HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 05/19/1980 1,ent, Washington May 19, 1980 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8: 00 o 'clock p.m. by Mayor Hogan. Present: Coun.cilpeLons Bailey, Carey, B. Johnson, J. Johnson, Masters , McCaugh�. ;. and Mooney, City Administrator Cushing, City Attorney Mirk, Planning Director Harris, and .Public Works Director Wickstrom. Approxi- mately 15 people were in attendance at the meeting. CITY { r, KENT Mayor Hogan noted that the City of Kent would be celebrating its 90th year of incorp6rAt�iA May 28, 1980. She presented some Qf '`thie fri lights of the City ' s history as prppArxjL_hv__ the City C l e.rk. ! ...... .... ,,..w. ':)NSENT B. JOHNSON MOVED that. Consent Calendar Items A t �LEi ?AR through K be approved, Bill. Carey seconded. Motion carried. h11NT TES (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5A) Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of May 5, 1980. 11!17ALTH & (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5D) A_^IT_T�TION Air Injector Station - Change Order. APPROVAL of the request of Omega Contractors for a change order in the amount of $1393 in their contract for the Air Injector Station constructed at 12000 Kent-Kangley Road.. The Change Order_ reflects the additional requirp-d by the State in order to obtain City ' s Permit for access to Kent-Kangle;: anci f,,.)r s��:re valve changes re- quired in the far7.l_it�7 and has bot=..rn reviewed .)y the Engir . inz i ;_)eo. rtment as to accuracy. " t 51;) --tor t ( 7t iJ_etio.rt. ACCEPTANCE of ' ,LL con as complete for C): t Y i iC ., tl.l (_, T% L' inj ee..: for Station at );) , i�cV rl. 'Nhtl, construction of the I tat?_:.}n ie - ed to supply the oxygen the torce, main t:o prevent ,ormation of. `,,cirorfen sulfide gas which, J. : � ery 4:'.'.orrc:,`=l've and The May 19, 1980 HEALTH & Engineering Department has recommended acceptance SANITATION and RELEASE of the retainage upon receipt of the necessary releases from the State. (Total. cost: of the project is approximately $31,608. 95 and the amount bid was $30, 142.13, including tax.) STREETS (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5G) Reiten Road Asphalt Overlay and Storm Drainage Improvements. ACCEPTANCE of the contract of CORRECTED - REFER TO Frank Coluccio Construction as complete, as recommended by the Engineering Department, for INUTES OF the asphalt overlay and storm drainage improve- ments on Reiten Road from Maclyn Street to Maple Street and RELEASE of the retainage upon receipt of the necessary releases from the State. (The original bid was for $91,054 and the total cost of the project including tax is $107, 054.97.) (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5H) Bill of Sale - Court III Apartments Utility Extensions. ACCEPTANCE of the Bill of Sale for approximately 570 feet of street improve- ments and 601 feet of water main extension constructed for Court III Apartments in the vicinity of 64th Avenue S. and Smith Street and RELEASE of the cash bond after expiration of the guarantee period and payment of any outstanding bills against the project. 42nd Avenue Street Improvement Project. This project consists of completing the west half of 42nd Avenue S. from S. 250th to S. 253rd. To date the City has completed negotiations and acquired right of way on all but one par- cel of property involved in this project. Negotiations have reached a stalemate on this one parcel. The Department of Public Works recommends that the Council authorize the con- demnation for necessary right of way. Accord- ingly, B. JOHNSON MOVED to adopt Ordinance No. 2226 providing for the necessary condemnation for acquisition of right of way for the 42nd Avenue S. Street improvement project. Masters seconded. Motion carried. 2 - May 19, 1980 DRAINAGE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM5F) Acquisition of P-1 Channel Property. At the December 17, 1979 Council meeting, it was recom- mended that staff proceed with the negotiations for the acquisition of the property located south of S. 218th and adjacent to SR 167 on the west side. The property owner had previously fllctd a lawsuit against the City for approxi-mately $100, 000 as the City would not issue a building permit for the property. Through negotiations by the attorneys, a value of $47, 000 was estab- lished. $40, 000 of this amount is budgeted froln the grant matching funds and the Public Works Department is proposing to transfer the remaining $7,000 from the 1979 unexpended Street Department funds. AUTHORIZATION is given to proceed with the acquisition of the p-1 Channel property. WATER (CONSENT CALENDAR 