HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 04/21/1980 Kent, Washington
April 21, 1980
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at
8: 00 o 'clock p.m. by Mayor Hogan. Present: Councilpersons
Bailey, B. Johnson, J. Johnson, Masters, McCaughan and Mooney,
City Administrator Cushing, City Attorney Mirk, Planning Director'
Harris and Public Works Director Wickstrom. Councilperson Carey
was not in attendance. Also present: Administrative Assistant
Webby, Hearing Examiner Burke, Associate Planner Wolfert, Planning
Commissioner Baer and URS representatives Abed and Ramsey.
Approximately 25 people were in attendance at the meeting.
PROCLAMATIONS _Kentridge Bike-A-Thon Day. A proclamation was
read by the Mayor declaring Saturday, the 26th
of April, 1980 as Kentridge Bike-A-Thon Day.
National Music Week. The Mayor read a proclama-
tion declaring the week of May 4 - 11, 1980 as
National Music Week.
CONSENT MOONEY MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A
CALENDAR through 0, with the exception of Items L and
C, be approved, J. Johnson seconded. Motion
Approval of Minutes . APPROVAL of the minutes
of the regular meeting of April 7, 1980.
SANITATION _Garbage Container Instaliation Charges . ADOPTION
of Ordinance No. 2220 approving installation fees
for garbage containers in accordance with discus-
sion at the March 24, 1980 workshop meeting.
Bill of Sale - Cambridge Highlands Utility
Extensions . The Engineering Department has
received the Bill of Sale and Warranty Agreement
for approximately 1430 feet of water main exten-
sions, 1490 feet of sewer extensio:., and 4180
feet of street improvements and related appurten-
ances. In response to B. Johnson ' s question as
to whether or not the street in question, 38th
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April 21, 1980
HEALTH & Avenue S. , had been inspectedy Wickstrom noted
SANITATION that the street had been inspected several times
and that although the concrete used had not been
tested it was of the same type as that used in
other areas. It was also clarified for B. John-
son that there was a one year guarantee period
covering the improvements. MOONEY MOVED to
accept the Bill of Sale and Warranty Agreement
for continuous operation and maintenance for
the subject improvements and for release of the
cash bond after expiration of the guarantee
period and payment of any outstanding bills
against the project. Masters seconded. Motion
carried, with B. Johnson voting nay.
Water Conservation Ordinance. SETTING a public
hearing date for May 5, 1980 to consider the
proposed water conservation ordinance. The
ordinance was reviewed at the Council workshop
on April 14, 1980 and it was the consensus of
the Public Works Director and Council members
present that a public hearing should be held
on the matter.
Water Request - Valley View Christian Church.
ACCEPTANCE of the recommendation of the Public
Works Committee at its meeting of April 16,
1980 to deny the outside water request of the
Valley View Christian Church to be constructed
on the corner of S.E. 256th and 124th Avenue
S.E. , in keeping with the water service policy
adopted by the Council. It was determined by
Mooney that the Church did have the alternative
of drilling a well and that City hydrants are
available for fire protection.
LID 302 - Rose Avenue Water Main. The Public
Works Committee has reviewed the proposed water
main improvement LID and the events leading
thereto and recommends that a resolution of
intent for the LID be adopted. McCAUGHAN MOVED
to adopt Resolution No. 891 declaring the City's
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April 21, 1979
WATER intent to create LID 302 and setting the .public
hearing date on the Preliminary Assessment Roll
for May 19, 1980, B. Johnson seconded.
East Hill Well Pump• Testing of the East Hill_
Well has been completed and the geologist has
advised the Department of Public Works that it
appears the aquafir is prdbzbly capable of sus-
taining withdrawal of ground water at the rate
of 1600 gallons per minute over 1.20 days of con-
tinuous pumping without affecting the East Hill
Community Well system. In accordance with tha
recommendation of the geologist and the public
Works Director, MOONEy MOVED that: the East Hill..
Well Pump and Motors contract be awarded rt��..o
Omega Contractors in the amount of $r p1i$r
tax for Items 5, 11, and 13 of the bid, Bailey
seconded. Motion carried.
