HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 09/04/1979 Kent, Washington September 4, 1979 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8:00 o'clock p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilpersons Carey, Elliott, B. Johnson, J. Johnson, Masters and McCaughan, City Administrator Cushing, City Attorney Mirk, Planning Director Harris and City Engineer Wickstrom. Councilperson Just and Public Works Director Ulett were not in attendance. Also pre- sent: City Treasurer Drotz, Parks Director Wilson, Police Chief Skewes, and URS representatives Abed and Ramsey. Approxi- mately 35 people were in attendance at the meeting. CONSENT CAREY MOVED to adopt Consent Calendar Items A - CALENDAR U, with the exception of Item Q which was re- moved at the request of Councilperson Masters, B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5A) Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular meeting of August 20, 1979 , with the following addition: " (Consent Calendar Item 5S) Hearing Examiner System. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 2180 estab- lishing the Hearing Examiner system for the City. " HEALTH & LID 295. This public hearing has been continued SANITATION from the August 6 meeting and the project con- sists of a 10-inch sanitary sewer on 104th Place from SE 224th north to a point approximately 450' north of SE 222nd, ending in a cul-de-sac. The continued public hearing was opened by Mayor Hogan. City Engineer Wickstrom noted that copies of the August 17 letter from the Health Department recommending that the LID be formed had been dis- tributed to the Council and a copy has been placed on file. Mrs. Goldsbary stated that there were no alternatives open to them, that sewers were necessary for this area. George Zigalla stated that he lived 1� blocks from the Goldsbarys and had had no problems. Larry Kirchner of the Health Department noted that the residents of the area should consider this as a community problem and that those not presently affected could have the problem in the near future. He pointed out that some of the residents could actually be forced - 1 - September 4, 1979 _. HEALTH & from their homes and that the septic tanks were SANITATION never intended to be a permanent solution to the sewage problems. Zigalla noted that the letter referred to 103rd and 105th Avenues but that the problem seemed to be on 104th Place. Bernard Gerhards stated that he lived next to the Goldsbarys and that it appeared that the odor problem had been resolved. The Clerk noted receipt of a letter from Mr. Gerhards protesting the formation of the LID and also a letter from Mr. and Mrs. Goldsbary asking that the LID be approved. CAREY MOVED to accept the letters for the record, J. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. A resident of the area stated that he agreed with Kirchner's statement but that the project appeared to be very costly especially to those who were not having a sewage problem. It was determined that the project could be financed over a period of years and that the area was not inside the city limits. Kirchner noted that space for additional drainfields was limited and that the vacant lots had poor percolation capabilities. Wickstrom described the area again and upon a question from the audience, Cushing determined that the area of a proposed LID could be decreased without redoing the initial paperwork. There were no further comments and B. JOHNSON MOVED to close the hearing. Carey seconded, motion carried. McCAUGHAN MOVED to authorize the City Attorney to prepare the ordinance to create the LID, Elliott seconded. Upon Carey' s question, Wickstrom noted that if the size of the LID was decreased, it would in- clude between SE 224th and SE 222nd and that there had been at least one problem area north of 222nd. He pointed out that decreasing the area would result in an estimated assessment of about $8,000 per lot. Motion carried. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5U) Bill of Sale Reynolds Aluminum Recycling Utility Extension. ACCEPTANCE of the Bill of Sale and Warranty Agreement for the utility extensions 2 - E September 4 , 1979 HEALTH & constructed for the Reynolds Aluminum project SANITATION consisting of approximately 270 feet of 10" water main extension and approximately 300 feet of 8" sanitary sewer extension in the area of S. 212th in the vicinity of the Burlington- Northern Railroad tracks, and release of the cash bond when all outstanding City bills have been satisfied. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5T) Late Comers Agreement - Reynolds Aluminum Recycling Utility Extension. AUTHORIZATION to prepare the necessary documents for a late comers agreement as requested by Henry Vanderbeck, covering the utility extensions constructed in the vicinity of S. 212th and the Burlington-Northern Railroad tracks. The Engineering Department has reviewed the request and finds the project eligible for a late comers agreement, subject to the developer paying all City costs for same. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5K) LID 288/293 - East Valley Highway Improvements S. 212th_- S. 192nd. APPROVAL of Change Order No. 1 as requested by Scarsella Brothers and re- commended by the Public Works Committee in the amount of $2, 500 to provide interim security during the relocation of the fencing. Kent Hiahlands. Mayor Hogan noted receipt of a telephone call from Fir. DeBoer of Kent High- lands noting that they were hiring a person to monitor the Kent Highlands Landfill site and that such person would work with Seattle to see that the terms of the agreement were being ful- filled. She also determined for B. Johnson that Glenn Caron of the City staff is the person monitoring the site for the City. In response to B. Johnson's further questions, Wickstrom noted that complaints and/or questions about the monitoring should be addressed to the Engineer's Department. WATER (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5J) Kent-Tukwila Water System Intertie. APPROVAL of Change Order No. 1 submitted by the Ralph Co. , - 3 - September 4, 1979 WATER Inc. in the amount' of $3, 852.84 as quoted by Puget Sound Power & Light for transformers and power to the new vault. (CONSENT CALENDAR- ITEM 5N) 1979 Water System Improvement. APPROVAL of the establishment of the following projects and their respective budgets, with interim financing coming from the unemcumbered balance fund of the Water Department and AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign negotiated consultant agreements for the work denoted in Project "C" and negotiated consultant agreement for the investigative work portion of Project "A" : A. Kent Springs Source Analysis . . . . . . .$ 75,000 B. Kent Springs Transmission Main Predesign Report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33,000 C. Seattle Intertie Predesign Report/ Valley and E. Hill Water Source Availability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 ,000 D. Financial Report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28,000 TOTAL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$174 ,000 Building Permit Moratorium. Mayor Hogan noted that she had received a report of building per- mits issued in the area through this date to give some indication of the projected water us- age in the immediate future. She stated that the projected usage for residential, multi- family, and industrial use would be an additional 1,800,000 gallons per day over the current amount. She asked that the Council give consideration to declaring a moratorium on the issuance of build- ing permits until it was determined how much water the City would be able to supply by next summer. She suggested that by continuing to issue building permits the City was compounding the problem when a shortage already exists. She suggested that no more building permits be issued until November 1 or until the data from the studies being made would be available with informa- tion as to the water supply for next year. She noted that more facts were needed on the East Hill well, as well as on the Tukwila intertie 4 - September 4, 1.979 WATER and their Seattle source. The Mayor noted that the cost of water through Tukwila was almost twice that which Kent charges, and that we would not know until October whether the East Hill well could be drilled and what the capacity would be. Carey stated that he did not feel the Council could take any action until the staff report covering the water situation was completed, at which time the Council would set a policy for all utilities and for all customers. J. Johnson agreed with the Mayor that the problems were pre- sent now and it would not be possible to wait much longer before some decisions were made. He agreed with declaring the moratorium on building permits since granting more would mean that there would be that many more water users in the future. Mayor Hogan suggested that per- haps building permits could contain wording to the effect that issuance of the permit did not necessarily guarantee that the City would be able to provide water service. Carey stated that the City did not have information available that would warrant such a statement. He suggested that the City would most likely have 4 million gallons additional by next summer. McCaughan noted that in a conversation with Mayor DeLaurenti today it had been brought to his attention that Renton has an excess of water which can be supplied to the City of Kent in the interim, even