HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 01/21/1980 I
Kent, Washington
January 21 , 1980
Reaular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at
8 : 60 o ' clock p.m. by Mayor Hogan. Present: Councilpersons Bailey,
Carey, B. Johnson, J . Johnson , Masters, McCaughan and Mooney, City
Administrator Cushing, City Attorney Mirk, Planning Director Harris,
and Acting Public Works Director Wickstrom. Also present: Finance
Director McCarthy, Parks Director Wilson, Administrative Assistant
Webby, City Treasurer Drotz , and URS representative Abed. Approxi-
mately 35 people were in attendance at the meeting.
COUNCIL In accordance with Resolution 716 , as amended,
the Council President/Mayor Pro Tem is elected
at the second meeting in even numbered years .
CAREY MOVED to nominate McCaughan, rlooney
seconded. There were no further nominations
and McCaughan was elected by a unanimous vote.
McCaughan made the following committee assignments :
CORRECTED • REFER TO Public-Works & Planning: Mooney, Chairman ,
INUTES OF `�� y gd Masters and McCaughan. Meets lst and 3rd Wednes-
Mday, 8 : 15 a.m.
Finance & Personnel : Carey, Chairman, B. Johnson
and J. Johnson. Meets as specified at each
Council meeting .
Public Safety: B. Johnson, Chairman, J. Johnson
and Bailey. Pleets as needed, first meeting
January 30 , 3 : 00 p.m.
Parks : Bailey, Chairman, Masters, and Mooney.
Bailey will set meeting time at a later date.
Planning Commission Liaison: Masters , Chairman,
J. Johnson. Attend or assign to other Council-
persons to attend Planning Commission meetings
to help coordinate the activities and goals of
each body. Attend regional meetings were feasible,
representing_ the City Council and definitely not
in conflict with the Plavor ' s attendance and duties .
Chamber of Commerce Liaison: Tom Bailey. A list
of Council work priorities will be compiled from
suggestions from recent Council retreat and from
Council workshops . This list will be updated after
each quarterly retreat.
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January 21, 1980
COUNCIL Carev noted that McCaughan would serve as back
up support for the Mayor with regard to Puget
Sound Council of Governments meetings .
CONSENT BAILEY MOVED that Consent Calendar Items 5A
CALENDAR through 5T be approved with the exception of
Items 5H and 5L, B . Johnson seconded. Motion
NOTE: The regular Council meeting of January 7 ,
1980 was cancelled due to inclement weather.
APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular meeting
of December 17 , 1979 with the following correc-
tion :
Uplands letter a part of the r,p cord, a Johnson
seconded, motion carried. �'l TA_`i`e ,_A �.`s � ,.
question, Dave Uhrich stag Seant.
to start with design work rre °ard a -rebX•
of delay was costly to them. It was pointed out
that staff could not proceed with any kind of
development REVIEW until the Valley Studies
guidelines have been completed and reviewed.
Marshall noted that the studies should be com-
plete by mid-January with the exception of the
transportation study, which should be finished
by the end of January and which could be impor-
tant to this development. He noted that site
design would have to be tentative with the under-
standing that some changes might have to be made
when the reports were complete. Uhrich proposed
that as long as Sears was abiding by the rules
set down by the consultants , that the City could
issue the permits now. ^Mirk noted that the
approval of the rezone was based upon Uplands '
acceptance of the recommendations of the studies
and that Uplands was aware of the time span allowed
for the studies . It was determined that the City
would not PROCESS permits until the plans sub-
mitted by the consultants were adopted by the
Citv. "
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January 21 , 1980
Russell Road Park - Phase III . AUTHORIZATION
for the Mayor to sign a lump sum contract with
ORB, in the amount of $40 , 640 , for complete
architect/engineering services for Russell Road
Park, Phase III . The contract has been reviewed
and approved as to form by the City Attorney.
Lake Fenwick . AUTHORIZATION for URS to perform
additional water flow monitoring of Fake Fenwick' s
inlet and outlet . The costs would be $550 to
the City, $2 , 000 to DOE and $2 , 750 to EPA. The
information collected would aid the engineering
design by providing more data representing the
wettest time of the year and would improve the
scientific knowledge of the lake .
King County Forward Thrust Funds . ADOPTION of
Resolution 883 acknowledging the City ' s interest
in accepting King County Forward Thrust funds to
be applied to the purchase of property for an
East Hill neighborhood park .
Commons Playfield . ACCEPTANCE of the Commons
Playfield contract as complete with retainage
to be paid upon receipt of State releases .
Kent Commons Petty Cash Fund . APPROVAL of a $200
petty cash fund to be used in the operation of
Kent Commons Phase II cash register system.
