HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 01/05/1981 Kent, Washington January 5, 1981 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8: 00 o 'clock p.m. by Mayor Hogan. Present: Mayor Hogan, Council- persons Hamilton, B. Johnson, J. Johnson, Masters and McCaughan, City Administrator Cushing, City Attorney Mirk, Planning Director Harris and City Engineer Gill substituting for Public Works Director Wickstrom. Councilpersons Bailey and Mooney were absent because of illness. Also present: Administrative Assistant Webby, police ewChief Skewes and URS representative Ramsey. Approximately people P in attendance at the meeting. CONSENT MASTERS MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A through CALENDAR M be approved, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5A) Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular meeting of December 15, 1980 and special meetings of December 11, 1980 and December 22, 1980. HEALTH & (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5D) SANITATION Bill of Sale - Kent Corporate Park Phase I. ACCEPTANCE of the Bill of Sale and Warranty Agreement for approximately 175 feet of sanitary sewer extension constructed in the vicinity of S. 224th Place and 72nd Avenue S . for Kent Corporate Park Phase I for continu- ous operation and maintenance and RELEASE of the cash bond after the expiration of the one year guaranty period and payment of outstanding bills against the project. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5E) Bill of Sale - Northwest Distribution Center. ACCEPTANCE of the Bill of Sale and Warranty Agreement for approximately 576 feet of water main extension and 185 feet of sanitary sewer extension constructed in the vicinity of 72nd Avenue S . and S . 212th Street for Northwest Distribution Center for continuous operation and maintenance and RELEASE of the cash bond after expiration of the one-year guaranty period and payment of outstanding bills against the project. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5J) LID 295 - 104th Place S .E. Sanitary Sewers (S.E. 224th to S .E. 222nd. ) ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 226 con- firming � — the Final Assessment Roll for LID 295 for which a hearing was held on December 15, 1980. - l - January 5, 1981 HEALTH & (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5L) SANITATION LID 293 EVH Utility Improvements (S 212th - S.192nd) ._ ACCEPTANCE of the certification of the City Treasurer that $19, 340.83 in assessments were collected during the 30-day interest-free period and that the remaining unpaid assessments total $41, 391.59. STREETS (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5K) LID 288 EVH Street Improvements (5. 212th - S.192nd)_. ACCEPTANCE of the certification of the City Treasurer that $98, 940.65 in assessments was collected during the 30-day interest-free period and that the remaining unpaid assessments total $319, 151.30. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5C) Bill of Sale - Sunset vista Condominiums . ACCEPTANCE of the Bill of Sale and Warranty Agreement for approxi- mately 764 feet of street improvements constructed in the vicinity of S . 248th Street and Pacific Highway S . for the Sunset vista Condominiums for continuous opera tion and maintenance and RELEASE of the cash bond after the expiration of the one-year guaranty period and pay- ment of any outstanding bills against the project. WATER (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5M) Geological Services for Water Consortium (Kent, W.D. 105 and W.D. 111} . AUTHORIZATION for the Public Works Director to issue the notice to proceed with the pro- posal received from Anderson & Kelly for geological services for the Consortium with respect to the develop- ment of ground water resources. The proposal outlines the scope of their activities which they estimate would not exceed $40, 000. Water Districts 105 and 111 have reviewed this proposal and approved the same. RAILROAD (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5F) CROSSINGS James Street - Union Pacific Railroad Crossing. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign the City/County Railway Agreement which has been received from the Union pacific Railroad reflecting new estimates. The new total project cost is $157, 073.00. Federal fund- ing approval has been received for 90% of the original estimate of $61, 500 and a supplemental request for additional funds is being submitted. 2 - January 5, 1981 RAILROAD (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5G) CROSSINGS S . 228th Street - Union Pacific Railroad crossing. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign the City County Railway Agreement which has been received from the Union Pacific Railroad reflecting new estimates. The new total project cost is $155, 157. Federal funding approval has been received for 900% of the original estimate of $61, 500. A supplemental request for addi- tional funds is being submitted. TRAFFIC (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5H) CONTROL 76th/77th Ave. Speed Limit Changes . ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 2265 changing the speed limit from the existing 25 MPH to 35 MPH on 77th Avenue S. from S . 212th Street to S . 206th Street and continuing on 76th Avenue S . from S. 206th Street to the cul-de-sac located on 76th Avenue S . at S. 196th Street extended. The change in the speed limit is the result of a speed survey completed by the Traffic Engineering Department on 76th Avenue S . Masters concurred that the change was advisable under an Administrative determination. FRANCHISE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 51) Washington Natural Gas Agreement. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 2267 granting the franchise agreement under which the Washington Natural Gas Company con- structs and maintains their natural gas lines within the City boundaries, which agreement expired in October, 1980. This franchise agreement was origi- nally negotiated and executed in 1930 and Washington Natural Gas Company has requested that the City renew this agreement. The Public Works Director has made minor modifications to the agreement which have been reviewed by the City Attorney and AUTHORIZA- TION is given for the Mayor to execute the agreement after acceptance by Washington Natural Gas Company. POLICE Health Services Contract - City of Kent Jail. Chief Skewes has requested authorization for the Mayor to sign a contract with the Seattle/King County Health Department to obtain health services for the Kent City Jail in order to meet State Jail Standards. The cost is $2, 800 for 1981 and the contract has been approved as to form by the City Attorney. MCCAUGHAN MOVED to authorize signing the contract as described, Masters seconded. Motion carried. 3 January 5, 1981 HOUSING & Community Development Block Grant Programs - Willis COMMUNITY Street Sidewalk Reconstruction and Pedestrian Walk- DEVELOPMENT way Improvement Phase V. Seven bids were received on this project on December 22, 1980 as follows : Bidder Amount Gary Merlino Construction $19, 089.00 H & B Cement Finishing Co. 19, 962.00 Valley Cement Construction 22, 374.80 Renton Construction Co. 24, 076.00 Concrete Contractors, Inc. 25, 162.50 LGS Construction 28, 708.00 Joong ' s Landscaping & Construction 40, 137.85 (Engineer ' s Estimate - $27, 676. 00) King County Housing & Community .Development have been informed of the low bid in the amount of $19, 089.00 which was received from Gary Merlino Construction and have received authority from the local HUD agency to award the contract. In accord- ance with the recommendation of the Public Works Director, B. J'OHNSON MOVED that the low bid of Gary Merlino construction in the amount of $19, 089 for the Willis Street Sidewalk Reconstruction and Pedestrian Walkway Improvements Phase V project be accepted, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. REZONE Oakhurst Development Rezone Request (RZ-80-4) . On December 15, 1980, consideration of the Hearing Examiner Pro Tem' s recommendation to approve this rezone was tabled. The application is for a parcel consisting of 4. 2 acres west of 116th S.E. for rezoning from R1-9.6 (Single Family Residential_) to MR-G (Garden Density Multi-Family) . The Hearing Examiner Pro Tem 's approval contains conditions as noted in the findings dated October. 8, 1980 and in are amendment to the findings issued November 5, 1980.. The matter was tabled to allow the City Attorney to determine whether an error in procedure had been made. The City Attorney, in a written state:-.ment, has declared that Hearing :Examiner Pro Tem Gat.h.e ' s decision was carefully and reasonably made. The statement has rbeen distributed to the Council. and has been made a pare of the record. 4 _, January 5 , 1981 REZONE MASTERS MOVED to remove this item from the table, B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. The conditions are as follows : 1) The applicant shali taha whatever steps are necessary to protect the natural features of the area from indiscriminate destruction in- cluding, but not limited to, the stream which runs Krough the property. The applicant shall. provide for drainage in such a way that dis- turbance of the natural channel both on site and downstream is xinimiye& Such a plan shall be presented at the time of the 5evelopment Plan Review meetinq. 2) (As amenQed) Applicant alyees to e%ecute a no protest !TD covenant with the City with re- gard to improvements on 116th venue. S .E. Applicant ' s respcnsAility fox said improve- ments shall be limited to such improvements that apply to and Are in front of appl&cant' s property. Said improvements shall satisfy any obligation of the applicant antler the aforementioned LID covenant. Sucn street improvement plans shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to issu- ance of the building permit ana the improvements completed by applicant priGr to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the dwelling on the property. 3) The site development plan shall be designed to provide maximum protection and buffering to the single-family residences adjacent to the property on the east . The Site plan shall consider the need to buffer the subject property on the west side where the sobjent property meets the Com- stock CM Apartwents , hs a minimum, Type II Landscaping shall be provided on the eastern and western perimeters of the subject property. MASTERS MOVED that the findings. and conclusions of the Hearing Examiner Pro Tem be adopted and that the rezone be approved with 7he conditions as stated. January 5, 1981 REZONE B. Johnson seconded. McCaughan suggested that a moratorium be declared on further rezones on the East Hill until the East Hill Plan is ri--viewed and that this matter be further discussed at a workshop. Masters concurred, and her mr.)tion carried. PUBLIC Police/Fire Merger. Cushing reported that the Public SAFETY Safety Study Committee had prepared a written report STUDY in two sections . ESection one, dealing with the ques- COMMITTEE tions posed by the Council, was then distributed to the Council and Cushing explained that the second section contained supportinci data, such as budgets, contracts, etc. and that the Council ' s Public Safety Committee could perhaps decide how much of this materia-L' the Council might.