HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 02/01/1982 1
Kent, Washington
February , 1982
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at
8 : 00 o'clock p.m. by Mayor Hogan. Present: Mayor Hogan, Council-
members Bailey, Biteman, Kelleher, B. Johnson, J. Johnson, Mooney,
Administrative Assistant Webby, Public Works Director Wickstrom,
Planning Director Harris, Acting City Attorney Heavey and Finance
Director McCarthy. Also present: URS representative Walt Ramsey.
Approximately 15 people were in attendance.
CONSENT BITEMAN MOVED to approve the Consent Calendar
CALENDAR Items A through K, with the exception of Items
D and J, removed by Cushing_, . Mooney seconded.
Motion carried.
Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of
the regular Council meeting of January 18, 1982 .
SANITATION Consolidated machines Industries . The Engineering
Department has received the bill of sale and war-
ranty agreement for approximately 965 feet of
watermain extension, 636 feet of sanitary sewer
extension constructed in the vicinity of S . 208th
and 88th Avenue S. for Consolidated Machine Indus-
tries. It is the recommenation of the Engineering
Department that the bill of sale and warranty
agreement be accepted for continuous operation and
maintenance and the cash bond be released after ex-
piration of the one-year guaranty period and pay-
ment of any outstanding bills against the project.
Condemnation Ordinance - LID 296 - Water, Sewer
and Storm Drainage Improvements - 72nd Avenue S.
and S. 182nd. Negotiations have been progressing
very slowly with Puget Power for the acquisition
of easements. It is necessary at this time to ob-
tain authorization to pursue condemnation if neces-
sary. The City Attorney has prepared an ordinance
authorizing condemnation. MOONEY MOVED to adopt
Ordinance No. 2336 providing for condemnation for
LID 296, Biteman seconded . ,~lotion carried.
SERVICES 1982 Public Health Service Contract. AUTHORIZATION
for the Mayor to sign the Health Services agreement
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February', 1982
HEALTH with the Seattle King County Department of Public
SERVICES Health for 1982 . This matter was discussed at the
January 25th workshop.
East Hill Park Site. This matter was discussed at
the January 25th workshop and the Parks Department
recommends that the Mayor be authorized to sign the
Purchase and Sale Agreement between the City of
Kent and the Kent School District. This agreement
would give easements to the School District to permit
expansion of French Field and construct parking lots
41 and #2 for the consideration of $102 ,438 . 00 .
Cushing noted that Resolution 949 had been prepared
authorizing the Ma_vor to execute the appropriate
documents . B. JOHNSON MOVED to adopt Resolution
949 , Mooney seconded. Motion carried.
Annexation of Water Service Sites. Annexation of
the water service sites for municipal purposes would
give the City control over the property, including
jurisdiction for police protection, and would eliminate
the need to go through the County for permits. The
sites suggested for annexation are Kent Springs site
at S.E. 288th and 2.16th Avenue S .E. , Armstrong Springs
at Wax Road and S. E. 272nd and Garrison Creek site at
96th Avenue S. and S. 218th. The Public Works Com-
mittee has reviewed these proposed annexations and
concur . It is recommended approval be given for the
Public Works Director to begin annexation proceedings.
Annexation - Russell Road . Approximately 1500 feet
of Russell Road between 200th and 204th is in the
county. Annexation of this portion of the road would
clean up jurisdiction for police power and simplify
acquisition of right-of-wav for realignment. The
Public 11orks Committee has reviewed this request and
concur with the proposed annexation. It is recommended
that the Public Works Director be given approval to
begin annexation proceedings.
CROSSING Proposed Railroad Crossing Safety Demonstration Project.
Washington State Department of Transportation is inte-
rested in purusing $500, 000 in federal aid for supple-
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February 1982
RAILROAD mental railroad/highway grade crossing protection
CROSSING devices . The City of Kent has been asked to be
lead agency on the project due to our demonstrated
concern about railroad crossings in the City. The
project would be in three phases: preliminary engi-
neering and design , construction and evaluation.
