HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 10/20/1980 Kent, Washington October 20, 1980 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8:00 o'clock p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilpersons Bailey, Hamilton, B. Johnson, J. Johnson, Masters, McCaughan and Mooney, City Administrator Cushing, City Attorney Mirk, Planning Director Harris and Public Works Director Wickstrom. Also present: Admini- strative Assistant Webby, Parks Director Wilson, and URS represent- ative Abed. Approximately 20 people were in attendance at the meeting. PROCLAMATIONS United States Day. A proclamation was read by the Mayor declaring October 24, 1980 as United States Day and urging citizens to demonstrate their faith in themselves and in this nation by flying the American flag at their homes and businesses on that day. National React Month. The Mayor read a proclama- tion declaring the month of November, 1980 as NATIONAL REACT MONTH in the City of Kent, noting that REACT (Radio Emergency Associated Citizens Teams) participate as volunteers to provide high- way safety and emergency communications using their own CB radios in their local communities. CONSENT B. JOHNSON *1OVED to approve Consent Calendar CALENDAR Items A through L. J. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5A) Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of October 6, 1980. HEALTH & LID 293 - Final Assessment Roll Confirmation. SANITATION This date has been set for the confirmation of the Final Assessment Roll for LID 293. This pro- ject consists of 8-inch sanitary sewers and 10- inch water mains within an area approximately 465 feet north of S. 208th Street to a point approximately 400 feet south of S. 192nd Street. Public Works Director Wickstrom described the prorject, noting that this LID was formed to pro- vide utility services to those properties not presently served. He noted that some of these properties were developed before the LID was formed and therefore some of the developers - 1 - October 20, 1980 HEALTH & picked up the costs for the utility services. SANITATION Wickstrom also clarified that LID 293 was 1000 property owner financed and noted that the costs for the sewer portion were approximately $39, 000 and approximately $22, 000 for the water portion. LID 293 The public hearing was opened by the Mayor. MASTERS MOVED that the letter received from Arnold Carlson pertaining to both this LID and LID 288 be made a part of the record., J. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. There was no other correspondence and no further comments and J. JOHNSON MOVED that the hearing be closed, Bailey seconded. Motion carried. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the Citv Attorney be directed to draft the ordinance confirming the Final Assess- ment Roll for LID 293, McCaughan seconded. motion carried. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5F) Bill of Sale Uplands Corporate Park Plat Utility Extensions. ACCEPTANCE of_ the Bill of Sale and Warranty Agreement for approximately 1326 feet of water main extension, 809 feet of sanitary sewer_ extension, and 1242 feet of street improvements constructed for Upl-ands Corporate Park in the vicinity of 72nd Avenue S . and S . 2284Ch Street for continuous operation and maintenance and RELEASE of the cash bond after expiration of the one year guaranty period and payment of anv )out - standing bills agains-C the project. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5n) Bill of Sale - Manz Addition Sewer Extension. ACCEPTANCE of the Bill of Sale and Warranty Agree- ment for continuous operation and maintenance for 318 feet of sanitary sewer extension constructed for the Manz Addition Plat .in the vicinity of S.E. 224th and 104th Avenue S.E. and RELEASE of the cash bond after expl1 ration of_ the guaranty period and payment of any outstanding bills against the project. - 2 - October 20, 1980 HEALTH & (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5H) SANITATION Bill of Sale - Uplands Valle Industrial Center Short Plat. ACCEPTANCE of the Bill of Sale and Warranty Agreement for 2, 036 feet of street im- provements and miscellaneous utilities constructed for the Uplands Valley Industrial Center Short Plat in the vicinity of N. 4th and S. 228th for continuous operation and maintenance and RELEASE of the cash bond after expiration of the guaranty period and payment of any outstanding bills against the project. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5I) Kentview Utility Extensions. ACCEPTANCE of the Bill of Sale and Warranty Agreement for continuous operation and maintenance of 1370 feet of water main extensions, 2330 feet of sanitary sewer ex- tensions and 1120 feet of street improvements con- structed for the Kentview Plat in the vicinity of 94th Avenue S . and S . 