HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 06/16/1980...... ..... r Kent, Washington June 16, 1980 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8 : 00 o 'clock p.m. by Mayor Hogan. Present: Councilpersons Bailey, Carey, J. Johnson, B. Johnson , Masters, McCaughan and Mooney, City Administrator Cushing, City Attorney Mirk, Planning Director Harris and Public Works Director Wickstrom. Also ,present: Finance Director McCarthy and Administrative Assistant Webby. Approximately 20 people were in attendance at the meeting. COUNCIL Mayor Hogan noted that Councilman Carey had given notice of his resignation from the Council , effective July 7 . She then read a resolution acknowledging the contr_J - bution made by Bill Carey to the City and its citizens and commending him for his dedication to his duties and responsibili- ties as a member of the Kent City Council. MOONEY MOVED to adopt Resolution No. 894, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. The resolution, signed by each Councilperson, was presented to Carey.. CONSENT ITEM C was removed from the Consent Calendar CALENDAR at the request of Councilperson McCaughan and ITEMS F, P! & T were removed at the re- quest of Caren Wharton with the approval of the Council . MASTERS MOVED that the Consent Calendar Items A through T with the exception of Items C, F, M and T be approved, Mooney seconded. Motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5A) Approval of Minutes . APPROVAL of the minutes of June 2 , 1980 with the following addition: "CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5E" Uniform Building Code . ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 2229 adding a penalty clause to Section 205 of the Uniform Building Code, as discussed at the workshop of May 27 . HEALTH & (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5G) SANITATION Bill of Sale - Sewer Extension - Downtowner Short Plat. ACCEPTANCE of the Bill of Sale and Warranty Agreement for approximately 270 feet of sanitary sewer extension constructed - 1 - June 16 , 1-480 HEALTH & in the vicinity of South 5th Avenue south SANITATION of West Crow for continuous operation and maintenance and RELEASE cf the cash bond after expiration of the one-yeas: guarantee period. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5I) Late Comer Agreement Request - Warn Indust- ries - Sewer Extension. AUTHORIZATION for the preparation of the necessary documents for the late comer agreement requested by Warn Industries for the sanitary sewer ex- tension constructed by Warn Industries in the vicinity of 68th S. and S . 1.96th. The Engineering Department has reviewed the re- quest and finds the project eligible for a late comers agreement, subject to the developer paying all City costs for the sa.me� (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5N) Garbage Rate Increase. Due to increased en- vironmental concerns and requi.r.ed operational changes , the dumb fees at Kent Highlands Land- fill were increased from $5 . 10 to $10 .00 per ton on June 1 , 1980 . Garbage rates must therefore be increased approximately 40 cents per can and $1 . 00 per yard for dumpsters. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 2231 reflecting the rate increase retroactive to June 1, as dis- cussed at the workshop on June 9 . STREETS (CONNDAR SENT ID 301 - S . 252nd & Canyon Drive Street Im- provements . ADOPTION of Resolution No. 895 proposing LID 301 and setting the public hear- ing on the Preliminary Assessment Roll for July 21, 1980 . At the June 4 , 1980 Public Works Committee meeting the Public Works Director reviewed the events leading to the proposed street improvement LID and the Com- mittee recommended proceeding with the project. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5J) State Acquisition of Parcel of Land in Vicinity of Kent-Kangley and the 120th Block. The State of Washington has contacted the City concerning their purchase of approximately 600 square feet - 2 - r June 16, 1980 STREETS in the vicinity of Kent-Kangley and the 1.20th. block for right-of-way for the Kent-Kangley widening project. The State ' s offer of $2 , 550 for the. land and improvements thereon has b,:-,en reviewed by the Property Manager and is found to be a reasonable offer. AUTHORIZATION for' the Mayor to sign the deed as recr.)wmended by the Public Works Director. Transportation Feasibility Study. The Mayor noted receipt of a letter from the House and Senate Transportation Committees relating to the proposed east-west route between Kent and South Auburn. The letter noted that the House and Senate Subcommittees on Highways and Toll Facilities would be holding a 1iearing on the subject on Thursday, :June 26 , 1980 at 2 : 00 p.m. at the Kent Commons facility, at which time testimony would be received from local residents and agencies regarding the need for the proposed study. WATER (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5E) East Hill Well - Change Order. APPROVAL of the change order requested by the Ralph Com- pany in the amount of $16 , 500 for upgrading the size of the drain line running from the site south on 104th S .E . to S .E. 248th and down S .E . 248th to about 100th Avenue S .E. The project was designed and bid with a 6-inch drain but King County requires a 12-inch drain. The requested change order has been reviewed by the Public Works Committee and recommended for approval . LID 283 - Street, Sewer and Water Improvements - S . 220th, S . 