HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 03/01/1982 Kent, Washington
March 1, 1982
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at
8: 00 o'clock p.m. by Mayor Hogan. Present: Mayor Hogan, Council-
persons Biteman, Kelleher, B. Johnson, J. Johnson, Leahy and Mooney,
City Administrator Cushing , Acting City Attorney Heavey, Planning
Director Harris, Public Works Director Wickstrom and Finance
Director McCarthy. Councilperson Bailey was not in attendance.
Also present: Administrative Assistant Webby, Fire Chief Angelo,
Parks Director Wilson and URS representative Abed. Approximately
80 people were in attendance at the meeting .
CONSENT B. JOHNSON MOVED to approve Consent Calendar Items
CALENDAR A through O, with the exception of Item D, Reith
Road Pit Site, which was removed at the request of
B. Johnson, and Item F, Puget Power Easement for
Mill Creek Canyon, which was removed at the request
of City Administrator Cushing. J. Johnson seconded.
Motion carried .
Approval of Minutes . APPROVAL of the minutes of
the regular Council meeting of February 16, 1982 .
Reith Road Pit Site . Authorization has been re-
quested for the City staff to request that the
State Department of Transportation surplus the
Reith Road Pit Site and, being successful in this
regard, to then negotiate for its acquisition by
the City of Kent.
Darla Dodson, 3824 S. 255th Place, Kent, WA, addressed
the Council regarding this item, noting that in the
1972 Comprehensive Parks & Recreation Plan which
was adopted by the Council, this site was listed
as a top priority for a park site. She suggested
that the area was in need of a park and that the
Council should consider the recommendations set
forth in the 1972 Plan when acquiring the property.
Wickstrom pointed out that the site was also needed
for the realignment of the Reith Road. B. JOHNSON
MOVED that City staff be authorized to request that
the State Department of Transportation surplus the
Reith Road pit site, and if successful in this re-
gard , to then negotiate for its acquisition by the
City of Kent for a park site and for the realignment
of Reith Road. J. Johnson seconded. Motion carried.
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STREETS East/West Route. Mayor Mogan noted that letters
have been received asking about the City 's position
on the proposed East/West route. Letters from the
following have been placed on file: Stanley Levy,
Tom and Bonnie Sawyer, Evelyn McKinley, James and
Patricia Cunningham.
WATER Bid - Seven Oaks Plat Well (Soos Creek) - Vertical
Turbine Pump, Meter and Control Valves. Public
Works Director Wickstrom referred to a memo which
was furnished to the Council regarding this matter.
He noted that the recommendation is now being made
to reject all bids and to include the pump, meter
and control valves in the bid call for the building
facilities. He noted that the time schedule was
tight and that some right-of-way acquisition pro-
blems still had to be resolved. Upon the recommend-
ation of. Acting City Attorney Heavey, MOONEY MOVED
to reconsider the contract which was awarded on
February 16, 1982 for the Seven Oaks Plat Well
Vertical Turbine Pump, Meter and Control Valves.
B.. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. MOONEY MOVED
to adopt Resolution No. 957 relating to the rejection
of all bids received on February 12, 1982 for the
said equipment, B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried.
DRAINAGE Parkside Division No. 2 - Acceptance of Lot 48 .
ACCEPTANCE of the deed for Lot 48 of Parkside
Division No. 2 Plat originally dedicated to the
City by Wick Homes for storm drainage purposes.
UNIT Natural Land Group P.U.D. (PUD-80-2) . ADOPTION of
DEVELOPMENT the Hearing Examiner' s recommendation to approve,
with seven conditions , the application of Natural
Land Group for a P.U.D. (An appeal on this matter
was denied at the February 16, 1982 Council meeting.)
PLATS YTH Estates Preliminary Plat (SU-81-3) . SETTING
of March 15, 1982 as the date to consider the
Hearing Examiner ' s recommendation for this Prelimi-
nary Plat. If the Council wishes to make changes
to the recommendations at that time, a date for a
public hearing will then be set.
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PLATS Evergreen Hills Preliminary Plat (SU-79-3) . APPROVAL
of the request of Vi and Arthur Lien for a one-year
time extension on the Evergreen Hills Preliminary
RAILROAD Burlington-Northern Railroad - 84th Avenue So.
CROSSINGS Franchise Ordinance. This ordinance was introduced
at the February 1, 1982 meeting and would grant to
Burlington-Northern Railroad authority to construct,
maintain and operate a railroad spur track at common
grade in the vicinity of 84th Avenue S. and S . 212th
Street. On February 16, 1982 the adoption of the
proposed ordinance was tabled to this meeting.
Wickstrom explained that several changes had been
made to the ordinance and it was necessary for
Burlington-Northern Railroad to have time to review
the changes. At his request, MOONEY MOVED that the
proposed franchise ordinance be held over until
April 5, 1982 , Leahy seconded. Motion carried.
COMMISSION Planning Commission Appointment. CONFIRMATION of
the Mayor ' s appointment of John Astle to fill Tom
Sharp' s position on the Planning Commission. This
term will expire December 31, 1983 .
King County Rape Relief Contract. AUTHORIZATION
for the Mayor to sign the King County Rape Relief
Division of Alcoholism and Substances Services Con-
tract. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign the
contract for Alcoholism and Substances Services.
Kent Valley Youth Services. AUTHORIZATION for the
Mayor to sign the contract with Kent Valley Youth
Services .