Kent Commons Phase II . APPROVAL of Change Order
#14 to cover the following items :
F.O. #13 Light Fixture Change under out-
side stairs $ 107
F .O. #14 Delete wall stops, change closer
arms at three gymnasium storage
rooms 173
F .O . 415 4 ft . wood door to Room 163b 605
F .O. #17a Paint color change at column 225
bases and beam connections
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January 21, 1980
PARKS F.O. #18 Install HM door in lieu of wood
at outside toilet 196
F.O. #19 Key switches for scoreboards 314
F.O. #20 Thumbturn deadbolt for Room 163b 133
F.O . #21 Beam in movable wall pocket no cost change
F.O. #22 Thresholds at entry and at
wood floors 843
F.O. #23 Handball court lighting timer
bvpass switches 650
F.O . #24 Dedicated circuit for cash
register 345
F.O. #25 Resilient tile and base for
gymnastic storage rooms 376
F.O. #26 Oak skirt boards at stair 160 466
R.P . #11 Relocate Room 170a Barn Doors 328
Letter from Richard Peterson to W.G. Clark
of 8/23/79 : Four (4) misc. acoustical
tile, resilient tile & carpet changes 472
W. G. Clark proposal of 9/20/79 for fold-
ing mirrors , venetian blinds , and crash
pad frames 3,491
SUBTOTAL $8 , 724
Credit: Deduct duplication of condition-
inq room painting 569
TOTAL $8 ,155
Custodial Equipment for Commons . Bids were re-
ceived on January 2 , 1980 for custodial equipment
for Kent Commons . The following is a list of
j the bids received:
Asplund Supply, Inc. $11, 687 .07
Industrial Chemical Lab , Inc. 11 ,941. 34
Packer-Scott Co. of Washington 11,990 . 51
The Parks Department recommends acceptance of the
best bid of Asplund Supply, Incorporated in the
amount of $1.1 , 687 . 07 . MOONEY SG MOVED, J . Johnson
seconded. !Motion carried .
Kent Commons Phase IT . B. Wilson noted that the
Kent Soroptimist Club will host a party for the
opening of Phase II on February 15 and that
tickets will be available soon.
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January 21 , 1980
ZONING Midway Equipment Rezone. The Midway Equipment
Company application for a rezone from HC Highway
Commercial to CM Commercial Manufacturing was
heard by the Hearing Examiner on November 21,
1979 . The examiner has recommended that the
application be approved with the following con-
dition: The owner shall execute an LID document
with the City for the widening and improvement
of N. Central Avenue and S . 228th Street.
CAREY MOVED that the recommendation of the Hear-
ing Examiner be approved and that the City
Attorney be instructed to draft the necessary
ordinance , Mooney seconded. Motion carried.
APPEAL Fiberchem Appeal . On December 17 , 1979 , a
hearing was scheduled for this date on the appeal
filed by Fiberchem to the November 30, 1979
Hearing Examiner ' s decision to deny a Conditional
Use permit in an M-3 zone. The City Attorney
recommends that the matter be remanded to the
Examiner for a new hearing . B. JOHNSON SO MOVED,
Carey seconded . Motion carried.
COMMISSION Planning Commission Appointment. APPROVAL of the
Mayors appointment of Helen Brooks to the Planning
Commission for a four year term.
Planning Commission Appointments - Expiring Terms.
The terms of Donald Baer, Harry Williams and Tom
Sharp expire in January 1980 . Baer and Williams
are completing_ unexpired terms and have each
served on the Planning_ Commission for two years .
Sharp is completing a full term. The Mayor is
recommending that all three be appointed for four
year terms. J . JOHNSON SO MOVED, McCaughan seconded.
Motion carried.
MASTERS MOVED that at the January 28th workshop,
the Council consider amendina the ordinance which
deals with the method to be used for such appoint-
ments. McCaughan seconded. Motion carried.
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jan.uary 21, 1980
SANITATION Proposal -_ LID 285 , Stepan & Associates, Inc.
ACCEPTANCE of the proposal prepared by Stepan
& Associates , Inc . for the design work on LID
285 . The fee for completion of this work shall
not exceed $16 , 215 unless authorized in writing
by the City.
Sewer Rates ADOPTION of Ordinance 2204 increasing the sewer
rates .
Garbage Rates ADOPTION of Or�li.nance 2205 increasing the garbage
rates .
Briere Lane - Water & Sewer Extension. ACCEPTANCE
of the Bill of Sale and Warranty Agreement for
operation and maintenance for approximately 2190
LF of sanitary sewer extension and 2060 LF of
water main extension constructed i_n the vicinity
of S .E. 228th Street froze .100th Place S .E . to
Benson Road. .
