HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 10/01/1979 Kent, Washington October 1, 1979 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. The Mayor and all Councilpersons except Just were pre- sent. The meeting was recessed to Executive Session to discuss labor negotiations. At 8: 10 P.M. the reconvened meeting was called to order by Mayor Hogan. Present: City Administrator Cushing, City Attorney Mirk, Planning Director Harris and Public Works Director Ulett. Also present: City Treasurer Margaret Drotz, City Engineer Don Wickstrom, and Jess Abed of URS. Approximately 25 people were in attendance at the meeting. CONSENT McCAUGHAN MOVED to adopt Consent Calendar Items CALENDAR A - N with the exception of Item B which was removed at the request of Mayor Hogan, Carey seconded. Motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5A) Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular meeting of September 17, 1979. POLICE VAN (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5C) Authorization for an Application to the State Traffic Safety Commission for a Grant for an Accident Investigation Van. The Washington State Traffic Safety Commission has programmed highway traffic safety funds for a fully-equippea accident investigation van for the City of Kent in the amount of $30,000. The van would be equipped with the latest investigative, accident scene processing and evidence preservation equip- ment. The award of this grant is contingent on the purchase of a van by the City in the amount of $9, 000 which the Traffic Safety Commission will lease at the rate of $200 per month. AUTHORIZATION is given for the Police Department to apply for the traffic van grant. WATER (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5M) West Hill Reservoir at Military Rd. & 264th Street. The proposal for a property exchange at the reser- voir site was discussed at the September 24, 1979 Council workshop. It is recommended that Council approve the concept noting that the Engineering Department would pursue working out the details. Once the details have been worked out the agree- ment would be submitted to the Council for review and approval. CONCEPT APPROVED. - 1 - October 1, 1979 WATER Water Supply. Referring to a September 26th meeting of representatives from the City, URS, and Water Districts 105 and 111, Carey noted that a joint consortium concept was accepted and that he and B. Johnson will represent the City on the steering committee. Wickstrom noted that the committee will meet at 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday on the 4th floor. Seattle Intertie. As discussed at the September 24, 1979, Council workshop, there are two alter- natives for connection to Seattle' s Bow Lake Main. One would utilize an existing tee located in the vicinity of Long Acres Race Track, and the other would be a new tap at any location convenient to Kent. Utilizing the existinq tee would be an interim measure since the tee is not adequately sized to meet Kent' s future needs . It would be, however, the fastest (time-wise) and the easiest . Either connection requires a substantial lead time (up to 9 months for the new tap) with Seattle preparing the plans and making the actual connection. For Seattle to proceed, they will need authorization from Kent advising them to do so, and noting that Kent will pay all costs associated with the respective connection(s) . The letter would also denote Kent's responsibility for said costs independent of whether or not the intertie materializes. ELLIOTT MOVED to authorize the Mayor to send a letter of intent to the City of Seattle asking them to give us an estimate of the cost of engi- neerinq and connection. Carey seconded. Motion carried. Water Service. Alan Croft noted that in May 1977 the City had agreed to furnish water to Sharon Fuller at 23403 94th Avenue S. , and that Ms. Fuller had agreed to the covenant required by Resolution 822. Mr. Croft has purchased the property and intends to build a home on the site, and asks that the City furnish water. Croft noted that there is a line to the property and that water had been furnished to an old house which has since been torn down. Wickstrom noted that the distri- 2 - October 1, 1979 WATER bution system is inadequate for the homes now served and that the line should be replaced with an 8" line, about 4 ,000 feet in length which would be quite expensive. Ulett deter- mined that the property owners in the area had been shareholders in the Hamilton Road Water System, later acquired by the City. Masters noted that she was familiar with the problems of the water distribution system in that area, and while she agreed that Croft was probably entitled to a connection, the service would be poor and such a connection would not be advisable. Croft noted that he believed the City had committed to serving water to the property based on the form letter sent to Ms. Fuller. Mirk pointed out for McCaughan that the minutes of May 2, 1977 state that the approval of water service for the Fuller property was subject to adequacy of the water main and further that Resolution 822 also made such a provision. Mirk noted further that the commitment and conditions were to Ms . Fuller and that she hadn't followed through on the matter before selling the property. The City's form letter, he explained, was provided to the applicant for presentation to King County, and did not legally obligate the City to provide water. It was determined that Croft had no frontage on Hilltop, so could not connect to that line. CAREY MOVED to deny the connection to this system and to have the staff work fur- ther with Croft to find an alternate line for connection. B. Johnson seconded. Wickstrom noted for McCaughan that the preliminary plat adjacent to James Street at 94th Avenue S. would have a new connection at James, looping back into 94th Avenue. It was determined that Croft' s property was about 