RECREATION Concessionaire Agreement. AUTHORIZATION for the
Mayor to sign a lease/concessionaire agreement with
Mike M. Stray and Don W. Page, partners, for the
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PARKS & purpose of merchandising golf equipment and con-
RECREATION ducting a year-round golf lesson program. The
agreement has been reviewed by staff, the Acting
City Attorney, and was discussed at the February
28, 1982 workshop.
Puget Power Easement - Mill Creek Canyon. The Parks
Department has recommended that the Mayor be given
authorization to sign an easement to Puget Sound
Power & Light Company which would allow for elec-
tricity to be provided to the Lower Mill Creek Park
area (Earthworks Site) . Cushing noted that there
was concern at this time about the way the legal
description reads and that the matter required
further study.
East Hill Park Site - Gibson Property Real Estate
Agreement. City Administrator Cushing noted that
in acquiring the property for the East Hill Park
site, one small piece known as the Gibson property
had still not been acquired. He noted that the
property had been appraised and the owner had been
offered the appraised value. He also pointed out
that the owner had preferred to go through condemn-
ation proceedings in the hope of receiving more
money for the property and because of the time
and costs involved, the City offered 100 over the
appraised value, which had been accepted. He
pointed out that this was not an uncommon procedure
and that the dollar amount set through condemnation
was uncertain. Cushing noted that the additional
costs would be shared equally between the School
District and the City, and that it was hoped that
the City ' s additional costs could be obtained
through grants. He recommended that the Mayor
be authorized to sign the necessary agreements.
Accordingly, B. JOHNSON MOVED to adopt Resolution
No. 956 authorizing the acquisition of the property
and authorizing execution of appropriate documents
relative to said acauisition. Mooney seconded.
Motion carried.
LAND USE Agricultural Resolution. This matter has been dis-
cussed at two workshops. Resolution 955 has been
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LAND USE prepared, making it a goal of the City to preserve
certain lands on the Valley Floor, lying south and
west of the Green River for mixed types of agri-
cultural uses and directing the staff to make pro-
posals to the City Council for possible Comprehen-
sive Plan changes and zoning district changes .
The staff is further directed to conduct a study
of agriculture in the area designated in the reso-
Susan O 'Connell of the Green River Study Group
spoke in support of the Resolution, noting that
farmlands are needed close to highly populated
areas. Gene Bremmer noted that he leased 20 acres
to farm south of S . 259th and that land-fills over
the past eight years had affected the drainage in
the valley. He noted that water was now standing
in places where that had never occurred before and
that this was detrimental to the soil. Mooney
noted that the ditches in the area required cleaning.
Rev. John Houston of the Washington Association of
Churches noted that in addition to preserving the
land, the role of the farmer should also be preserved.
He pointed out that many refugees in the area had
agricultural backgrounds and could be encouraged
to farm in this area. A representative of the
Association of University Women spoke in favor of
the proposed resolution. Patricia Van Alkirk of
the County Agricultural Department noted that about
590 acres of the King County agricultural preserva-
tion program are located in south King County.
Bill Nightingale noted that 78th Avenue S. was a
beauty spot and should be preserved along with the
farm lands.
There were no further comments and KELLEHER MOVED
to adopt Resolution 9551 J. Johnson seconded. Upon
Leahy ' s question, Harris noted that the staff could
present the scope of the study at the next workshop
meeting. Mayor Hogan advised the audience that the
workshop was open to the public and would be held
on Monday, March 8 , at 7: 00 p.m. Kelleher noted
that this matter was brought to the Council during
the Valley Studies hearings . He pointed out that
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LAND USE this resolution proposed a mixed approach and did
not deal only with commerical farming. Mayor Hogan
pointed out that even if it was found that agricul-
tural use in this area was viable, that consideration
would still have to be given to the possibility of
overloading the City's utility systems . Motion
carried unanimously.
Mayor Hogan noted receipt of a letter from Barbara
Harger supporting the proposed study. This letter,
and seventeen others supporting the proposal, have
been filed as part of the record.
City Treasurer ' s Certificates - LID 285 West Hill
Island Sewer, LID 299 West Valley Highway and James
Street Sewer, LID 302 Rose Avenue Water Main and
LID 303 S.E. 270th Water Main. ACCEPTANCE of the
City Treasurer ' s certificates as follows:
LID # 303 285 299 302
Collected $13 ,487 . 41 $ 61, 807 . 74 $ 8 , 410. 53 $24, 867. 71
Remaining 61, 634 . 22 326, 607. 93 76 , 525. 19 55, 252. 07,
MFOA Conference. ADOPTION of Resolution No. 954
recommending Seattle as the site for the 1989 Annual
Municipal Finance Officers Association Conference.
Payment of Bills . APPROVAL of payment of the bills
received through March 3 , 1982 after auditing by the
Finance Committee at its meeting at 4 : 00 p.m. on
March 15, 1982 .
COUNCIL Public Works Committee. Mooney noted that the Public
COMMITTEES Works Committee would meet on Wednesday, March 3,
1982 at 8 : 15 a.m. in the 2nd floor conference room.
Parks Committee. B. Johnson reported that the Parks
Committee would meet on March 10 at 3 : 30 p.m.
SUBURBAN Cushing reminded the Council of the Suburban Mayors
MAYORS Association meeting at the Doubletree Plaza on Wed-
ASSOCIATION nesday and asked that those planning to attend notify
his secretary.
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EXECUTIVE At 8 : 40 p.m. , upon the request of Cushing, the
SESSION Council retired to an executive session.
ADJOURNMENT The meeting ;was reconvened at 9 : 30 p.m. and upon
B. Johnson' s motion, seconded by Biteman, was
then adjourned.
Marie Jensen, CMC
City Clerk
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