238th Street and RELEASE of the cash bond after expiration of the guaranty period and the payment of any outsanding bills against the project. STREETS LID 288 - Final Assessment Roll Confirmation. This date has been set for the public hearing on the con- firmation of the Final Assessment Roll for LID 288 . Wickstrom noted that the project consists of improve- ments to 84th Avenue S . (East Valley Highway) from S. 212th Street to S. 192nd Street by construction of a 59-foot wide street with asphalt pavement, con- crete curbs and gutters , storm drainage, sidewalks, trees and underground power. Wickstrom noted that the City had picked up a portion of the cost of the improvement and that any protests received could be reviewed at this time or deferred to the workshop. He noted that any appeal for review by the Superior Court must be filed within ten days of the effective date of the confirming ordinance. He explained the method of financing and noted that of the total cost of the project in the amount of $2, 650 ,193 . 10, the portion to be paid by the property owners was $418 , 092 or approximately 15. 8% of the project. He explained the method of assessment to the various property owners and noted that only two protests were received. The public hearing was opened by Mayor 3 - 20 , 1980 STREETS Hogan. MASTERS MOVED that the letters of protest - received from LFR Knudson Company and Arnold Carl son be made a part of the record, Hamilton seconded . motion carried. In response to questions from Harlan Bull , Wickstrom clarified that the method of assessing the property owners was divated into three sections and referred specifically to Bull ' s questions regarding Assessments NO. 28 and No. 32 and the difference in determininu the cost. He LID 288 also noted that the city was stiji waiting for a (JAB award to cover a portion of the con possible struction costs and that if this was not forthcom.- inc: the City would be picking up that porUcn Of the costs� In response to Bailey ' s question re- garding the problems referred te in the letter from Arnold Carlson regarding drainage and loss Df busi- ness, Wickstrom noted that Carlson had been potified that the City could not compensate b_:m for any loss of business. With regard to the drai naae problem, he noted that the city had installed a catch basin of Carlsor ' s propert; ­ on the southwest corner There were no further comments anci B. JOHNSON MOVED that the hearing tc closed, Mooney se" ode d' Motion carried. McCAUGHAN MOVED that she City Attorney directed to draft tne ordinance confirming the poll for LTD 28P , Hamilton seconde Final Assessment. Motion carried. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5C) Street 1,.n.-,.cuvements M-E, LID 292 - 104th Avenue S-E , ---as SETTIC �jovember 1 235th tom-S.072420F - M7'�� the hearing dati"76FAhe Final Assessme')t Rn? " for LID 292 . LID 291 Formation - 1-n- rovements to S . 196th Street ��ja J7lev Highway, The public Yi3mAnsiell _o___1esT ig ..._RoaT_�7 W LID was opened on cj 6n Of this arinT on- 1980 and was subsequentO continue! to the August 4 , 1980 meeting, to the Octcber 6 , 198() September 15, Bids for the pro-- meeting, and then to this date, A copy of the Sep— LID 291 been heid over- j;ct have also _ j � Fork :, 70mmitnee meetina has been, tember 24th Pub] i! and made a part Jf the distributed to the Counc of a jetter from Oaqe Uhrich record as well an a cOPY of upland Industnies requesting that the heaLlnq he 3 , continued to the Council meeting of November 1980 ­ BAILEY MOVED to continue the hearing tc) November 1, B. ,Johnson seccnded. motion carried. 4 October 20, 1980 STREETS Bids Maple Street Asphalt Overlay er:lay and Storm Drainage Improvements (Reiten Road - Woodland Way,L:_ Eight bids were received on October 1.4 , _80 forthis project as follows : Robison Construction $ , 24 ,247 , 03 Gary Merlino 90, 791. 00 Di Orio Co. 93 , 802 . 00 Frank Coluccio 99, 868 _ 59 Tri State 100z477 95 Valley Cement 103, 407. ')0 R. W. Scott Const. 1.06,379 , 00 Kohl Excavators 121, 837.. 00 The Engineer' s estimate was $97, 0687. 00 . The Public Works Director has reviewed the scope of the project and upon reallocating the funds a.,s noted in his memo which has been furnished to the Counci,l and made a part of the record , JI.t is his recomme-P..dation that the low bid of $84 , 247 , 03 -received from Robison Construction he accepted. -MASTERS !,!()1f7'C;P, that the funds be reallocated as noted in ti-;­ zind that the bid of Robison Construction in amount. of $84 ,247. 03 for the Maple Street Aspha],.J: 0-Verlay Pro-- ject be accepted. MI-Caughan seconde,,"J ,, Plotion carried. Bids - Fraqer Road Brid e Approacha-+,- ,S. 212th. Four bids were received 'on this projert Septembber 30, 1980 as follows - 3 M. A. Segale, Inc. $ R_ 178 . 010 Valley Cement '`6 , 459 . 