The construction phase would be the actual acquisi-
tion and installation of the supplemental devices
by the railroad, or City_ , or both. The total fund-
ing request is $500, 000 with no matching funds re-
quired. All work done or materials used by the City
will be reimbursable. The City would be responsible
for interim financing until reimbursement is received.
It is recommended the P°ayor be authorized to sign the
project prospectus .
Burlington Northern Franchise - 84th Avenue S. This
proposed franchise ordinance grants to Burlington
Northern authority to construct, maintain and operate
a railroad spur track at common grade in the vicinity
of 84th Avenue S. and S. 212th Street. The proposed
ordinance has been forwarded to Burlington Northern
for their review and comments .
The proposed ordinance is presented for introduction
only and will be presented for adoption at the next
regular meeting. MOONEY MOVED to table the proposed
ordinance to the next meeting_ . Kelleher seconded.
Motion carried .
VACATION Petition for Alley Vacation - Hurt & Scarsella.
The Property Manager has received a petition for
vacation of an alley located between N. Central and
N. State, south of Pioneer Street. The filing fee
has been paid and authorization is requested for the
City Attorney to draft a resolution for the next
meeting, setting a public hearing date of March 15,
1982 to consider said vacation.
Appointments . CONFIRMATION of the Mayor ' s appointments:
Planning Commission Term Expires
Bill Care-,7 to replace Kelleher 12/84
Doug Cullen to replace Leahy 12/82
Board of Adjustment Term Expires
Reappoint Steve Dowell 2/87
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February ; 1982
Budget Adjustments for 1981. Final 1981 budget ad-
justments were presented to the Finance Committee
on January 28 and a packet has been provided with
this agenda . Cushing noted that through an over
sight, $70 , 471 had not been included in the adjust-
ment for the Golf Course Fund to reflect Council
action on October 19, 1981 approving a $55, 600
increase for the Golf Course Improvement Fund and
to further reflect $14 , 871 in interest income,
earned prior to the closing . The total for this
fund should, therefore be changed from $17,434 to
$87, 905. KELLEHER MOVED to adopt Ordinance 2335,
approving the 1981 adjustments to various budgets
in the amount of $28, 372 , 192, including the correc-
tions explained by Cushing .
Mayor Hogan noted that funds should be appropriated
to landscape the Upper Mill Creek project. Wickstrom
noted that there were still two properties to be
acquired, estimated to be about $50 , 000 . The Mayor
noted that private developers were required to land-
; scape developments and that this city project should
also. be landscaped . Kelleher ' s motion to adopt
Ordinance 2335 carried unanimously.
PRELIMINARY Hayashi Preliminary Plat �'SU-81-2. On January 18 ,
PLAT 1982, the Council set February 1, 1982, for a public
meeting to consider the adoption or rejection of the
recommendation as set forth on December 10 , 1981 by
the Hearing Examiner on the Hayashi Preliminary Plat
request for approval of a three-lot subdivision in
an R1-7 . 2 Single Family Residential Zoning District.
The Hearing Examiner ' s recommendation is for approval
subject to the following condition:
The applicant shall enter into a no-protest LID cove-
nant with the City for the future construction of
sidewalks on the east side of 46th Avenue S. between
j S. 272nd Street and Carnaby Way.
If, at this meeting , the City Council deems that a
change in the Hearing Examiner ' s recommendation shall
be made, the Council shall set a date to conduct a
public hearing , and thereupon adopt its own recommend-
ations and approve or disapprove the preliminary plat.
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February X; 1982
PRELIMINARY B. JOHNSON MOVED to adopt the Hearing Examiner ' s re-
PLAT commendation to approve the Preliminary Plat with
the condition as submitted, Biteman seconded.
Motion carried.
STREETS Condemnation Ordinance - LID 304 - Smith Street.