LID 286 - 76th Avenue S. Water Main. A public
hearing is scheduled for this meeting to cox'-
sider the Final Assessment Roll for LID 286
covering the construction of a 10-inch water
main on 76th Avenue S. from S. 208th Street to
S. 194th Street with branch lines on S. 206th,
S. 196th and S. 194th Streets. Public Works
Director Wickstrom pointed out the location of
the project, noting that the ordinance creating
(LID 286) the LID was passed on July 5, 1978. At that
time, the cost of the project was estimated to
be $213, 362. 22 and the actual cost is $158, 214.40,
resulting in a 26% cost saving due to easements
donated rather than pur-
chaserights-of-way. ickstrm explained the proposed method
of financing.
The public hearing was opened by the Mayor. It
was noted that two protests had been received
against the assessments, one from Norman Winn,
attorney for Richard and Burton Brooks, Assess-
ment Item #7, protesting their assessment of
$7, 866. 25. It was noted that their property
was tax-exempt as a result of open space dedica-
tion and that the only portion of the line
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April 21, 1980
WATER affecting the Brooks property was the oversizirc
and looping provided for fire flow. Tt was
determined that the City would pick yap the
$7, 866. 25 assessment but at such time as the
Brooks property was removed from the open
space designation they would be require! to
pay the assessment. It was noted that the
other protest received was from So. Seattle
Auto Auction opposing Assessments No. 9 and
No. 10, since they were already connected to
an existing water system at the north end of
their property.
MASTERS MOVED that the two letters of protest
be accepted and made a part of the record. B.
Johnson seconded. Motion carried.
It was determined for Mayor Hogan by Wickstrom
that the So. Seattle Auto Auction property,
consisting of three or four buildings, was
serviced from another main. Fred McConkey
of So. Seattle Auto Auction stated that their
buildings were constructed before the LID was
completed and they had spent $4, 000 to connect
to the water main on the north. McConkey clari-
(LID 286) fied for Bailey that the 76th Avenue main would
go in front of their property and that all water
usage was in the north end of their property.
Wickstrom suggested that he review the plans
for So. Seattle Auto Auction and in response
to McCaughan 's suggestion, Mirk clarified that
there was no need to hold the hearing open
since there was still a 30-day protest period
after the ordinance is passed, after which the
Courts would make the determination as to the
benefit to the property,. Wickstrom determined
for Masters that the plans for the project were
drafted and available for inspection a year ago.
Mooney questioned whether the connection to the
north would give circulation of flow and Wick-
strom determined that if there was a break in
the line to the north, there would be no water.
Wickstrom determined for Planning Commissioner
Baer that the fire hydrants would be served
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April. 21, 1980
WATER from the new main. In response to Masters '
question as to whether the Brooks acquired
the property after the LID was established,
Wickstrom clarified that the new State, open
space law came into effect before the assess-
ments were levied against the property for
this LID. It was determined that it would
be of no benefit to the Council to refer the
matter to the Public Works Committee for
(LID 286) further review.
There were no further comments and MOONEY
MOVED that the public hearing be closed,
McCaughan seconded. Motion carried.
MOONEY MOVED that the City Attorney be
directed to prepare an ordinance confirming
the Final Assessment Roll for LTD 286, B.
Johnson seconded. Motion carried.
Trailer Parking. ADOPTION of Ordinance No.
2219 prohibiting parking of trailers on City
streets except for loading and unloading pur-
poses. A public hearing was conducted on
March 17, 1980 and the matter further discussed
at a Council workshop.
CROSSINGS Burlington-Northern Railroad Crossing. An
ordinance was introduced to approve a franchise
for the Burlington-Northern Railroad for the
80th Avenue S. spur crossing. Mirk noted
that the ordinance would be presented for
passage at the next regular Council meeting.
VACATION Vacation of Portion of Helen Street. AUTHORIZA-
TION for the City Attorney to draft a resolution
setting a hearing date to consider vacating a
portion of Helen Street as requested by Lamar
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April 21, 1980
COMMUNITY Senior Citizens Center Parking Lot. APPROVAL
DEVELOPMENT of Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $1,440. 20,
increasing Center Dozing' s contract from
$31, 310. 90 to $32, 751.10. The change order
covers equipment and labor costs resulting from
a change in elevations made by the survey crew
on February 12, 1980. ACCEPTANCE of the con-
tract of Center Dozing as complete, with the
retainage to be paid upon receipt of State
RECREATION Russell Road Park Phase III. APPROVAL of Change
Order No. 1 for the Russell Road Park Phase III
project as recommended by the Parks Department,
covering the following:
1) Addition of curb and gutter
planter island around parking
lot light pole. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1,072.00
2) Gate revisions as required by
IAC so that the restrooms are
not enclosed behind fencing. . . . . . . 240.00
Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1, 312.00
Kent Meeker Days. APPROVAL of the request of
• the Parks Department, on behalf of the Meeker
Days Committee, for use of the following streets
on the dates specified:
July 11, 12 and 13 Street Closures
1) Meeker Street from S. First Avenue to S.
