HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 11/03/1980 i
Kent, Washington
November 3, 1980
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at
8: 00 o'clock p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilpersons Bailey,
Hamilt.)n, B. Johnson, J. Johnson, Masters, McCaughan and Mooney,
City Administrator Cushing, City Attorney Mirk, Planning Director
Harris, Public Works Director Wickstrom and Finance Director
McCarthy. Also present: Parks Director Wilson and URS represent-
ative Abed. Approximately 20 people were in attendance at the
CONSENT B. JOHNSON MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A
CALENDAR through J be approved, Bailey seconded. Motion
SANITATION LID 293 - East Valley Highway Utilities (S. 212th
- S. 192nd. ) A.DOPTION of Ordinance No. 2252 con-
firming the Final Assessment Roll for LID 293, for
which the public hearing was held on October 20,
Bill of Sale - Reynolds Metals Can Plant Sanitary
Sewer Extension. ACCEPTANCE of the Bill of Sale
and Warranty Agreement for continuous operation
and maintenance for approximately 30 feet of 8"
sanitary sewer extension constructed for Reynolds
Metals Can Plant in the vicinity of 72nd Avenue S.
and S. 262nd and RELEASE of the cash bond after
expiration of the one year guaranty period.
LID 295 - Sanitary_ Sewer Improvements (104th Place
S.E. ) SETTING of a public hearing date of December
15, 1980 to consider confirmation of the Final
Assessment Roll for LID 295.
LID 295 - 104th Place S.E. Sanitary Sewer Improve-
ments. ACCEPTANCE of the contract of Rodarte Con-
struction as complete for the sanitary sewer im-
provements for 104th Place S.E. north of S.E. 224th
and RELEASE of the retainage upon receipt of the
necessary releases from the State. The project
was bid at $54, 790 . 22 and the total cost of con-
struction was $39, 532 . 19 .
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Nove:�ber 3, 1980
Garbage Recycling.
HEALTH & Bailey reported that he had attended a meeting
SANITATION held at the Kent Commons on October 30 with re-
gard to garbage recycling and noted that Mike
Torre and Tim Leahy had been appointed to the
Recycling Steering Committee.
West Hill Reservoir. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor
To sign the agreement for the formal grant offer
received from the Department of Social & Health
Services in the amount of $141, 690 for the West
Hill Reservoir project.
LID 288 - East Valley Highway Street Improvement
(S. 212th S. 192nd) . ADOPTION of Ordinance iNo.
2251 confirming the Final Assessment Roll for AID
288 for which the public hearing was held on
October 20, 1980.
LID 291 S 196th and Russell Road Street Improve-
ments. The public hearing on the formation of
th s LID was opened on August 4, 1980 and has
been subsequently held over several tim,� The
continued public hearing was opened by the Mayor.
The Council has received copies of letters from
Dave Uhrich of Upland Industries dated October 30,
1980 and October 31, 1980 addressed to Frederic
Dorkin of the Boeing Company. Mayor Hogan noted
that Boeing had agreed to the conditions of the
October 31st letter and that the Council had re-
ceived a copy signed by H. L. Blangy of Boeing.
B. JOHNSON MOVED that the letters be made a part
of the record, J. Johnson seconded. Motion carried.
MOONEY MOVED that the public hearing be closed,
Mastersseconded. Motion carried. McCAUGHAN MOVED
that Ordinance No. 2250 creating LID 291 be adopted,
J. Johnson seconded. Mooney expressed his apprecia-
tion to both the Boeing Company and Upland Industries
in reaching agreement with regard to the proposed LID
and MOVED that the letter agreement signed by the
Boeing Company and Upland Industries dated October 31,
1980 be made a part of the record and attached to
Ordinance No. 2250, Bailey seconded. Motion carried
with B. Johnson abstaining.
