HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 09/08/1981 Kent, Washington September 8, 1981 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8: 00 o'clock p.m. by Mayor Hogan. Present: Mayor Hogan, Council- persons Bailey, Hamilton, J. Johnson, Masters, McCaughan and Mooney, City Administrator Cushing, City Attorney Mirk, Planning Director Harris and Public Works Director Wickstrom. Also present: Hearing Examiner Burke and Parks Director Wilson. Councilperson B. Johnson was absent. Approximately 20 people were in attendance at the meeting. PROCLAMATION Constitution Week. A proclamation was read by the Mayor declaring the week of September 17-23, 1981 as Constitution Week in the City of Kent. CONSENT BAILEY MOVED that the Consent Calendar Items A CALENDAR through K, with the exception of Items F & H, removed at the request of Councilperson Mooney, and Items G, I and J, removed at the request of Councilperson Masters, be approved. Masters seconded. Motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5A) Approval of Minutes . APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular meeting of August 17, 1981 and the -- special meeting of August 31, 1981. HEALTH & (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5C) SANITATION LID 285 - West Hill Island Sewers. ACCEPTANCE of the contract of King Construction as complete for the construction of the West Hill Island Sewer and RELEASE of the retainage upon receipt of necessary State releases. The project consisted of construct- ing approximately 5600 feet of sanitary sewer main and 2500 feet of side sewers in the vicinity of S. 243rd and 43rd Avenue S. The contractor was com- mended for doing such a good job on the project. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5E) Des Moines Sewer District Comprehensive Sewer Plan. APPROVAL of the Additions and Betterments to the Comprehensive Plan for the Des Moines Sewer District as recommended by the Public Works Director. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5H) (REMOVED AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCILPERSON MOONEY) Cambridge East Division #3 Bill of Sale. Councilperson Mooney noted that Public Works Director - 1 - September 8, 1981 HEALTH & Wickstrom had requested that this item be removed SANITATION from the Consent Calendar. Wickstrom clarified for Mooney that the paperwork had not been completed. MOONEY MOVED that Item H be removed from the agenda. Bailey seconded. Motion carried. WATER (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5D) Water District No. 75 Water Service. APPROVAL of the request of the owner of the property in the vicinity of 40th S. and S. 216th Street that Water District No. 75 be allowed to service their property. The Public Works Director prepared an agreement allowing temporary service by Water District No. 75 until such time as Kent serviced the area. Water District No. 75 ' s resolution requires annexation of the property in order to be serviced; therefore, the temporary agreement was not acceptable to them. The Public Works Committee reviewed the request at their meet- ing on August 19, 1981 and it was determined that they would recommend approval of the annexation of this property by Water District No. 75 in order for the property owner to obtain water service but that no further such requests be granted until such time as a boundary has been agreed upon in the area. REZONES Arrow Development (The Lakes Rezone) RZ-79-14. Ordi- nance No. 2307, modifying the Master Plan conditions for The Lakes Rezone, as previously approved under Ordinance No. 2215, was passed on August 3, 1981. Mayor Hogan vetoed Ordinance No. 2307 on August 12, 1981 and her veto message has been distributed to the Council. McCAUGHAN MOVED that the veto message be accepted for the record, Mooney seconded. Motion carried. McCAUGHAN MOVED to override the Mayor' s veto of Ordinance No. 2307, Mooney seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Green River Partnership Rezone LRZ-80-2) . On June 1, 1981 the Council, on a 4 to 3 vote, approved the Hearing Examiner ' s recommendation to approve this rezone with nine conditions. A letter from Gordy Guinn was discussed at the workshop of August 10, 1981. At the August 17, 1981 Council meeting an additional condition was added and the matter was further discussed. MASTERS MOVED to adopt Ordinance 2 - September 8, 1981 REZONES No_2310 approving the Green River Partnership Rezone with the ten conditions. Mooney seconded. In re- sponse to Bailey' s questions, Mirk stated that it was his understanding that Gordy Guinn, the applicant, had agreed to the conditions imposed. Motion carried. ZONING CODE (REMOVED AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCILPERSON MASTERS) (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5I) New Zoning Code Format. The City Council reviewed the new Zoning Code format at the Council workshop on August 24, 1981 and agreed that the Planning Commission and Planning Department should proceed with the performance standard concept. Masters stated that she wished to ascertain that this was indeed a concept and Harris clarified that it was . MASTERS MOVED to approve Consent Calendar Item I, Mooney seconded. Motion carried. HOUSING & (REMOVED AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCILPERSON MASTERS) COMMUNITY (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5G) DEVELOPMENT King County Block Grant Consortium. Authorization is requested for the Mayor to sign the agreement with King County under which Kent will continue to be part of the King County Block Grant Consortium. In response to Masters ' questions, Mayor Hogan noted that this was simply a routine written form in which the City expresses its wish to remain part of the Consortium. Bailey noted that this was discussed at the last work session. MASTERS MOVED to approve Consent Calendar Item 5G, Mooney seconded. Motion carried. KING COUNTY (REMOVED AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCILPERSON MASTERS) GENERAL (CONSENT' CALENDAR ITEM 5J) DEVELOPMENT King County General Development Guide Draft 2 Review. GUIDE The City Council reviewed the King County General Development Guide Draft 2 at the Council workshop on August 24, 1981, which included comments by the Planning Commission. King County policy statements and recommendations made by the Planning Commission are presented for further review and discussion. Masters questioned whether this matter would be discussed at greater length. Harris noted that it had been discussed at the work session but that it could be discussed at another workshop. He noted that the Council had been provided with the Planning Commission recommendations. Masters stated that - 3 - September 8 , 1981 KING COUNTY while she did not disagree with what the Planning GENERAL Commission had done, she would like further dis- DEVELOPMENT cussion and MOVED for further consideration at the GUIDE September 14 workshop. McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. SPECIAL Pohl Special Use Combining District (CD-SU-81-1) . USE The Richard Pohl Special Use Combining District COMBINING application to remove approximately 30,000 cubic DISTRICT yards of soil material from property located at 22320 88th Avenue S. was heard by the Hearing Examiner on August 11, 1981. The Examiner has recommended approval subject to conditions as noted in the Findings. MOONEY MOVED that the recommendation of the Hearing Examiner be approved and the City Attorney be instructed to prepare the necessary ordinance. Bailey seconded. Motion carried. RAILROAD (REMOVED AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCILPERSON MOONEY) FRANCHISE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5F) Union Pacific Railroad Franchise. An ordinance providing permission for, and controls on, opera- tion of trains across S. 196th in Southcenter Corporate Park was introduced at the August 17th meeting and is scheduled for adoption at this - meeting. Carolyn Larson, representing the Union Pacific Railroad, noted that questions were being raised with regard to Section 3 of the ordinance as presented, regarding signalization. She noted that that section requires the Railroad to pay for crossing protection devices "as prescribed by the City from time to time or as required by applicable public authorities. " She suggested that this word- ing could be interpreted as stating that the City did not need the WUTC authority to require signali- zation. She noted that the present wording could require the railroad to pay for any level of crossing deemed necessary by the City without the right to a hearing before the WUTC. Mirk noted that he had discussed the matter with Ms . Larson and that the ordinance as presently worded was not enforceable, and suggested that the language be changed to clarify this point. He suggested that the following change be made to Section 3 : 4 - September 8, 1981 RAILROAD Section 3. The grantee shall pay the entire cost FRANCHISE and expense of constructing, installing and main- taining advance warning signs and whatever ANY crossing and protective devices Grantee-may-be �ee�t���ee�-te-��sta1l--as-p�ese��l�ed-bp-tke-Eit� €�exq-tte-to-t€xqe-sue-as required OR AUTHORI7,ED by applicable public authorities; provided, however. . . . " Mirk also noted that Uplands has concurred with the proposed change. HAMILTON MOVED to adopt Ordinance No. 2309, McCaughan seconded. Mirk explained for Masters the procedure involved with respect to any future protective devices to be installed at cross- ings. Motion carried . OUT OF Housing & Community Development. The Planning :,.,>:..rt- STATE ment has submitted a request for Keri Adams, Neighbor- TRAVEL hood Planner for Housing & Community Development, to attend a Downtown Revitalization Conference in Port- land, Oregon. MOONEY MOVED to approve the request for Out of State travel , J. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. ARTS Mayor Hogan noted that Nancy Carpenter had notified - COMMISSION her that two members of the Arts Commission would be retiring. She asked r_hat suggestions for replace- ments be directed to the Mayor or to Maurine Curran. LIBRARY Mayor Hogan noted that Bill Stewart ' s term on the BOARD Library Board will soon expire and that there would be a vacancy to be filled. POLICE Employment of Jail Project Coordinator. The Public Safety Committee has reviewed the position of Jail Project Coordinator with the Chief of Police relative to the establishment of a salary range for that posi- tion. It is the recommendation of the Public Safety Committee that the salary range be established at 40E. In the Council ' s previous action to accept State funding for the project, authorization was granted to hire a Project Coordinator. Funding for the position will be provided in total through the grant. MASTERS MOVED that the issue be discussed. Mooney seconded. Bailey noted that the motion as presented was the result of the discussion that was held by the Public Safety Committee. He suggested - 5 - September 8, 198.1 POLICE that unless there was a question on the salary range there should be no problem with establishing the position. He also noted that the position was necessary in order to proceed with the establishment of the committee to review whether or not there would be a new jail facility, whether the existing facility would be remodeled, or whether nothing would be done. Bailey also pointed out that it was necessary to have the individual ' s name to submit to the NIC in order to make arrangements for the coordinator to attend the conference in Boulder to November. Masters sug- gested that the minutes of the Public Safety Committee meetings did not contain this information and expressed concern over the City making such a commitment without all the facts and that there should be some clarifica- tion with a view to determining whether or not we really need our own jail. Bailey stated that the decision about the jail had not been made and that all the City ' s needs and requirements would be re- viewed, that the City was obligating no funds and that it was impossible to proceed with the plans as proposed without establishing the position. In response to Mayor Hogan' s question as to the role of the coordinator, Cushing noted that the coordinator would be working with the architect and would be the staff contact person. He also noted that plans were going to be developed and that a report would probably be made at the next Council meeting. He noted that the coordinator would also be working with the Citi- zen' s Committee to make sure we are complying with all the requirements of the grant and analyzing whether we should build a new jail, add to the exist- ing facility or contract with the County. Cushing stated that only after a specific report was received would the Council decide what to do and that all costs are reimbursable. MASTERS WITHDREW THE MOTION TO DISCUSS, Mooney the second. MOONEY MOVED that the salary range for the Jail Project Coordinator be established at 40E, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. PERSONNEL (CONSENT CALENDARITEM 5K) Teamsters Union Standby Agreement (1981-1984) . AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign a labor agreement relative to compensation for standby duty for the period January 1, 1981 through December 31, 1984. 6 - September 8, 1981 PARKS & Six Year Capital Improvement Plan and Application For RECREATION 7AC Fundir�a. In order for the Parks Department to apply for State grant-in-aid assistance to acquire an East Hill Community Park adjacent to Kent-Meridian High School, it is necessary for the Council to adopt an updated Six Year Capital Improvement Plan and a Resolution authorizing the application for funding assistance from IAC. HAMILTON MOVED that the Six Year Capital Improvement Plan for park acquisition and development be approved together with Resolution No. 932 authorizing the City to apply for funding assistance from the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation for a community park on the East Hill of Kent. Bailey seconded. Hamilton stated that he did not recall discussion about a Six Year Capital Improvement Plan and questioned whether this plan was being changed to satisfy the requirements of the