Fourth Avenue
2) S. Second Avenue from W. Gowe Street to
W. Harrison Street
July 12 and 13 ADDITIONAL Street Closures
1) Meeker Street from Railroad Avenue to S.
First Avenue
2) S. First Avenue between Gowe & Meeker Streets
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April 21, 1980
PARKS & The Meeker Days Parade will be held o.r. Sunday,
RECREATION July 13, 1980 at 3:00 o 'clock p.m. , beginning
at Kent Elementary School, proceeding east on
Saar Street to S. First Avenue, and continuing
north on S. First Avenue to Borden Field, the
termination point. The requested closures have
been cleared with other Departments.
COMMISSION Appointments. APPROVAL of the Mayor ' s appoi.n"L-.-
ments to cover resignations from the Arts Commis-
sion as follows :
1) SUSAN DAILEY to replace Mike Dickson
(Term expires 10/81)
2) BARBARA HARGER to replace Janis Thompson
(Term expires 10/83)
3) KATHLEEN MAURER to replace Alan Bentz
(Term expires 10/83)
Out of State Travel. APPROVAL for expenses for
Finance Director McCarthy to attend the Munici-
pal Finance Officers ' Association meeting in
Phoenix May 11-15, 1980, for which funds have
been budgeted.
Police Clerks Contract. AUTHORIZATION for. the
Mayor to sign the two year labor contract nego-
tiated between the City and the Police Clerks,
subject to approval as to .form by the City
Hiring of Related Employee. In accordance with
the recommendations of the Finance Committee,
B . JOHNSON MOVED to approve the hiring of Lorna
Monroe as a part-time Police Clerk, McCaughan
seconded. It was determined that Ms. Monroe
is the sister of Leeanna Monroe, presently
employed part-time by the Traffic '.Iiolations
Division. Motion carried.
-. APPEALS Pay n Pak Sign Variance. This date has been set
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April 21, 1980
APPEALS for a hearing on the appeal on the Hearing
Examiner' s decision to deny a sign variance
for Pay N Pak, located at 1119 S. Central.
Councilman Bailey noted that he was =j- stock"
holder in Pay N Pak, and therefore would not
take part in the discussion or action on this
matter. It was noted that all material, includ-
ing a verbatim transcript, had been provided
by the Hearing Examiner' s office, to all pasties
of record and to staff.
The hearing was opened by Mayor Hogan.. Upon
questions from the Council, Rand Kohler, attor-
ney for Pay N Pak, explained that they Code
would allow two signs, each with a 100 square
foot face area, one on S. Central and one on
S. 259th. He clarified that each of the two
N Pak
signs could be two sided. Paul Morris, P
(PAY N PAK) Store Design Director, presented sketches show-
ing the two signs which would be allowed and
showing the larger sign proposed and determined
for B. Johnson that the height of the sign would
conform to the Code--no more than 30 feet.
Kohler noted that the variance was first denied
on July 3, 1979 by the Board of Adjustment on
a 3 - 2 vote. The matter was heard by the
Hearing Examiner on February 6, 1980 and was
subsequently denied on February 13. He noted
that all along some people had agreed that
one larger sign would be preferable to the
two allowed under the Code. Kohler quoted
from Sec. 5.8.5, noting that variances could
be granted when because of special circumstances,
applicable to the property including size,
shape, topography, location or surroundinz ,;s,
the strict interpretation of the regulations
of this chapter deprives such property of privi-
leges enjoyed by other property in the vicinity,
and under other identical zoning classifications.
It was determined that some existing signs
exceeding the 100 square foot face limitation
had been in existence before the Sign Code was
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April 21, 1.930
APPEALS Burke noted that the issue to consider was that
the ordinance provides for ti,,7o stringent find--
ings to be made for the issuance of & vr:,�:7iance.