216th and 72nd Avenue S . An ordinance has been prepared providing for con- demnation of certain property in conjunction with this LID. Mirk clarified that 10 of the 32 parcels would have to be acquired by con- demnation proceedings . B. JOHNSON MOVED to adopt Ordinance No. 2234 providing for the necessary condemnation for LID 283 , Masters seconded. Motion carried. 3 - June 16, 1980 STREET (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 50) VACATION Vacation of Helen Street. ADOPTION of Ordi- nance No. 2232 vacating a portion of F'elen Street, for which a public hearing was con- ducted on June 2 , 1980 . PLAT Kent Estates Plat. On May 19 , 1980 the City VACATION Council adopted Resolution No. 893 which sets the date for a public hearing before the Council on this vacation this date The Planning Department recommends approval of the vacation of the Kent Estates Plat with the conditions listed on their report. The Mayor opened the public hearing. Pickard Wilson, attorney for the applicant, stated that the conditions were acceptable , and asked that approval be given to relocating the north/south road to the west side of the project, west of 108th Place SE. It was determined that this proposed right-of-way would line up with 109th Avenue SE at SE 256th and Harris and Wickstrom concurred with Wilson' s proposal . Wilson noted that if the north/ south right-of-way was moved westerly, there would be no need for Condition "D" , as a 30 ' right-of-way would thus be deeded across the entire north property line. Harris suggested that Condition "E" be added, that several minor changes be made and that Condition "D" be left intact. The conditions, as corrected are as follows: A. A 60 foot right of way shall be provided through the plat from the north property line to the south property line with the intersection at SE 256th Street lined up with 109th Avenue SE. B. Retain the 42 foot right-of-way for SE 256th Street. C. Retain that part of the 30 foot right-of- way for SE 252nd Street beginning with its intersection with the north-south street and extending easterly to the -- easterly boundary of the plat. - 4 - June 16 , 1980 PLAT D. Grant a 30 foot wide right-of-way along VACATION the projected alignment of SE 252nd Street from its intersection with the north-south street to the westerly pro- perty. E. No permits to be issued until A thru D are satisfied. CAREY MOVED to approve the Kent Estates Plat Vacation with the conditions as listed above, and for the City Attorney to draft the proper ordinance. Masters seconded. Motion. carried. Strain ' s First Addition. A letter has been received from Lamar Strain noting that the Council had recently approved his application for vacation of a portion of Helen Street. He noted further that he proposed to vacate the plat, and asked if the $150 application fee paid for the Helen Street vacation would also cover the application to vacate the plat surrounding Helen Street. MOONEY MOVED to refer the matter to the staff with authority to act. J. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. ANNEXATION (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5R) East Hill Well Site Annexation. ADOPTION of Resolution No. 897 authorizing the annexation of the City of Kent East Hill Well property for municipal purposes . HEARING (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5P) EXAMINER Hearing Examiner. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 2233 defining and establishing the office of Land Use Hearing Examiner, and repealing Ordinance No. 2180 . (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5Q) Appeals - Hearing Examiner. ADOPTION of Resolution No. 896 establishing procedures for appeals to the Council from the decisions of the Hearing Examiner. PARKS & (ITEM 5(f REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR) RECREATION Kent Commons Playfield Backstops . The Parks & Recreation Department has recommended acceptance of the Kent Commons Playfield 5 - June 16 , 1980 PARKS & Backstops as complete. Counc.ilperson McCaughan RECREATION referred to a prior request riade by a Little League association for the use of these fields for football practice and the fact that the request had been denied because of Parks Director Wilson' s contention that the fields were not suitable for dual usage. He questioned the intent of the City to now have dual usage by allowing baseball and soccer on these same fields . Mayor Hogan clarified that the soccer fields were :Located beyond the baseball fields and partly in the baseball outfields . J. Johnson further" pointed out that it has been determined that use of the fields for soccer does not cause the damage that football does . McCAUGHAN, then MOVED that the Kent Commons Playfield Backstops Project be accepted as complete and that the retainage be released upon the necessary releases , B . Johnson seconded. Motion carried. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5D) Russell Road Park Phase III - Change Order No. 3 . ACCEPTANCE of Change Order No. 3 for Landscaping , Inc. ' s contract for Russell Road Park Phase III decreasing the contract in the amount of $2 , 200 for the following changes: "Provide single pole with heavy duty brackets in lieu of double pole configuration at soccer field light poles . " PERSONNEL (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5K) Out of State Travel - Steve Barber. APPROVAL of the Fire Department request for out of state travel for Fire Marshal Barber to attend a Fire/Arson course which is being presented by the National Fire Academy. The course will be held in Twin Falls, Idaho and will cost approximately $496 .00 , including lodging and meals. Unexpended funds budgeted for command school training will be sufficient to cover the cost of the course . 