though the water would have to be pumped and pressurized and would cost the the City additional monies. He also suggested that the staff would have to determine how much the cost would be and also noted that Renton had indicated they would cooperate with the necessary right-of-way easements to enable connection to the Seattle water supply. Mayor Hogan noted that Renton's 50-year contract with Seattle runs out next year and that water would not be supplied at the same rate. It was determined for B. Johnson that part of the water study included a rate study, and Cushing noted for B. Johnson that some pre- liminary data should be -available in October. - 5 - September 4, 1979 WATER Cushing noted that it must be determined that the supply in a given area is in fact not ade- quate to serve the demand. In response to J. Johnson's question, Ramsey of URS noted that the water table at Kent Springs had in fact dropped and J. Johnson suggested that the City should be taking a close look at what is happen- inq in that area, and also how existing customers were going to be served. STREETS (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5L) 1979 Asphalt Paving Projects. ACCEPTANCE as complete of the Lakeridge Asphalt Paving, Inc. contract for the paving of S.E. 267th Street, 110th Avenue S.E. , East Valley Highway, "Old" Reith Road, and S. 4th Avenue, and release of the retainage after receipt of the necessary State documents. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5M) S 252nd Street & Canyon Drive Street Improvement. APPROVAL of the concept for the realignment of S. 252nd Street at Canyon Drive as discussed at the last Council workshop. The realignment involves an additional triangular take from the Park of approximately 8,400 square feet, and if an LID is formed for the improvement of the intersection of Canyon Drive and S. 252nd Street then the pro- perty in question would be purchased or credited against the Park property assessment. If, for some reason, the LID fails to materialize and the developers of the Parkside Village Apartment com- plex construct the realignment of S. 252nd Street as required under their building permit then the benefit derived to the Park property by the realign- ment will equal the value of the land and no com- pensation will be necessary. RAILROAD (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 50) CROSSINGS S 208th Street Railroad Crossing East of East Valley Highway Railroad Crossing. APPROVAL of the concept of allowing a railroad crossing of S. 208th Street in the vicinity of approximately 800 feet east of East Valley Highway, subject to an acceptable agreement with the City. The pro- - 6 - September 4, 1979 RAILROAD posed crossing as requested by the Benaroya CROSSINGS Company was discussed at the last workshop and the Public Works Department will pursue an agreement with the Benaroya Company obligat- ing them, among other things, for all costs, present and future. FINAL PLATS (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5D) Eastridge Division #3. SETTING of the date of September 17, 1979 for a public meeting to con- sider the Final Plat of Eastridge Division #3. POLICE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5P) & FIRE Disability Board. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 2183 establishing a Disability Board, with juris- diction over Police Officers and Firefighters of the City of Kent, and APPOINTMENT of Len McCaughan and Bill Carey to serve as the Council members on the Board, as recommended by the Mayor. HOUSING & (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5C) COMMUNITY Block Grant Joint Projects. AUTHORIZATION for DEVELOPMENT the City to co-sponsor with King County the following Block Grant Joint Projects: 1) Senior Mobile Home Park A program to provide mobile home park space for low income senior citizens. 2) Weatherization Program A program to weatherize low and moderate income persons` homes. 3) Senior Assisted Housing Program A program to build special housing for senior citizens. Kent Commons Playfield. Bids were opened on August 30, 1979 at 3:00 for the construction of a jogging path and physical fitness exercise stations at the Commons Playfield, as follows: 7 - September 4 , 1979 Base Bid HOUSING & COMMUNITY $45, 500 DEVELOPMENT Sun-Up Construction 49 ,942 Pacific Earth Works Sales tax required on materials is estimated at $910, giving a total project cost of $46,410 with $45,933 available from a Housing & Community Development Block Grant. McCAUGHAN MOVED, B. Johnson seconded, that the low base bid of Sun-Up Construction in the amount of $45,500 be accepted, and for the shortage to be made up from the 1979 Parks Department budget un- expended balance. notion carried. NUISANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5G) CONTROL Litter Control Ordinance. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 2182 , amending Ordinance No. 2154, the City' s litter control ordinance, adding a new section relating to grass and weeds. PERSONNEL (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5R) Travel Expense Policy. APPROVAL of the City's policy relating to travel expenses as presented at the last Council workshop and Finance Committee meeting whereby mileage allowance will be increased from 15,� per mile to 17G per mile and meal allow- ance increased from $12 to $16 per y- (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5S) Finance Department Reorganization. APPROVAL of the reorganization of the Finance Department as presented at the Council Finance Committee meet- ing and workshop whereby City Treasury Accounting and Utility Accounting functions will be separated, since they are distinct. It has been determined that more effective operation of both functions will result from this reorganization. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5E) Labor Relations Consultant. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to retain Cabot Dow Associates for labor relations consulting at an amount not to exceed $8,000. 8 - September 4, 1979 PERSONNEL (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5I) Retention of Executive Search Firm Regarding Public Works Director. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to retain Foster & Associates for Public Works Director recruiting services, in the amount of $3,500, plus expenses. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5Q) Reclassifications and Salary/Classification Survey. Approval has been requested for certain reclassifications, as recommended by staff. These have been reviewed by the Finance Com- mittee and have been discussed at the Council workshop and it is proposed that the reclassifi- cations become effective September 1. Approval is also requested for a comprehensive salary survey and job classification survey to be under- taken by a consultant and the staff before the end of the year at a projected cost of $14 ,000. This has been proposed by the City Administrator and has been considered at the Council workshop. This item was removed from the Consent Calendar by MASTERS who MOVED that the reclassification portion be held until after the survey is completed. Carey seconded. Cushing noted that these reclass- ifications were only a small portion of those actually requested and that only a few were based on comparison with external market salaries. Most of the changes were based upon employees working out of their classification and to withhold the increases would be asking the employee to con- tinue working at a wage less than the actual job description warrants. Upon Masters question, Cushing noted further that these job descriptions had been available at the Finance Commmittee meet- ing when the matter was discussed. Masters sug- gested that when the survey is completed at the end of the year that any reclassifications approved could be made retroactive. Cushing suggested that rather than delay the entire list of reclassifica- tions, the Council review those positions which should have been changed a year ago. He noted that funds would be set aside in the 1980 budget to cover any reclassifications approved after the survey was completed. 9 - September 4, 1979 PERSONNEL Carey noted that consideration of some of the reclassifications proposed for tonight were, in fact, -proposed for the 1979 budget at this time last year. The motion failed for lack of a majority, with Elliott, Masters and McCaughan voting in favor and Carey, J. Johnson and B. Johnson voting against. CAREY MOVED to approve the reclassifications and to approve the survey, B. Johnson seconded. Carey, B. Johnson and J. Johnson voted in favor and Masters, Elliott and McCaughan voted against. The motion carried when the Mayor voted in favor. (A copy of the reclassifications as approved by this action has been made a part of the record. ) COUNCIL Parks Committee. It was determined that the COMMITTEES members of the Council Parks Committee would establish a regular meeting schedule with Parks Director Wilson. Public Works Committee. McCaughan announced that the Public Works Committee would meet on Wednesday morning, September 5, at 8 :00 a.m. Public Safety Committee. Masters noted that the Committee would meet on Thursday morning, Septem- ber 6, at 8:15 a.m. APPEAL The City Clerk noted that Robert Voie has filed CONDITIONAL an appeal regarding the August 28th Planning USE PERMIT Commission approval of a Conditional Use Permit for Richard Gradwohl. CAREY MOVED to accept the letter for the record and to set a public