Public Works Improvement Plan. ADOPTION of Ordi-
nance 2203 requiring Department of Public Works
approval and providing for inspection fees for
public works improvements .
Street Vacation. AUTHORIZATION for the City
Attorney to draft a Resolution setting the date
for a public hearing on the request of Norman
Anderson for vacation of a portion of S . 238th.
Permits for Street Cuts. ADOPTION of Ordinance
2202 requiring that permits be obtained for each
street or curb cuts .
SR516 . Manor Hogan notcJ that a meeting would
n�;zt week, with the DOT to fur-
be held, possibly
ther discuss e- s surrounding the SR51
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January 21, 1980
1979 Uniform Plumbing Code. APPROVAL of Ordi-
nance 2200 adopting the 1979 Uniform Plumbing
Code .
1979 Codes. APPROVAL of Ordinance 2201 adopting
the 1979 Uniform Mechanical Code, Uniform Housing
Code, and Uniform Code for Abatement of Dangerous
1979 Uniform Building Code. APPROVAL of Ordinance
2199 adopting the 1979 Uniform Building Code.
ZONING Amendment to Code. On December 18 , 1979 , the
CODE Planning Commission held a meeting to consider
amending the zoning code for temporary park and
ride lots. The Planning Commission recommends
that parking requirements be amended as follows:
Proposed Amendment to the Kent Zoning Code for
Temporary Parking Chanaes:
Section 1. 3 Definitions
(Add) Temporary Parking. Parking facilities
specifically designed to accomodate
not less than 51 vehicles and intended
for public use for a period of not
more than five (5) years, subject to
annual maintence review by Engineering
Department. Temporary parking shall
not be in lieu of specified off-street
parking as required in Chapter 4 , Off-
Street Parking and Loading Requirements.
Section 4 . 4 Parking Standards
(Add) 12) Temporary Parking Facilities . Tem-
porary parking facilities may be
permitted by the Planning Director
when it has been shown that:
a) The existing use of the subject
property has adequate legal non-
conforming parking or that exist-
ing parking conforms to the
applicable standards of t12
Kent Zoning Cod,_
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January 21, 1980
ZONING 12) Continued
b) The temporary parking facility is pri-
marily intended to serve the public at
large and not the existing use on the
c) The temporary parking facility serves s
public need.
d) The temporary facility meets the follow-
ing minimum standards:
(1) 285 square feet gross area per stall
(2) Pavement Section:
Minimum 4 5/8 minus C.R. crushed
rock with Bituminous surface treat-
; ment, subject to Engineering Depart-
ment review.
( 3) On site drainage control and detentic.__
per drainage ordinance.
(4) Ingress and egress and interior cir-
culation and perimeter control subject
to Traffic Engineer approval .
The public hearing was opened by the Mayor. There
were no comments , and the hearing was closed.
B. JOHNSON MOVED that the amendments to the parking
requirements of. the Kent Zoning Code be approved
as recommended by the Planning Commission, Carey
seconded. Motion carried.
IMPROVEMENTS Consent Calendar Item 5L provided for adoption of
an ordinance requiring that applicants for building
permits be required to make public improvements . A
letter was read from Gary Volchok of Coldwell Banker
requesting that this item be removed from the Con-
; sent Calendar_ and that a hearing on the matter be
scheduled for the February 4 Council meeting. The
matter was removed from the Consent Calendar and
letter was made a part of the official record .
MOVED to schedule the matter for a public hearim,
for the February 4th meeting, McCaughan seconded.
Motion carried .
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January 21 , 1980
MAYOR'S Mayor Hogan noted that she would submit a
REPORT written summary approximately every two months
reporting on the various meetings she attends .
PERSONNEL B. JOHNSON MOVED to approve hiring of the wife
of Parks Department employee Jack Ball as a
part time maintenance employee, . noting that the
Balls would not be working the same shift.
Carey seconded, motion carried.
STUDIES Upon the request of R. D . Uhrich of Uplands
PROGRAM Industries, this item was removed from the Con-
sent Calendar to permit discussion. The Consent
Calendar Item provided for passage of Ordinance
2206, imposing an assessment against certain
properties in the city for the purpose of defray-
ing the costs of the Kent Valley Studies program.
A letter was read from Mr . Uhrich, a copy of
which has been filed as a part of the record.