- -wish to go over. He noted that the Committee would probably want to consider the matter before it went to the Council as a whole . cushinc f further noted that -if merging the depart:mentz:', was to be considered, it. would have to be done i:3efore a new Fire Chief was selected. He stuteJ ;":eat a staff analysis and report could. be ready -for the Council Public Safety Committee by Ja-rkuar-1 16, and th.at after the Committee ' s consideration, the matter could be pre- sented at the workshop of January 26, 1981. It was determined that the Public --;dfety Committee would meet at 3 : 00 o 'clock p.at. or, Friday, January 2.6. McCaughan noted that the Citizen ' s ci)nuiiittee had sper)t- ,:_-onsiderabl t-: 1-nie on study and that they should be corranender_,' ., BUILDING Superior Fire Protec,Llion C'o, mii:k reported. that he PERMIT had been in Superirr Court for the past two days regarding the suit j<--ai-nsc- the Citv filed by Superior J Fire Protection Co fie LPo!-.ed that the Judge had ruled that since SupExioi: been told in 1979 that adequate dLainage (rust be provided c led for d 10-year storm, tl,at the- City coul.d not now require that provisions be made foe a 100-year storm. Mirk rioted that the rec,ommeridation of th,a St u.dj.c.s is for provision to be made fol: a Ile rioted further that: f-ho pond_ i j ol vva _, th-11 main coriC.ern and 1-hat. an 1-.11) r,3 r:,V,1dV . Mirk pointed out anuary 5, 1981 BUILDING that City Engineer Gary Gill had done well in his PERMIT research and testimony. McCaughan asked about the amount of equipment stored on the property and Mirk noted that the attorney for Mr. Bennett (one of the owners) had been contacted and would meet with the City soon. WEST HILL Donald Barnes of 2907 S . 244th. Street noted that he (AUDIENCE) represented numerous residents of the area, and had complaints about several things . Traffic _. Barnes suggested that. Kent declare compres- sion brakes illegal, rioting that most cities had such a law. He noted the parking problems on Highway 99 near the swap meet-, and suggested that the State be asked to post the Easy : .i.de of the highway as "Emer- gency Parking only. " Landfill - fie suggested that the landfills be re- quired to have automatic: igniters ors the standpipes. Barnes suggested that a guard be on duty 24 hours a day or that a citizen ' s conutittee be formed to enforce this . He noted that chemicals are being dumped; that the problem was not just methane gas ; and that the citizens were experiencing r-espi-,atory problems . Drainage Barnes stated that the City should take samples from the drainage ditch along the East side of Highway 99 near. Wi.di.ngs and near Sunset Floor, noting that the smel.:i was offensive, causing a health hazard , Chemical Spills - Barnes suggested that the City review the permits for Widing ' s operation. He noted that originally they were to have no chemicals or combustibles but that they had been allowed to put in. a wash house. HF= rioted that unless something is done the City could k1ave a .h.ealth lawsuit it and stated that there had been three chemical spills within the past 2 weeks, within 200 yards of his home. Police & E'i.re Protection -• Barnes stated that the area had better fireprotection before they became a part of the City, rioting that another cross street to the area was needed so that response time to the area 7 ._ January 5, 1981 WEST HILL could be cut. He noted the fire hazard caused by (AUDIENCE) all of the fast food places on the highway. Cushing noted that a response would be prepared for a Council- workshop. Barnes stated that-. the residents of the area wanted to be notified so they could attend. Mayor Hogan noted that Barnes would be advised as to when these matters would be scheduled for workshop discussion and asked if he had a list of the people he represented. Barnes said he did not and. that the City should send letters to all of the residents of the area.. B. Johnson noted that there was no permit for the Midway landfill and upon further questions from McCaughan, Mirk noted that lie had talked to Jim Curran, attorney for Romano, the owner. Mirk stated that if Romano does not: file an. application soon, he would ask that the matter scheduled before the Hearing Examiner. COUNCIL/STAFF Cushing noted that arrangements had been made for the WORKSHOP next Council./Staff workshop for January 29 . The meet- ing will be held at Green River Conariunity College starting at 9 : 00 a .m. and continuing to 4: 00 or 5: 00 p.m. SUBURBAN Cushing noted that the Suburban Mayors Association MAYORS would meet on Wednesday, January 7, 1.981. at the Green- ASSOCIATION wood Inn in Bellevue and that the topic would be "Metro in the 80s" , FINANCE (CONSENT C_ALENDkR ITEM 5B) Payment_ of Bill.s .. APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through January 5, 1981 after auditing by ..the Finance Com-ai-i-ttee at its meeting at 3 : 00 o 'clock p.m. on January .15, 1981 . ADJOURNMENT B. JOHNSON ghat the ateeting be adjourned at 8: 50 c ' clock p.m. , Hamilton seconded. Motion carried. Marie Jensen, ','-'MC City Clerk January 5, 1981 SCHEDULE OF MEETINGS January 8 - Monday 4: 00 o ' clock p.m. Special Council Meeting Valley Studies Hearings January 12 - Monday 4 : 00 o ' clock p.m. Special Council Meeting Valley Studies Hearings January 12 - Monday 7: 00 o 'clock p.m. Council Workshop Session January 13 - Tuesday 8: 15 o ' clock a.m. Public Works Committee in Council Chambers January 14 - Wednesday 8: 15 o ' clock a.m. Parks Committee Meeting in Council Chambers January 15 - Thursday 3 :00 o ' clock p.m. Finance Committee Meeting January 16 - Friday 3 : 00 o ' clock p.m. Public Safety Committee Meeting January 29 - Thursday Staff/Council Workshop - Green River Com- munity College - starting at 9: 00 o 'clock a.m. to 4: 00 or 5 : 00 o 'clock p.m. 9 -