HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 09/21/1981 Kent, Washington September 21, 1981 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8: 00 o'clock p.m. by Mayor Hogan. Present: Mayor Hogan, Council persons Bailey, B. Johnson, J. Johnson, Masters and Mooney, City Attorney Mirk, Planning Director Harris and Public Works Director Wickstrom. Councilpexsons Hamilton and McCaughan and City Adminis- trator Cushing were not in attendance. Also present: City Treasurer Drotz, Finance Director McCarthy, Parks Director Wilson, URS repre- sentative Abed, and Arts Coordinator Carpenter. Approximately 35 people were in attendance at the meeting. CONSENT B. JOHNSON MOVED that the Consent Calendar Items CALENDAR A through I be approved, Mooney seconded. Motion carried. r MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5A) Approval of Minutes . APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of September 8, 1981. HEALTH & (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5G) SANITATION Bill of Sale - Kenton Firs. ACCEPTANCE of the Bill of Sale and Warranty Agreement for approximately 939 feet of sanitary sewer extension constructed in the vicinity of S.E. 226th Street and 112th Avenue S.E. for the Kenton Firs Development for continuous operation and maintenance and RELEASE of the cash bond after expiration of the one-year maintenance period and payment of any outstanding bills against the project. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5H) Bill of Sale - Cambridge East Division #3. ACCEPTANCE of the Bill of Sale and Warranty Agreement for approximately 3, 005 feet of water main extension, 2628 feet of sanitary sewer extension and 2795 feet of street improvements constructed in the vicinity of Carnaby Way for continuous operation and main- tenance and RELEASE of the cash bond after expira- tion of the one year maintenance period and payment of any outstanding bills against the project. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5I) LID 299 - Sanitary Sewers (SE Corner of James and West Valley Highway) . SETTING of a public hearing date of October 19, 1981 to confirm the Final Assess- ment Roll for LID 299 for the construction of sanitary sewer extension on the S.E. corner of James Street and West Valley Highway. September 21, 1981 HEALTH & (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5D) SANITATION Eligibility Criteria for Life Line Sewer Service Rate. ADOPTION of Resolution No. 934 adopting Kent's eligibility criteria for Life Line Sewer rates as provided for in Ordinance No. 2299. The Public Works Department has reviewed the programs of other neighboring communities in order to develop this criteria. The matter was discussed at the September 14, 1981 workshop. An information sheet describing the rate has been prepared by the Utilities Department and copies were distributed to the Council. Bailey commended the staff on the content of the memo. WATER (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5F) Clark Springs Deep Well. ESTABLISHING of a budget for the engineering and drilling of the deep well at the Clark Springs Source using $80, 000 from the unencumbered funds from the Water Department. The Consortium consisting of Water Districts 111, 105 and Kent,, is in the process of preparing the specifi- cations for drilling two deep wells and the Public Works Department wishes to include in the contract the drilling of a deep well for Kent at the Clark Springs source. The request was presented to the Public Works Committee at their meeting on September 9, 1981 and approval was recommended. STREETS State Acquisition of Parcel of Land in Vicinity of Kent-Kangley and Easterly of SR 169 . The State of Washington has contacted the City on behalf of King County concerning the purchase of approximately 0. 38 acre in the vicinity of Kent-Kangley and easterly of SR 169 for the realignment of SR 169 . The State 's offer of $4, 625. 00 has been reviewed by the Property Manager and is found to be a reasonable offer. J. JOHNSON MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to sign the deed as recommended by the Public Works Director. Mooney seconded. Motion carried. STORM Bids - North Park Storm Drainage Phase I - Cloudy DRAINAGE Street Between N. 4th Avenue and N. 1st Avenue - Community Development Block Grant Program. A bid opening was held on September 10, 1981 with twelve bids received as follows: 2 - September 21, 1981 STORM Bidder Amount DRAINAGE Kar-Vel Construction $63, 518. 51 Ford Construction Co. 69, 477 .78 Ceccanti, Inc. 77, 396.91 Frank Coluccio Construction 77, 849 . 92 Robison Inc. 81, 995. 30 Cascade Septic Service, Inc. 83, 670.79 Ryker Construction & Eng. 92,203. 