hearing on the appeal for September 17. B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. PRELIMINARY Battisti Preliminary Plat. On August 20, 1979 , PLATS the Council set September 4, 1979 as the date for the public meeting on this preliminary plat. Planning Director Harris pointed out the location of the proposed replat of a short subdivision at the southwest corner of S. 218th Street and 93rd Avenue S. and containing 1.05 acres. Harris also noted that the Planning Commission at its meeting 10 - i September 4 , 1979 PRELIMINARY of July 24, 1979 recommended approval with the PLATS following conditions: 1) Deed to the City 10 feet of property for street purposes along and abutting S. 218th Street for the entire street length thereon. 2) Execute and record a covenant document en- compassing all property within this plat, consent to the formation of a local improve- ment district for the improvement of S. 218th Street and/or 93rd Avenue S. with asphalt concrete pavement, cement concrete curb and gutter, storm drainage, cement concrete side- walks, street lighting and underground power. The covenant document is to be reviewed and approved by the Engineering Department prior to its execution and recording. Harris noted for Mayor Hogan that nothing would be built on the front part of the lot on S. 218th Street because of the slope, and further noted that sewer and water were available on S. 218th Street. There were no further comments and McCAUGHAN MOVED that the Battisti Preliminary Plat be approved as recommended by the Planning Commission, Carey seconded. Motion carried. Foster Preliminary Plat. On August 20, 1979 the Council set this date for the public meeting on the Foster Preliminary Plat. Harris pointed out the location of the 12-lot preliminary industrial plat located east and west of 74th Avenue S. be- tween SR 167 and the Interurban right of way, north of S. 259th Street, containing approximately 30 acres. He further noted that the Planning Commission had on July 24 , 1979 recommended denial of the plat because of inadequate ingress and egress to the plat. Harris also pointed out that one lot would be used as a detention basin. He also noted that the Planning Department staff had recommended approval of the plat provided that the following recommendations of the Engineer- ing Department were made a part of approval: - 11 - September 4, 1979 PRELIMINARY 1. Drainage Plan: Construct an adequate storm PLATS drainage system. Submit to the Engineering Department for review and approval, a detailed drainage plan showing how surface water will be received, handled, and transported within the property. The drainage system shall meet the requirements of the City of Kent Drainage Code. Construct interim drainage and erosion control measures. Provide detailed plan of same to Engineering Department review and approval. 2. Sanitary Sewers: Construct gravity sanitary sewer service to all lots. Submit detailed sewer plans to the Engineering Department for review and approval. 3. Water System: Provide City water service to lots. Loop through the Plat with a 10" water main tying in the existing main on W. Willis Street to the existing main on S. 259th Street. Submit detailed water plan to Engi- neering Department for review and approval. 4. Street Improvement and Requirements: Improve 74th Avenue to a paving width of 36 feet with asphalt concrete pavement, cement concrete curb and gutter, and cement concrete sidewalk (one side) , and street lights from 259th Street to north limit of plat. Improve north half of 259th Street with 18 feet of asphalt concrete pavement as measured from the center line of the existing pavement, concrete curb and gutter, cement concrete sidewalk and street lighting. Dedicate to City for street purposes 50 foot radius at northeast corner of 74th Avenue and S. 259:h Street. Improve West Willis Street from 4th Avenue to 74th Avenue with 24 feet of asphalt concrete pave- ment as centered on the center line of the existing pavement, 8 foot gravel shoulders storm drainage, and upgrade railroad crossing with flashing lights and gate arms meeting Washington State Utilities and Transportation Commission' s and the City of Kent's approval. 