HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 12/17/1979 Kent, Washington
December 17, 1979
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at
7:00 p.m. by Council President Carey in the absence of Mayor
Hogan. Present: Bailey, Carey, B. Jbhnson, J. Johnson, Masters,
McCaughan and Mooney, City Administrator Cushing, City Attorney
Mirk, Planning Director Harris and Acting Public Works Director
Wickstrom. Also present: Personnel Director Webby, Parks Director
Wilson, Police Chief Skewes, City Treasurer Drotz, and URS repre-
sentative Abed.
The Council retired to executive session and reconvened at 8 :15 p.m.
COUNCIL The oath of office was administered by the City
Clerk to newly elected councilpersons Bailey,
Carey, -B. Johnson and Mooney for 4-year terms
commencing January, 1980.
CONSENT J. JOHNSON MOVED to approve the consent calendar
CALENDAR items A through M with the exception of E and J
which will be considered as separate items as
requested by Masters and McCaughan respectively.
Mooney seconded, motion carried.
APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular meeting
of December 3, 1979 .
GRAFF On July 16, 1979 the Council held a public hearing
REZONE to consider the Graff application for a rezone
from R-1 to MR-M. The property is west of 116th
Avenue S.E. approximately 350 feet S. of S.E.
256th and consists of 4.11 acres. The Council
voted to deny the rezone.
On December 3, 1979 the Council took action which
set this meeting date for a hearing to reconsider
the action taken on July 16 due to the adoption
of the East Hill Plan amendments.
Harris noted that this 4.11 acre parcel is located
on the west side of 116th Avenue S.E. approximately
350 ' S. of S .E. 256th.
Carey opened the public hearing.
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December 17, 1979
GRAFF Bob Evans, representing the Graffs, noted that the
REZONE Council had approved amendments to the East Hill
Plan on November 19 and that reconsideration of
this rezone was based upon the new amendments.
Dick Gilbert stated that the traffic situation
in the area was extremely congested now, and that
the amendments to the East Hill Plan did not change
any zoning. He submitted two letters to the Clerk.
The letter from G. L. Dansenbura, Jr. of 25737 116th
Avenue S.E. was read, noting objections to further
development in this area citing the traffic problem,
overcrowding of schools, inadequate water supply,
and insufficient public transportation. The letter
was made a part of the record by motion. The
second letter, from George Dansenburg, Sr. of 1256
Weiland was also read, objecting to the proposed con-
dominiums up the hill from his Weiland Street resi-
dence. Mirk noted that the condos in question had
noting to do with the Graff rezone, and that the
letter should not be filed as part of this hearing.
Evans noted that plans for this development had _
started in July but that due to the change in the
financial situation for building, the plans may
have to be changed. He clarified for Masters that
there were now no definite plans for construction.
Wickstrom pointed out that the Public Works Depart-
ment had recommended certain street improvements
to the Planning Commission if the rezone was passed.
There were no further comments from the audience
and the public hearing was closed by motion.
McCAUGHAN MOVED to rezone the property to MRM with
the recommendation of the Planning Department to
be included, B. Johnson seconded. Carey noted that
as he was a resident of the area, he would abstain
from voting. Harris clarified that the Engineer's
recommendation was as follows:
Improve the west half of 116th Avenue as measured
from the centerline of the existing pavement to 18 '
wide with asphalt concrete pavement and cement con-
crete curb and gutter and cement concrete sidewalk
with detailed plans to be submitted to the Engineer-
ing Department for review and approval.
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_ December 17, 1979
GRAFF J. Johnson and Mooney spoke against the rezone,
REZONE noting the traffic congestion in the area. B.
Johnson noted also the water problem in the area.
Motion failed with only Masters and McCaughan
supporting it.
COMMISSION This item is for approval of the Mayor's appoint-
ment of Helen Brooks to the Planning Commission.
Masters suggested that the Council should have the
opportunity to consider more than one applicant
for appointment. Mooney concurred, and noted that
appointees should have some knowledge of utilities
and transportation and that Ms. Brooks' letter had
given no indication of this knowledge or experience.
J. Johnson disagreed, noting that he had had no
experience when he was appointed to the Planning
Commission and noted further that the Mayor had
submitted a list of names. Carey noted that since
we have started the hearing examiner system that
the work of the Planning Commissioners would be
changed considerably and perhaps background would
_ not be so important. He suggested that the
Council could elect to interview prospective can-
didates for appointment. McCaughan noted that
three other terms on the Planning Commission would
be due for reappointment or replacement next month
and that there were several qualified people inte-
rested in serving. MASTERS MOVED to delay the
appointment until after the Council could interview
the applicant, Bailey seconded. It was determined
that the interview would take place at the workshop
of January 14 and the matter acted upon at the meet-
ing of January 21. Motion carried with J. Johnson
voting nay.