request for funding. Barney Wilson responded that the Capital Improvement Plan has to be updated every six years . He noted that he had anticipated waiting until the new Comprehensive Park Plan was completed but that it was necessary to get a temporary six year improvement plan together at this time and that this had been approved by IAC. In response to Masters ' questions, he noted that the priorities were established by looking at the plan devised 10 years a.go and then considering the growth of the community, Forward Thrust programs and the needs of the community. He stated that the possibility of completing a project, such as this one, increased the priority rating of the project. He also noted that there was the possibility of keeping other projects moving upward in prioriti- zation. Masters referred to the $3 ,000, 000 for the Riverfront Green Belt, the park on the West Hill and other projects which have previously appeared on the list. Wilson pointed out that the Riverfront Green Belt acquisition was to be part of a bond issue for King County and that it is still felt to be a worthwhile project. Masters questioned what would happen should the bond issue fail and whether the project would be lost. Wilson suggested that this land acquisition would always hold a high priority. Masters noted that the memo from Wilson regarding this item states that authorization of this application does not bind the City in any way and asked that this be made a part of the record. There was no further discussion and the motion carried. 7 - - ,.777.,� V i September 8, 1981 Hall and City Shops. CITY HALL/ Bids Alterations to the City y � CITY SHOPS Bids were received on this project at 3 : 00 p.m. on September 3, 1981 as follows : Pioneer Construction $185, 287 Norge Construction 192, 864 Mayer Construction 184, 442 Poe Construction 169, 231 Haight Construction 159, 590 Architect' s Estimate $165,799 Cushing stated that the recommendation was to award the contract to the low bidder, Haight Construction and to include two alternates : repairing the exterior wall of the 3rd floor conference room which has been leaking and causing damage to the second floor and to refinish some of the interior doors. McCAUGHAN MOVED that the bid for the City Hall/City Shops Alterations be awarded to Haight Construction in the amount of $172 , 745. Mooney seconded. Cushing noted that it had not been determined how many doors would be refinished. Motion carried. COUNCIL Finance & Personnel . J. Johnson reported that the COMMITTEES Finance Committee had been introduced to Mary Ann Johnson, the new Word Processing Supervisor , who had explained some of the capabilities of the operation. Association of Washington Cities. J. Johnson noted that a Mini-Convention of the AWC would be held on September 25 in Bellevue and those councilpersons wishing to attend should arrange to do so. National League of Cities . It was reported by J. Johnson that the National League of Cities Convention would be held in Detroit in late November and that registrations should be processed now. Public Works Committee. Mooney stated that the Public Works Committee would meet on Wednesday morning at 8 :15 o 'clock a.m. and that the subjects under discussion included garbage, the water supply status and the drainage ditch. He noted that representatives from Auburn and Drainage District #1 would be in attendance. 8 - _ i September 8, 1981 COUNCIL Parks Committee. Bailey reported that the Parks COMMITTEES Committee had met in a special session last week with the consultants for the survey and it was determined that a telephone survey would be done. Bailey also noted that the Parks Committee would meet Wednesday morning, September 16, at 8: 00 o 'clock a.m. , and that a meetin ; would be held at 9 : 30 a.m, on September 9 at the Kent Commons to select the finalist for the sculpture for the Kent Commons . FINANCE LID 288 Segregation Request. It was noted that approval had been given to the four segregation requests in LID 288 made by Joel Benoliel , attorney for Jack A. Benaroya Company on August 17 , 1981, and that the necessary resolution had now been pre- pared. HAMILTON MOVED to adopt Resolution No. 933 directing the Supervisor of Treasury Accounting to make the segregation of Assessment #1 in LID 288 . Bailey seconded. Motion carried. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5B) Payment of Bills . APPROVAL of the payment of the bills received through September 2, 1981 after audit- ing by the Finance Committee at its meeting at 3 : 00 p.m. on September 1.5, 1981 . ADJOURNMENT HAMILTON MOVED to adjourn the meeting at 8 : 30 o'clock p.m. , Mooney seconded. Motion carried. A closed session to discuss labor negotiations followed. Marie Yen. CMC City Clerk 9 -