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November 3, 1980
STREETS LID 291 - S. 196th and Russell Road Street Improve-
ment Bids. Five bids were received on August 28,
1980 for this project as follows:
Bidder Amount
Frank Coluccio Construction Co. $ 897, 596. 57
Robison Construction Co. , Inc. 939, 754. 20
City Transfer 973,742. 40
Tri-State Construction 1,005,.499. 14
R. L. Alia Co. 1,017, 516.74
Four of the bids received were below the engineer 's
estimate of $1,017,485. 00. In accordance with the
recommendations of the Public Works Director,
MOONEY MOVED that the best bid of Frank Coluccio
Construction Company in the amount of $897, 596. 57
be accepted, Hamilton seconded. Motion carried.
PLATS King's Place Preliminary Plat (SU-80-1) Kenton
Associates. SETTING of a public meeting date +for
November 17, 1980 to consider the Kenton Associates
King's Place Preliminary Plat. The Hearing Examiner
has recommended approval with conditions.
Hill-Raaum Preliminary Plat (SU-80-4) . SETTING of
a public meeting date for November 17 , 1980 to con-
sider the Hill-Raaum Preliminary Plat. The Hearing
Examiner has recommended approval with conditions.
Pay N Pak Preliminary Plat (SU-80-3) . On October 20,
1980 the Council set this date for a public meeting
to accept or deny the recommendations as set forth
by the Hearing Examiner on the Pay N Pak Distribution
Center request for subdivision of Lot 1 of the Mil-
waukee Short Plat into two parcels. If the Council
wishes to change the recommendations of the Hearing
Examiner, a public hearing date must be set for this
matter. The Hearina Examiner recommends approval
with the following conditions:
1. Deed to the city for street and utility purposes,
ten feet of property paralleling and abutting 72nd
Avenue S. for the entire plat frontage thereon.
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November 3, 1980
PRELIMINARY 2. Execute a no protest LID covenant for the im-
PLATS provement of 72nd Avenue S . to 36-foot wide
asphalt concrete pavement, cement concrete
curb and gutter, cement concrete sidewalk (one
side) , storm drainage, street lighting, under-
ground power and related appurtenances.
3. Grant to the city a 40 foot easement for storm
drainage purposes along and abutting 72nd Ave-
nue S. for the entire plat frontage. Said 40
feet shall be in addition to and easterly of
the ten feet deeded for street and utility
4. Provide to the city asbuilt plans of the exist-
ing drainage channel which presently parallels
72nd Avenue S. Said asbuilt plans shall start
at the south property line of the plat and
shall terminate at the Green River. Submit
said plans to the Engineering Department for
review and approval.
5. Upgrade the existing water system , meet requirE
fire flows as determined by the City of Kent Fire
Marshal. Submit detailed plans for said upgrad-
ing to the Engineering Department for review and
6. Construct storm drainage servicing all lots
meeting City of Kent Storm Drainage Code. Sub-
mit detailed plans thereof to the Engineering
Department for review and approval.
7. Construct gravity sanitary sewer service to all
lots. Submit detailed plans thereof to the
Engineering Department for review and approval.
McCAUGHAN MOVED that the Hearing Examiner' s recommend-
ations for the Pay N Pak Preliminary Plat be accepted,
Bailey seconded. Motion carried.
STREET Southcenter Corporate Park Cul-de-Sac Vacations. On
VACATIONS August 4, 1980 the Council adopted Resolution No. 906
setting September 2, 1980 for a public hearing for
the Union Pacific Land Resources Corporation request
for vacation of two cul-de-sacs located in the South-
4 -
3 , 1980
STREET center Corporate Park Plat. The request was con-
tinued to October 6 , 1980 in order to refer the
matter to the Public Works Committee. On October
6, 1980 the Council moved to continue the hearing
to November 3 , 1980 to be heard in conjunction
with Upland' s additional request for vacation of
Lots 2 through 11 of Block 2 of Southcenter Corpor
ate Park. The public hearing was opened by the
Mayor. Gene Smith of Puget Power addressed the
meeting, noting that Puget Power has facilities
that will be affected by Lots 2 through 11 of Block
2 of Southcenter Corporate Park. He asked that a
utility easement be reserved for Puget Power and
included as part of the conditions for th . vacation
approval . Dave Uhrich of Upland Industry:z not-ed
that they had no objections to this request..
McCAUGHAN MOVED that the letter from Howard A.