6 - June 16 , 1980 PERSONNEL (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5L) Salary Increase - Utilities Superintendent. ACCEPTANCE of the recommendation of the City Administrator and the Personnel Director that Utilities Superintendent Kristoffer�on' s salary be adjusted on an. inl_-.erim basi - from range 35E to 38E pending the results of our: classification and salary survey. Mr. Krist.- offerson has assumed the responsibility of directing the operation and maintenance of the Water Utility in addition to the Sewer. Utility. An interim salary adjustment is justified due to the additional responsibility he has undertaken . Funds necessary to cover this salary adjustment will come from unexpended balances in the water and sewer utilities. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5S) Police Clerks Contract. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign the contract with thle Police Clerks group for wages for 1980-8- . ENERGY Kent ' s Pre-Application for an Innovative Com_ CONSERVATION munity Energy Conservation Grant. A public hearing has been advertised or this date on this matter. This proposed program would pro- vide educational, technical and financial assistance for Kent' s low and moderate in- come residents and small businesses in making energy conservation modifications to their buildings . For Kent to be considered eligible to submit a pre-application under this grant program, an intent to develop an energy policy must be made on the City Council ' s part. The Planning Department, in conjunction with the Building Department, will develop the applica- tion to be submitted to HUD by June 23, 1980 . The application must be in the mail Tune 18 , 1980 to assure consideration of its pre-appli- cation. The public hearing was opened by the Mayor. There were no comments from the audience and no correspondence has been received. McCAUGHAN MOVED that the public hearing be closed, Mooney seconded . Motion carried. McCAUGHAN MOVED to authorize the Mayor to submit an 7 - June 16 , 1980 ENERGY application for a 1980 Innovative Community CONSERVATION Energy Conservation Grant to the Department of Housing and Urban Development and to author---- ize the City to develop an overall Energy Con- servation Plan. Bailey seconded , In response to B. Johnson' s question, Harris noted tkhat this would not be a duplication of energy conservation measures being utilized by pri- vate industries since their main concerns seemed to be with the problem of heat loss whereas this program would be directed toward utilizing solar energy with perhaps redesign- ing of homes . He noted that the City would' be working with Puget Power and other organi- zations in this regard, as well as providing information to the public as to possible energy conservation measures. Harris also noted for Masters that the proposal was initi- ated by the Federal Government with the Puget Sound Council of Governments coordinating the program at this level . Masters expressed her disapproval of the proposal as well as her dissatisfaction with the Department of Energy and its progress to date. Harris clarified that the program was directed to low and moderate income dwellings as well as small businesses with an intent to assist in energy conservation methods . There were no further comments. Notion carried, with Mooney, Master and B. Johnson voting nay. Puget Power. The Mayor noted receipt of a letter from Gene Smith, Manager of the rent Local Office of Puget Power, relating to the formation of the South King County Customer Council now being formed in the Auburn, Federal Way, Kent, Des Moines, Normandy Park areas to deal with such issues as rates , power facilities , conservation and alternative re- sources , as well as rationing, codes and long- term energy supply. The letter noted that the Customer Council was to be selected by July 1, 1980 and would meet regularly for the next year. Nominations are being sought for per- sons interested in serving on the Council . MASTERS PROVED to make the letter part of the record. B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. - 8 - June 16, 1980 FINANCE & (ITEM 5F REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR) PERSONNEL Management Study - Public Works De2artment. The Public Works Director has received a proposal submitted upon his request by Doug Jonas of Jonas & Associates for a reu�iew of the Public Works Department to detE:2:r^ r;.f� what changes, if any, might be made to =.. a�- prove the overall operas:i.^n or the Puoli.c Works Department. Monies hq e been sit aside in the Public Works .budget whic.t-. could offset the cost of this study _w. :. the amount of $10, 000 . The proposal has been reviewed by the Public Works Committee and it is their recommendation to proceed with the study. (ITEM 5M REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR) Employee Benefit Study - Howard Johnson Com- pany. It is recommended that a comprehensive review of our employee benefit program be undertaken which would include a feasibility study related to the withdrawal from Federal Social Security. This topic was discussed both with the Finance Committee and at the June 9 , 1980 Council workshop. Acceptance of the staff reconunendation for the study :ifs requested at a cost of approximately $14 , Of0 to be funded from unexpended employee bertefit funds and that Howard Johnson & Company be retained for that purpose. (ITEM 5T REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR) City Insurance - Risk Pooling. Authorization is requested for participation in the imple- mentation phase for the feasibility study for insurance pooling in the amount not to exceed $2 ,900 as discussed at