.
Chamber of Commerce revision : . . .development should be designed ,
where feasible, to include. . .
Recommendation : Change the policy to read as follows :
"Residential and commercial development should be designed
to ' include systems and equipment which conserve water. "
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July 6, 1982
Kelleher stated he would like to see the language changed to
show what the requirements are.
Page 59 , Goal 3 , Objective 1 , Policy 2 :
Limits on vegetatation removal and site coverage shall be
required of any development adjacent to streams , creeks ,
drainage swales or any other watercourse.
Chamber of Commerce revision: . . .coverage should be encouraged
for. any. . .
Recommendation: Retain present wording . Refer also to the
comment appearing under Policy 3 , Objective 1 , Goal 3 of
the Natural Environmental Element.
Kelleher suggested that provision be included for limitations
on vegetation removal and site coverage and that this be developed
for Council approval. Hansen noted that the city ' s ongoing pro-
grams such as the Water Quality Program would compliment these
policies . He pointed out that the East Hill Plan Committee
had had 40 meetings and that this Plan had been the subject of
seven Planning Commission meetings. Hansen noted that this
was a policy document and that regulations could be adopted
by the Council at a later date by ordinance. Kelleher suggested
that his proposed language was even stronger than the original
and that until the Water Quality Program was adopted there was
a question as to whether the Hearing Examiner would suggest
the limitations at her descretion or whether the Council would
do it.
Suzette Cooke explained the Chamber ' s intent and Leahy commented
that replacing "shall" and "require" with "should" and "encourage"
was inappropriate.
Charles Bolz noted that the policies were being taken out of
context and Kelleher noted that there are different ways to imple-
ment the policies and it must be decided who should have the
determination and how flexible the system should be. Hamilton
opined that the phrase "shall be required" should be retained.
Tom Barghausen questioned how the system would work under these
conditions and whether it would be necessary for the landowner
to get Council approval before going through the Hearing Examiner
process. Kelleher stated that he understood from the City
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July 6, 1982
Attorney that unless specifically stated otherwise, the Hear-
ing Examiner could make her own interpretation of some of the
policies. Harris noted that the staff met with developers
all through the process to make the city ' s general regulations
clear. Barghausen agreed that this is the way it was done,
with recommendations made by the Planning Department and the
Public Works Department before the matter is scheduled for
Page 59 , Goal 3 , Objective 2 , Policy 1 :
New development shall not cause surface water runoff to
exceed the peak discharge that existed prior to development.
Chamber of Commerce revision: New development shall provide
appropriate controls of surface water runoff to assure adequate
discharge from the development without adverse effect.
Recommendation: We suggest the following revision: "New
development shall provide appropriate controls to maintain
pre-development peak storm water runoff levels . " This policy
is consistent with current requirements of the Kent Surface
Water and Drainage Code.
Mooney noted that the retention_ basins, if prene?rly designed
were effective. Barney Wilson stated that there were no penal-
ties covering retention basins which might overflow and that
the storm water on East Hill had to be stored. Charles Bolz
noted that the committee had discussed all of these concerns
and they were addressed throughout the text.
Page 62 , Goal 4 , Objective 3 , Policy 2 :
Subdivisions, planned unit developments and multi-family
developments shall dedicate open space or provide a payment
in lieu of dedication. Funds acquired through payment in
lieu of dedication shall be utilized for property acquistion,
site development or facility improvements in the area sur-
rounding the development .
Chamber of Commerce revision: Delete.
Recommendation: Deletion of the policy is acceptable.
The Council was in general agreement.
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Page 64 , Goal 5, Objective 4 , Policy 1 :
Development approval shall be contingent upon the existence
of a sufficient and reliable water system, or an approved
plan to provide such a system.
Chamber of Commerce revision: . . . existence of an adequate
water system. . .
Recommendation: The proposed revision is acceptable .
Kelleher and Hansen noted that consideration had been given
to using the phrase "reliable adequate water system" or "an
improved implementable plan" . The Council was in general
agreement with this.
Page 65, Recommendation concerning Policy 1 of Objective 1 ,
Goal 1:
No Kent sewer extensions should be permitted east of 116th
Avenue SE until such time as 80 percent of the property
west of 116th Avenue SE is within the City.
Chamber of Commerce revision: . . . such time as a reasonable
portion of the. . .
Recommendation: Citizen Advisory Committee members considered
80 percent to be a "reasonable portion. " If this figure is
not acceptable, we suggest that City Council propose a
specific measure rather than rely on the vague term, "reason-
able portion. "
Wickstrom noted that the system was not a strict gravity system
and that there were problems at the pump station. He pointed
out the possibility that the Sewer Districts in the vicinity
would seek to serve this area thus allowing development. B .
Johnson noted that the item just discussed from Page 64, Goal 5,
Objective 4 , Policy 1 would cover this .