'ITEM 51) Water Facilities Telemetry System. ACCEPTANCE of thecontract of Stead & Baggerly as complete on the Water Facilities Telemetry system which consisted of installing telemetering and trans- mitting and receiving equipment for the Kent water system from nine remote locations to the City shops, and RELEASE of the retainage upon receipt of the necessary releases from the State. (The original. bid for the project was $1.02,000 and the total cost is $130, 535.15, including tax. ) (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5J) West Hill Reservoir. The Director of Public Works has been informed that the Department of Social & Health Services might possibly have some "turn-back" money available for water pro- jects for which applications are now being accepted. AUTHORIZATION is given for the Direc- tor of Public Works to apply for Referendum 27 funds in the amount of $100, 000 for construction of the West Hill Reservoir, located at 36th Ave- nue South and South 244th, even though funds may not be available. 3 May 19, 1980 WATER (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5K) Water Consortium Agreement. AUTHORTZuk=T for the Mayor to sign the agreement prepared by the Public Works Department for the formation of the Water Consortium between Kent, Water District 105 and Water District 111. Kent would be assum- ing the lead agency status in making application for funding and it has been determined that the cost of implementing the consortium would be approximately $156, 000 with Kent 's share totaling about $76,440. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5C) East Hill Well Construction. ACCEPTANCE of the contract of Burt Well Drilling for the drilling and testing of the East Hill Well located at 104th Avenue S.E. and S. 248th Street and RELEASE of the retainage upon receipt of the necessary releases from the State. (The total project cost is $44, 504.04, including tax, and the original bid amount was $39, 964. 26. ) Water Conservation Ordinance. A proposed Water Conservation ordinance was reviewed by the Council at the April 14, 1980 workshop. At the May 5, 1980 Council meeting a public hearing .was held and concluded. The proposed ordinance was referred to the Public Works Committee meeting of May 7, 1980 to consider the Mayor 's suggestion that a section be added stating that building permits would not be issued in the event of a water short- age until such time as an adequate supply of water existed. The Public Works Committee deter- mined that not issuing building permits at the time of a water shortage would not result in conservation of water inasmuch as the shortage would be created by the permits already issued. It was the recommendation of the Public Works Committee that the Water Conservation ordinance be adopted as written. McCAUGHAN MOVED that Ordinance No. 2227, the Water Conservation ordi- nance be adopted, Mooney seconded. Motion carried. Mayor Hogan noted that a letter had been received by the Council from Elizabeth Poehlman 4 - May 19, 1980 WATER regarding the current water situation in the City of Kent and proposed conservation measures, McCAUGHAN MOVED that the letter be -made a part of the record, J. Johnson seconded. Moti3n carried. The Mayor also read a letter she had received from Mrs. Poehlman regarding the Mayor ,s efforts toward orderly growth in the Valley and express- ing her support of the Green River Corridor Plan. BAILEY MOVED to accept the letter for the record, Mooney seconded. Motion Mayor Hogan noted that the ordinance would be vetoed. LID 302 - Rose Avenue Water Main Improvements (79th Avenue S. - S. 262nd to S. _?,66t-.h)_. This date has been set for a public hearing on the preliminary assessment roll for LID 302. Wick- strom pointed out the location of the propos,�.,d project involving the replacement of an exist- ing wooden water main in this vicinity with approximately 2040 feet of 10 inch ductile iron main. He noted that the LID was originated by the property owners. The public hearing was opened by the Mayor. Wickstrom explained the proposed method of assessment for the project costs- which are estimated to be $89,857.00 and the method of financing. He expiained that design and construction work would probably not be completed until the Spring of 1981. In response to ques- tions from the audience regarding the existing water leak, he determined that repairs wou]"..d, be made if possible of a temporary nature. It was also determined for Masters that zoning in the area includes some light manufacturing and residential and that the entire area is in the County but serviced by the City. There were no further comments and B. JOHNSON MOVED that the hearing be closed, Mooney seconded. Motion carried. MOONEY MOVED that the City Attorney be directed 5 May 19, 1980 WATER to prepare the ordinance creating LID 302 for the water main improvements on Rose Avenue (79th Avenue S. ) from S. 262nd to S. 266th Street. B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. PUBLIC WORKS Proposed Ordinance. The public hearing on this IMPROVEMENTS proposed ordinance was opened on April. 