The first finding was quoted !:-y Mr. xc1'7'Ier from
Sec. 5.8.5 and the second finding is -tl:,.a,t the
variance shall not constitute or grant a special
privilege inconsistent with a limitation upon
uses of other properties in the vicinii.-.y and
zone in which such property is situated. She
noted that neither of these address the issues
of design or esthetics and that the qu,�stion
is whether or not the City would be grarting
special privileges in allowing the larger sign.
Burke stated that she had detennined that
case did not meet the requirements as defined
(PAY N PAK) in the ordinance. Masters commented that even
though the request seemed reasonable that the
City was locked in by the provisions of 6-in
ordinance. Upon J. Johnson ' s question, VIarke
noted that her decision was not in con-I'Iict
with the Comprehensive Plan. Upon McCaug
question, it was noted that the sign fox
Diamond Lumber was under investigation, as it
appeared to be close to the size limitaticnZ .
After all who wished to speak had been heard,
MOONEY MOVED to close the hearing. B. Johnson
seconded. Motion carried.
McCAUGHAN MOVED to uphold the Hearing Examiner 's
decision to deny the variance. Mooney seconded
and noted that he found no errors in the judgment
of the Hearing Examiner and that if corner lots
should have special consideration, the Code should
be changed accordingly. a'. Johnson concurred
with Mooney. Masters noted that she wo,,.,Id
support the motion but that she disagreec.I in
principle and B. Johnson agreed with Masters.
Mayor Hogan asked if the existing sign near
the old building would be left up and Morris
stated that he didn ' t think so. Motion carried
unanimously with no vote from Bailey.
A 21, 1980
APPEALS Equip Rent Conditional Use Permit. This date
has been set for a hearing or, the appeal of the
Hearing Examiner ' s decision to apl:rov>- a
tional Use Permit for Equip F.(,-.nt, lrw_ 0 01�elc
ate a construction equipment rental bus:_nes:s at
21422 84th Avenue S. It was nc-;,ted that all
material, including a verbatim transcript, lead
been provided by the Hearing Examiner ' s office
to all parties of record and to the staff and
Council. The hearing was opened by Mayor Homan.
Robert Sandwick, attorney for Corvi Construction,
noted that the appellant was not opposed to Con.-
ditional Use permits ; that .in fact Corvi construc-
tion is operating under such a permit oD the
adjacent property. He noted that the Hearing
Examiner held a public hearing on the matter
on February 20, 1980 and approved the permit.:.
on March 5, 1980 with certain conditions . J`ae
appeal was filed on March 19, 1980 on the 'Js.sis
that the proposed use was detrimental to the
adjacent property, the site was inadequate,
timely provision of buffering devices was needed
and no provision for the timely compliance with
(EQUIP RENT) the standards for parking, landscaping, etc.
Sandwick further noted that the revised land-
scaping plan, submitted by Equip Rent, had been
rejected by the staff as inadequate. He noted
that the Code provided that this particular piece
of property should have 20 feet of landscaping
for the front yard and the minimum of 1.0 feet
for the side yard, but that the Hearing Examiner
had noted that consideration could be given to
providing a reduced landscaped area. Sandwick
noted that the Hearing Examiner ' s decision
stated that the use would be reviewed by the
Planning Department six months from the time
of approval of the landscaping plan and expressed
concern that submittal of a revised plan would
be delayed, thus delaying the review date. He
suggested that Equip Rent had improved their
operation within 2 days of the time the appeal
was filed. Sandwick asked that the Council impose
specific time limits for the improvements,
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April 21, 1950
APPEALS suggesting that 30 days be allowed for the
submittal and approval of a revised landscape
plan, that the landscaping requireme,nts be at
least 15 feet for the front yard and 10 feet
for the side yard, and that the Conditiona)..
Use Permit be terminated if the conditions are
not met.
Graham Bell, attorney for Equip Rent, noted
that Corvi Construction had not advised Equix.
Rent of their objections and that, in fact, the
City had notified Equip Rent of the appeal.