68 Daley' s Dump Truck Service IC4 , 047 . 00 5 Scarsella Bros. - The Director of Public Works has revi(,awed -"Lhe bids received and the scope of the project., W:'kth the reallocation of funds as noted in the rine-ato provided to the Council and made a part of the record, it is the recommendation of the 'Public Works ')epaftment that the bid receive:d A. Sc!qa_­.�.,� , Inc , .._.IA the amount of $83 ,778 be accepted. AccJy MOONEY MOVED that the funds be reallocatp­._ no ted and that the bid of $83 , 778 received T Segale, Inc. be accepted for the Fragez- Road Bridge Approach Project. McCaughan seconded. moltion carried. 5 October 220, 1.980 WATER (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5K) Fuller Short Plat Water Service Request. APPRONnT, of the request for water service for -1.he Fluller Short Plat. This request was revieweo by the Public Committee on October 8 , 1980 and the Committee Works concurred that they did not want th-A-) OOpenUp the pre- sent water service policy; however, 4-- �:y recommended the service be approved as it would JLTinrove -,c-,!rvice d. � to an area t.11at has a well-documerte ',.,.istory of deficient service,, (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5L) Kent Springs Chlorination. ACCEP111ANICE of -the con- tract —o-f L—indbrook-Ton—struct ion as and re- lease of t i the necessary o he reta nage upon receipt f - releases from the State. Lindbrook lonstriiction has completed work on ,-.he Kent Springs =""hlorination, which project consisted of furnis,h ir-1 q and construct- ing chlorination surge tank, mete: p rts.zres, installation of and furnishinc and control, related appurteri.ances at the c. chlorination and T.)roject was c 1,j '� --I,. $3 kE 34,4 , 65 Springs source. "' 27� and the total cc)s,--. of :7onstruct-ion --ti s 9, Well Dri'j_)_J­-1c4 , rrids Bids - Kent S-�)rjrigs Deer) —ect 07 -Ict-0 were rece!.V(�d _)Co� as follows ' 2 725. 00 1 Armstrong Drill.'IAICI , Inc . Burt Well D_CJLIl n'J 9 0 . 00 Olympic West Richardson r)r-._LJ. 1ng Co . The Director of Public Works has ',A.e project )mirandation of and it is re,"'.( and the bids re-c-c ­ ---. L bid received the Public works D(_--oartm.ent that 4-'2t P- from Armstrona. construction in t1"ie ay,,p,)u,j­;,t of $42 , 72-5 be accepted "0(, J,1OVED, Bailey c i nded that the best bid of Arms t- !.' (Construction f t $42 , 7.7-5 be acce-PIL-0. for the Kent Spr­r�C.'S e e r q e I pro-Jcct­ i� on carried , Drilling Io'C�i DSHS Loan for prec,--istruction Enq i: neerir_q Associated with Water Consort 7 DSHS has mac'i"., offer of of a non-interest- bearing loan $156, 000 whi,,-"h 1""°i 1 7 b able e repay J.-I 6 i October 20, 1980 WATER annual payments. The City' s share of the cost will be 49% of the amount with Water Districts 105 and 111 responsible for the remaining 51% of the loan. Wickstrom explained the proposal and recommended that the Council accept the loan and authorize the Mayor to sign the request. In response to B. Johnson' s question, Wickstrom noted that this was a budgeted item for 1981. MOONEY MOVED that the City accept the offer and authorize the mayor to sign the necessary agree -- ment, B. Johnson seconded. Notion carried. RAILROAD S. 212th Street - Union Pacific Railroad Crossing. CROSSING AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign the City/ County Railway agreement which has been received from the Union Pacific Railroad reflecting new estimates. The new total project cost is $157 ,919.00 . Federal funding approval has been received for 90% of the original estimate of $61, 500. 00. A supple- mental request for additional funds has been sub- mitted. PRELIMINARY (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5D) PLAT Pay n Pak Preliminary Plat. SETTING of a public meeting date of November 3, 1980 to consider the Pay n Pak Preliminary Plat. The Hearing Examiner has recommended approval with conditions. FIRE Kent/Tukwila Mutual Aid Agreement. The Public Safety DEPARTMENT Committee recommends that the Mayor be authorized to sign a one year agreement between the Kent and Tuk- wila Fire Departments for mutual_ aid response for emergency medical equipment. A report has been fur- nished to the Council and made a part of the record. The area to be covered by the agreement was clarified. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to sign the agreement between the Kent and Tukwila Fire De- partments. J. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. PLANNING SEPA Policies. At the October 13, 1980 work session, DEPARTMENT the Council reviewed a memo from the Planning Director concern ina the fact that actions related to Environ- mental Impact Statements must reference existing City policies, codes and ordinances if conditions are to be applied to a project through an EIS . Harris re- quested that this item be held to the November 3, 1980 meeting as there was need for further discussion. I i 7 - I October 20, 1980 METRO Tax Proposal. Metro Transit will have a proposition, TRANSIT on the November ballot which would increase sales tax by . 