ROWLEY #2 Ordinance 2194, zoning the Rowley #2 Annexation as
ANNEXATION MRM zone, with certain conditions, was passed by
the Council on December 3, 1979. The ordinance was
subsequently vetoed by Mayor Hogan on December 6th.
A copy of the veto message has been forwarded to
the Council and has been officially filed with the
City Clerk. B. JOHNSON MOVED to pass Ordinance 2194
over the Mayors veto, McCaughan seconded. Motion
carried unanimously.
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December 17, 1979
ANNEXATION A 10% notice of intention to circulate an annexation
petition has been received and certified as suffici-
ent. A meeting with the initiators is scheduled
for the workshop meeting of January 14, 1979.
SANITATION P-I Channel Property Acquisition. At the December
10, 1979 Council workshop the pending lawsuit re-
garding the property located south of 218th and
adjacent to SR 167 (west side) was discussed along
with the available options. It was noted that
financing could come from either the West Meeker
Street project or the 212th Street and SR 167
interchange project. The majority of the Council
members present recommended that staff proceed
with the acquisition of the property.
Upon McCaughan's question, Mirk clarified that the
City had no choice, they must either buy the pro-
perty or issue a building permit for it. It was
noted that there would be other such instances
and Cushing suggested that these must be considered
on a case by case basis. He pointed out that the
Public Works Department had explored the alternatives
and waiting would be more expensive. He noted that
if, for some reason, the P channel wasn't built,
the property could be sold. He stated further that
as we get into the overall drainage program it is
possible that a certain amount of money could be
set aside for a situation such as this for acquisi-
tion and that if the channel was not built the pro-
perty would be an asset to the city.
Upon Carey's question, Mirk noted that this was an
unusual situation and the only one which could not
be worked out with the owner and that the property
is only 132 ' wide. It was determined that the route
of the proposed channel could not be changed. Carey
suggested that we find out how many other properties
fall into this category. Mirk noted for McCaughan
that the Council would be kept advised of the pro-
ceeds of the purchase. McCAUGHAN MOVED to allow
the staff to proceed with negotiations. Masters
seconded. Motion carried.
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December 19, 1979
SANITATION LID 296. Adoption of Ordinance 2197 creating LID
296 for which the public hearing was conducted on
December 3, 1979.
East Side Watershed Project. King County, the
Green River Flood Control Zone District, the cities
of Auburn, Kent, Renton and Tukwila, and the King
County Conservation District are local sponsors of
the East Side Watershed Project as authorized under
Public Law 566. A resolution is requested for the
above sponsors to enter into an interlocal agreement
to further their objectives for timely implementation
of drainage and flood control improvements in the
Green River Valley.
J. JOHNSON MOVED to adopt Resolution 882 to author-
ize the Mayor of Kent to enter into agreements with
the U.S . Soil Conservation Service and other local
sponsors related to drainage and flood control
improvements in the Green River V#13ey.•. Bailey
seconded. Motion carried.
Woodland Way. The City Clerk not �p of
letters from Ron Anderson, Diane Drake, President
of the PTA for Scenic Hill School, and Rudy Onstad,
Principal of Scenic Hill School, along with a peti-
tion containing 50 signatures asking that permission
be given to property owners along Woodland Way to
tile and fill the open ditches. MASTERS MOVED to
accept the material and to refer the matter to the
Public Works Committee, Mooney seconded. Motion
STREETS Proposed LID. A petition has been received, signed
by three property owners, asking that the City
initiate the improvement of Smith Street from
4th Avenue North to Sixth Avenue North. MASTERS
MOVED to accept the petition and to refer it to the
Public Works Committee, B. Johnson seconded.
Motion carried.
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December 17, 1979
VALLEY Harris noted that KCM had delivered to the Council
STUDIES copies of "Valley Development Guidelines" dated
December 12th and suggested that the Council would
now want to have the Planning Commission become
involved. He noted that Pete Marshall was present
to answer questions concerning the report. Carey
UPLANDS noted receipt of a letter from Uplands asking to
be allowed to commence preliminary engineering
studies and site planning on a portion of the re-
zoned property. Carey and Harris concurred that
this could not be done until the studies were com-
MASTERS MOVED to make the Uplands letter a part of
the record. B. Johnson seconded, motion carried.
Upon McCaughan's question, Dave Uhrich stated that
Sears wanted to start with design work now and
that each day of delay was costly to them. It was
pointed out that staff could not proceed with any
kind of development until the Valley Studies guide-
lines have been completed and reviewed. Marshall
CORRECTED - REFER TO noted that the studies should be complete by mid
- _ January with the exception of the transportation
study, which should be finished by the end of
January and which could be important to this develop-
ment. He noted that site design would have to be
tentative with the understanding that some changes
might have to be made when the reports were complete.