12 - September 4, 1979 PRELIMINARY Improve 4th Avenue from SR-516 to W. PLATS Willis Street to a paving width of 36 feet with asphalt concrete pavement, cement curb and gutter and storm drainage. Improve 74th Avenue from W. Willis Street to north limit of plat with 24 feet of asphalt concrete pavement as centered on the centerline of the existing pavement, 8 feet gravel shoulders and storm drainage. Street name signs shall be furnished and installed by the City with reimbursement by the developer. Submit detailed plans denoting the above to Engineering Depart- ment for review and approval. NOTE: Street improvements could be via a Local Improvement District. However, if pursued, minimum improvements for all streets would be 36 feet of asphalt concrete pave- ment, cement concrete curb and gutter, cement concrete sidewalk; storm drainage and possible underground power. Harris referred to the lack of ingress and egress referred to by the Planning Commission in their recommendation for denial, noting that all ingress and egress would be from Willis Street down 4th Avenue or on S. 259th by way of an underpass, which is not acceptable. Wickstrom referred to the developers I plans for access by making a through connection to SR 516 and not using Old Willis Street for access. He noted that the traffic engineer was not enthused about this method of ingress and egress because of the heavy traffic that would be generated by the Kent-Des Moines/SR 516 planned connection. Wickstrom noted that this proposed plan had been reviewed with the State who had stated that they would allow access if the City did not object. In response to B. Johnson's question, it was determined that the cost of improving the underpass would be excessive. With reference to the Shoreline Management hearing which must be held prior to any further Council hearing, Harris noted that this covers any property within 200 ' of the river and also was required because it 13 - September 4, 1979 PRELIMINARY was intended that excess storm water would be PLATS pumped into the river after storage for seven days. He noted that the Shoreline hearing is scheduled for October 5. A representative of both railroads stated that it was his under- standing that the matter would be held in abey- ance until some suitable action could be worked out regarding ingress and egress. A representative of Jones & Associates noted that it would be necessary to find a different means of access to the plat. He referred to negotiations with the state to cut through the existing right-of- way to bypass 4th Ave,mainly to eliminate traffic past six residences in the area. He further stated that the cost of improving the underpass would make development prohibitive and, in fact, would condemn the land for any industrial use. He suggested that a decision on the plat be de- layed and a public hearing be held so that alter- nate plans could be brought to the Council regard- ing access to the property. B. JOHNSON MOVED that a public hearing be held on October 15, 1979 after the Shoreline Management Committee has taken action on the Shoreline Management Sub- stantial Development Permit application, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. Olympic Estates_. The City Council, on August 20 , 1979 , set this date for the public meeting on the Olympic Estates Preliminary Plat, located on the southwest corner of S.E. 256th Street and 116th Avenue S.E. and containing approximately 4. 5 acres. Harris pointed out the location of the proposed plat, noting that the area had recently been zoned MR-G and that the plat would be developed for duplex housing, with one duplex on each of 17 lots or a total of 34 family dwelling units. Harris noted that the Planning Commission recom- mended approval with the following eight conditions: 1. Drainage Plan: Construct an adequate storm drainage system. Submit to the Engineering Department for review and approval, a detailed drainage plan showing how surface water will be received, handled, and transported within the property. The drainage system shall meet 14 - September 4, 1979 PRELIMINARY the requirements of the City of Kent Drain- PLATS age Code. Construct interim drainage and erosion control measures. Provide detailed plan of same to Engineering Depart- ment for review and approval. 2. Sanitary Sewers: Construct gravity sanitary sewer service to all lots. Submit detailed sewer plans to the Engineering Department for review and approval . 3. Water System: Provide City water service to all lots. Submit detailed water plan to Engineering Department for review and approval. 4. Street Improvements and Requirements : All streets shall be asphalt paved with concrete curb and gutter. West half of 116th Avenue shall be improved with 18 ' of asphalt concrete pavement as measured from center line of the existing pavement, concrete curb and gutter, cement concrete sidewalk and street lighting. All other streets shall have paving widths of at least 32 feet. Cul-de-sac turn around shall have an improved radius of 45 feet, and a right-of-way radius of 55 feet. Dedi- cate to City for street purposes 10 feet of property along and abutting 256th Street. Street lighting required on all streets. Street name signs shall be furnished and in- stalled by the City with reimbursement by the developer. Submit detailed plans denoting the above to Engineering Department for re- view and approval. 