3% to support the transit system and has requested the City' s support. Mayor Hogan noted that the item had been discussed at the workshop and that in response to her questions to the City Attorney he had determined that there was no reason the Council could not .indicate its support to the proposition if it so desired. She encouraged the Council support, noting -that this was the only way to assure increased Metro service to the area and was a way to alleviate some of the traffic conges- tion that presently exi t n .tPe area. J. JOHNSON p y � 9 supporting MOVED that the Council` rs noted the measure, B. Johnson seconded. Maste that she would not support the motion since she did not feel the Council was knowledgeable enough on. the subject to indicate their support to the public which they serve and that this Metro proposal lacks accountability. Motion carried, with B. Johnson, J. Johnson, Bailey and Mooney voting in favor and Masters, McCaughan and Hamilton votinq against. HOUSING & (CONSENT CALFNDAR ITEM 5E) COMMUNITY Mobile Home Park Project. SUPPORT of the County' s DEVELOPMENT application for Joint Block Grant funds to buy land for a mobile home park for senior citizens to be devdloped and managed by the King County Housing Authority. Two such projects have been combined to develop a 50-acre site at the Benson Highway and Carr Road. The project was co-sponsored by Kent with the County last year. Kent 1981 Housing & Community Development Program. The 1981 Housinq & Community Development proposa for Kent' s Population and Needs program has been revised in light of the City Council ' s direction. The proposal has been made a part of the record and the final public hearing on the adoption of the proposal is scheduled for this meeting. The proposed total amounts are: Population Funds $93, 589 - Needs Funds $157, 793 . The public hearing was opened by the Mayor. Helene Heglund of South King County Activity Center asked that Kent consider joint sponsorship with Renton for application. for Block Grant funds to build a i I I I - 8 - I i I, October 20, 1980 HOUSING & day lodge at the Activity Center' s Lake Desire COMMUNITY property. Harris explained that this proposal DEVELOPMENT would not be a part of the hearing on population & Needs monies and that it would be presented to the Council at a later date. A packet of inform- ation supplied by Ms . He gou the record and referred thewcommiatee-ofrthef j whole upon Masters ' motion, seconded by McCaughan. B. Johnson noted the reference, on page 2 of the proposal, to "Kent readerboard and neighborhood activities"and Harris noted that the words "reader- board and" were supposed to be deleted. Mayor Hogan noted that this irefunds program received andportion of the minor home pa the area was a high priority item. There were no further comments and the hearing was closed. I J. JOHNSON MOVED to approve the Population & Needs portion of the HC&D program with the deletion as noted above. Mooney seconded, motion carried. BUDGET Cushing noted that the Council would have copies of the preliminary budget next Monday and that a review meeting was scheduled for Wednesday, October 29 at 3: 00 n.m. at the Kent commons. COUNCIL Public Works. It was noted by Mooney that the COMMITTEES Public Works Committee would meet on Wednesday morning, October 22, 1980 at 8: 15 a.m. j Ad Hoc Committee. pcCaughan noted that Masters had made arrangements for King County Councilpersons Grant and Barden to be present at a meeting to be held in Kent on Tuesday, October 28 at 3: 00 p.m. and asked that all councilpersons be in attendance. FIRE A letter from Rose Ann and Bob King addressed to DEPARTMENT the Fire Department has been made a part of . the record. The Kings have expressed their prase and appreciation for the care and concern extended to their son who was injured in a football game. POLICY Cushing reminded the Council of the Policy Develop- DEVELOPMENT ment Workshop to be held on Wednesday at Green WORKSHOP River Community College at noon. He noted that those interested in car pooling should meet at the City Hall at 11 : 30 a.m. 9 - i i October 20, 1980 FINANCE (CONSENT CALFNDAR ITEM 5B) Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of.. payment of the bills received through October 20, 1980 after auditing by the Finance Committee at its meeting at 3 : 00 o'clock p.m. on October 31, 1980 . ADJOURNMENT HAMILTON MOVED that the meeting be adjourned to executive session at 8 : 40 p.m. , McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. The meeting reconvened at 9: 45 p.m. and was im- mediately adjourned.. Marie Jen City Clerk. I i i i i i i i 10 - i