7, 1980 ORDINANCE and has been continued to this meeting. Since that time, the Public Works Committee has met with developers and received their suggestions and comments concerning the proposed ordinance A redraft of the proposed ordinance has been prepared by the Public Works Director, and was presented to the Public Works Committee on May 7, 1980. it was the Committee ' s recommenda- tion that the Public Works Director meet with representatives of the developers to review this draft, which was done on May 12, 1.98J. After review of the comments received, the Public Works Director has prepared a final redraft of the proposed ordinance. The public hearing was reopened by the Mayor. Jerry Hillis addressed the Council on behalf of Arrow Development, noting that his client sup- ported the redrafted ordinance. He stated that it was their belief that the amendments and revi- sions made, while not changing the substance or purpose of the ordinance, did clarify the pro- cedures involved and made the ordinance more predictable as to its impact on the developers. He noted that the ordinance now clarifies the process involved as to improvements to be made. He thanked the Council for seeking ways to solve the problem which existed and expressed apprecia- tion for the cooperation of the Public Works Director. A letter was read from Mr. James J. Klauser, Seattle Master Builders, expressing support of the proposed ordinance in its present form as a workable solution for meeting the problems of growth in the City. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be made a part of the record, McCaughan 6 - May 19, 1980 PUBLIC WORKS seconded. Motion carried. IMPROVEMENTS ORDINANCE Mooney noted that he had also talked to Dan Sheffield of Associated General Contractors who had expressed similar feelings with re- gard to the ordinance. There were no further comments and MOONEY MOVED that the public hearing be closed, Bailey seconded. Motion carried. MOONEY MOVED that Public Wotks Improvements Ordinance No. 22244 be adopted, Master: ,-econded. Motion carried. FIRE Hazardous Operations Permit. The Fire Chief DEPARTMENT has recommended that the City.' charge $35.00 for permits for hazardous operations. The matter was discussed at the May 12, 1980 workshop and the City Attorney has prepared the necessary ordinance. B. JOHNSON MOVED that Ordinance No. 2228 providing for a $35.00 charge for permits for hazardous operations as listed in Article 4 of the 1979 Uniform Fire Code be adopted, Carey seconded. Motion carried. Fire Department Ectu__ rent. Proposals were received on May 7, 1980 for purchase of an Aerial Ladder Truck and a Pumper Truck as follows: Aerial Ladder Truck Sea Western. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$263, 950.25 Van Pelt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252, 057 .66 The Fire Chief recommends acceptance of the Van Pelt proposal for the Aerial Ladder Truck which meets all of the specifications. Pumper Truck Pierce. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$110, 080.94 Van Pelt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • 109,800.52 The Fire Chief recommends acceptance of the 7 May 19, 1980 FIRE Pierce proposal for the Pumper Truck since the DEPARTMENT van Pelt proposal did not meet the specifica- tions. Funds for these trucks were provided fox -.n the 1980 G.O. Bonds. In accordance with the recommendation of Chief Foster, MOONEY MOVED that the proposals be accepted, B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. BUILDING Uniform Building Code - Board of Appeals. Vne CODE formation of a Uniform Building Code Board of Appeals was discussed at the workshop sessiol'i of May 12, 1980. Mayor Hogan is recon`umending a five member board composed of the following: J.E. RUPPERT, Ruppert Engineering (833-7776) 34-37th N.E. , Auburn DONALD W. BOGARD (854-0507) 922 North Central, Kent AL PIEPER, City of Tukwila (433-1853) 6200 Southcenter Blvd. , Tukwila JAMES MATTHEWS, City of Renton (235-2643) 200 Mill Avenue S. , Renton WILL CALHOUN (852-6360) 718 South Central, Kent Alternates will be: JAMES HOEL, City of Tukwila (575-4407) 6200 Southcenter Blvd. , Tukwila FRANK L. TETER (631-3370) 