the June 9 , 1980 work- shop. Caren Wharton, who requested that the items be removed from the Consent Calendar for fur- ther discussion, read a prepared statement, a copy of which was filed with the City Clerk, expressing her dissatisfaction of the expendi- ture of City funds for the proposed studies as well as questioning the necessity for them. Mooney referred specifically to the study to - 9 - June 16 , 1980 FINANCE & be undertaken in the Public Works Department, PERSONNEL noting the fact that the Department is re- sponsible for the Water, Sewer and Street operations . He contended that the expenditure of $10, 000 to analyze the operation which handles millions of dollars of City projects was worthwhile in that it could result in much larger cost savings in both time and man-power. Bailey noted that the matter had been discussed by the Council as a whole at a workshop meeting and that it had been deter- mined that it would be more practical and economical to have the study done by as out- side firm rather than attempting an in-house study. He pointed out that Wick r-. rom was highly qualified for the position of Public Works Director, with a masters degree in his field. Wickstrom stated that the -tudy should show a way to better utilize bo�.h manpower and equipment. Cushing pointed out that government is often criticized for not taking a look at its operations and opined such a study would result in more efficient operations as well as point out any faults. He noted further that private industry had found such studies to be beneficial . Masters commented that the Council members were not experts in these fields and relied on the judgment cf adminis- tration and staff in these matters . Carey also commented on the number of projects handled by the Public Works Department. Refer- ring to the matter of insurance pooling, he noted that this will result in a savings to the taxpayers since it would result in a self- insurance program. There were no further comments and McCAUGHAN MOVED that Items F, M and T be approved, J. Johnson seconded. Motion carried unanimously. FINANCE Approval of Bills . APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through June 19 after auditing by the Finance Committee at its meeting to be held at 3 : 00 o 'clock p.m. on June 30, 1980. 10 - Tune 16 , 1980 COUNCIL Public Works Committee. Mooney reported COMMITTEES that the Public Works Committee had met jointly with the Renton Public Works Com- mittee to resolve the problems connected with the Renton/Kent Water Int.ertie. He also noted that the Committee would meet. on Wednesday, June 18, at 8 :15 a.m. with representatives of Drainage District #1 to discuss drainage problems existing in the north end. Also scheduled for discussion is amendment of Ordinance Nos . 1` 76 and 1961 pertaining to water rates . Parks Committee . Councilperson Bailey reported that the Parks Committee had niat. with the Arts Commission at which time the Parks Department had agreed to develop a program whereby the Arts Commission would be combined with the Parks Committee. He noted that the proposed plan should be available for consideration by the Council by the second meeting in July. Mural. Mayor Hogan noted that a proposal had been received through the Work Training Program in King County for a group of young people to work on five murals in the City of Kent. She noted that three were to be done in local schools and two on City pro- perties. Suzette Allen of the Senior Center explained the program noting that it was contemplated that one of the murals would be on the Senior Center and that the idea had been presented to the Seniors. Judy Mitchell, representing the Work Training Program, explained the utilization of youth in the King County area in these programs, noting that they were covered by their own insurance . Karen Drumheller, the artist in charge of supervising the painting of the murals, explained the type of work that was being considered. Mirk clarified that if the Council were willing to have the murals painted, they should go on record to show such approval if it involves City property. BAILEY MOVED, McCaughan seconded, that the project be approved. Motion carried. - 11 - June 16, 1960 COUNCIL Public Safety Committee. B. Johnson reported COMMITTEES that the Public Safety Committee would meet on June 25, 1980 at 3:00 p.m. and that they would like to have the administrative report on disaster planning. She also noted that the Committee would like an updaL-� on the drug paraphernalia ordinance, as well as a report .from the City Attorney regarding the Attorney General' s stand on this type oL ordi- nance and enforcement problems. The Mayer noted receipt of a letter from Dr. George Daniel , Superintendent of the Kent Public Schools , expressing his approval of the Council ' s attempt to pass the ordinance. He referred to the impact of the drug pro- blem in the area and noted that the School Board, teachers, and administration of the School District would strongly support the Council in this action. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the letter be made a part of the record, Masters seconded. Motion carried. B. Johnson also asked that an update be given on the - gambling situation in the Valley and any problems being encountered. She further requested that the Planning Department fur- nish the Committee with a zoning map with a view to possible locations for tank farms, after which the matter could be referred to the Planning Commission for further review. ADJOURNMENT MOONEY MOVED that the meeting be adjourned at 9 :30 p.m. , Masters seconded. Motion carried. Marie Jensen, CMC City Clerk 12 -