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July 6 , 1982
Human Environment Element
Page 71, Goal 1, Objective 2 , Policy 1 :
Establish zoning and design criteria that will assure a
smooth transition between land use of varied intensity and
Chamber of Commerce revision: . . . zoning and site plan design
criteria. . .
Recommendation: The proposed revision is acceptable.
No Comments.
Page 71 , Goal 1, Objective 2 , Policy 2 :
Written notice shall be given to all property owners within
300 feet of the perimeter of property to be subdivided,
short platted, or developed into multi-family or commercial
Chamber of Commerce revision: Delete.
Recommendation• We suggest that City Council determine
whether this policy statement is appropriate .
It was determined that the state law required notification to
those within 200 feet, and if this item was deleted, the city
would still have to comply with the state law. Bolz noted that
the citizen ' s committee had suggested 300 feet since there were
some complaints about notification and it was thought that per-
haps 200 feet was insufficient to include all those property
owners who might be affected.
Page 71, Goal 1, Objective 2 , Policy 3 :
The development of areas that require long extensions of
public utilities shall be delayed until a time when such
utilities are more readily available .
Chamber of Commerce revision: . . .of public funded utilities
shall be phased over a time period to allow for such utilities
to be more readily available.
Recommendation: Retain present wording. The comment appear-
ing under Policy 4 , Objective 1, Goal 1 of the Public Facilites
and Services Element is applicable to this policy.
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Leahy spoke in favor of the staff recommendation. Suzette Cooke
stated that the wording suggested by the Chamber was more positive.
Page 71, Goal 1, Objective 3 :
Review land use designations periodically or as local condi-
tions change to ensure that they continue to reflect the
preferences and concerns of East Hill residents .
Chamber of Commerce revision : . . .periodically to ensure. . .
residents and local conditions.
Recommendation: We suggest the following revision: "Review
land use designations periodically to ensure that they continue
to reflect the preference and concerns of East Hill residents . "
It was suaa_ ested that the term "Kent area residents" be used
instead of "East Hill residents" .
Page 73 , Goal 3 , Objective 1 , Policy 1 :
Limit growth until adequate and safe roads are provided and
bikeways , trails and equestrian paths are funded or provided.
Chamber of Commerce revision: Support growth that promotes
adequate and safe roads, bikeways , trails and equestrian
Recommendation : We suggest the following revision: "Safe
adequate roads and bikeways , trails and equestrians paths
should accompany residential growth and development ."
B. Johnson ruestioned -whether arowth -could be limited until
all of these amenities were provided. It was generally agreed
that the addition of "where appropriate" would clarify this item.
Page 73 , Goal 3 , Objective 2 , Policy 2 :
The quality and aesthetic character of new residential
development shall be at a minimum comparable to the surround-
ing area.
Chamber of Commerce revision : . . shall be compatible with . . .
'Recommendation: This policy should be combined with Policy 3 .
Policy 3 would be designated as Policy 2 and would read as
follows : All commercial development shall be designed to
create a consistent and attractive appearance through the
adoption of design standards. "
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Sally Chafe of the Planning Staff noted that it appeared that
the staff recommendation .should have stated "All residential
and commercial. . . . "
Page 74 , Goal 3 , Objective 2 , Policy 3 :
Commercial development shall be designed to create a con-
sistent and attractive appearance through the adoption of
specific design standards .
Chamber of Commerce revision : . . . adoption of general design. . .
Recommendation: This policy should be combined with Policy 2
as previously described.
It was determined that this v.ould be combined with Goal 3,
Objective 2, Policy 2 as lister above.
Page 74 , Recommendation concerning Policy 2 of Objective 2 ,
Goal 1:
The Zoning Ordinance should be amended to require written
notice be given to all property within 300 feet of property
to be subdivided, short platted, or developed into multi-
family or commercial developments. Criteria needs to be
established for determining the size of developments which
require such a notice; i.e. the number of units or the
square footage of the building .
Chamber of Commerce revision: Delete.
Recommendation : See the comment appearing under Policy 2
of Objective 2 , Goal 1.
It was noted that this item had been discussed under Policy
2 of Objective 2, Goal 1 .
Paul Morford noted that the City should provide roads for the
safety of the citizens . Harris noted that this was addressed
under the Transportation System and was very explicit. The
street improvements already made by the City in the East Hill
area were pointed out.
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It was determined that the Planning Staff would review the
input received tonight and provide a report for the Council.
It was determined that this matter would not be discussed at
a workshop, and B. JOHNSON MOVED to continue the hearing to
July 19th, Mooney seconded. Leahy suggested that the hearing
be closed and that after reviewing the staff ' s report, that
the Council could take action on this at the July 19th meeting.
The motion to continue the hearing carried, with Leahy voting
in opposition. Mooney noted that the staff report should be
received by the Council prior to the usual agenda delivery
EXECUTIVE At Cushing ' s request, the Council retired to an
SESSION Executive Session at 9 : 20 p.m. after which the
meeting was adjourned.
Marie Jensen, CMC
City Clerk
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