23607 - 120th S.E. , Kent B. JOHNSON MOVED that the appointments to the Board of Appeals be confirmed as submitted, Mooney seconded. In response to Masters ' ques- tion as to the length of time for the terms of 8 May 19, 1980 BUILDING office, Mayor Hogan clarified that the terms CODE would run for three years. Cushing f,,.Irther explained that the Board members represented different occupational fields and this .w� the reason for not staggering the expiration dates for the terms of office. He noted that this would be reviewed at the time the new Cade was adopted, and that the terms of office coincided with the adoption of the Uniform Building Coda. Motion carried. PARKS & Russell Road Park Phase III. It is the yecom`° RECREATION mendation of the Parks Department and O 'B, t?° c architect, that Landscaping Inc. ' s contract for Russell Road Park Phase III be increased by $5, 750.00 to cover the following: Increase 1) Increase contract allowance for play area equipment as specified in Section 02731 of contract specifications from $6,000 to $11,000. . . . . . . . . . . . .$5, 000 750 2) Contractor•Markup•-•15%. . . . . . . . . . . ._ 75 TOTAL CHANGE ORDER NO. 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . .$5, 750 For bidding purposes, the play equipment allow- ance was trimmed from the recommended $12, 000 to $6,000 to make sure adequate monies would be available to award a bid. This Change Order will come from the $40, 389.01 Contingency Fund and is eligible for 75% reimbursement from the granting agencies. McCAUGHAN MOVED that Change Order No. 2 in the amount of $5, 750 be approved to increase the play equipment allowance for Russell Road Park Phase III, Carey seconded. Motion carried. MILL CREEK Challenge Grant. The Washington State Arts Com- EARTHWORKS mission has requested written acceptance of the PROJECT $20, 000 Challenge Grant for the Mill Creek Earth- works Project. (Challenge Grants must be matched 9 - May 19, 1980 MILL CREEK by the applicant agency dollar for dollar in EARTHWORKS cash (new) local government funds--that is PROJECT over and above that appropriated for 1979.) Kent's local share consists of the following: 1) $ 5, 000 Housing & Community Development Block Grant 2) 15, 000 Budgeted General Revenue A copy of the current financial status of the project was furnished to the Council and made a part of the official record. CAREY MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to accept the $20,000 Washington State Arts Com- mission Challenge Grant, McCaughan seconded. In response to Masters ' question, Mayor Hogan clarified that this was not an additional $20,000 but was the authorization to accept the Challenge grant. Motion carried. PUBLIC Charles Lambert addressed the Council on behalf SAFETY of Ketchum Lumber, owners of the San Juan Club Apartments, the Mueller Group, owners of several apartment complexes in the City, and Brad Property Management of San Jose, California, owners of the Court I apartment complex,' regarding a problem which currently exists with trespass. He explained that people not residents of the apartment com- plexes are walking in off the streets to use facilities provided for tenants, such as weight rooms, swimming pools, etc. and in some instances actually removing equipment such as weights when they leave. Lambert noted that he had been told by other jurisdictions that while such action at a private residence could result in a charge of criminal trespass or possibly burglary, apartments were not homes. He voiced his objections to this line of reasoning and asked that some type of law be enacted whereby such persons could be prose- cuted by the apartment owners. In answer to questions from the Mayor, he noted that the facilities were not secured since they were installed for the benefit and use of the tenants. 10 - May 19, 1980 PUBLIC He also clarified that signs were posted noting SAFETY that the facilities were for the use of tenant-.s or guests of tenants when accompanied by a tenant, but that in some instances the signs were moped and stated that in order for the present laws to be enforced the areas dice have to be posted. Mirk noted that he had discussed the subject with Mr. Lambert and explained to him that. thy: City does have adequate laws covering this type of situation; that he had also explained the risk the City faces as to possible false arrest charges being filed if a person is charged with trespass and it is later determined that the individual was in fact an invited guest. He also clarified for "Mooney that if charges were filed and the Court determined there was ample justification a Summons would be issued for the