43 LLM Contractors, Inc. 93, 869 . 87 Universal Utility Contractors 97 ,164. 05 Dave Marthini Construction Co. 98, 791.42 Eight of the bids received were below the Engi- neer ' s estimate of $90, 989. 71. In accordance with the recommendation of the Public Works Director, B. JOHNSON MOVED that the low bid of Kar-Vel Construction in the amount of $63,518. 51 be accepted for the North Park Storm Drainage Phase I, Masters seconded. Motion carried. SPECIAL (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5C) USE Pohl Special Use Combining District (CD-SU-81-1) . COMBINING ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 2311 accepting the Hear- DISTRICT ing Examiner' s recommendation to approve, with conditions, the Richard Pohl application for a Special Use Combining District, as approved at the September 8 Council meeting. POLICE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5E) City Hall Master Plan. AUTHORIZATION for the staff to contract with Ellerbe Associates, Inc. for develop- ment of a City Hall Master Plan and AUTHORIZATION for a letter of intent to Ellerbe Associates for architectural services regarding jail construction, subject to final contract approval by the Council. This matter was discussed at the workshop of September 14. BUSINESS Roadside Inn Tavern. Revocation of License. A LICENSES public hearing was held at a special meeting on August 31, 1981 to consider revocation of the busi- ness license for the Roadside Tavern. The matter was discussed at the workshop of September 14, 1981 and the City Attorney has prepared a Resolution to revoke the business license. Mayor Hogan read a 3 - September 21, 198.1 BUSINESS letter from Dale E. Minner, M.D. supporting the LICENSES revocation of the license. MOONEY MOVED to accept the letter for the record. J. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. B. JOHNSON MOVED to adopt Resolution No. 935 revoking the business license of the Roadside Inn Tavern, Mooney seconded. MASTERS MOVED to amend No. 7 on page-i2 of the Resolution to read: "7. The Roadside Inn Tavern has engaged in conduct which is injurious to the health and welfare of the citizens of Kent and is a public nuisance. ' Mooney seconded the proposed amendment. The amendment carried. MASTERS MOVED to further amend Section 1 of the Resolution, on page 3, to read as follows: "That the business and cabaret licenses of the Roadside Inn Tavern be and the same are hereby revoked effective at six o'clock a.m. on Thursday, October 1, 1981 . " B. Johnson seconded. Masters stated that the additional language might be of value if the matter should go to court. Mirk noted that the hearing concerned only the business license, but that if the business license of the tavern was revoked, it would follow that there could be no dancing there. The amendment carried. The motion to adopt Resolution 935, as amended, carried unanimously. VIP Health Spa. This date has been scheduled for a public hearing on the revocation of the business license for the VIP Health Spa. The attorney for the Spa has requested that the public hearing be continued to the October 19, 1981 Council meeting and the City Attorney so recommends . BAILEY MOVED that the public hearing on the revocation of the business license for the VIP Health Spa be continued to the. October 19, 1981 Council meeting, B. Johnson seconded. Upon B. Johnson' s question, Mirk explained that it had been impossible to serve proper notice of the hearing because the individuals listed on the business license application were no longer affiliated with the Spa. Mirk noted that the attorney for the Spa was unable to attend the October 5, 1981 meeting and further, that he had insisted upon the required 20-day notice. Motion carried. 4 - _. September 21, 1981 BUSINESS Banning Topless Dancing, Table Dancing, etc. The LICENSES City Attorney has prepared an ordinance prohibit- ing certain acts and conduct on premises licensed under the authority of the Washington State Liquor Control Board. This matter was discussed at the Council meeting of July 6, 1981 and the workshops of July 13 and September 14, 1981. B. JOHNSON MOVED that Ordinance No. 2312 prohibiting n �the City of Kent, certain acts and conduct on premises licensed by the Washington State Liquor Control Board, Masters seconded. Motion carried. KING COUNTY King County General Development Guide Draft 2 Review. GENERAL The Council discussed the King County General Develop- DEVELOPMENT ment Guide Draft 2 Review at the August 24, 1981 GUIDE workshop and at the Council meeting of September 8 , DRAFT 2 1981 requested that the matter be held over for REVIEW further discussion. Further discussion occurred at the September 14, 1981 workshop. A