5. Sidewalks: Cement concrete sidewalks shall be required on at least one side of all streets. Dedicate to the City for walkway purposes a 10 foot strip of land interconnect- ing the westerly end of the cul-de-sac with_ , .__,.. 256th Street. Construct 5 fd w _ Qm t ,, �*r concrete sidewalk from 256th � 44 L� sac. Submit detailed plans enoting thel#WL" to Engineering Department fo ­__ - j approval. 15 - September 4, 1979 PRELIMINARY 6. Access Restriction: For those lots abutting PLATS 256th Street, access thereto shall be restricted to the plat's interior street. 7. Execute and record a covenant document encom- passing those lots with frontage on S.E. 256th Street consenting to the formation of a Local Improvement District for the improvement of S.E. 256th Street with asphalt concrete pave- ment, cement concrete curb .and gutter, storm drainage, cement concrete sidewalks, street lighting and underground power. The covenant document to be reviewed and approved by the Engineering Department prior to its execution and recording. 8 . The applicant is required to keep all the trees that are possible on the site. There were no comments and CAREY MOVED that the Olympic Estates Preliminary Plat be approved as recommended by the Planning Commission, McCaughan seconded. J. Johnson noted that he had voted against the rezone of this property and would also vote against approval of the Plat. Motion carried, with J. Johnson voting nay. REZONES (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5F) Guinn Rezone. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 2181 rezoning that property known as the Gordy Guinn Rezone from MA to MR-G. Union Pacific Land Resources. The public hear- ing on this rezone was opened on June 18 , con- tinued to July 16, and aqain to August 20. At that time no action on the rezone was taken, due to the fact that it falls under the jurisdiction of the Interim Planning Program, Ordinance No. 2164 and the hearing was again continued to November 5, 1979 . CAREY MOVED for reconsideration of the action on this rezone and for the public hearing to be re- CORRECTED • REFER TO scheduled for September 17, 1979 , Masters seconded. MINUTES OF -/?= '] 9 Carey stated that his reason for taking this action was because the- Council and developers in the area covered by the IPP had met before the studies were 16 - September 4, 1979 REZONES initiated and agreed that the rezones would be processed and would be looking at the effect of special zoning. In response to Elliott's question as to whether it was the intention of the motion to also include the Council action taken on the McLaughlin rezone at the last Council meeting, Carey determined that it was not, since the McLaughlin rezone had not come before the Planning Commission before the studies were initiated, and further that the Union Pacific Land Resources rezone had been in process for some time prior to that. Mayor Hogan suggested that all members of the Council carefully con- sider the report of Kramer, Chin & Mayo regarding land use decisions in the Valley before the September 17 public hearing on this rezone. Motion carried. FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5H) LID 282 - Segregation Request. ADOPTION of Resolution No. 877 authorizing the Supervisor of Treasury Accounting to make segregation of - Assessment No. 21 of LID 282 as requested by Take Nagasawa. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5B) Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the bills received through September 4 and approved by the Finance Committee at its meeting at 3:00 p.m. on September 14, 1979. The following claims were approved by the Finance Committee at its meeting of August 31, 1979: Current Expense $ 70,443.96 Parks & Recreation 10,439. 86 Library 1, 595.94 City Streets 5, 071. 23 Kent Commons Oprtg 1,974. 29 Fed Shared Revenue 300. 35 Mil/Kent-D/M Int 190. 43 4th Ave Signals 63.52 UAB 13-84 Av S Con 159,288.10 104 Ave - 236 to 252 380.90 - 17 - September 4, 1979 FINANCE 1978 Wtr Rev Const 2,405.82 K-S Chlor Equip 36.00 W-H Booster Pump 410. 23 Equipment Rental 2,757.74 Housing & Comm Dev 119. 36 Arts Commission 139 .06 Workmen's Comp 14,526. 37 Firemen's Reg & Pen 24.70 LEFF Disability 205. 88 LID #283 624.00 LID #286 116.00 Sewer 61,135. 28 Water 21, 687. 61 Garbage 78 ,278 . 58 TOTAL $432,215. 21 Interest Bearing Warrants LID #283 Roger Lowe Assoc. $ 529.00 Conger, Schueler, McKown 95.00 LID #286 First American Title $ 116.00 $ 740.00 ADJOURNMENT At 9:10 p.m. the Council recessed for an executive session. The meeting reconvened at 9 : 45 and upon Carey's motion, seconded by McCaughan, then adjourned. Marie Jensen, CMC City Clerk 18 -