Uhrich proposed that as long as Sears was abiding
by the rules set down by the consultants, that the
city could issue the permits now. Mirk noted that
the approval of the rezone was based upon Uplands'
acceptance of the recommendations of the studies
and that Uplands was aware of the time span allowed
for the studies. It was determined that the city
would not grant permits until the plans submitted
by the consultants were adopted by the City.
Kent Commons Playfield Change Order. The Parks
Department and ORB Organization recommend approval
of Change Order #1, which will increase Sun-Up Con-
structions ' s contract by $819 .00. The Change Order
is for removal of 60 ft. section of unsuitable sub-
base and to provide 40 cubic yards of lh" crushed
rock to fill excavated area.
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- December 17, 1979
PARKS Kent Commons Depository Safe Bid. On December 3,
1979, at 10:00 a.m. , bids were opened for a deposi-
tory safe for the Kent Commons. Two bids were re-
Allied Safe & Vault Company $2,069.15 ,
Security Safe & Lock Company 2,193.40
The Parks Department recommends that the best bid
of $2,069.15 from Allied Safe & Vault Company be
accepted. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the bid be awarded
to Allied Safe & Vault Company, McCaughan seconded.
Motion carried.
Kent Commons Bleacher Bids. On December 5, 197-9,
at 3: 00 p.m. bids were opened for bleachers for the
Kent Commons. Two bids were received:
Vanco Recreation, Inc. $1,482.62
Athletic Supply Company 1,658.48
The Parks Department recommends that the best bid
- of $1,482. 62 from Vanco Recreation, Inc. , be
accepted. B. JOHNSON MOVED to accept the Vanco
bid, Mooney seconded. Motion carried.
Budget Ordinance. Approval of Ordinance 2195 adopt-
ing the City s 1980 budget as presented on December
3, 1979.
1979 Budget Transfers for 2nd and 3rd Quarters.
Adoption of Ordinance 2196 approving transfers and
adjustments to the 1979 budget for the 2nd and -3rd
SERVICES Authorization for the Mayor to sign the contract
with Seattle/King County for health services for
1980, as approved by the City Attorney.
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December 17, 1979 -
1978 Water Main Improvements. As recommended by
the Engineering Department, the Di Orio Construc-
tion contract for the water mains project is
accepted as complete.
Seattle/Kent Intertie. In accordance with the re-
commendation of the Public Works Committee the URS
fee proposal -for the design and survey work for the
Seattle/Kent Intertie is accepted. The fee will be
based on time and expense and is estimated to be
$22,200 for design and $10,200 for survey.
Agreement for Law and Justice Planning and. the dis-
tribution of funds. Due to a change in Federal Law
a new agreement between King County and the City of
Kent must be approved. AUTHORIZATION for the new
agreement which provides for the obtaining of Law
and Justice Grant Funds from King County where in
the past these funds were obtained through the
State of Washington.
FIRE Bonds. The City Attorney recommended passage of
DEPARTMENT Ordinance No. 2198, prepared by bond counsel,
Jim Gay, providing for issuance of $450, 000 par
value of "Unlimited Tax General Obligation Bonds,
1980. " It was noted that the bonds had been
approved by the voters on November 6, 1979 for
the purpose of acquiring additional fire fighting
equipment. MOONEY MOVED to adopt Ordinance 2198 ,
Masters seconded. Motion carried.
APPEAL Fiberchem, Inc. The Clerk noted that Fiberchem,
Inc. has filed an appeal to the November 30, 1979
Hearing Examiner 's decision to deny a Conditional
Use Permit in an MR-3 zone. Upon Mirk's recommenda-
tion, MASTERS MOVED for a hearing to be held on the
matter at the January 21, 1980 Council meeting.
Mooney seconded. Motion carried. Mirk noted that
he would review this new procedure with the Council
at the workshop of January 14, 1980.
LOWER MILL Detention Facility & Earthworks. Wickstrom noted
CREEK that he had distributed a schedule, estimate and
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December 17, 1979
LOWER MILL financial summary for the water detention facility.
CREEK He noted that the project would be one year under
construction, starting in August, 1980, with
design work completed by May 1, 1980 . He noted that
the least expensive route would be to have a con-
tractor commit to the full project so as to avoid
further inflation. The total cost would be in the
range of $605,000 for the entire project, including
the earthworks,plus additional funds of $77,830,
of which $10,000 is the increase on the Bayer
package. He advised that the design be approved
now, for either the basic project, or for the en-
tire project including the earthworks.