packet has been distributed to the Council containing the King County policy statements and the comments of the Kent Plan- ning Commission. Mayor Hogan noted that she had asked County Executive Dunlap which would come up first, the Community Plans or the Policy Guides and that Dunlap had felt that the Community Plans would be held while the Policy Guide was under development. Masters asked if the purpose of the Council ' s comments was to en- dorse the Development Guide. The Mayor noted that the Council could adopt the comments made by the Planning Commission and could add comments. Masters stated that she had heard people in areas where the Community Plan had been completed express concern that they might be ignored in the future. MOONEY MOVED to take no action and Masters seconded. Harris noted that the Council has been asked to comment on this document, as the Planning Commission has. He noted that the Council could note that they have seen the document, but does not wish to take a stand at this time. B. Johnson noted that the Planning Commission comments should go in, and pointed out that some comments did not agree with the County' s statements. Mooney withdrew his motion and several substitute motions were considered. MASTERS MOVED that the Council supports the Commission' s comments 5 - September 21, 198' KING COUNTY but that the Council will withhold comment on the GENERAL General Development Guide. Bailey seconded, motion DEVELOPMENT carried. Masters expressed appreciation to the GUIDE Planning Commission for their work on this matter. DRAFT 2 REVIEW PARKS Proposed Change Orders. Barney Wilson presented the following proposed change orders: MILL CREEK DETENTION Maintenance Consideration Approximate Cost BASIN A. Sod (in place of hydro- seeding the five visual enhancement areas of the park) $ 9, 000. 00 B. Irrigation - an automatic sprinkling system for the entire area 21, 000.00 Security Consideration A. Lights - area lights pro- perly placed for security and safety 13, 000.00 B. Traffic Control - bollards properly placed around the western perimeter of the project 1,000.00 Approximate Total of Suggested Change Orders $44, 000. 00 Bailey noted that it had been determined that the proposed lights would not impact the residents on Reiten Road. It was determined for B. Johnson that chains could be placed between the bollards to pre- vent motor bike entry. It was noted that there was a contingency fund of $94, 848 for this project. BAILEY MOVED to approve the change orders in the amount of $44, 000. 00. B. Johnson seconded. It was determined that the water for the sprinkling system could not be taken from Mill Creek. Masters asked about fencing the area until it was stabilised. 6 - September 21, 1981 PARKS Wilson concurred that this was a good idea, noting that snow fencing could be utilized at a cost of MILL CREEK about $400. B. JOHNSON MOVED to amend the motion DETENTION to add $400 for the snow fence, Bailey seconded. BASIN The amendment carried, with Masters and Mooney voting against. The motion as amended carried with Masters and Mooney voting against it. BUDGET Mayor Hogan read a letter from Hildur Mullen urging the Council to place the Police Department, manpower and equipmentjin first place in the 1982 budget. The letter noted that crime, vandalism and felonies involving guns were becoming widespread in Kent. MOONEY MOVED to make the letter a part of the record. Masters seconded. Motion carried. COUNCIL Public Works. Mooney noted that drainage was dis- COMMITTEES cussed at the last Public Works Committee meeting and that Renton still has not made a decision. He noted that Auburn ' s Assistant Public Works Director attended the meeting and that the committee had ad- vised him that Kent would cooperate in the program when Auburn got started so that this would be a joint project. He noted that Auburn is considering paralleling the Valley Freeway with a ditch that would serve both the east and west sides. He noted that. Kent has a pump at S. 277th serving the car marshalling yards and that when Auburn reached this point, Kent would have to decide which way our drainage would be taken. Public Safety. B. Johnson noted that the jail ad- visory committee would meet on Tuesday, September 22nd at 7 : 00 a.m. on the fourth floor. FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5B) Approval of Bills . APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through September 18, 1981 after auditing by the Finance Committee at its meeting at 3: 00 p.m. on September 30, 1981. ADJOURNMENT J. JOHNSON MOVED that the meeting be adjourned at 8 : 35 p.m. , B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. " Marie Je en, CMC City Clerk - 7 -