HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 11/17/1980 Kent, Washington November 17 , 1980 In the absence of Mayor Hogan, the regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8: 00 o 'clock p.m. by Mayor Pro Tem. McCaughan. Present: Councilpersons Bailey, Hamilton, B. Johnson, J. Johnson, Masters, McCaughan and Mooney, City Administrator Cushing, City Attorney Mirk, Planning Director Harris and Public Works Director Wickstrom. Also present: Administrative Assistant Webby, Hearing Examiner Burke, Parks Director Wilson, Planning Commissioner Leahy and URS represent- ative Abed. Approximately 30 people attended the meeting. CONSENT BAILEY MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A through CALENDAR J be approved, B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5A) Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of November 3, 1980. HEALTH & (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5C) SANITATION Bill of Sale - Olympic Skyline Utility Extei.sion. ACCEPTANCE of the Bill of Sale & Warranty Agreement for continuous operation and maintenance for approx- imately 445 feet of sanitary sewer extension and approximately 1439 feet of water main extension constructed for Olympic Skyline in the vicinity of S. 235th and 100th Avenue S.E. and RELEASE of the cash bond after expiration of the one year guaranty period and payment of all outstanding bills against the project. STREETS (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5I) LID 300 - Crow Road & S . 260t.h Street Improvement. CORRECTED ��� +0 DOPTION of Ordinance No. 2253 V accepting Peoples it E • ational Bank' s offer to purchase revenue warrants MINUTES QF 12- /- �� t 8. 39% interest to provide interim financing for the subject project. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5J) LID 301 - S 252nd & Canyon Drive Street Improvement. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 2254 accepting the offer ___ of Peoples National Bank to purchase revenue warrants at 8 . 39% to provide interim financing for LID 301 . LID 294 - Guiberson Street Improvement. This date has been set for the public hearing on the confirm-, ation of the Final Assessment Roll for LID 294. - 1 - November 17, 1980 STREETS Public Works Director Wickstrom reviewed the project, noting that it was commenced in June of 1979 and at that time the project cost was estimated to be approx- imately $25, 000 . 00. He noted that the figure shown in the Final Assessment Roll totals $29, 736. 22 and represents a 19% increase in the anticipated cost due to increased engineering costs and other expenses. The public hearing was opened by Council President/ Mayor Pro Tem VcCaughan. The Clerk noted that letters of protest had been received prior to the meeting and furnished to the Council from Dorothy Boysen and from Margaret Hardy on behalf of William Kahn. A letter of protest presented at the Council meeting, signed by 11 property owners objecting to the cost of the project was also read by the Clerk. MASTERS MOVED that all letters be made a part of the record, Mooney seconded. Motion carried. In response to Masters ' request for an explanation as to the increase in the amount of costs, Wickstrom explained that the property owners were looking only at the construction costs or the lowest of the four bids received in the amount of $18 , 281. 74 . He explained that the difference re- sulted from the costs of interim financing to begin the project, that the project was 100% LID financed, and that the engineering costs were in excess of that estimated in 1979 . In response to B. Johnson' s question as to whether it was normal to have this much of a cost overrun, Wickstrom explained that on a small project such as this, any increase seemed sizable. Don Catlett rioted that the property owners felt that the assessments were out of line and sug- gested that the City should bear some of the costs. He also added that the property owners felt the engineering costs were too high. Wic Strom ex- plained that the LID had been allowed to proceed even though the street did not meet C ty standards either as to width or with regard to urbs and gutters. McCaughan further clarified that this was one of only two or three areas in the City where such leeway had been allowed. Wickstrom explained for Bailey that the problem was created because there was an unim- proved right of way, that one-half of the street was oil mat and it was felt that if the other half was brought up to a comparable quality this would help and that the LID was required to finish it all . Mooney noted that under the new Public Works Improvements Ordinance such a substandard street - 2 - November 17 , 1980 STREETS would not be allowed. Catlett suggested that there were few places in the City which had the unique situation which existed on Guiberson Street and noted that they did have a copy of the deed which was given when the street was deeded to the City in 1958; that no improvements have been made; and that the property owners were being improperly taxed for something that is unique. In response to questions, wickstrom noted that the street has never been accepted by the City for maintenance. Marie Miller, one of the parties who deeded the street to the City, noted that the City had never spent any money on street repairs. There were no further comments and B. JOHNSON MOVED that the hearing be closed, Hamilton seocnded. Motion carried. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the City Attorney be directed to prepare the ordinance confirming the Final Assessment Roll for LID 294 , Mooney seconded. Bailey stated that he was sympathetic to the property owners but that the City had no alternative because an exception had been made in this case to allow the street construction. Motion carried. LID 292 - 104th Avenue S .E. Street Improvement S.E. 235th to S .E. 2421d) . This date has been set or a pu lic hearing on the confirmation of the Final Assessment Roll for LID 292. Public Works Director Wickstrom pointed out the location of the project, noting that the total cost of G � $1 . 3 million dollars was a joint city/'County/ $ �� 5-State project and that the Final Assessment Roll �(pl .� totals $4- 6� �• He explained that the financ- ing for the project was 30% State, 12% County, 52% City nad 6% in assessments. The public hearing was opened by Mayor Pro Tem McCaughan. It was noted that a letter has been received from the Benson Plaza Veterinary Clinic regarding access driveways . MOONEY MOVED that the letter be trade a part of the record, Hamilton seconded. Motion carried. Wickstrom clarified for Bailey that before access driveways are cut an approved plan for development must be submitted to the City. There were no further comments and - 3 - November 17 , 1980 STREETS MOONEY MOVED that the hearing be closed, B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the City Attorney be directed to prepare the ordi- nance confirming the Final Assessment Roll for LID 292, Bailey seconded. Motion carried. TRAFFIC (CONSENT CALEN'AR ITEM 5D) CONTROL Traffic Signals at S 228th & 84th S. (City/County Agreement. ) AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign the City County Agreement for the signal installa- tion at S. 228th & 84th Avenue S. The project cost is estimated to be $100 , 000 and the agreement is for 90% funding of the project. REZONE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5E) Bonomi Rezone (RZ-80-5) . ACCEPTANCE of the recom- mendation of the Hearing Examiner to deny the re- quest to rezone property from HC, Highway Commercial, to GC, General Commercial, located at the southwest corner of S. 180th Street and SR 167 and containing 1.3 acres . PHASED (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5F) LAND Valley Studies Hearings. SETTING of the following DEVELOPMENT public hearing dates for the Valley Studies as special meeting dates for the City Council: Thursday, December 11, 1980 at 4 : 00 o'clock p.m. Thursday, December 18 , 1980 at 4 :00 o 'clock p.m. Monday, December 22 , 1980 at 7 : 00 o'clock p.m. FIRE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5G) DEPARTMENT Fire Department Equipment Purchase. APPROVAL of the $24 , 000 expenditure submitted by Acting Chief Free- love of the Fire Department for the purchase of equipment for the Department. The Fire Department returned six N. P.O. systems to the Grumman Company and has received a refund of which $24, 000 had been allocated to the Department from Federal Revenue Sharing funds. The proposal has been filed as a part of the record and was discussed at the November 7, 1980 workshop meeti..ng. PRELIMINARY (CONSENNT CALENDAR ITEM 5H) PLATS Evergreen Hills Preliminary Plat (SU-79-3) . APPROVAL of the request for a special one-year extension for the completion of this preliminary plat as requested 4 - November 17, 1980 PRELIMINARY by correspondence dated October 2, 1980 as recom- PLATS mended by the Planning and Public Works Departments. The plat has previously been extended to April 2 , 1981 and the additional extension is requested due to delays in the completion of LID 287. Hill-Raaum Preliminary Plat (SU-80-4) . On November 3, 1880 the Council set November 17, 1980 for a public meeting to accept, deny or modify the recom- mendation as set forth by the Hearing Examiner on the Hill-Raaum request for a two lot subdivision. Lot 1 is proposed to be 107, 681 square feet and Lot 2 is proposed to be 104 ,309 square feet. The Hearing Examiner recommendation is for approval with the following conditions: 1. Applicant shall provide gravity sanitary sewer service meeting City Ordinance requirements to each lot and provide details to the Engineering Department for review and approval . 2. Applicant shall provide public water service to all lots and shall provide the details to the Kent City Engineering Department for review and approval. 