This project consists of widening, grading, storm
drainage, paving , curb and gutters, illumination,
landscaping, underarounding and railroad crossing.
j Negotiations on this project have reached a stand-
still . Therefore, it is necessary to obtain authori-
zation for condemnation. The City Attorney has pre-
pared the ordinance . B. JOHNSON MOVED to adopt
Ordinance No. 2337 providing for condemnation for
LID 304 , Mooney seconded . motion carried.
CITY City Shops Equipment Washrack. Bids were opened on
SHOPS January 26, 1982 with five bids received, four of
which were below the engineer ' s estimate. It is
recommended that the award be made to the low bidder
of Mountain Construction in the amount of $27 ,471. 89 .
B. JOHNSON MOVED that the City Shops Equipment Wash-
rack contract be awarded to Mountain Construction in
the amount of $27 , 471 . 89 , Plooney seconded. Motion
STORM 112th Avenue Storm Sewer Improvements (S.E. 235th
SEWERS Street to Approximately 775 Feet South) . Bids were
opened on January 26, 1982 with 25 bids received,
18 of which were below the engineer ' s estimate. It
is recommended that the award be made to the low
bidder of SLA-DEE Construction in the amount of
$25, 543 . 69 . MOONEY MOVED that the 112th Avenue
Storm Sewer Improvements contract be awarded to SLA-
DEE Construction in the amount of $25 , 543. 69 . Bite-
! man seconded. Motion carried. Upon Questions from
the Council , Wickstrom noted that SLA-DEE had not
previously worked for the City.
PARKS Bailey noted that the Parks Committee would meet
COMMITTEE on Wednesday, February 10 at 3 : 30 p.m. in the 2nd
floor conference room.
PUBLIC J. Johnson noted that the Committee had referred
SAFETY the matter of hazardous permits to the Finance Com-
COMMITTEE mittee to seek alternative methods of funding.
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February 1982
PUBLIC Mooney noted that the Public Vorks Committee would
WORKS meet on Wednesday, February 3rd at 8 : 15 a .m. in the
COMMITTEE second floor conference room. He noted that a com-
mittee had been assigned to further study the original
junderground wiring ordinance passed in 1970 as well
as the proposed amendment and that a report was ex-
pected in 60 days. Upon B. Johnson ' s question, Wick-
strom opined that the matter of TV cables should be
handled as a separate matter , but that the committee
could be asked to include it. Bailey noted that the
TV cable companies will not consider serving certain
parts of the city and that this problem should be
addressed .
Biteman complimented Public Works Director Wickstrom
on the extensive information he supplied at the
Public Works Committee meeting. He noted that as
j a new Council member , he especially appreciated the
background information .
AWC Cushing noted that the AWC legislative workshop would
WORKSHOP be held on Thursday and that transportation would
leave the City Hall at approximately 8: 15 a.m. It
was determined that B . Johnson and J. Johnson plannEcl
to attend and that Bailey would advise Cushing if he
could go .
INATER Mayor Hocan noted receipt of a letter from James
BILLING Curran requesting that payment of half of his water
bill be accepted, since a leak was discovered in the
line serving his residence. The water from the .leak
flowed into a drainaoc ditch and was therefore not
discovered until the meter was read. MOONEY MOVED
to refer this to the Citv Administrator for resolution.
Biteman seconded. Motion carried.
PSCOG Mayor Hoaan noted that a Council member should be
ATLERNATE appointed to serve as her alternate on the Puget
Sound Council of Governments . B. Johnson volunteer =.,.1
to serve.
Approval of Bills . APPROVAL of payment of the bills
received through February 2 , 1982 after auditing by
the Finance Committee at its meeting at 4 : 00 p.m. on
February 12, 1982 .
ADJOURNMENT MOONEY Y'OVED that the meeting be adjourned at 8 : 20
p.m. , Kelleher seconded . Motion carried.
Prarie Jensen, CMC
6 - City Clerk