Masters concurred that the design should be authorized,
but without the earthworks portion. Wilson stated
that the canyon was supposed to be developed in a
park-like setting and that $50,000 was allowed for
landscaping. He suggested that this amount be added
to funds collected by the Arts Commission, and used
for the earthworks . Jess Abed clarified that the
$53,000 was earmarked for the bridge and slope
treatment as part of the basic contract. B. Johnson
noted that part of the earthworks project on S. 216
had slipped downhill due to the recent heavy rains,
noting that the trees had been removed to make way
for the sculpture. Wilson commented that the grass
had not been planted long enough to prevent the
J. Johnson spoke in favor of going ahead with both
projects. Carolyn Wiley stated that $48,000 had
been pledged to the Arts Commission for the earth-
works and that additional funds would be available
after the city commits to the prject. Wickstrom
clarified for Bailey that $143,000 was needed to
include the earthworks project, and concurred with
Abed that the $53,000 was not for landscaping, but
for the bridge and slope treatment in the basic
Don and Marie Crew and Laurel Whitehurst spoke in
favor of including the earthworks. Upon McCaughan's
question, Wickstrom noted that what he proposed was
one contract, but that the earthworks portion could
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December 17, 1979
LOWER MILL be made a separate contract. He concurred that
CREEK some of the expense could be time-phased into the
1981 budget since the project would be over a year
under construction. Mooney commented on the overall
need for a solution to the drainage problems for
the entire valley, noting that drainage from the
hillsides eventually ends up in the valley. Wick-
strom noted that $425,000 was already included in
the 1980 budget for this project and the balance
of the funds could come from the 1981 budget,
allowing time for the Arts Commission to seek addi-
tional funds.
Cushing noted that the city could investigate the
possibility of a drainage utility project, which
could help to defray the expense of a project such
as this. He also pointed out that the Council
would not be committed until time to award the bids
in August, at which time the consideration could
be given as to the amount the Arts Commission had
on hand at that time, and whether a drainage utility
was feasible. Mooney commented on the work schedule
noting that drainage work scheduled for winter
months would be delayed. Abed noted that time
allowances had been made for inclement weather.
MOONEY MOVED to have the engineer proceed with the
design for the project including the earthworks ,
with further review in August. B. Johnson seconded.
Upon Masters ' question, Wickstrom clarified that
including the earthworks in the design would cost
$15, 000, and that it would not come from the general
fund, but that it could be deferred to the 1981
budget. Motion carried.
FINANCE Salaries. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the salaries for
employees not represented by a bargaining unit be
increased by 8% effective January 1, 1980 and that
the Council reserves the right to further increase
the salaries for this group retroactive to January
lst in the event that the salaries for those repre-
sented by a bargaining group are increased more
than 8%. McCaughan seconded, motion carried.
Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of bills
received through December 19 after approval of
the Finance Committee at its meeting to be held
at 3:00 p.m. on December 31, 1979 .
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December 17, 1979
FINANCE Claims approved by the Finance Committee at its
December 14, 1979 meeting are as follows:
Current Expense 84,431.17
Parks & Recreation 15,735.34
Library 96,617.62
City Streets 10,907.37
Kent Commons Oprtg Fund 2,832.20
Fed Shared Revenue 414.47
So. 180th WVH - EVH 994. 34
Knt Comm - Ph II Con 150,521.74
UAB 13 - 84 Av S Con 261,887.28
Knt-Kngly Rd Imp 18,845.00
Chic/Milw RR Xings 58.07
1978 Wtr Rev Const Fund 1,176.20
W-H Reservoir Const Fund 17 .90
Equipment Rental 8 ,807.25
Emp. Retirement 767.79
Housing & Comm Dev 721. 73
Workmen's Comp 346.22
Firemen's Rel & Pen 37. 88
LEFF Disability 4,853.74
LID #283 8,483.02
LID #286 625.96
LID #287 3,476.00
Sewer 56,339.50
Water 28,752. 64
Garbage 97,104. 70
Interest Bearing Warrants
LID #283
Behar, Cohen
Magnuson, Metz
Paula J. Morgan
Tallackson, Due $ 8,483.02
LID #286
Burlington Northern $ 625.96
LID #287
Westingconsul $ 3,476.00
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December 17, 1979
ADJOURNMENT J. JOHNSON MOVED to adjourn the meeting at 10:45
o'clock p.m. , B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried.
Marie Jen n, CMC
City Clerk
NOTE: Workshops have not been scheduled for the
Mondays of December 24 or December 31. The next
Council meeting is January 7 at 8:00 p.m. The
next regular workshop will be January 14 at 7:00
p.m. unless staff is advised otherwise.
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