3. Applicant shall secure a State Flood Control Permit for the subject site prior to any recording. 4. Applicant shall provide by covenant on the face of the plat map the responsibility for the operating and maintenance of an onsite storm water detention system as required by the Kent City Surface Water and Drainage Code. 5. Applicant shall not protest an LID covenant for the construction of the East Side Green River Watershed project, also known as the Soil Conservation Service P-1 and P-2 Valley Drain- age Channel Project. MOONEY MOVED that the Hearing Examiner' s recommenda- tion be accepted. B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. - 5 - November 17 , 1980 PRELIMINARY Kenton Associates (King' s Place) Preliminary Plat PLAT (SU-80-1) . On November 3, 1980 the Council set November 17, 1930 for a public meeting to accept, deny or modify the recommendation as set forth by the Hearing Fxaminer on the Kenton Associates request to subdivide 19. 70 acres developed as a multi-family residential complex known as King's Place I and II into two separate lots of approxi- mately 10 plus and 9 plus acres. The Hearing Examiner ' s recommendation is for approval with the following conditions : 1 . The continuity of the existing development shall be maintained. There shall be no fences or other physical barriers constructed to separate the two existing multi-family complexes. 2. Existing private side sewers servicing more than one lot shall be upgraded to City standards and turned over to the City for operation and maintenance. All costs associated therewith shall be borne by the applicant. Included in the turnover, but not limited to, shall be as- built plans , utility easement(s) favoring City; Bill of Sale and a one-year guarantee and warranty bond. All above shall meet with Engineering Department approval. 3. Execute covenants which insure each lot equal rights and/or responsibilities for maintenance and operation of the total storm drainage sys- tem. Lxact language thereto shall be approved by the Engineering Department. 4. Grant private utility easements to each respec- tive lot where its private utilities lie within other properties. 5. Grant to the City storm water storageiand access rights to the existing storage pond located at the northeast corner of 108th Avenue and 240th Street. Included therein, but not limited to, shall be Bill of Sale, easement favoring the City, asbuilt plans for the inlet/outlet pipe. All of the above shall be submitted to the Engi- neering Department for review and approval. Exact language per said storage and access rights shall be determined by the Engineering Department. 6 - i November 17 , 1980 PRELIMINARY 6. Execute "No Protest" covenant for the full im- PLAT provement of 240th Street with pavement widen- ing, or reconstruction, cement concrete curb and gutter, storm drainage, cement concrete sidewalks, street lighting, underground power and other related appurtenances. 7. Execute covenants which insure that the traffic pattern or flow or layout which presently exists within the plat shall continue as such with the lots mutually sharing the same. Such covenants shall define the responsibility for the respec- tive operation and maintenance thereof. The covenants shall be submitted to the Engineering Department for review and approval. MASTERS MOVED that the Hearina Examiner' s recommend- ation be accepted, J. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. MILL CREEK Bids . The rebid opening on this project was held PARK & November 7, 1?80 with nine bids received as follows: DRAINAGE Amount PROJECT Bidder Scoccolo Construction $432, 778. 00 Don Gannon Construction 484,800. 00 Scarsella Brothers, Inc. 495, 605. 55 JIJ Construction Co. , Inc. 510,104. 00 Sea Con Corporation 546, 600 .00 Peninsula Block Mfg. Co. 565, 418 . 00 Constructors - Pamco 586, 000 . 00 Aldrich & Hedman, Inc. 588 , 812 . 00 Imco General Construction, Inc. 628, 200 . 00 It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director that the low bid received from Scoccolo Construction in the amount of $432 , 778 be accepted. In response to questions from McCaughan and Bailey, Wickstrom noted that there was presently $704 , 000 available for the project with the total costs estimated to be $658 , 000. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the bid be awarded to Scoccola Construction in accordance with the recommendation, J . Johnson seconded. Masters questioned whether the contractor was really awarc of the scope of the project and the revisions that 7 - November 17 , 1980 MILL CREEK were made to the plans and specifications and Wick- PARK & strom noted that all bidders were furnished with DRAINAGE the revised plans and specifications . Masters PROJECT asked if the quality of work of this contractor was known and it was determined by Abed that while they had no specific information on this, there was no reason to disqualify the contractor. Upon Masters ' questions, Wickstrom clarified that the contractor 's performance bond was in effect for the length of the contract plus one year and that the Council would receive periodic progress reports. The motion carried, with Masters and Mooney voting no. GARBAGE Request for Garbage Hauling Permit. Cushing noted that a letter from Robert Kitto, attorney for the owners of the KOA Seattle South Campground, request- ing permission for the owners to haul their own garbage, had been referred to the Public Works Department and a report would be forthcoming. PARKS & Colony Park Golf Course Purchase. It was noted that RECREATION a letter had been received from Lisa Bellamy, Kent- Meridian High School Senior, expressing her appreci- ation to the Council for the proposed acquisition of the Colony Park Golf Course. HOUSING & 1981 Housing & Community Development Joint Projects. COMMUNITY The City of Kent is asked to co-sponsor with the DEVELOPMENT City of Renton the following Joint Project Applications: Kent/Renton Self-Help Housing $66, 800 Lake Desire Day Lodge for Handicapped Adults Rehabilitation 70, 000 These proposals were discussed at the November loth workshop. The Self-Help Housing Project would develop eight units of housing, six of which would be low and moderate income owner-built and occupied. The Lake Desire Lodge would provide indoor facilities at South King County' s Activity Center 's Planned Horticultural Therapy site for handicapped adults. Frederick Barnes, Executive Director of Self-Help Housing Enterprises (SHHE) explained the program. 8 - November 17 , 1980 HOUSING & He answered Masters ' question regarding any con- COMMUNITY flict with labor unions and clarified for Hamilton DEVELOPMENT that the amount noted for salaries covered three staff persons. J. JOHNSON MOVED to approve co- soonsoring the Kent/Renton SHHE program, in the amount of $66, 800. Upon Masters ' further question, Barnes noted that this program was not affiliated with the King County Housing Authority. Masters spoke against approving the SHHE project for joint funding_ inasmuch as the future funding for block grants was not assured. Mooney noted Kent's work in the past through the King County Housing Authority and stated that two such programs were not necessary. Harris noted that the Planning Department favored supporting this program, noting that the program meets block grant criteria and that the program missed the dear'line for application for county funds. Keri Adams stated that the program has a built-in mechinism for future independence and that other programs are for subsidized rent, whereas this one would provide for ownership of the home by low to moderate income families. Bailey stated that the program would give an opportunity to people to acquire homes through their own labor and B. Johnson agreed in favoring the self-help aspect of this program. Motion carried with rlooney and Masters voting against. Lake Desire Day Lodge . J. JOHNSON MOVED to approve co-sponsoring the Kent/Renton Lake Desire Day Lodge project in the amount of $70, 000, Mooney seconded. Upon Masters ' question, Harris stated that follow-up information on both projects would be given to the Council . Motion carried unanimously. PERSONNEL Sewer/Water Dept. A letter has been received from the Department of Social & Health Services notifying the City that a Certificate of Competency is being issued to Robert M. Kristofferson as a Water Distribu- tion Manacaer 3, COUNCIL Budaet. It was noted that the Finance Committee COMMITTEES would meet Wednesday, November 19 , 1980 in the morn- ing with the Public Works Department and at 4 : 00 p.m. with the Finance Department. 9 - I COUNCIL Public Works . Mooney reported that the Public Works COMMITTEFS Committee would meet on Wednesdav morning , November 19 , 1980 at 8 : 15 a.m. COUNCIL National League of Cities Convention. McCaughan suggested that some direction be given to Council- person J . Johnsen prior to his attendance a-t- the NLOC Convention, particularly with regard to garbage incineration, presently under study for the City, and public safety matters . Bailey suggested that J. Johnson contact Mike Torre and Tim Leahy prior to his leaving, f_or an updated report on Kent' s garbage incineration feasibility study. SIDEWALKS Wickstrom reported that a proposed sidewalk ordinance has been prepared and furnished to the Public Works Committee. He asked that it be referred to the Council as a whole for study and consideration. FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5B) Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the bills received throurh November 18 , 1980 after auditing__ by the Finance Committee at its meeting at 3 : 00 o 'clock p.m. on December 1 , 1980 . ADJOURNMENT BAILEY MOVED that the meeting be adjourned at 9 : 00 o ' clock p.m. , B . Johnson seconded. Motion carried. Marie Jensen, CMC` City Clerk - 1.0 -