He stated that it appeared that Corvi felt
that Equip Rent should have the same conditions
which were placed on the Corvi Conditional Use
Permit. Bell noted that Equip Rent intended
to follow all of the City' s Code requirements
and that he thought the problem was with the
landscaping. It was his understanding that
the comments of the Hearing Examiner were that
(EQUIP RENT) there was a requirement of the Code for a cer-
tain width for the landscaping, but that a tradeoff
could be made so that the planting would
be not quite as wide, but thicker, with more
plants, which would do just as good a job of
screening. He noted that this was satisfactory
to his client. He noted that he had a land-
scaper and that before they proceed further
they would like to know the Council 's wishes.
It was pointed out that the landscape plans T
required the approval of the Planning Depart-
ment. He noted that a thinner planting might
do a better job and further, that the City Code
allowed a 6-month period after approval of the
landscape plan.
Mayor Hogan noted that there had been an inquiry
about Equip Rent occupying the site for about
six months without the required Conditional Use
Permit. Bell stated that when Equip Rent moved
they were told they didn ' t need an additional
license, nor. a Conditional Use Permit. Upon
McCaughan ' s question, the City Clerk advised
- 1Z -
P.pril 2:1., 1980
APPEALS that a new address for a business required the
same clearance as a new business and vas pr.o
cessed through the Planning and Fire/Building
Departments for the usual approval of xoninq
and for Certificate of Occupancy.
Will Wolfert, Associate Planner, determined for
McCaughan that the Landscaping Code did not
provide for narrower strips of plantings if they
were of higher density except for certain condi-
tions which did not seem to apply to these
cumstances. Hearing Examiner Burke re-, -awed
her comments, noting that this was a suggestion
to be considered if the staff had such discre-
Bell noted that they agreed to the constraints
as to the number of pieces of equipment which
would be allowed on the site and stated that
the requirements of all of the City Codes
would be met. Bailey asked the Hearing Examiner
if she had taken into consideration that this
(EQUIP RENT) type of operation, on a small piece of property,
might use the public right-of-way to load or
unload equipment. Burke replied that any permit
was subject to the requirements of all City Codes.
Bell noted that the unloading on 84th Ave. S. which
Bailey referred to was not done by Equip Rent
but by another equipment rental company. In
response to Bailey 's question about the sugges-
tion of tradeoff on the landscaping provision,
Burke noted that this was not made a condition
of the permit approval, but that the Landscaping
Code provided for some flexibility.
There were no further comments and MOONEY MOVED
to close the hearing. Bailey seconded. Motion
carried. BAILEY MOVED that the Conditional Use
Permit be remanded to the Hearing Examiner for
further consideration on compliance and concurrence
of the Planning Department for the landscaping and
that a time limit be set on their compliance of
not more than 120 days. McCaughan seconded and
Bailey clarified his intent was not more than 120
days from the date of the Hearing Examiner ' s review.
Motion carried.
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April 21, 1980
COUNCIL Public Works Committee. Mooney reported that.
COMMITTEES the Public Works Committee would hold a
meeting on Wednesday, April 23, 1980 at 8: 15 d.:p.,
to further consider the proposed Public Wo.-rks
Improvements Ordinance.
Parks Committee. Bailey reported that the
Parks Committee would hold no meeting until
the end of the month.
Ad Hoc Committees. Masters reported th it
Planning Commission is holding a workshop
meeting on Tuesday, April 22, 1980 on the IPP
Studies and that a public hearing would be
held on April 29, 1980. She suggested that
as many Council members as possible should
make an effort to attend. McCaughan noted
that he had attended the last workshop held
and referred to the great interest expressed
by the community in the sessions.
Chamber of Commerce Liaison. Bailey referred
to the meeting scheduled for April
30, 1980 regarding the traffic situation in
the Valley. He noted that the four Valley
cities would be represented and that John
Spellman, Councilman Barden and Councilman
Grant would also be in attendance.
Approval of Bills. APPROVAL OF PAYMENT of the
bills received through April 18, 1980 after
auditing by the Finance Committee at .its meeting
at 3:00 o 'clock p.m. on April 30, 1980.
ADJOURNMENT At 9: 30 o 'clock p.m. , MOONEY MOVED that the
meeting be adjourned to an executive session,
B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried.
The meeting reconvened at 10: 10 o ' clock p.m.
and was then adjourned.
Marie Jen n, CMC
City Clerk
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