Mr. Uhrich objected to the proposed ordinance
which would impose a charge of not more than $130
per acre. He stated that it had been originally
agreed that the property owners would share the
costs of the studies with the city. Upon Mooney' s
question, Mirk stated that the IPP ordinance
stated that the owner would bear costs directly
relating to the owner ' s proposed development,
and that the city and the owner would jointly
share the costs of the studies relating to the
owner ' s proposed development as it relates to
other areas which may be affected or impacted
by the owner ' s development.
Mirk further noted that the easiest way to com-
pute the amounts was to divide the cost of the
studies by the areas which were the target of
the studies, and that the "not more than $130
per acre" was the city' s suggestion. In answer
to Mooney' s question, Mirk noted that it was the
city' s original intent to share jointly in the
costs and that the city could still elect to do
this. Moonev noted that an EIS would cost approxi-
mately $55, 000 additional . Mirk noted that this
should logically be a part of the cost of the
studies, except for those who had already signed
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--anuary 21 , 1980
KENT VALLEY Carey stated that it was c:i.ear to him that the
STUDIES only reference to jointly sharing the costs
PROGRAM was relating to the owner ' s proposed develop-
ment as it relates to other areas which may be
affected or impacted by the owner ' s development.
He pointed out that consideration had not been
given to the impact. on other streets or impact
on the city ' s water sources .
CAREY MOVED to approve Ordinance 2206 as pre-
sented, J. Johnson seconded. Moti.on .carried
with Masters and Mooney dissenting.
INTERIM McCAUGHAN MOVED to adopt Ordinance 2207 , amend-
PLANNING ing Ordinance 2192 by extending the ::expiration
ORDINANCE date to March 17 , 1980 a.Ad further to direct
the staff to proceed with an Environmental. Im-
pact Statement. The cost of the EIS, approxi-
mately $60 , 000 is -to come from the -,Jntin(Tency
fund . Carey seconded . Tt- was determined by
Mooney and Carev that -he, staff will be working
on implements-n(T nrogram `or tht properties
involved . Mnt inn
I FINANCE Segregations . Tw have been received
from Taki Nacasawa Ai-or Assessment No. 21 in
LID 282 . The certifi.cat.es have been signed and
segregation fees hiive been paid . MASTERS MOVED
for the City Attorney to draft the necessary
resolution to approve the segregation. B. John-
son seconded . N4nt on. carried .
1980 General Obligation Fire Bonds . Bids were
received at 2 : 00 p.m . nti January 21 , 1980 for
the purchase of $450 , 000 par value of "Unlimited
Tax General Obligation Bonds , 1980" as follows :
Seafirst Bang. 7 . 421-69,
Rainier Bank 7 . 2609=
The bids have been t��,-)._1.ated by the City ' s finan-
cial consultant anc; r: vinwed by `-he Finance
Director. The Fin :rr;c-c, ?1,e'r recommends
e o t h< � d of :,3 n �r Bank. B u
the acceptanc
JOHNSON SO MOV17D . ri,� s,(?conded. motion carried .
1.0 -
January 21, 1980
Ap roval of Bills . APPROVAL of payment of bills
received through January 18 , 1980 after approval
of the Finance Committee at its meeting to be
held at 3 : 00 p.m. on January 31 , 1980 .
Claims approved by the Finance Committee at its
January 15, 1980 meeting are as follows:
Current Expense $ 50 ,129. 23
Parks & Recreation 3, 571. 85
Library 263. 25
City Streets 3, 706 .22
Kent Commons Operating 72 .74
Federal Shared Revenue 216 . 19
Knt Comm-Ph I Const. 105 . 00
So. 180th WVH-EVH 3,113 .79
UAB 13-84th Av So. Const 115, 801. 16
Lower Mill Creek Basin 158 . 21
1978 Wtr Revenue Const . 42 , 638 . 52
K-S Clor Equip. 132 . 58
Equipment Rental 1, 502 . 00
j Housing & Comm. Dev. 256 . 72
Workmens Compensation 477 . 70
Leff Disability 191. 96
LID #286 105,293.49
Sewer 30 ,967 .15
Water 21, 646. 42
Garbage 74 ,605 .01
$475,968 . 83
Interest Bearing Warrants
LID #286
j Di Orio Construction $105, 293.49
UAB 13-84 Av So Con
Scarsella Bros . 36 , 670 . 36
Scarsella Bros . 36 , 670 . 37
Scarsella Bros. 36 , 670 . 37
Seattle First 5, 790. 06
$'221, 094 . 65
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January 21 , 1980
FINANCE At the conclusion of reqular business at 8 :40
p.m. , upon Cushing ' s request, a motion was
passed to adjourn to executive session to dis-
cuss a real estate matter. The meeting recon-
vened at 9 : 13 p.m. and was then adjourned.
Marie Jen(;tn, CMC
City Clerk
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