Strong, covering Puget Power ' s request be made a
part of the record, Masters seconded. Mcion
carried. After discAsion, it was determined
that the recommended conditions for the prcposed
vacations are as follows : (Addition to condition
E underlined) (Erroneous references to S" , 196,th
in Conditions C, D and E have been colri.ected to
S. 192nd)
A) Retain all existing utility and drainage ease-
ments denoted on the plat affectinq said parcels.
B) Provide additional easements to and favoring
the City for drainage purposes on Lots 3 and 4
from West Valley Road to existing westerly 192nd.
Street cul-de-sac. Exact width and local -on to
be determined by the City Engineering Department.
C) Retain utility and drainage easements favoring
City on northerly 192nd Street cul-de-sac.
Exact widths and locations to be determined.
by City Engineering Department.
D) Reconstruct 66th Avenue in vicinity of S. 192nd
Street cul-de-sac and S . 194th Street cul-de-sac,
eliminating their appearance of a city street.
Submit detailed plans thereof to the Engineering
Department for review and approval .
',m:_�iember 3 , 1980
STREET E) Retain all dedicated properties withj_J_r. the D'11---at
VACATIONS which affect these parcels except that ded-icated
for 192nd Street cul-de-sac and 194th Street cul-
de-sac , said cul-de-sacs to retain the -cespective
westerly 10 ' thereof for utility purposes ,
F) Access to the new Block 2 from West Valley High.-
way shall be restricted to one ingress-egress
driveway and it shall be restricted to right
turns only. The exact location thereof shall
be subject to review and approval by the Engineer-
ing Department. The design of said ingress-egress
driveway shall include deacceleration anta .-.cc-eler-
ation lane provisions. Plans thereof s.Pa11__1 be
included with any development applicatir)n on the
affected parcels proposing to utilize said one
ingress-egress driveway and said plans shall be
subject to review and approval by the Engine.e...ring
There were no further comments and MOONED?' MOVED that
the hearing be closed. B. Johnson seconded. Motion
carried. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the Sol). lvi, inter
Corporate Park requests for vacation oF cal-de-sacs-
and Lots 2 through 11 of Block 2 of Southcerter Cor-
porate Park be approved as outlined and for the City
Attorney to draft the ordinance. Moon«y seconded.
Motion carried.
ACQUISITION Colony Park Golf Course. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the
OF PROPERTY Mayor be authorized to ;sign the necessary documenr.,,.:�
to acquire the Colony Park Golf Course property in
accordance with the terms and conditions of "-A"Le
Earnest Money Agreement and that the Earnest Money
Agreement be made a part of the record. Hamilton
seconded. Motion carried.
SEPA State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Policies ,
POLICIES The Planning Director has noted that actions related
to Environmental Impact Statements must reference
existing City policies , codes and ordinances if such
conditions are to be applied to a project through
an EIS. Mirk noted that passage of a resolution
was unnecessary since the guidelines were established
by State policy and Kent was therefore not implement-
ing any new guidelines .
November 3 , 1 9 R O
COUNCIL Public Works . Mooney reported that the Public.
COMMITTEES tqorkEj OMMT.T_tee would meet on Wednesday morninq,
November 5 , 1980 at 8 : 14 a .m.
Parks Committee. Bailey noted that the Parks
woull meet on Thursday morning, November
6 , 1980 at 0K a .m. at which time the budget
would be discus3ed.
Public Safety. B. Johnson reported that the Public
Safety Committee would meet on Friday, November 7 ,
1980 at 4 : 00 p.m. at which time the Fire Department
budget would be the subject of discussion.
Suburban [, ayor.s Association meeting. Cushing re-
minded the Council that the Suburban Mayors Associ-
ation dinner meetino was scheduled at H. D. Hotspurs
on November 5, 1980 .
Ap=val__ of Bills . APPROVAL of payment of the bills
received throlgh- November 3 , 1980 after auditing
by the Finance Committee at its meeting at 3 : 30
p.m. on Nnvember 14 , 1980 ,
EXECUTIVE The meetino adjourned to executive session at 8 : 25
SESSION p.m. , reconvened at 8 : 35 p.m. and was immediately
Marie Jensen, CMC
City Clerk