offender to appear in Court to answer to the charges. He also explained that the apartment manager could hold the offender until the police arrived so a citation could be issued. Lambert contended. that in these instances, even if it were possible to hold the offender until the arrival of the police, only a warning was given the first time and Mirk clarified that this was left to the discretion of the officer, depending on the circumstances. Lambert res- ponded to Bailey' s questions by noting that installing fences and security officers at the complexes could be done but would still cause considerable expense to the owners. He added that while he had discussed the matter with the City Attorney, and was aware of the City's present position, he was nevertheless bringing the problem to the attention of. the Council to see if some further action could be taken to assist the apartment owners. Masters commented that since the present trend is toward apartment dwelling she felt the matter was worthy of further discussion. She asked that the Police Department make a presentation as to what degree the law can be involved in - 11 - May 19, 1980 PUBLIC such situations. It was determined that the SAFETY matter could be on the workshop agenda for Tuesday, May 27, 1980. PUBLIC WORKS East Hill Well Company. Mooney reported that COMMITTEE the Public Works committee had met with repre- sentatives of the East Hill Well Company last week to discuss the possible sale of the Com- pany to the City and to review past discussions regarding the subject. It was noted that repre- sentatives of the Company were in attendance at the Council meeting. Mooney also noted that a report had been furnished by Administration to the Council tonight which he had not had an opportunity to review. it was determined that the East Hill Well Company would be holding a stockholders ' meeting on Tuesday, May 27, 1980 and it would be necessary for the Company to have an indication of the City ' s intent to make a presentation at that meeting. Mooney referred to the fact that should the City decide to purchase the Company there would be a great deal of work involved before the sale could be consummiated. After discussion it was determined that a special meeting of the Public Works Committe, with the full Council in attendance, would be held at 3:00 o 'clock p.m. on Wednesday, May 21, 1980 to consider the matter in depth so the Company would have the necessary information to pre- sent to their stockholders. FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5B) Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through May 19, 1980 after audit- ing by the Finance Committee at its meeting on May 30, 1980 at 3:00 o 'clock p.m. EXECUTIVE B. JOHNSON MOVED that the meeting be recessed SESSION to Executive Session at 8:50 o ' clock p.m. , McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. THE MEETING RECONVENED at 9: 10 o 'clock p.m. 12 - Play 1.9, 1980 FINANCE Grant Applications. 111he tNial7or referred to discussion held at the workshop of may 12, 1980 regardinq the possible utilization of the International Systems, Tr;C� to ! rarits for, projects which the %_itY 'wished to referred to her memc, which list-ad thLe_ lar projects which wiA' I need if pursued, 1) Senior renov-ttiof , cc,rs tructdoni 2) XDA Downtown Impf,I-`,zement LID (city- si'hal­­:�`- 3) Earth,,,,!,)rks (p11,-,:.7,u.Lng arl,Iitional She noted that while t1le rrattor had beer. at some length no dec. sion Sh had been re�ac­,e­ e also noted that McCaugha.n had t.l,,.E cllc�'Stl= -,as to which projects w0'-1 '- �,%­ f%in end and �- 1--' e fe r r e to the letter from TS-r rh i stated that,, an �I r)11 ni.ted number of projects could raised q 24 , 000 fee and a. .Tuest.ions as to th, C I'arif 4 _o the letter was _,ed that accordil-19 guarantee provided th:,At IS! produce. a.PPro' grants L-1 excess of the fp,:- '.- ;. o.r the dif fere3Ice would be returned to tl-le,i Citv. Discussionn -"a6 . J held both for and agan�;'_ ut �..l_zing the service: and the particular projects under con,,:.ideration and it was determined -t-lia.t the matter v7nu_,'.-,:1 be discussed further at the work session on way 27, 1980. McCaughan suggested that Kathy OS(.n., Pre- sently in Washing."Cor,D.C. , also be instrL7.ct(.A to prepare a list of 1,�. ssibl.e pro ctS and Cush.' ro"J noted that the Natic,nal Le_g .1'.1e 0i Cities wouJd be contacted. A re port from Administ-IrDtion would also be available for -1U.he work session. ADJOURNMENT mcCAUGHAN Mo",TED that the meeti.-Ig, be adjo,,trned at 9: 30 o 'clock p.m. , Bailey seconded. motion carried. WY— Betty Gray, CPS T 1)eV11tN7 city Clerk 13