2 mile from this line. Motion carried with McCaughan voting nay. It was noted that the City' s form letter should be revised, so as to avoid misinterpreta- tion in the future. - 3 - October 1, 1979 WATER Connection Request. Cal Wilson has re- quested, by letter, to be advised of the City's plans relating to a water supply line for serving property at S .E. 272nd Place and 154th Avenue S.E. The letter was made a part of the record and B. JOHNSON MOVED to refer it to the Public Works Committee. Masters seconded. Motion carried. SURPLUS Sale of Excess City Equipment. The Public EQUIPMENT Works Committee recommends that 14 City vehicles be sold by public auction and that we contract with Anderson' s Auction Service for that purpose. Two additional police vehicles may be added, if their mileage is sufficient by the date of the sale. The City Attorney has reviewed the proposed contract form. CAREY MOVED that a contract with Anderson's Auction Service for the sale of the vehicles be authorized, B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. VALLEY Cushing reminded the Council that the STUDIES next seminar on the Valley Studies Program will be at 3:00 p.m. on Monday at Kent Commons and that they will work through dinner and go on to the workshop at 7:00 p.m. He noted that the Planning Commission members and City Council candidates should be invited. 4 - October 1, 1979 PARKS (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5D) Russell Road Park - Phase II. The Parks Depart- ment and ORB recommend approval of C.O. #3 which will reduce Aldrich and Hedman's contract for Russell Road Park Phase II project by $1,545. 50 . The reduction is a result of a contract requirement which obligates the con- tractor to pay the owner for architect con- struction administration required after the completion date. In addition, it is recommended that the project be accepted as complete with retainage to be paid after receipt of releases from the State and any lien holders. APPROVED. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5E) Kent Commons Change Order #12. The Parks Depart- ment and Ted Bower Associates recommend approval of Change Order #12 for the following work: (1) Door alarm changes for all $ 3,108 exterior doors - (2) Scoreboard wiring 752 (3) Miscellaneous electrical items 698 Omit surface mounted toggle switch for storage room lights and provide instead switch to be activated by south leaf of barn door with light 127 to turn on as door begins to open. Provide and install one gravity roof ventilator on roof of handball 714 court Total of Change Order #12 $ 5, 399 APPROVED. Carey stated that a meeting of the Parks Committee would be held at 8: 00 a.m. Tuesday, October 9th. - - 5 - October 1, 1979 STREETS (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5F) Kent Kangley (SR 516) Road Improvement, 256th Street to 116th Avenue. The State has requested a State City agreement be executed for the tem- porary transfer to the State of City rights of way for this project. The Public Works Committee recommends that the Mayor be authorized to exe- cute said agreement. APPROVED. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5I) Meeker Street Improvement (State to Kennebeck & CBD Grant Program - Sidewalk Improvements, Change Order #l. The Public Works Committee recommends approval of Valley Cement' s Change Order #1 in the amount of $2,045. 85 for work associated with topsoil and clean-up. APPROVED. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5J) Easement Release at SR 18 and SR 516 . The State requests release of the City' s outstanding ease- ment across SR 18 in the vicinity of SR 516. The Public Works Committee has reviewed this matter and recommends release thereof, limited however, to that portion of SR 18 right-of-way. APPROVED. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5K) Easement Release at 213 Summit Avenue. The City has a sanitary sewer easement across the property located at 213 Summit Avenue which is no longer necessary. The Public Works Committee reviewed the matter and recommends release of the easement. APPROVED. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5L) Meeker Street Improvement (State to Ken nebeck & CBD Grant Program Sidewalk Improvements. Valley Cement Construction, Inc. has completed their contract for the reconstruction of Meeker Street and related sidewalk improvements . The Engineer- ing Department recommends acceptance of contract as complete and for the retainage to be paid upon receipt of the necessary releases from the State. APPROVED. 6 - October 1, 1979 UTILITIES (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5G) Outside Utility Requests. The Public Works Committee recommends the following action on these outside utility requests: (1) Falkner request for sewer and water service to a 2. 31 acre parcel located at approximately 22225 93rd Avenue S. be denied due to the present problem with water service in that area. (2) Schuck request for sewer service to a � acre parcel located at 278th Street and 13200 block be approved subject to the requirements of Resolution #822. RECOMMENDATIONS APPROVED. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5N) Kenton Ridge Apartment Phase II. The Engineer- ing Department has received the Bill of Sale and Warranty Agreement for 881 feet of 8" water main extension, 1, 500 feet of 10" water main extension, 1, 500 feet of 8" sanitary sewer ex- tension and 1, 554 feet of 15" sanitary sewer reconstruction for the development of Kenton Ridge Apartments Phase II in the vicinity of S.E. 236th Street & 108th Avenue S.E. The Engineering Department recommends acceptance for continuous operation and maintenance and acceptance of the Bill of Sale and Warranty Agreement for said improvement. The cash bond will be released after payment of any outstand- ing City bills against the project. APPROVED. fiEALTH & (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5H) SANITATION 1979 Sewer Comprehensive Plan. URS submitted a proposal to the Engineering Department for the additional work related to the development of the sewer comprehensive plan. The proposal presented to the Public Works Committee has now been revised to a time and material status, not to exceed $11,940. The Engineering Department recommends acceptance of the revised proposal. APPROVED. - 7 - October 1, 1979 HEALTH & Bids - Downtown Sewer Replacement Phase II. SANITATION Bids on this project were presented at the last Council meeting and the City Attorney recommended that consideration be delayed to this meeting. Upon Mirk's further recommend- ation, CAREY MOVED to reject all bids, and that a recall for bids be issued for October 19, 1979. J. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. ANNEXATION Rowley No. 2. A public hearing has been adver- tised for this meeting to consider annexation of this 35.94 acre parcel (including 4. 5 acres of right of way) located south of S. 248th, west of 104th S.E. The public hearing was opened by Mayor Hogan. Ulett reported that the Boundary Review Board has not invoked jurisdiction. The Clerk reported receipt of a letter from Thomas Groszek objecting to the annexation and to the proposed MR-M zoning of the parcel. The Mayor noted receipt of a copy of a letter from Mary Ellen McCaffree addressed to the Boundary Review Board, in favor of the proposed annexation. Mr. Groszek noted that condominiums had been built in the area and that more were planned which would re- sult in a traffic problem on S. 248th. He ex- pressed concern that the open space portion could later be sold for additional development and doubted that the water line on S. 248th could handle new development. He further noted that he was not willing to be a part of an LID to improve the streets in the area which would benefit those who sought to develop the parcel. Both letters have been made a part of the official record . Upon Elliott' s question, Ulett determined that the right of way for S. 248th was included in the legal description since annexing to the center line of a street was no longer permitted. He further determined that water and sewer ser- vice would be from the City. Harris noted that he would reserve his comments to the zoning hearing for this proposed annexation which would 8 - October 1, 1979 ANNEXATION be the next item of discussion. There were no further comments and CAREY MOVED to close the hearing. Elliott seconded, motion carried. McCAUGHAN MOVED to approve the annexation and for the City Attorney to draft the ordinance. Carey seconded, motion carried. ZONING OF The first of the two required hearings on the ROWLEY zoning for this annexation was conducted on ANNEXATION August 20 and was continued to this meeting. The Planning Commission has recommended MR-M (Medium Density Multi Family Residential) zoning, subject to establishment of a satis- factory road system and provision for proper environmental controls for the ravine. The Mayor opened the continued public hearing. Harris noted that the staff had had several meetings with the property owners regarding the street system and the ravine. He asked that the hearing be continued to the November 5 meeting to allow time to draft a Precise agreement to be signed by the affected property owners. The agreement would then be presented to the Council for their approval at the con- tinued hearing . He noted that the owners seem to be in agreement with the conditions. B. JOHNSON MOVED to continue the hearing to Novem- ber 5, Elliott seconded. Motion carried. FEDERAL Notice of public hearing has been given for this REVENUE date for the proposed use of Federal Revenue SHARING Sharing Funds. The amount of unappropriated entitlement funds for 1980 is $525, 102, which includes entitlement funds expected to be re- ceived in the fiscal year 1980 in the amount of $498 ,745. The public hearing was declared open. The Clerk noted request for funds from King County Rape Relief in the amount of $2,000 and from Kent-Auburn Community Service Center in the amount of $5,043. 30. Both letters have been distributed to the Council and have been made a part of the record. There were no comments from the audience and CAREY MOVED to close the hearing. McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. 9 - October 1, 1979 BILLS Approval of the bills, (Item 5B) was removed from the Consent Calendar at Mayor. Hogan' s request. The Mayor noted that the Finance Committee had questioned the mileage and parking expenses for attendance at Metro meetings. She noted that such expenses had been paid throughout the year, and that if this policy was to be changed, that some discussion be held on the matter. B. Johnson noted that the question had just been pre- sented at the last Finance Committee meeting and that the Committee was waiting for input from staff. She MOVED to approve the balance of the Mayor's expenses- and to approve pay- 5 ment of t,.& Ils received through M which were considered at the Finance Com- mittee meeting on Se J. Johnson- seconded. Motion carried. FINANCE The following claims were approved by the Finance Committee at its meeting of September 28 , 1979: Current Expense $ 91 ,928. 10 Parks & Recreation 17,681 . 48 Library 1 ,137 .46 City Streets 10,408. 23 Kent Commons Oprtg Fund 1,783. 55 Fed Shared Revenue 410.75 So 180th, WVH - EVH 9. 92 Mil/Kent-D/M Int 4,876.06 1978 Wtr Rev Const 750.00 Equipment Rental 7, 974.74 Emp. Retirement 767 .79 Housing & Comm Dev 354. 51 Arts Commission 209. 26 Workmen' s Comp 791. 86 Firemen's Rel & Pen 37. 88 LEFF Disability 4► 827. 89 LID #286 104. 50 Sewer 64, 208.11 Water 17 ,999.99 Garbage Fund 1,488. 35 $227, 750 .43 - 10 - October 1, 1979 FINANCE Interest Bearing Warrants LID #286 $ 104. 50 Puget Power ADJOURNMENT atL9005p.m. , m meeting adjourned . , J. Johnson secnded. motion carried. Marie Je e CMC City Clerk - 11 -